



1、Unit 8 When is your birthday成都市石室联中蜀华分校 刘星锐课题: Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section B (2a-2c)课时第五课时教学设计课 标要 求能听懂学习活动中连续的指令和问题,并做出适当的反应。能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段。能在课堂活动中用简短的英语进行交际。教材分析本单元主要学习日期的表达方式。本单元主要围绕“谈论日期”这一话题开展听、说、读和写的学习活动,学习序数词的构成以及运用序数词表示日期的方法;学会运用 when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期;通过学习能掌握英语表达年、月、日的单词和句型,能够熟练地谈论各种有关日期

2、的话题。此外,还要巩固名词所有格 ( s 所有格 ) 的构成和使用;学习询问表达年龄的句型。能够询问及表达一些常见的节日的日期。课时教学目标1.学生巩固并学习更多有关校园活动的短语;能读懂2b短文并完成相关阅读 任务,同时通过阅读本篇 短文能学会按时间顺序写活动安排的方法。2.通过阅读策略的指导,快速阅读,抓住文章主旨,学会在阅读过程中找关键词,并通过小组合作来口头输出本单元目标语言,为后面的写作打下基础。3.培养学生的交际能力和学习主动性,并养成合理安排时间的好习惯。4.让校园生活更有趣,使学生更热爱校园生活。重点1.学习并掌握常见的学校活动,并能询问其日期。2.能读懂2b短文并完成阅读任务

3、。3.就学校活动的话题内容,展开听、说、读的的训练并为写作做铺垫。难点能阅读有关学校活动内容的短文,获得相关信息并输出,提高学生们的阅读能力并学会按时间顺序安排活动的写作方式。教法学法指导情景教学,任务型教学法和小组合作法,师生互动教具准备课件,日历,小组活动结果展示模板教学过程环节师生活动设计意图引入新课1. Greet the Ss as usual.2. let the students watch a short video about yesterdays singing competition. 3. lead to the school activities and let th

4、e students talk about the activities they know. 通过让学生观看昨天合唱比赛照片集引导学生讨论学校活动这一话题。教学过程教学过程2. Before reading1. add more school activities to Ss.(Show some pictures of school activities on the screen. Teach the student school activities) soccer game, School Day, English Day, Sports Day, book sale, art fe

5、stival,(party& school trip前一课已学这里不呈现。) 2. Ss read and try to remember the activities in 2a. 3. check the activities they have at school.4. T & Ss ask and answer to check the answers.阅读前的铺垫和输入,可引起学生学习兴趣,解决部分生词,难词,并复习前面所学到的日期表达方法,为后面的文章阅读扫清障碍,降低难度。 reading reading Read the subject of 2b and scanning t

6、he notice. Find the answers to these questions: a. What kind of article is it?-A notice. b. Who does the writer write this notice to?-The students. c. Do they have any interesting and fun things ? d. Is this a busy term?通过读标题和快读文章,教会学生阅读的的技巧与方法:快速浏览该通知的首尾句,可掌握文章大意。2. Careful reading a. Read the noti

7、ce carefully and find the activities they have this term. Then list the activities and the dates. (let the Ss underline the activities and circle the dates in the notice firstly.) Then check the answers in sentence: . The school trip is on September 21st.b. Read the notice again and answer these que

8、stions:Why is October a great month?Who writes this notice?Why does the writer write this notice?Do you think the students there will have a good time this term? 3. Check the answers with the class.通过快读,精读,带着不同任务多次阅读来帮助学生理解文章和文章类型,教会学生阅读的的技巧与方法。教学过程 reading work: complete 2c What activities from 2b do you like ? Why ?.: I like . because it is .What other activities do you like? Why?.: I like . because it is . the structure and sentence pattern of the notice. work:Make a plan of school activities for next term through the group work, then let the Ss


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