1、数字与口译数字与口译数字向来是口译过程中的一个难点。主要难点存在于以下几个方面:1. 表达方法不同汉语:十,百,千,万,十万,百万,千万,亿,十亿英语:ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, million, ten million, hundred million, billion2. 基本数字单位不同汉语:基本数字单位是“万”和“亿”。英语:基本数字单位是thousand和million.数字与口译3. 数字间转换要求高相当熟悉两种数字表达,不允许任何形式的误差和偏失。4.记忆力要求高在对数字处理技巧要求高的同时,要求
2、超强的记忆力,从而保证源语言信息的完整无缺。尤其是当数字在口译过程中纷涌而来时,带来巨大压力,往往造成错译或者延时。数字与口译实践:在口译过程中,遇到任何数字都要用笔记下来。但是汉语以万为单位,也就是每四位为一个单位,而英语以千为单位,也就是每三位为一个单位。所以,通常在口译的实践过程中,译者比较推崇的是“点三杠四”的方法来处理听到的数字,即“点”代表英语表达,“杠”代表汉语表达。数字与口译1、基数表达法2,006两千零六two thousand six (AmE);two thousand and six (BrE)3/6,542三万六千五百四十二thirty-six thousand, f
3、ive hundred forty-two (AmE)Thirty-six thousand, five hundred and forty-two (BrE)22,45/6,780两千两百四十五万六千七百八十twenty-two million, four hundred fifty-six thousand, seven hundred eighty (AmE)twenty-two million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty (BrE)67,000,000,000六百七十亿Sixty-seve
4、n billion (AmE)Sixty-seven thousand million (BrE)数字与口译3、小数点表达法0.9零点九point nine; zero/naught/oh point nine0.0007%百分之零点零零零七zero/naught/oh point 000 seven percent0.88万零点八八万8,800 or eight thousand eight hundred数字与口译4、小数与“万”“亿”的结合法万:ten thousand亿:hundred million0.23万=0.23ten thousand=2.3 thousand or 2300
5、= two thousand three hundred4.39万=43.9 thousand or 43,900= forty-three thousand nine hundred9.2亿=920 million or 920,000,000= nine hundred twenty million23.6亿=2360 million or 2,360,000,000= two billion three hundred sixty million数字与口译6、不确定数目(1) 大约“about, around, approximately, roughly, some, more or
6、less+数字 ”或“数字+or so, thereabout, in the rough”(2) 至少“less than, fewer than, under, below, within +数字” (3) 数十,数百等“数词+of”数十、几十:tens of (20-99),dozens of (24-99), scores of (40-99), decades of (20-99)数百、几百、成百:hundreds of, several hundreds of, several hundred, by the hundred数千、几千、成千:thousands of, severa
7、l thousands of, several thousand, by the thousand数万、几万:tens of thousands of数十万: hundreds of thousands of数百万: millions of数千万: tens of millions of数亿: hundreds of millions of数十亿: billions of数字与口译7、数字与意义的结合(1)量amount/volume、数number总数 total amount/volume总量 total number进口总量 total import amount/volume水资源总量
8、 the amount of the water resource(2)值value、额volume国民/内生产总值(GNP/GDP Gross National/Domestic Product) 工业总产值 total industrial output value (3)收入 earnings, income, revenue总收入 aggregate/gross income/earnings/revenue净收入 net income(4)率rate、比率ratio、比重proportion、指数index失业率 unemployment rate 增长率 growth rate通货
9、膨胀率 inflation rate负债比率 debt ratio 性别比率 sex ratio消费价格指数 Consumer Price Index生活费指数 cost-of-living index数字与口译8、度量衡(1)面积和尺寸(2)体积和容积(3)重量(4)货币(5)其他(物理、化学等)数字与口译10、数字的变化趋势(1)表示“稳定”的词level off 达到平衡 remain stable 保持平稳stay at保持在 freeze 冻结 stagnate停滞(2)表示“增、减”或“涨、跌”一类增: rise, go up, grow, increase/ a rise, an
10、 increase 猛增: hike, jump, shoot up, soar, skyrocket, surge/ a hike, a surge, a jump 缓增: climb, pick up/ a climb, be on the increase/ rise创新高: hit a record high/ scale new heights/ reach the peak降: fall, go down, drop, reduce, decline, decrease/ a fall, a drop, a reduction, a decline, a decrease猛降: p
11、lummet, plunge, slash, tumble/ a plunge稍降: dip, slip, trim/ a dip缓降: de on the decline/ decrease创新低、跌入谷底: hit a record low/ hit the bottom(3)表示“超出、超过”一类exceed, outnumber, outtake, outpace, outstrip, surpass.(4)与上述词汇连用的相关介词:of, by, to, at, over等数字与口译11、倍数、比较等(1)倍数增加 A 是B的N倍。或A比大倍。 A is N times as gre
12、at (long, much,)as B. A is N times greater (longer, more,)than B. A is N times the size (length, amount,)of B. 增加到倍。或增加倍。 increase to N times increase N times / N-fold increase by N times increase by a factor of N There is a N-fold increase/ growth增至N倍,或增加N-1倍 Double(增加1倍),Treble/triple(增加2倍),quadru
13、ple(增加3倍)(2)倍数减少 A is N times as small (light, slow,) as B. A is N times smaller (lighter, slower,) as B. decrease N times/ n-fold decrease by N times decrease by a factor of NDecrease 常被reduce, shorten, go/slow down 等词代替 there is a N-fold decrease/ reduction应译为 减至1/N, z或者减少(N-1)/N数字与口译2、群众性体育活动蓬勃展开
14、,竞技体育屡创佳绩。五年间,在重大国际比赛中共获得485个世界冠军,创造世界记录193次。北京申办2008年奥运会获得成功,上海赢得2010年世界博览会举办权。Mass sports enlivened the whole country. Chinese athletes did well in competitive sports. In the past five years, they won 485 world titles and set193 new world records in major international competitions. Beijing won th
15、e bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games, and Shanghai secured the right to host the 2010 World Exposition.数字与口译3、四年来,国家财政用于科技的投入累计2500亿元,比前四年增长一倍多。全国研究与实验开发经费,从1998年的509亿元增加到2002年的1161亿元,占国内生产总值的比重从0.64%提高到1.13%。The central government spent a total of 250 billion yuan on science and technology, more th
16、an double the figure for the previous four years. Spending on research and development nationwide increased from 50.9 billion yuan in 1998 to 116.1 billion yuan in 2002, an increase from 0.64% to 1.13% in terms of the GDP share.数字与口译4、Our GDP rose from 7.4 trillion yuan in 1997 to 10.2 trillion yuan
17、 in 2002, an average annual increase of 7.7%, when calculated in constant price.国内生产总值从1997年的7.4万亿元增加到2002年的10.2万亿元,按可比价格计算,平均每年增长7.7%。数字与口译5、More than 3 million children have health insurance now, and more than 7 million Americans have been lifted out of poverty. Our economy is breaking records, wi
18、th more than 22 million new jobs, the lowest unemployment in 30 years, the highest home/apartment ownership ever, the longest expansion in history.已有300多万儿童在享受着儿童医疗保险,700多万人民已经脱离了贫困线。我们的经济正在破着一个又一个的记录。我们已创造了2200万个新的工作岗位,我们的失业率是30年来最低的,老百姓的购房率达到一个空前的高度,我们经济繁荣的持续时间是历史上最长的。数字与口译6、Our families and commu
19、nities are stronger. Thirty-five million Americans have used the Family Leave Law; 8 million have moved off welfare. Crime is at a 25-year low. Over 10 million people receive more college aid, and more people than ever are going to college.我们的家庭、我们的社区变得更加强大。3500万人曾经享受联邦休假,800万人重新获得社会保障,犯罪率是25年来最低的,1000多万人民享受更多的入学贷款,更多的人接受大学教育。数字与口译7、Institutions of higher learning have enrolled more students every year since 1999, and the admission rate for those taking
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