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1、Unit1根1.ones(同音异形)_ 2.hurry(过)_3.begin(现) _形容)_ 6.push(词_根 (摘someflowers. (决定) 4.Thereare (碗 (进入) 2.Hefinished_(do)hishomework. 5.Tony_(hurry)totheclassroomtoaskwhereTomwas. 1.He_somewaterandthen_aboutthebookwithLucy. , C. , D. 2. Fourbottles. B. C. reading D. 5. Wouldyoulikesomebananas? No, B. Yes,

2、 C. No, D. Yes, I A. ; ;tvisit ;didnt visit ;t visit ;to / ;to D.goes l ess B.haveto essC.mustto D.hadto11.Thedoctor_overtheoldmancarefullyyesterday. 13.LiLeiisagoodstudent.He_hishomeworkhimselfathome B. C.does D.doing 14.Thereare_teachersinyourschoolthantheteachersinour C.is 答:1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5

3、. 6. 7. 8. C 11.C 三. _ _thefilm. 3. Wereyouinyourofficejustnow?4.Hewenttoseehisfriendyesterday. 答: t to 2. t 3. was, 四. 1.Theremaybesome_theforest. sonly_ 3.Katedidn 9.WouldyoutellBrucetoringme_ifyouseehim? 答: 3.because 五. 空 ) ABCsong. shoppingonSaturdaybutthey_ (be )hisroomlastSunday. ()overtheweek

4、end,Lily? 答: 2go,didnot t cleaned 5. 据境所汉提语出缺词 ). 返回tohishometownlastyear. ) ). 据境方中择当单填,的要换式5.Lastweekend,wewerehappy_inthatbigsupermarket. . 据语思成语子每一。1. 起初,我2. 桌子上什 3. 以前汤姆4. 当李华睁 5. 下课后,. 据文容方中择当单填使文整通,有需变形。 短由 的文写来 one.Butitwasbroken( 了becauseGoldilockswasveryheavy. 的chair,hecried.HefoundGoldilo

5、cksinhisbedand (6)_, “Theresthebadgirl!” 醒 参答 5. 5.toshop 3.sportsormusic 4.openedhiseyes 6. 1. 睡觉 在床上_3. 门_4. 喜欢做某 5. 以 /开始_一 用号所词正形填 (每词不)。 8.There_(be)somewaterinthecup. 二用给词适形填。 Onceuponatimethere(1)_(be)afarmer.Hedidn tlike towork. (2)_ in his very he a big He a 撞 thedeadhareandhadagoodmeal.Thenextday,he(7)_(want) the (9)_ rivertodrink.Butthewatercarriedhertoofarawayandshecouldnt (鸽子 he picked a atree.Thenheput riverandtheantwalkedonitandgottothebank. food theground. 1. ) B. Becausetheantaskedforhelp. C. D. 2. “branch”mean? B. C. 小船3. B. Shebitthemanonthefoot. C. D. 4. Whatcanyoule


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