



1、小学英语学科开展国际理解教育教学范式的实践研究国际理解教育教学设计课 题Festivals课 时 1课时设计者曾晓宇课 型 新授课国际理解教育目标1.全体学生能介绍自己喜爱的节日并对节日所开展的传统活动进行描述。2.全体学生能尊重中西方文化的差异,了解中国国庆节、美国国庆节中不同的节日活动,学习并简单描述节日活动,再谈谈对两个节日的不同感受。3.学生们通过学习、感知节日活动,从小树立爱国意识,用自身行动爱国,增强民族自豪感,再培养国际理解教育的价值观。学习重点1.全体学生能介绍自己喜爱的节日并对节日所开展的传统活动进行描述。2.全体学生能尊重中西方文化的差异,了解中国国庆节、美国国庆节中不同的

2、节日活动。学习难点1. 全体学生能尊重中西方文化的差异,了解中国国庆节、美国国庆节中不同的节日活动,学习并简单描述节日活动,再谈谈对两个节日的不同感受。学前准备教师PPT,视频资源、图片学生收集、整理关于节日的活动,posters教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图一、热身导入主题. report.Talk about the holidays.:We learnt so mangy festivals? Did you remember them? Lets review.(stick them on the blackboard) can show pictures and talk abou

3、t festivals.Review: Whats the festival?When is it? What do you do? are lots of festivals. Can you tell me more about festivals? Whats the festival?When is it? What do you do? . report.Last Sunday, I went to Spring Festival, Christmas, HalloweenSs: Some are Chinese Festivals, some are American Festiv

4、als. can talk about the festivals through these questions.The Spring Festival.We have a big family dinner. We make dumplings. We get lucky money.Its Halloween. in groups and talk about the festivals.Show time.在热身导入环节,通过Free Talk谈论及复习美国的国旗日和感恩节,中国的端午节、中秋节、春节、元宵节,在思维导图的帮助下复习这些节日的时间和人们所做的活动。教师顺势揭示本节课的主

5、题:Festivals。教师展示一张节日图片,抛出问题引导学生谈论节日内容。教师尊重学生自然学习语言的过程,让国际理解教育课与英语学习有机融合。二、视听深入主题.I have a video. Do you want to see it? Whats the festival? you tell me more about the National Day? When is it? What do you do on that day? some pictures, then talk about them. watch Chinese military parade do you do on

6、 National holidays ? Look at these pictures, then talk about the activities on National holidays.T: We hang flags all over the streets.We become volunteers to serve everyone.We sing and dance to celebrate National Day about the people in America? Look at PPT. What do they do?When is the American Nat

7、ional Day?The Fourth of July is the Independence Day of the US. do they do on National holidays?join the paradecosplayenjoy the fireworks painted tattoos Decoration . the video.Chinese National Day. 1st. Fly the flag.课前小组收集资料、整理(Ss can talk about the things in Chinese.)(listen, repeat),read.(看图片学习、理

8、解国庆节活动。) and say.Ss can talk about the National holidays activities.Eg:I can travel.(Work in groups.)I stay at home.I went to Shanghai with my family at PPT about American National Day.July 4th. in four: Talk about the celebration ways in American.(观看了视频后,用中文简单描述庆祝活动。)hang flags国际理解教育旨在通过感知,让学生体验与理解

9、不同国家的文化差异。教师通过播放中美两国庆祝国庆节的视频,学生们从视频中学习到美国庆祝国庆节的方式,加深了对美国节日文化的理解和认知,将国际理解教育的主题深入下去。三、小组讨论1How do you feel about them? There are so many differences on National Day. s compare the differences between them. 3. Make the posters.My favourite festival is National Day. On National Day , we fly the flag. We

10、 sing songs.Whats your favourite festival? about the difference between them. DayOctober 1st fly the flagwatch Chinese military paradeIndependence Day 3. Make and talk about these posters.My favourite festival is. We have .(Group work)通过小组讨论中、美庆祝方式的不同之处,学生们可以感受到不同文化的差异,教师则引导学生理解不同的文化,并向从他国的优秀文化学习:从小树立爱国意识,用自身行动爱国,从而增强民族自豪感。通过开放式的问题为引导,传递出尊重、包容及向他国优秀文化学习的国际理解教育价值。四、任务延伸主题 the film.Wolf Warriors 2 Wu Jing should we do?We should love our country by doin


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