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1、中考英语构词法教学中考英语构词法教学warm up1. How long have you learnt English?2. What do you think of English?3. What is important in learning English?4. How do you recite more English vocabularies quickly?For more than 5 yearsIt is very easy or a little difficult for you Reading, speaking ,reciting or listening are

2、 importantguessing gamewarm up1. How long have you le week out basket sun mid black some my our side ball night thing end self board rise selves weekend 名词+名词 outside 副词+名词basketball 名词+名词sunrise 名词+动词midnight(半夜)blackboard 形容词+名词somethingmyselfourselves 复合代词构词法之一:合成法定义:将两个及两个以上独立的单词合在一起构成新词的方法。 wee

3、k out basket sun 1.名词+名词2.副词+名词 3.名词+动词 4.形容词+名词5.复合代词a. bookstoreb. greenhousec. downstairsd. outdoorse. anythingf. somebodyg. sunseth. fireman1. He takes her body back home and puts her in the _.2. Be careful you dont fall_3.Now that the weather is warmer , we can go_4. Look! that _ is beautiful i

4、n the west . Ive never seen one so red.构词法之一:合成法定义:将两个及两个以上独立的单词合在一起构成新词的方法。downstairsoutdoorssunsetgreenhouse1.名词+名词2.副词+名词 3.名词+动词 4.形容词+名1. She is a 15-year-old girl now2. This is a man-made robot.3. What are long-nosed animals?4. Huang Xiaoming is good-looking in their eyes.finding1. She is a 15

5、-year-old girl n( )two-hundred-dollar二百美元的. ( )two-hundred-dothinking1.I love to sunbathe on the beach2. I had a holiday at the seaside last summer3.Its wonderful to live in a five-star hotel.4.I have booked a room beforehand晒日光浴海边五星级的事先thinking1.I love to sunbatheCCA BA B3. Many young people like p

6、osting photos of _ (they)on Face book. It helps them get to know each other.4. Listen! _(某人)is crying next to my room.5. My good friend,Becky,often_ (download)music from the Internet n. 负载themselvessomeonedownloads3. Many young people like post 1. Please remember to water your plants, they need plen

7、ty of water.2. Let me have a try. I will try to improve myself. 3.I will book tickets flying to London to buy several important books.名词动词构词法之二:转化法定义:一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种词性而词形不变的方法。词性:取决于该词在句子中的作用。 1. Please remember to water y 转化法构词法主要方式例词转化法(由一个词类转化为另一个词类)名词动词book 书预订hand 手上交形容词动词clean 干净的打扫correct 正确的

8、改正形容词名词American 美国的美国人European 欧洲的欧洲人动词名词cook烹调厨师judge判决法官 转化法构词法主要方式例词转化法(由一个词类转化为另一 week out basket sun mid black some my our side ball night thing end self board rise selves weekend 名词+名词 outside 副词+名词basketball 名词+名词sunrise 名词+动词midnight(半夜)blackboard 形容词+名词somethingmyselfourselves 复合代词构词法之一:合成法

9、定义:将两个及两个以上独立的单词合在一起构成新词的方法。 week out basket sun ( )two-hundred-dollar二百美元的. ( )two-hundred-do2. 转化 : 是指有一种词类转化为另一种词类。单词转化后的意义往往与之前的意义联系密切. water n. 水 - water vt. 浇水常见的转化形式:动词 - 名词名词 - 动词形容词-动词2. 转化 : water n. 水 - wat动词-名词stop v. 停止 - n.车站watch v. 观看 - -n. 手表look v. 看-have a look n. 看 walk v. 散步,走-t

10、ake a walk go for a walk/go for walks n.散步 love v. 爱-your love n. 爱动词-名词 名词 -动词 hand n. 手 - vt. 上交seat n. 座位 - vt. 坐nurse n. 护士 - vt. 护理oil n. 油 - vt. 上油time n. 时间 - vt. 定时,测时show n. 展示,秀-vt. 表演,秀- 名词 -动词 形容词-动词 open (adj. 开着的)open( v.开) clean(adj. 清洁的)-clean(v.打扫) slow( adj. 慢的)-slow ( v. 放慢) 词性:取决

11、于该词在句子中的作用。名词:考虑单复不可数,动词:考虑变单三,过去式,现在分词,不定式to do。 形容词-动词词性:1.When turning on the TV, I saw a CCTV reporter_ (cover)a big earthquake in Nepal.2. It is fine today, the boy_(exercise) happily with his friends in the park.3. If you can_(correct) all the questions , you will get a gift from the host.4.I

12、want _ (paint) My bedrooms wall again. Id like to use blue.5. I saw some _ (Germany) visiting places of interest in Beijing just now. cover v. 采访,报导;覆盖 n. 封皮;盖子;掩蔽物;借口covering exercise n.运动;练习;作业 v.运动,锻炼exercises correct adj.正确的 v.改正;纠正correctpaint v. 绘画;涂色于;化妆 n. 油漆;颜料,涂料;绘画作品;to paintGerman n. 德国人

13、;德语 adj.德国人的;德语的;德国的Germans做题总结:位置确定词性,名词考虑单复不可数,动词考虑变单三,过去式,现在分词,不定式to do。1.When turning on the TV, I saFinishing by yourself1.- Her son _(drink) coke just now, but now he is _ milk. -Please bring me two_(drink).2.- Have you ever dreamed of_(walk) in the space? -I like to go for _ in the warm sunsh

14、ine. 我喜欢在温暖的阳光下散步。drink n. 饮料,酒 v. 喝(drank drunk)walk n. 散步 步行 v. 散步,步行drankdrinkingdrinkswalkingwalksFinishing by yourselfdrink Word formationCompounding 单词单词() sportsman blackboard hard-workingDerivation前缀+词根 词根+后缀Conversionn-v v-adj v-nwatertaste n.味道v.品尝dry adj.干的 v. 使变干Word formationCompounding

15、 单词2. 派生 : 是通过在词根上加前缀或者后缀构成一个新词。happy - unhappydevelop - development2. 派生 : 是通过在词根上加前缀或者后缀构成一个新词前缀:一般只引起意思上的变化而不造成词类的变化,只有少数能引起词类的变化。mis- 错误的 + understand v. 理解 - misunderstand v. 误解en + large adj. 大的 - enlarge v. 扩大前缀:mis- 错误的 + understand v. 理解后缀:一般只引起词性上的变化而不造成意思的变化。care v. 照料 - careful adj. 细心的w

16、ork v. 工作 - worker n. 工人后缀:care v. 照料 常见的前缀常见的前缀(A) 表示_的含义: - fair-unfair, happy-unhappy important-unimportant -agree-disagree, appear-disappear,like- dislike honest-dishonest,order-disorder - polite-impolite, 不礼貌的adj. possible-impossible(用在b,p,m 开头的词前)(B).名词或者形容词变成_词的前缀: -courage-encourage鼓励, large

17、-enlarge扩大,rich-enrich使富裕否定/反义词动un-,dis-,im,放在某些形容词/名词/动词前面enundis im(A) 表示常见的后缀常见的后缀1.动词加后缀tion/ment/er/or/ing变成_:-tioneducate教育v.-education, invite邀请v.-invitation, predict预言v.-prediction 预言n.-ment develop发展v.-development, 发展n. move移动v.-movement, disappoint使失望v.-disappointment-er teacher, worker, r

18、unner, singer foreigner 外国人 n.-or visitor, inventor, actor男演员n.-ing meet-meeting 会议n.shop-shopping 购物n.名词1.动词加后缀tion/ment/er/or/ing变成_2.-ness加在某些形容词后变成_-ness dark(黑暗的adj.)darkness, happy-happiness, busy-business , carecareless(粗心的adj.)-carelessness3. home-homeless(无家可归的adj) carecareless (粗心的adj.)-le

19、ss加在某些名词后构成_名词词义相反的形容词2.-ness加在某些形容词后变成_-4.名词/动词+-ful/y/ly变成_。care-careful, hope-hopeful, wind-windyfriend-friendly, week-weekly每周的adj.success-successful成功的adj.5.形容词+-ly变成_。sad-sadly, strong-stronglybusy-busily, clear-clearly清楚地adv.careful-carefully, happy-happily recent-recently 近来 adv. final-final

20、ly最后adv.形容词副词4.名词/动词+-ful/y/ly变成_。6.名词变_-al: traditional, international, nature-natural形容词6.名词变_形容词summaryunfair dislike impolite invitation development teacher actormeeting happiness homeless careful friendly windyrecently加前缀表否定含义:加后缀变成名词:_加后缀变成形容词的相反意:加后缀变成形容词加后缀变成副词:_lyun_, dis_,im_less_ful,_ly,_

21、y_tion,_ment,_er,_or,_ing, _nesssummary加前缀表否定含义:加后缀变成名词:_加后缀变成拓展:. 缩写和简写 : 缩写和简写(也被称为截断法或缩短法)主要采取: “截头”,“去尾”或者 “既截头又去尾”的方法生成新词.telephone-phone airplaneplanelaboratory-lab mathematics-math advertisementadexamination-exam Identification-ID 拓展:. 缩写和简写 : telephone-phon另外还有许多缩写词是由各个单词的首字母组成.CD ( compact

22、disk)CCTV( China Central Television)NBA (National Basketball Association)UFO( unidentified flying object)UN( United Nations) USA( United States of America) 另外还有许多缩写词是由各个单词的首字母组成.根据括号内要求写出各单词的前后缀形式。精练1. pollute _(名词)2. interest _(形容词)3. rain _(形容词) 4. usual _(反义词)5. help _(形容词) 6. happy _(副词) 7. surp

23、rise _(形容词) 8. polite _(反义词) 9. happy_(名词)10. wonder _(形容词) 11. final _(副词) 12. agree _(反义词) 13. travel _(表示人的名词)14. north _(形容词) 15. careful_(副词) pollutioninteresting/interestedrainyunusualhelpful/helplesshappilysurprising/ surprised impolitehappinesswonderfulfinallydisagreetravelernortherncarefull

24、y根据括号内要求写出各单词的前后缀形式。精练1. pollut小试牛刀用所给词的适当形式填空1.He felt _(happy) because his mother was ill.2.His teacher is happy because he did his homework _(care).3.He is a very famous _.(act)4.Some _(foreign) came to visit our school last week.5.What a _ (snow) day! The ground is covered with snow everywhere.6

25、.What should we do to help the _ (home) people after the earthquake?unhappy carefully actorforeigners homeless snowy小试牛刀用所给词的适当形式填空unhappy careful_(recent), a handsome young man, NingZetao has been popular. After winning four gold medals at the _ (17) Asian Games, Ning got the first place at the 2015 Swimming World Championships. Although Ning has become _(success) now, in fact, he wasnt _(health) when he was young. Born with a knee problem, he was held back at the stage of his _(develop). Instead of giving up swimming, Ning trained hard a


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