文书范本转移注意事项transfer tips_第1页
文书范本转移注意事项transfer tips_第2页
文书范本转移注意事项transfer tips_第3页
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1、服务转移注意事Servicetransfer需要分清客户现在的服务类型:派遣 还是代(单立户商的账户给员工缴社保(供应商大户。a. Needtofigureoutwhichservicetypecustomercurrentlyuses, dispatch or agency?If the service type is agency, we also need to figure out if they use theirowncompanyaccounttopayemployeessocialinsuranceand housing fund or use the providers ac

2、count.如果客户是派遣服务,需要注意的事项与代理服务且是供应商大户缴社保的注意事项一致。b. Ifthecustomer isusingthedispatchservice,theycanfollowthe tips of agency service (using providers account)(补医保他们的人事服务是派遣还是委托,都需关注补医保的转移事项c. If the customer also want to transfer the supplementary insurance service, no matter what HR outsourcing service

3、 they use, they need topayattentiontothesupplementaryinsurancetransfertipsbelow.单立序列如果客户原先社保账号个税缴纳所在区与易才的缴纳区不一致,需要进行社保帐号转移,这时需要客户当地接口人配合填写相关转移表格并盖公 章。易才会提供协北京:社保(朝阳区需要客户提供上海和北京社Agencyservice(usingcustomersIftheprevioussocialaccount or the individual income tax is not in the district list of CTG, we

4、need customer to provide the local focal point to fill in the social insurance account transfertablewithseal,CTGwill assist the customer to do thisfund: Huangpu DistrictZhabei DistrictChaoyang districtNeed customers list of the social insurance, housing fund and the individual income tax accountloca

5、tion.Ifcustomers account is in the area which is thesameasCTGs.Noactionis Employeessocialinsurancehousing 供应序号影响员工福利享受建1220 18 需要通知上家供应商在此截Agencyservice(usingtheprovidersSpecialemployeecheck:getthe list of the employees-InindustrialinjuryInmedicaltreatmentInpregnancyInlactationInmaternityleaveSugges

6、t not employees to CTG now, to avoid the welfare benefitsNeed to check if the employees are in the special The material of the employees needed to pay the social insurance and housing fundattachment 1Notice the employees in advance, tell them the providerwillchangeandallthe materials they need to Pl

7、ease check the notice letter The deadline of the insurance payment every monthevery month Notice the current provider to finish the transfer of all the employees social insurance and housing fund beforethe补充商业保序列孕期中参保生育保险,不能理Supplementary Formal illness Is not Have a comprehensive check to know the

8、employees claim situation: have serious illness, in pregnancy period or having formal illness to avoid the Interruption compensable. The formal isnot 1 :1. 身份证复印件(二代证需提供正反面)2张寸照片2 张Attachment1:employeesmaterialneededtopay socialinsurancehousing BeijingsocialinsuranceinformationregistrationformBothsi

9、desofIDcardBoth sides of the first page of blue book or social insurance card or the provet to get the social insurance card.If the employees cannot provide the three materials above, or they are not sure if they paid social insurance in Beijing before, they need to provide materials as the new empl

10、oyee.If the employees have not had the housing fund co-brand card and paid the housing fund in CTG, they need to fill in the application form of the China merchants bank co-brand or go to the bank to apply the card themselves within 2 month after the transfer or joining the company (they can go to B

11、ank of communications , Industrial and commercial bank, China merchants bank, Construction bank and bank of Beijing)If CTG provide the payroll service for the customer, the copy of employees bank account is needed. The employees should put their name, ID number and bank account number in the blank a

12、rea of the copy. They also need to put the full name of the bank of deposit on the blank area of the copy (except for Industrial and commercial bank)TheemployeeshavetheHukouofBothsidesofIDcardLaborTerminationproveofthepreviousTheemployeesHukouareinruralofnonShanghaiBothsidesofIDcardIf the employee h

13、ad the Hukou of Shanghai before, he also need to provide the Hukou prove or the copy of ID with the address of HukouTheemployeesHukouareincitiesofnonShanghaiBothsidesofIDcard1inch HardcopyoftheTheemployeeswhohaveResidencepermitofBothsidesofIDcardCopyoftheResidencepermit(Numberbeginningwith “CW9”or“C



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