



1、天津第四中学2022年高二英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. While every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, the river in my hometown has still not been restored to its past beauty. A. is tried B. are triedC. has been triedD. have been tried参考答案:C略2. Thinking of the scenes_the people were killed by the Japanese inv

2、aders, the old man was full of anger.A. whereB. whenC. why D. which参考答案:A此题考查考生对定语从句中关系词的运用能力。根据先行词the scenes(发生事件的现场、地点、场面)和关系词在从句中充当的成分,应用关系副词where。3. Weve spent too much money recently. Well, it isnt surprising. Our friends and s _ _ around all the time.A. are coming B. had come C. were coming D.

3、 have been coming参考答案:D4. Is this _ you reward your parents _ offering you everything you need?A. how; for B. what; forC. how; with D. what; with参考答案:A5. These flowers are_ your mother, but as she is away, Id be glad if you would accept them.A. intending to B. intended to C. intending for D. intende

4、d for参考答案:D6. She had never learnt the basic rules of social communication, and _, she made systematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth.A. as a resultB. in additionC. all of a suddenD. in spite of that参考答案:A7. Sydney promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to_ of her h

5、appiness. A. making sure B. be sure C. being sure D. make sure 参考答案:D8. Many houses were completely destroyed in the hurricane which struck the area last week. _, the victims had to live in the temporary shelters offered by the Red Cross. A. As a consequence B.As a result of C. As usual D. As for参考答

6、案:A9. Read the passage _ which I_ in my talk.A .from; inferred B. to; preferred C. to; referred D. to offered参考答案:C略10. It is not to discuss the questions again and again.A、 worth B、worthy C、worthwhile D、 worthy of 参考答案:C略11. You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do. A. h

7、oweverB. no matterC. althoughD. whatever 参考答案:A12. _ any change about the date, please tell me immediately.A. Will there be B. Should there be C. There will be D. There should be参考答案:B 13. We attached great importance _ computers, because we rely _ them to organize our work.A. to; on B. on; onC. of;

8、 upon D. to; to参考答案:A考查短语。attach importance to sth意为认为某事重要, rely on sth意为依靠/依赖某物。句意为我们认为电脑很重要,因为我们依靠它们组织工作。故选A。14. Your task will be to examine the_ of constructing a new factory in the United Kingdom.A. motivation B. appointment C. adjustment D. possibility参考答案:D15. Bruce, _ headmaster of our schoo

9、l, was elected by voting and other leaders were chosen in _ same way.A. /; theB. the; theC. /; aD. a; the参考答案:A16. The discussion will go on until all the members reach the point _they all agree on that issue. A. which B. where C. that D. when参考答案:B17. I think it is parents that _ for their sons bad

10、 performance at school.A. is to blame B. are to be blamed C. are to blame D. is to be blamed参考答案:C18. Dont use words, expressions, or phrases_ only to people with specific knowledge, A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. known参考答案:D略二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有1

11、0处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last weekend, I went to visit my English teacher, who was already in his fifty. He gives me a lot of help when I was a junior middle school student.

12、Delighting to see me, he asked my senior middle school life. Then he advised me to make fully preparations for the coming entrance examination. It was so a pleasure to see him again that I didnt notice it was pretty later. I had to say goodbye to each other.He is not only a good teacher but my close

13、 friend. Wherever I will go, I will always treasure a time that I spent with my teacher.参考答案:Last weekend, I went to visit my English teacher, who was already in his fifty. He gives me a fifties gave lot of help when I was a junior middle school student. Delighting to see me, he asked my senior Deli

14、ghtedaboutmiddle school life. Then he advised me to make fully preparations for the coming entrance full examination. It was so a pleasure to see him again that I didnt notice it was pretty later. I had to such late Wesay goodbye to each other.He is not only a good teacher but my close friend. Where

15、ver I will go, I will always treasure a will thetime that I spent with my teacher.【分析】本文为记叙文。文章讲述了自己在上周末去拜访自己的英语老师的过程。【详解】第一处:考查词组搭配。句意:他已经五十多岁了。in ones fifties“在某人五十多岁的时候”是固定词组搭配。故fifty改为fifties。第二处:考查动词时态。根据语境可知,此处描述的是上周的事情,应使用一般过去时。故gives改为gave。第三处:考查-ing形容词与-ed形容词的辨析。此处为形容词作状语,修饰主语he的状态,应使用-ed形容

16、词。故Delighting改为Delighted。第四处:考查动词搭配。ask sb. about sth.“询问某人某事”。故my后加about。第五处:考查形容词。此处修饰名词preparations,应使用形容词。故fully改为full。第六处:考查固定句型。such+a+单数名词+that“如此以至于”为固定句型。故so改为such。第七处:考查形容词。later后来的;late晚的。句意:我没有注意到已经很晚了。故later改为late。第八处:考查代词。此处指“我们不得不说再见了”。故I改为We。第九处:考查动词时态。让步状语从句中,一般时态表将来。故去掉will。第十处:考查冠

17、词。此处特指“我和老师一块儿度过的时间”。故a改为the。【点睛】本题第九处考查让步状语从句中的动词时态。在时间、条件、让步状语从句中一般时态表将来,即一般现在时表示一般将来时,一般过去时表示过去将来时。如:When he comes, I will tell you.(他来了,我将告诉你)If he comes, I will tell you.(如果他来了,我将告诉你)但是,这里要纠正一个误区,when引导的从句不一定是时间状语从句,if引导的从句不一定是条件状语从句,如果不是时间、条件状语从句,那么从句谓语动词该用什么时态就用什么时态。如:I dont know when he will

18、 come.(我不知道他什么时候能来)此处为宾语从句,根据句意,此处应使用一般将来时。I dont care if he will come.(我不在乎他是否能来)此处为宾语从句,根据句意,此处应使用一般将来时。所以,同学们在做题目时,一定要先确定好从句的性质,一免受思维定势的影响,盲目做出选择。三、 阅读理解20. Did you know that sixty per cent of your body weight is water? However,a loss of only two per cent of this water throughdehydration(脱水) duri

19、ng exercise can significantly affect your performance. The more you sweat, the more your exerciseperformance declines, unless you drink enough to replace your lossof fluids.When you lose too much water, you can overheat quite easily,especially in a warm environment.But this is not the only problemyo

20、u may face. Dehydration leads to your heart pumping muchfaster, which means exercise becomes more difficult and requiresmore effort. Despite these problems, however, many of us simplydo not take enough fluids in when we head for the gym or set outon a run.So why is this? How do we manage to lose so

21、much waterwithout simply drinking more toreplace it? Well, it?s easier thanyou think. When we are at rest, we quickly become aware that weare thirsty and will put that right by having a drink. When weexercise, on the other hand, our thirstmechanism(结构) does notwork as effectively, so we don?t notice

22、 early enough that we areactually thirsty. In fact, we only start to feel thirsty when we havealready lost around two per cent of our body weight.Another problem is that, the more dehydrated we becomeduring exercise, the more difficult it is to prevent furtherdehydrationbecause our stomachs become i

23、ntolerant to fluidsand we do not absorb water properly, just when we need it most.The key thing about fluids and exercise is to manage yourintakeproperlyregular small amounts are preferable, and someshould be drunk before the period of exercise begins. You alsoneed to match your intake to the sort o

24、f exercise you are doing. For example, for one hour of exercise, such as taking part in a 10 km run, you need to drink about two extra litres of water. For longer periods of exercise, sports drinks are recommended.13. We know from the text that during exercise, dehydration _.A. can be easily avoidedB. will lead to poor performanceC. can cause many health problemsD. will be controlled whenever we drink again14. Why do people suffer from dehydration easily during exercise?A. Their thirst mechanism stops working


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