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1、期末复习课期末复习课Module 1How to learn English. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. C_ the table with your information. 2. Ill give you some a_ on how to look after dogs. 3. Amy, do you p_ speaking Chinese with Daming every morning? 4. I left my homework at home. What s_ I do? 5. Mrs Black often f_ to close the door when she

2、goes out. 6. The students are reading poems a_. 7. Coal and oil are both n_ resources(资源); they cant be recycled. 8. Its difficult to have a c_ with each other. 词汇句式抢分关ompletedviceractisehouldorgetsloudaturalonversationModule 1How to learn English词. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. Ms Jones only gave the word its Fr

3、ench _(发音). 2. Can you guess the _(意思) of the word in the sentence? 3. How many English _(词典) do you have, Ms Hunt? 4. The answer is not right. Could you please _(改正) it? 5. Kate nodded so I knew she _(理解; 明白) me. 6. You should find the _(关键性的) words in the sentence. 7. Mike has a _(词汇量) of only a f

4、ew hundred words. 8. You should pay attention to your _(拼写). pronunciationmeaningdictionariescorrectunderstoodkeyvocabularyspelling. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词pronunciationm. 根据语境及汉语提示完成句子1. All the members _(同意) the leader. 2. If you want to know the meaning of the new word, you can _ it _(查找) in the dictionary

5、. 3. I _(开始了解) AI through the movie. 4. We should read books _(尽可能经常地). 5. Can you _the answers _(匹配) the questions? 6. If you dont know how to use the new phone, you can _(请求) help. agree withlookupget to know aboutas often as possiblematchwithask for. 根据语境及汉语提示完成句子agree withlook. 完成句子1. 在公共场合, 插队是

6、不礼貌的。_impolite _ _ in before others in public. 世纪金榜导学号2. 为什么不把外套穿上呢? _ _ put on your coat? 3. 和我一起看电影怎么样? _ _ seeing a movie with me? 4. 你应该和你的搭档在英语课上交流。You _ _ _ your partner in English class. ItstopushWhynotHowaboutshouldtalkwith. 完成句子ItstopushWhynotHowabou5. 通过阅读, 我确信你会提高你的英语。Im sure you can _you

7、r English through _. 6. 当有人伤害了我们时, 我们应该将其写在沙土上, 让它随风而逝。When someone hurts us, we should _ it _in sand, and the wind can take it away. 7. 我想知道怎样练习说英语。世纪金榜导学号I want to know _ _ practise _English. 8. 只学习几个单词足够吗? _ _only a few words enough? improvereadingwritedownhowtospeakingIslearning5. 通过阅读, 我确信你会提高你

8、的英语。improvere9. 这个女孩害怕自己一个人在家。The girl _ _ _ stay home alone. 10. 离开时, 不要忘了关窗。_ _ _ close the window when you leave. 11. 尽量不要吃太多的肉。_ _ _ eat too much meat. 12. 我不知道接下来要做什么。I dont know _ _ _ next. isafraidtoDontforgettoTrynottowhattodo9. 这个女孩害怕自己一个人在家。isafraidtoDo13. 妈妈建议我骑自行车上学。那有益于健康。My mother _tha

9、t I _to school by bike. Thats good for my health. 14. 当陌生人遇到麻烦时我们应该帮忙吗? ( should )_15. 唱英文歌曲也是一种学英语的好方法。世纪金榜导学号_suggestsgoShould we help strangers when they are in trouble?Singing English songs is also a good way to learn English.13. 妈妈建议我骑自行车上学。那有益于健康。suggestModule 2My home town and my country. 根据句

10、意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. It took the boys and girls about 20 minutes to get to the top of the h_. 2. Tom is taller t_ Jim. 3. Whats the p_ of Chen Yuans city? About 3 million. 4. There are many famous u_ in the US. I want to go there in the future. illhanopulationniversitiesModule 2My home town and my c5. E

11、very year m_ of tourists come to Beijing to visit the Great Wall. 6. Xizang is in the w_ of China. 7. Its raining outside. You should take your u_. 8. The Smiths are living a happy life in the _ (乡下). 9. How great the high _(山岳)look in the early morning! 10. Jenny enjoys all the subjects, _(尤其)maths

12、. 11. Last time Jason and I visited one of the _(岛屿). 12. This table is _(低)than that one. 13. This road is _(宽的)than before. illionsestmbrellacountrysidemountainsespeciallyislandslowerwider5. Every year m_ of touri14. We saw Paul running towards _(西方). 15. He wants to use the money to help the stud

13、ents in poor _(地区). westareas14. We saw Paul running toward. 选择方框中恰当的短语并用其适当形式填空in fact, on the coast, pretty good, remember to, in the 1980s, be famous for, one day, in the south1. Shenzhen is on the Pearl River and its _, too. 2. _, we can do the work by ourselves. 3. _tell your parents when you c

14、ant go home on time. 4. How was your picnic yesterday, David? _! 5. My grandfather told me that the song was very popular _. on the coastIn factRemember toPretty goodin the 1980s. 选择方框中恰当的短语并用其适当形式填空on the c6. Hainan Province is _of China. 7. You want to be rich and important _. 8. Austria _its musi

15、c. in the southone dayis famous for6. Hainan Province is _. 完成句子1. 黄河比鸭绿江宽的多。The Yellow River is _ _ than YaLu River. 2. 这个学校有700多名学生。世纪金榜导学号There are more than _ _ students in this school. 3. 太平山顶有554米高。Victoria Peak is 544 _ _. 4. 我想和你一起去南京。I _ _ to go to Nanjing with you. muchwidersevenhundredmet

16、reshighwouldlike. 完成句子muchwidersevenhundredme5. 我们从来不吃牛肉或鸡肉。We _eat beef _chicken. 6. 广州是个比珠海繁忙的城市。Guangzhou is a _city _Zhuhai. 7. 中国的西部有许多高山。世纪金榜导学号There are many high mountains _ _ _ of China. 8. 你的暑假过得怎么样? _ _ your summer holiday? 9. 我们的城市和他们的城市一样美丽。Our city is _ _ _ theirs. neverorbusierthanint

17、hewestHowwasasbeautifulas5. 我们从来不吃牛肉或鸡肉。neverorbusierth. 句型转换1. My favourite sport is swimming. (改为同义句)I like swimming _than any _sport. 2. The football match was great. (对画线部分提问)_ _ the football match? 3. Park School is in the north of our city. (对画线部分提问)世纪金榜导学号_ _ Park School? 4. One day youll be

18、famous. (改为同义句)_ _ youll be famous. moreotherHowwasWhereisSomeday. 句型转换moreotherHowwasWhereisS5. Kate worked here for over three years. (改为同义句)世纪金榜导学号Kate worked here for _ _ three years. 6. Sam is five years old, and Tom is five years old too. (改为同义句)Sam is _ _ _ Tom. morethanasoldas5. Kate worked

19、here for over tModule 3Sports. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. Daming is a c_ boy and he doesnt often do his homework carefully. 2. My mother is very p_ because I won the first prize in the competition. 3. His speeches were b_. Many people were almost sleepy. 4. Lang Ping is a coach(教练)in China v_ team. 5. We s

20、ang, danced and had an e_ evening. 6. He m_ the 9: 30 train and he had to wait the next train. arelessleasedoringolleyballnjoyableissedModule 3Sportsarelessleasedor7. We will go to the _(体育场) to watch a football match. 8. Let us begin now; it is _(已经) too late. 9. Tea is the _(平常的)drink of Chinese p

21、eople. 10. She is doing her _(练习)at the piano. 11. Go to the English Corner. Its a good _(机会) to improve your English. 12. Its _(使人放松的)to listen to music after a days work. 13. I think talking _(大声地) on a bus is rude. stadiumalreadyusualpracticechancerelaxingloudly7. We will go to the _(体14. I remem

22、ber _(传递) that book to you just now. Where did you put it? 15. Would you _(介意) opening the bottle? passingmind14. I remember _(传递) tha. 选词填空warm up, not. . . but, cheer. . . on, be sure about, be late for, lose to, plenty of, play against1. The coach _the players before the game. 2. He is _right _wr

23、ong. 3. The basketball fans _their own team _. 4. I need _time to finish the work. 5. Its time to get up, or youll _class. 6. Can we _the football team from No. 1 Middle School? warmed upnotbutcheeronplenty ofbe late forplay against. 选词填空warmed upnotbutcheeronp7. Last year we lost the football game.

24、 But we decide not to _any teams this year. 8. If you _not _what he said, try calling to ask others again. lose toaresure about7. Last year we lost the footb. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Can you speak _(slow)? 2. Please listen to the teacher _(careful) in class. 3. The new story is _(interesting) than that one. 4

25、. I want to buy the red coat, but it is _(expensive) than the blue one. 5. Lucy does her homework as _(fast) as she can. slowlycarefullymore interestingmore expensivefast. 用所给词的适当形式填空slowlycarefullym. 完成句子1. 我喜欢待在家里。I enjoy _ _ home. 2. 老师讲得慢, 以便同学们都能听清楚。The teacher speaks slowly _ _ students can he

26、ar clearly. 3. 你奶奶怎么啦? 世纪金榜导学号_ _ _ _ your grandmother? 4. 她钢琴弹得比我好。She _ the piano _ than me. stayingatsothatWhatsthematter/troublewithplaysbetter. 完成句子stayingatsothatWhatsth5. 对年轻人来说, 上网很容易。_ easy for young people _ _ on the Internet. 6. 锻炼越多, 你越健康。_ _ you do sports, _ _ you are. ItstogoThemorethe

27、healthier5. 对年轻人来说, 上网很容易。ItstogoThemo. 同义句转换1. The children hope to stay here as long as possible. The children hope to stay here as long as _ _. 2. Alice has a chance of going to Hainan. Alice has a chance _ _ to Hainan. 3. Were going to have a picnic this Sunday, too. We _ _ going to have a picni

28、c this Sunday. 4. Watching films is more exciting than watching matches. 世纪金榜导学号_ more exciting _ _ films than watching matches. theycantogoarealsoItstowatch. 同义句转换theycantogoarealsoIts5. My brother studies very hard in order that he can get good marks. My brother studies very hard _ _ he can get go

29、od marks. sothat5. My brother studies very harModule 4Planes, ships and trains. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. All of us went to the zoo _(除外)Tom. Because he had to look after his little brother at home. 2. Dont play football on the _(马路). Its dangerous. 3. Lily never goes to the movies because she thinks the cine

30、ma is _(拥挤的). 4. Be careful to travel by car. Any _(事故) may happen. 5. I went to visit him. _(然而), he wasnt at home. exceptroadcrowdedaccidentHoweverModule 4Planes, ships and tr6. TV and computers can open up our eyes to the _(外面的)world. 7. You can telephone to _(预订) tickets at 10: 00 pm. 8. How muc

31、h does the TV _(花费)? Not too much. Its just a second-handed one. 9. Its raining cats and dogs. We have no _(选择)but to cancel the picnic. 10. The _(旅行)with my family was fantastic. I took many photos. 11. You shouldnt _(停车) in front of the school gate. 12. He is my _(同班同学)of junior middle school. 13.

32、 Go to the _(最远) house in the village and Ill meet you there. 14. I shall become your _(亲近的)neighbour soon. outsidebookcostchoicejourneyparkclassmatefarthestclose6. TV and computers can open u. 根据语境及汉语提示完成句子1. We are _(计划) have a school trip. 2. _(多长时间) does it take you to go to Beijing? 3. Is the b

33、ike _(和一样) yours? 4. My home is _(离最近) the supermarket. 5. Robert had to _(等待) his mother at the door because he didnt have the key. 6. In fact, Wendy is doing her homework _(一直). 7. The company is _(远离)her home and she _(不得不)go to work by bus. planning toHow longthe same asthe closest towait forall

34、 the timefar fromhas to. 根据语境及汉语提示完成句子planning toHow8. We have to stop the basketball match _(因为)the bad weather. because of8. We have to stop the basketb. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Who runs _(fast), Tom, Li Ming or David? 2. Annie plays the piano very _(well), but Sue plays it _(well) than Annie. Linda plays _

35、(well)of the three. 3. We think friends are _(important) in our social relationships. 4. Which is _(expensive), a bicycle or a computer? 5. Bill lives the _(far) from the company. (the) fastestwellbetterbestthe most importantmore expensivefarthest. 用所给词的适当形式填空(the) fastestwel. 完成句子1. 李明, 你怎么了? 世纪金榜导

36、学号我的膝盖受伤了。_ _ to you, Li Ming? I hurt my knee. 2. 过马路时要小心。_ _ when you cross the road. 3. 我们学校大部分学生来自农村。_ _ the students in our school are from the countryside. WhathappenedBecarefulMostof. 完成句子WhathappenedBecarefulMo4. 你站得越高, 就看得越远。世纪金榜导学号_ _ you stand, _ _ you will see. 5. 你花了多长时间做作业? _ _ did it t

37、ake you to do your homework? 6. 我不喜欢踢足球, 因为我觉得它有点儿危险。I dont like playing football because I think it is _ _ dangerous. 7. 他们每天乘公交车上学。They _ _ _ to go to school every day. ThehigherthefartherHowlongabit/littletakethebus4. 你站得越高, 就看得越远。世纪金榜导学号Thehig8. 去游泳怎么样? 世纪金榜导学号 _ _ _swimming? 9. 去上学花费我大约1个小时。It

38、_me about one hour _ _ to school. 10. 我会在门口等我的好朋友。Ill _ _ my good friend at the gate. What/Howaboutgoingtakestogowaitfor8. 去游泳怎么样? 世纪金榜导学号What/HowaboModule 5Lao She Teahouse. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. Im reading a _(小说)written by George Eliot. 2. Magic Brush _(描述)a poor boy called Ma Liang. 3. Mary _(提供)her s

39、eat to the old man on the bus. 4. Mr Zhang often goes to the _(茶馆)to relax himself. 5. I think the _(女演员)played Mulans role well. 6. The whole _(社会)has realized the importance of protecting the environment. 7. You can find whatever you want in the _(魔法的)box. noveldescribesofferedteahouseactresssocie

40、tymagicModule 5Lao She Teahousenovel8. This kind of thing happens all the time. Its very _(普通的). 9. Thanks a lot for inviting me to your _(第二十)birthday party. 10. The talk show _(结束)at 8: 00 pm last night. commontwentiethended8. This kind of thing happens . 根据语境及汉语提示完成句子1. Lao She _(被命名为)“the People

41、s Artist”. 2. This story _(发生)in the small town in England in 1900. 3. Tom tried his best to finish his homework _(最后; 终于). 4. Please _(热烈欢迎)our head teacher. 5. Sports help to keep people healthy and people enjoy sports _(全世界). was namedtook placein the endgive a warm welcome toall over the world.

42、根据语境及汉语提示完成句子was namedtook . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Both of us hope _(see) plays of Shakespeare this weekend. 2. All my friends were happy _(visit)the teahouse in Beijing. 3. We asked them to go with us, but they decided _(stay)for another two days. 4. I start _(run) for half an hour before I go to school ev

43、ery morning. to seeto visitto stayto run. 用所给词的适当形式填空to seeto visitto5. I like Japanese very much. What about you? Not especially. Its difficult for me _(learn). 6. Would you like _(play)football with us after the exam? 7. I plan _(help) my mother with the housework this Sunday. 8. Li Lei is very ki

44、nd and he often offers _(help) me with my English after school. 世纪金榜导学号9. The city _(name) Cambridge because there is a bridge over the Cam. 10. If Nancy _(pass) the exam, she will go to Australia for English study. to learnto playto helpto helpis namedpasses5. I like Japanese very much. 完成句子1. 我妈妈在

45、2019年把我送去了一所寄宿学校。My mother _ me _ a boarding school in 2019. 2. 布朗老师教我们学习英语口语。Miss Brown _ us _ _ spoken English. 世纪金榜导学号3. 对这个小女孩来说, 游过这个池塘太难了。It _ _ for the little girl _ swim across the pool. 4. 这部影片向我们讲述了光头强和两只熊的故事。The film _ _ _ _of Guang Touqiang and two bears. senttoteachestolearnisdifficultt

46、otellsusastory. 完成句子senttoteachestolearnisd5. 露西想去看京剧。Lucy _ _ _ the Beijing Opera. 6. 由于坏天气, 他们决定再待两个小时。They decided to stay for another two hours _ _ the bad weather. 7. 如果你喜欢这本书, 你能借两天。世纪金榜导学号_ you like the book, _ _ keep it for two days. 8. 你想让我带着你吗? _ _ _ me to take you? wantstoseebecauseofyouc

47、anIfWouldyoulike5. 露西想去看京剧。wantstoseebecauseof9. 鲁迅出生于绍兴。Lu Xun _ _ _ Shaoxing. 10. 杭州是一个美丽的城市。它尤其以西湖而出名。Hangzhou is a beautiful city. Its especially _ _ the West Lake. wasborninfamousfor9. 鲁迅出生于绍兴。wasborninfamousfor. 句型转换1. Mr Wang teaches us history. (改为同义句)Mr Wang _ _ _ us. 2. Amy will send him a

48、 Christmas present. (改为同义句)Amy will _ a Christmas present to him. 3. Lao She was born in Beijing in 1899. (对画线部分提问)_ and _ was Lao She born? 4. He told me to wait for him at the bus station. (改为否定句)世纪金榜导学号He told me _ _ _ _ him at the bus station. teacheshistorytosendWherewhennottowaitfor. 句型转换teach

49、eshistorytosendWheModule 6Animals in danger. 选词并用其适当形式填空interest, feed, thin, grow, wild, protectresearch, symbol, neck, situation1. Wearing dark glasses can _your eyes from the sun. 2. I used to have short hair but now it _long. 3. Are you _in this movie Lost in Russia(囧妈)? 4. Snake is a long and _

50、animal. 5. The rabbits _on carrots and grass. 6. Protecting _animals is our duty. protectgrowsinterestedthinfeedwildModule 6Animals in dangerprot7. The Great Wall is a _of the Chinese nation. 8. Its not so easy for them to work in the dangerous _. 9. I have a headache and I cant move my _. 10. Mr Li

51、n has done a lot of medical _to prevent cancer. symbolsituationneckresearch7. The Great Wall is a _. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. My parents dont _(允许)me to stay out too late. 2. Jenny and her classmates _(筹集)some money for the poor old man. 3. Volunteers gave out _(布告)and taught the public to protect animals. 4

52、. Dont hurry. We have _(足够的)time to clean the meeting room. 5. At birth, a _(婴儿)is about 50cm long. allowraisednoticesenoughbaby. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词allowraisednot6. Our doctors began to _(研制)a new way to cure the sick animals. 7. The cat _(生育)a baby yesterday. 8. My dad told me later that _(蛇)dont have e

53、ars but can feel things moving. 9. Pandas live in the forests and mountains of _(西南)China. 10. _(科学家)are trying to help more endangered animals in their own way. developproducedsnakessouthwestScientists6. Our doctors began to _. 根据语境及汉语提示完成句子1. Elephants are _(危险之中) in the world. 2. Please dont _(拿走

54、)the book. You can only read it in the library. 3. We left early _(为了) avoid the traffic. 4. Were going to _(建立)a food bank to help hungry people. 5. Danny _(想出) a kind of new solution yesterday. 6. Please let me get on with my work _(平静地). in dangertake awayin order toset upthought ofin peace. 根据语境

55、及汉语提示完成句子in dangertake 7. I think you may _(对感兴趣)our new product. 8. They asked her to _(照顾) the baby. 9. We arrived at the top of Mount Tai _(最后). 10. More deer are moving to a large _(自然公园). be interested inlook afterat lastnature park7. I think you may _. 完成句子1. 人们需要帮助熊猫回到大自然。People _ _ _ pandas

56、_ back to the nature. 2. 我们栽更多的树是为了保护我们的环境。We plant more trees _ _ our environment. 世纪金榜导学号3. 让我们努力与动物和平共处吧。_ _ to live in peace with animals. 4. 老师要求我完成作业, 所以我不能和你下棋。The teacher _ me _ _ my homework, _ I cant play chess with you. needtohelpgotoprotectLetstryaskstofinishso. 完成句子needtohelpgotoprotect

57、Le5. 在这个动物园看到熊猫我很兴奋。世纪金榜导学号Im very _ _ _ the pandas in the zoo. excitedtosee5. 在这个动物园看到熊猫我很兴奋。世纪金榜导学号exci. 句型转换1. In the end Henry left his home town alone. (改为同义句)_ _ Henry left his home town alone. 2. Could you please take good care of my dog when Im away? (改为同义句) 世纪金榜导学号Could you please _ _ my do

58、g _ when Im away? 3. We should help as many children as possible to learn English well. (改为同义句)We should help _ many children _ _ _ to learn English well. Atlastlookafterwellasaswecan. 句型转换Atlastlookafterwellasas4. We need to send an email to Mr Green. (改为否定句)世纪金榜导学号We _ _ _ send an email to Mr Gree

59、n. 5. The boy fed his pet dog with meat and eggs this morning. (改为同义句)The boy _ meat and eggs _ his pet dog this morning. dontneedtofedto4. We need to send an email toModule 7A famous story. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. My uncle lives in the hottest, _(最干燥的)and lowest place in Africa. 2. We walked home through t

60、he _(田地). 3. Jerry stood with his hands in his _(口袋). 4. Tony _(跌落)off a tree and hurt his leg yesterday. 5. Dad caught that ball before it _(降落). 6. The river is not _(深的); you can walk through it. driestfieldspocketsfelllandeddeepModule 7A famous storydriestf7. Jim was watching TV _(当时)Lucy was li


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