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1、文档编码 : CC10A6D9M5R9 HO1K7N3Z1J6 ZI3R8O2N7K9英语学校各层次学问点归纳学校三年级上册重、难点单元要求把握的词汇、短语要求把握的句型1.才能要求Unit 1 hello,hi,your,my,name, 1.-Hello. What s your 英 语 做 自 我 介 绍 以children,what name. 2.及打招呼what s=what is -My name is 熟识字母 A-D I m=I am -I m Good morning 2.Good morning, Good-bye Unit 2 super,this,aan,pencil

2、 box, 1.This is 1.用英语介绍别人,以Unit 3 book,pen,show,pencil, 2.Hello, 及 能 用 英 语 之 人 部pencil sharpener,eraser,ruler 分文具名称isn t=is not 2.认写字母 E-I 1.-Who s this. 3.aan 的区分用法who,that,she,he,from, 1.能用英语介绍别人和Canada,China,Britain, -This is 自 己 ( 用 知 识 带 刺American,poor,ouch 2.Heshe is from thisthat 介绍名字,国别)2.认写

3、 A-N Unit 4 ready,smile,family,mother, -Whos that. 1.能 用 英 语 介 绍 自 己Unit 5 father,sister,brother,me, -That s my 的家庭( thisthat ),grandmother,grandfather, 会画族谱aunt,uncle 2.认写字母 O-R 1.HeShe is my mom,dad,her,room,bike,his,1.用第三人称代词介绍boat,car,friend,bag, 2.That s hisher自己的家庭, 并介绍其所属物computer 2.认写字母 S-V

4、Unit6 Unit1-5 复习1.复习Review 2.认写字母 W-Z 三年级下册重、难点单元要求把握的词汇、短语要求把握的句型才能要求Unit 7 banana, nut, pear, is, it, 1.-What s this. 1.说出所学水果的英文strawberry, yes, lemon, -It s a 名称( thisthat)2.把握 It 引导的一般疑问watermelon,orange, 2.-Is it a . kiwi fruit, pineapple -Yes, it is. No, it isn t. 句(单数)3.bp 读音辨识Unit 8 are,the

5、s,they,tomatoes,those1.-What are thesethose. 1.说出所学蔬菜名称,beans,mushrooms, -Theyre 2.掌 握 名 词 复 数 变 换cabbages,onions,potatoes, 2.-Are thesethose . 方式3.look,girl,carrots,cucumbers, -Yes, they c/d 读音辨识cauliflowers,eggplants, peppers come back Unit 9 bird,there,nest,too,eggs, How many 1.用 there be 结构说出Uni

6、t 10 flowers,help,small,big, There are 2.所 足 额 蔬 菜 水 果 的crocodile 名称how many 熟识 10 以内的英文look out 数字1.What color is 3.one,two,three,four,five,six, 用 how many 提问seven,eight,nine,ten 4.s/z butterfly,color,all,now,red, 1.用英语说各种颜色Unit 11 blue,green,yellow,black, thisthat . 2.l/m/n 读音辨识brown,orange,white,

7、purple It is grey,bear,fish,crab 2.What color are they 1.把握 can 句型look at They are can,climb,tree,see,house, 1.-Can you . catch,more,carry,matter,but -Yes I can./ No, can t. 2.用 英 语 描 述 简 单 的listen.run,dance,swim,sing,r2.I can . 3.动作ead,write,walk,talk 3.What s the matter. h/r 读音辨识all right once upo

8、n a time Unit12 OK,candy bar,cookies 复习复习Review 四年级上册重、难点单元要求把握的词汇、短语要求把握的句型1.才能要求Unit 1 left,right,again,litter,touch,1.Don t touch. 掌 握 祈 使 句 的 句 型Unit 2 move,money,worry,cry, Don t walk. 2.( Don t+V原 型 ,parking,food,smoking, Don t litter. No+V-ing 形式 n)camera 2.No parking. 说 出 本 单 元 学 过 的very goo

9、d, thank you, No food. 标志,依据指令做动No smoking. 3.作;toy, train, altogether, the, No cameras. 辨别“ a” 的不同发音1.-How much is the . 1.把握用“how much ”robot,change,eleven,twelve, -It s 2.询问价格,用英语表thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, 2.-How much are they. 述买卖用语sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,-They are 把握 11-20 英文数字nineteen, t

10、wenty 3.Here is the 3.辨别“ e” 的不同发音how much.stop thief. well done. Unit 3 study,whose,CD,video, 1.-Whose radio is this. 1.把握“whose” 的提Unit 4 television,sorry,wlkman, -It s Bobby s. 问cassette,radio,diskman, 2.-Whose radio are 2.辨别“i” 的不同发音table,computer,keyboard, thesethose. mouse -They are s. 1.用英语介绍

11、自己的家、knock,door,welcome,living 1.This is the living room,bedroom,bathroom, room 家里的各个区间washing,here,river,into, 2.-What is heshe 2.辨别“o” 的不同发音kitchen,cooking,studying, doing. 3.把握现在进行时的用playing,eating,drinking, -HeShe is sleeping. 法;painting 3.-What are you doing. -I m eating. Unit 5 Teachers -Are t

12、hese ouryourtheir 1.介绍自己的老师、学Day,playground,their,office,books. 2.校our,school,great,math, -Yes, they are. 把握一些学科名称classroom,English,music, -No, they aren t. 3.辨别“u“ 的不同发art,Chinese.P.E 4.音复数学问代词these、those 的一般疑问句Unit 6 复习复习Review 四年级下册重、难点单元要求把握的词汇、短语要求把握的句型1.才能要求Unit 7 restaurant,menu,like, 1.-Do y

13、ou like 用 英 语 表 达 对 事 物chicken,noodles,vegetables,vegetables. 2.的喜好fruit, food, hot dog, -Yes, I do. No, I don t. 询 问 别 人 对 事 物 的French fries, fried rice, 2.-What do you like. 3.喜好hamburger, corn -I like. 辨别 c 的不同发音3.-Does Mocky like noodles. -Yes, he does./ No, he doesn t. Unit 8 tall,tree,big,peac

14、ock,small,y1.-Is he a tall boy. 1.用 英 语 描 述 人 和 物oung,turtle,bad,good,short,o-Yes, he is. 2.(描述性的形容词)ld,woman,man,fat,thin,long,-Is she a short girl. 辨别 g 的不同发音animal -No, she isn t. 2.It s a fat bear3.HeShe is shortUnit 9 hungry,thirsty,milk,cold, 1.I m thirsty. 1.能简洁描述人或物的能coup,bowl,favorite,hot,

15、2.Have some 特点(eg.渴了, 饿了说出食物不同的味道)some,weet,sout,risce,water, 3.-Is it fresh. fresh -Yes, it is. No, it 2.辨别 f、v 的发音isnt. Unit 10 store,want,one,hat,new, 1.I want a book 1.能用英语买东西(买clock,magazine,well,thing,2.I have a T-shirt2.卖用语)whose,cap,newspaper, HeShe has a 辨别 j、q 的发音comic,T-shirt,purse,watch,

16、 3.-Do you have a . umbrella,old -Yes, I do No, I don t. 4.-Can I have the . -Here you are. Unit 11 berry,well,stomach,hurt,say,1.-How are you today. 1.能 用 英 语 说 出 身 体drink,today,better,hair,eye, -I m not well. 2.部位的不适head,nose,mouth,tongue, 2.-What s the matter. 辨别 w、y 的发音chest,ear,shoulder,face,ar

17、m,-My head hurts. hand,finger,knee,leg,foot, His hurts. toe Unit 12 ticket,train 复习复习Review 五年级上册重、难点单元要求把握的词汇、短语要求把握的句型1.才能要求Unit 1 juggler,get,help,go,quickly, 1.-What does he/she do. 用英语询问职业telephone,ambulance,call,d-He/She is a2.辨别 a.e.i.o 的发音和octor,vet,him,worry,how,do, 2.-Is he/she a . 字母组合hom

18、e,farmer,policeman, 3.Are you a . nurse,student,teach all right, of course Unit 2 wear,glasses,come,know,so,-Do you know/like 1.用 英 语 描 述 喜 恶 的cute,peopard,tiger,lion,horsher/him. 2.事物e,donkey,fox,squirrel,sheep,-Yes, I a lot. 熟识 / /的发音panda,goat,rabbit,frog, feather, a lot, Unit 3 expensive,in,skir

19、t,clothes, 1.-What size do you 1.买东西的用语cheap,any,shoes,only, want. 2.熟识 /w/ 的发音和字trousers,small,shorts,right, -Small./Size 20. 母组合size,medium,socks,pajamas,2.The shoes are tootie,sweater,coat,dress,jeans, large,thirty,fory,fifty,sixty, seventy,eighty,ninety,wheel, whale,wheat,whistle Unit 4 on,rock,

20、under,in,behind,wh-Where is the . 1.用 英 语 描 述 房 间 内Unit 5 ere,sad,bed,sofa,chair,desk,f-It s on/ under /in /next 2.物品的位置loor,farm,shark to/ in front of /behind 长音 /a:/的发音和字in front,look for,next the 母组合4.map,town,supermarket, 1.Excuse me.Where is 能用英语指路near,park,between,straight,tthe . 5.长音 /.:/的发音和

21、字hen,turn,right,bank,toilet, 2.Thank you very 母组合libray,train station, much.= Thanks a movie theater, swimming lot. pool,bus stop, bus stop, 3.You re welcome. post office, police station Unit 6 left,dangerous,still 复习复习Review 五年级下册重、难点单元要求把握的词汇、短语要求把握的句型1.才能要求Unit 7 holiday,Monday,Tuesday, 1.-What d

22、o you/they do 用 英 语 说 出 一 周 七Wedesday,Friday,Saturday,on . 2.天的名称,并灵敏应Sunday,every,day,remember-I/we/they 用,diary,week,learn,only, 2.-What does he/she do 认 识 /au/ 和 其 字 母tomorrow,with,then,class, on . 组合corner,shopping,watch TV, -He/She visit Unit 8 hurry,o clock,early,late,eim1.-What time is it. 1.

23、能用英语表述时间e, slow,broken,fix,fixed -It s 2.熟识 /.i/ 的发音和字Excuse me, 2.It s time for +n/to do 母组合sth. Unit 9 breakfast,lunch,dinner,alwa1.-When do you 1.能 用 英 语 简 单 描 述ys,at night,usually,after,at -I always at.in2.自己一天的活动home,often,never,sometime2.When does he/she . 熟识 /.:/的发音和字s,get up,go to -He/she 母组

24、合bed,sleep,afternoon,evening usually/often/sometimes/ never at. Unit 10 start,enough,shall, 1.Lets 4.Lets 句型,shall 提问amusement park, far 2.Shall we . 5.熟识 / ./的发音和字away,too,money,museum, 3.Do we have enough 母组合dinosaur,free,science,free, time/money. close,by bus, by car go to a movie, Unit 11 ride,s

25、ure,cloud,rain,weather1.-What are you/they 1.能用英语描述天气,report,fine,fun,stay,sunny, going to do. 2.把握 be going to do cloudy,rainy,snowy,windy, -*I m/they are going 3.sth.的句型snow,wind to 认 识 /u/ 的 发 音 和 字2.-What is he/she going 母组合to do. -He/she is going to Unit 12 sky 复习复习Review 六年级上册重、难点单元要求把握的词汇、短语要

26、求把握的句型才能要求Unit 1 afraid,air,astronaut,dream, 1.I/you/he/she/they/we 1.熟识 /r/的发音Unit 2 had,last night,moon,planet, had a dream2.掌 握 简 单 动 作 的 过space,space suit,spaceship, 2.Where were you 去式star,then, was/were, yesterday. 3.学 会 用 英 语 简 单 描yesterday -I/he/she was in 述 过 去 发 生 的 事 情(had,was、were)-they/

27、we were in again,back,breathe,clean, 1.-What did you do 1./i:/./i/ 的发音和字母组cough,hit,make,next,paint, yesterday. 合put,sick,sit,vacation,vistt, -Yesterday,I/you/he/she/t2.把握英语简洁描述过watch,window hey/we visited a friend. 去发生的事情 (did,what引导的特殊疑问句、 否定2.Yesterday,I/you/he/she/they/we didn t visit a 句)friend

28、. Unit 3 badly,because,competition, 1.Who was/came 1./s/./z/ 的发音和字母组eighth,excited,first,fourth,hfirst/second/third 合2.把握 1-10 的序数词appy,high,high 2.Did I/you/he/she/they jump,hundred,last,ninth, /we go to school last 3.动词过去式(did 引导prize,race,decide,second, night. 的一般疑问句)seventh,sixth,sport,sports da

29、y,third,thoudand,win, tenth,meter Unit 4 十二个月份单词1.When is your/his/her 1./s/./ / 发音区分四个季节birsday.-It s2.把握用英语询问别人calendar,check,date,forget, 2.How old is he/she. 的生日、年龄funny,gift,keep,own,season,-He/she is 3.把握月份、季节的表述surprised,year How old are you. -I am Unit 5 center,centimeter,heavy,hei1.-Who is

30、taller ,x and 1./././e/ 发音区分ght,kilogram,length,measury.-x is taller than y. 2.掌 握 部 分 形 容 词 的e,one by one, or, weigh, 2.How tall is Ken. 比较级、最高级的表weight, why, wrong -Ken is 147 centimeters 述方式tall. 3.Who is the oldest ?-Ken is the oldest. Unit 6 photo 复习复习Review 六年级下册重、难点单元要求把握的词汇、短语要求把握的句型才能要求Unit

31、 7 backpack,tither,finally, 1.-Whose pen is 1.区分 /ei/和/e/ Germany,get,give,go away, this/that. 2.用英语表述物品各人go home,hers,his,meet, -This pen is 称所属mine,ours,quicly,suitcase, yours/mine/his/hers/ours3.wanted to do sth. theirs,trip,yours /theirs. 2.I/he/she/we/they wanted to Unit 8 believe,Children s 1.I/she/he/th


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