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1、五年级研英语下阅理解专复习班级:_姓名:_1. 阅读理。 father in a English company. It is a book mother works a She a She All her, Her works a computer It is very want to work a hospital. She wants to a 根据短文内容判断正(T)误F)。1Carlys father works in a book (2Her in a primary (_)3Carly loves kids. ()4Carlys brother in a small comput

2、er company. (_)5She to a (_)2. 阅读理,根据文的意思,择最合的答案。 father went to Wall at weekend.It is very old long. went there at oclock the morning. They went by walked for hour. There of They photos the took a of his (1)Daming went to the British B. Great Wall(2) went there A.by busC.by (3) wen there A.in after

3、noonB.in C.in (4) for _. an hours(5)Daming took a of _A.his motherB.his C.his 1 / 3. 阅读理解下面给你提供了一个choolmenu请你根据合理的膳食,为每天搭配不同的食物,并填写下面一则d(广告 ,把你的school menu向大家宣传一下! Menu Rice +eggplant + pork + carrot juiceTue. + Wed. + +Fri. + + + + + news! We have a new school on Monday, _ have On _ you can eat_, b

4、eef, _ and. we have_, apple juice. On, _, and_. tasty, I am sure there must Come on, girls! Dont wait!See 4. 阅读短,判断误。 to We keep How can we Here are good ways to keep We should eat healthy every day, such vegetables, fruits Dont eat fast too meat. It can be harmful.Playing is very should do some of

5、staying at home. After we go a A sleep of eight hours And we should laugh or smile. important!Do have of these ways? Lets keep healthy!( ) (1) food every day.( ) (2) harmful ( ) (3)After supper, should a ( ) (4) shouldnt do exercise.2 / ( ) (5)足够的 sleep is 5. 阅读理解My name Wei Hua. Im a girl. I I from

6、 Zhengzhou, China. Do know Zhengzhou? Its in the of I in No. 8 School. are hundred fifty teachers school. Our is a good one in I in Grade 49 in 29 girls and My English teacher is Miss King. She is to me. Were I like I like too. I to find friend. to me.1 from _. ( ) the USA B. C. England2 are _ in th

7、eir ( ) 15 B. 50 9003 are _ girls in Wei s ( ) forty-nine B. twenty C. 4 English teacher are ( ) friends B. students C. 5 wants to find _. ) friend C. teacher6. 根据短内容,择正确答案Miss Gao is our teacher. to tell us weekends. She usually up on Saturday. She exercises the for about an hour. Then she breakfas

8、t. She doesnt in with dog for about two hours in the dog jumps happily. has at small near home. She doesnt a home. enjoys walking down the street saying hello to In afternoon, cooks dinner for enjoys her ( )(1)Miss Gao _ early and in the on Saturday. A.get up; exerciseB.gets up; exercisesC.gets up;

9、exercise( )() _ A.get up C.do housework( )()Who does she with in park ?A.Her B.Her C.Her teacher( )() _ in the afternoon.A.exercisesB.cleans her TV3 / ( )() _ for her B.watches TV; C.cooks herself7. 阅读短,选择确的答案。My name I go from to morning I up thirty. I have four in the morning two classes in the af

10、ternoon. I English, and science on Monday I like Fridays very I have PE. I can Football my favourite sport. I also play football on I think(我认为) should play sports every (1)Jack gets up _ the morning. 6:50 B. C. (2)Jack has _ classes B. five six(3)Jack has _ on Monday B. PE C. (4)_is favourite sport

11、. B. Football C. Ping-pong(5)Jack we should day. watch TV B. sports C. games8. 根据短内容,断下列句子误。Last Mrs Milly to London. does not know London very well, and way 迷路) (突然), she a a I can him the way, said to herself. Excuse me, she Can you tell me way to King man He did not was a tourist游客). he hand his

12、and took out notebook (笔记本). He a sentence (句子. He read slowly. I am sorry, said, he I ( ) (1)Mrs Milly to London last week.( ) (2)Mrs Milly the way to bus stop.( ) (3) man the to King ( ) (4) man was a he English well.( ) (5) notebook in the hand the 9. 读短文根据短内容选择正答案。Our going to by train next week

13、end. Many happy. Tom he likes climbing Lily is a tall girl. She is not happy. family going to her She go to John sad. left arm The asks him to in bed. He go us. ( ) (1) class going to by . plane B. train C. ( ) (2) B. Lily C. John( ) (3)Lily will stay in bed B. go to Tai C. visit her grandparents4 /

14、 ( ) (4)John is sad because . go us. right hurts B. left arm hurts his right leg ( ) (5) doctor asks John to . watch TV B. C. stay in bed10. 阅读文,判正误。 Fruit good for us. should fruit vegetables day. too meat or Its good us. too coffee or Drink some juice and water.Get up some watch too TV play games

15、for long. Its not for our eyes. go Enough sleep our health.( )()Fruit and vegetables are ( )() can lot of meat and ( )() can drink a of ( )() do some every ( )() do sports the morning.( )() not play 11. 根据面的课表判断句子 对(错(T)。8:008:509:50ChinesemathsEnglishTues.mathsChineseartWed.ChineseEnglishThur.Engli

16、shmathsFri.ChinesemathsEnglish ComputerPEPE ( ) 1. We maths on ( ) 2. We English everyday.( ) 3. We Chinese ( ) 4. We on ( ) 5. We maths at on Mondays.12. 短文读。 I am I from I like I often mutton, fish in Chinese restaurant. favourite fruit is apples,5 / like apples. oranges I like Chinese teacher fun

17、ny. I four Chinese classes week. I many books my shelf.(1)Jack is (2)Jack likes_. (3)Jacks brother like A.grapes(4)Jacks teacher A.funny(5)Jack has _ A.fourB.two.13. 短文读。Its three oclock in girls in park. Linda is flying kite with Lucy. near a she Shes watching fish. They are in river. Amy is behind

18、 a tall tree. Shes And Lily Shes a They are all very in the (1)Where the girls? _(2) Linda doing? _(3) are the _(4)Whats Amy doing? _(5)Whats Lily doing? _14. 阅读文,选正确的选项John in a new He playing in a river. But there river not day, he asks his mother, there a here? “No, isnt,” “But our new house has

19、a garden. “But its very I dont like it,” John morning, his mother says, “ a beautiful here, there is a pool in Well go there the afternoon.” is happy.After lunch, John and his go the There a big pool the park. water are lots in John plays in his him under a ( ) John likes playing in his B. in C. in

20、the river( ) is very _. B. big ( ) John his go to park 6 / in the B. after in evening( ) What ” 思是) in Chinese? 塔 塘 C. 假山( ) is Johns mother when(当时) John in the pool? In pool. B. In garden. C. Under tree.15. 阅读文,判正(T误(F)。 I Susan. my photo. my mother. She is a Her in She going Her favourite is My f

21、ather a doctor. He His is in September. He climbs with friends on this is me. I best I can I wear in 1 birthday is in Spring. ()2Father is a too. (3Father likes with his friends. ()4Susans favourite season winter. (_)16. 阅读文,判正误。My works from to in bank. uses the computer to money. His job is import

22、ant in bank. is busy at home. At cooks Usually he Italian makes five of pizza. Sometimes he chicken Chinese My mum him. I help too. I wash dishes. Many it is for to cook. my dad his relaxes He is a cook.( )()My using count money in a bank.( )()My usually cooks Chinese ( )()I help cook dinner and my

23、dishes.( )()My like ( )() Sunday he four pieces of 17. 阅读文,判对错。Dear your friend, I study in I go from Monday to Friday. My favourite day is Tuesday, have computer My is chicken, its And I like fruit, They are for Miss Green my favourite teacher. Chinese. She tall thin. She is very kind like her clas

24、s very I love are small and water is blue. There in the lake. There a forest and many trees. a quiet village. Tell me your please.Yours, ( ) (1)Chicken ( ) (2)Zhang likes computer ( ) (3)Miss ( ) (4)There some lakes in Zhang Pengs 7 / ( ) (5) village is beautiful.18. 根据文内容空。 Alice. I TV my in the ev

25、ening. But we looking at is My brother Ben I usually before bedtime, but now telling a (1)Alice is not TV now. at (2)Kitty and are not storybooks now.Their them story.(3)Alice TV with parents in (4) Kitty before bedtime.19. 阅读解。Look! There are many in the room. This is car. It on floor. is red. Its

26、Her are on desk, too. My bag is blue. Its on chair. is my s Its on My sweater on book on is my fathers. books 根据短文内容,判断正 “T” 误 ”。1 car is on floor. (2 on desk. ()3 is wall. ()4 mother has got sweater. ()5 s book is on chair. _)20. 读一,判断误。 Jason. Im a strong My day I PE and I have for is my favourite Its for My teacher is Mr Liu. He PE teacher. tall strong. twenty-two old. He is kind, sometimes is His is much fun. I like him very much. the I often play football and cl


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