1、人教版新目标九年级第46单元复习综合测试题第二部分 笔试(100分)基础知识运用I.单项选选择:选选择正确确答案填填空。(每每小题11分,共共15分分)1.I ddont hhavee _ ppressentt, aand shee haas _ umbbrellla. A.thhe, /B.aa, aanC.aan, a2.If I _ youu, IId wwearr a shiirt andd tiie. A.ammB.wwasC.wweree3.I tthinnk tthatt thhe _ peooplee doont hhavee annythhingg _. A.ellse, o
2、ttherrB.ootheer, elsseC.ootheer, othher4.Donnt wworrry _ me, plleasse. A.onnB.aatC.aabouut5.If a ffrieend saiid _ aboout youu, wwoulld yyou sayy noothiing? A.soometthinng bbadB.aanytthinng bbadC.bbad sommethhingg6.Shee thhinkks tthatt thhe ssporrt iis nnow _. A.muuch morre iinteernaatioonallB.mmoree
3、 muuch intternnatiionaal C.mucch iinteernaatioonall7.Whhosee nootebbookk iss thhis?It _ be Aliis. It hass heer nnamee onn itt.A.couuld B.muust C.caant8.He sayys hhe hhas _ off frriennds oveer ttherre.A.pleentyy B.a litttleeC.loots of9.He whoo woouldd doo grreatt thhinggs sshouuld nott atttemmpt thee
4、m aall _.A.by herrsellf B.loonelly C.allonee10.Myy paarennts wonnt llet me _ a dogg.A.havvingg B.toohavveC.haave11.I seee _ mmy eeyess, aand speeak _ Enngliish.A.in, wiith B.wiith, wiith C.wiith, inn12._ DDeceembeer 221, 18991, theey pplayyed thee fiirstt baaskeetbaall gamme iin hhisttoryy.A.Beffore
5、eB.InnC.Onn13.Shhe ddoessnt wwantt too leet hher friiendds _.A.up B.doown C.onn14._ iif II doont kknoww annyonne?A.Howw B.WhhoC.Whhat15.I preeferr cllasssicaal mmusiic _ popp muusicc.A.to B.off C.onn参考答案:I.155 BCCBCAA 610 ABAACC 111155 CCCBCAAII.完形形填空:根据短短文内容容,选择择正确答答案填空空。(每每空1分分,共110分)Trafffic accc
6、ideentss kiilleed mmoree thhan 1044,0000 ppeopple in Chiina lasst yyearr. CChinnesee ciitiees hhavee 1 caars thaan bbefoore. Evveryy daay mmanyy peeoplle aare 2 whiile theey ccrosss tthe roaad. Mosst oof 3 arre oold peooplee annd cchilldreen. Oldd peeoplle aare oftten killledd 4 theey uusuaallyy caa
7、ntt seee ccleaarlyy off heear verry wwelll. 5 arre kkillled beccausse ttheyy arre ccareelesss.A carr, ttrucck oor bbus cannt stoop vveryy6 iff itt iss gooingg veery fasst. Thee faasteer aa caar iis ttravvellinng, 7 it takkes to stoop. Butt peeoplle wwalkkingg inn thhe sstreeet do nott allwayys uunde
8、ersttandd thhis. Itts 88 forr peeoplle tto kknoww hoow ffastt a carr iss trraveellingg.The nnew traaffiic llawss weere putt innto usee 9 Mayy 1sst, 20004. Thee neew ttraffficc laaws will 100 thhe sstreeetss saaferr foor wwalkkingg annd ddrivvingg.1.A.bbiggger B.mmoree C.ffeweer D.ssmalllerr2.A.kkill
9、led B.ccaugght C.sshott D.aattaackeed3.A.iit B.yyou C.tthemm D.uus4.A.wwhenn B.bbecaausee C.iif D.tthouugh5.A.DDrivverss B.WWomeen C.OOld peooplee D.CChilldreen6.A.qquiccklyy B.hharddly C.ccleaarlyy D.sslowwly7.A.tthe fassterr B.tthe saffer C.tthe farrtheer D.tthe lonngerr8.A.ddiffficuult B.eeasyy C
10、.ddanggeroous D.ttruee9.A.iin B.aat C.oon D.ffor10.A.takke B.mmakee C.sstopp D.ffindd参考答案:II.15 BBACBBD 66100 ADDACBB 阅读部分分I.阅读理理解:根根据短文文的内容容选择正正确的答答案。(3篇篇,共115分)ATheree arre pplacces in Norrth Ameericca wwherre ggreaat ccitiies oncce sstoood. Theere werre ggarddenss annd ttreees aand graass. Buut n
11、now theese plaacess arre llikee deeserrts. Sccienntissts beggan to stuudy thiis llandd too fiind outt whhat happpenned. Manny oof tthemm beelieeve thee laand dieed wwhenn thhe ttreees wweree cuut ddownn.Treess heelp othher plaantss grrow. Treee rrootts(根根)hoold thee sooil in plaace. Theey kkeepp thh
12、e wwindd frrom bloowinng aawayy thhe ssoill. Leaavess onn thhe ggrouund keeep rrainnwatter froom rruinningg offf. Treees neaar ffarmms ccan hellp tto sstopp sttronng wwindds.Once theere werre hhunddredds oof ffarmms iin tthe souuthwwestt off thhe UUS. Theen tthe farrms turrnedd innto fieeldss off dr
13、ry llandd. Thiis wwas beccausse ffew treees groow ttherre nnow.Now wwe ttry to savve ttreees. In manny pplacces, whhen a ttreee iss cuut ddownn, aa neew ttreee iss pllantted in itss pllacee. We do nott waant thee laand to diee.1.Plaacess whheree grreatt ciitiees sstoood aare noww liike _.A.forrestts
14、 B.ddeseertss C.ffarmms D.ggarddenss2.Thee unnderrlinned worrd “iits” meaans _.A.thee olld ttreees B.tthe neww trreesC.tthe plaaces D.tthe lanndss3.Whyy arre ttreees iimpoortaant?A.Theey tturnn fiieldds iintoo drry llandd. B.TTheyy heelp othher plaantss grrow.C.Theey hhelpp sttronng wwindds bbloww.
15、D.TTheyy keeep raiinwaaterr ruunniing offf.4.Whaat ddoess thhe ttextt teell us?A.Farrms aree beetteer tthann ciitiees. B.TTherre aare so dessertts iin AAmerricaa.C.Lannds willl ddie witthouut ttreees. D.AAll thee trreess arre ccut dowwn.5.Whiich is rigght?A.Youu caantt fiind anyy trreess orr grrasss
16、 inn Noorthh Ammeriica. B.TTreees hhelpp uss liive a llifee ass wee arre lliviing noww.C.Treees groow oonlyy inn deeserrts.D.TTreee caan bbloww sooil awaay.BA lifft iis wwondderfful. Itt iss reeallly oonlyy a smaall rooom. Roooms usuuallly sstayy inn onne pplacce. Liffts traavell upp annd ddownn all
17、l dday lonng.Somettimees aa woorkeer sstannds in thee liift. Hee orr shhe ooperratees iin uup aand dowwn. In moddernn liiftss thheree iss noo woorkeer. Thee peeoplle wwalkk inn. TTheyy knnow whaat fflooor ttheyy waant. Thhey pussh aa buuttoon aand thee liift goees tto tthatt flloorr. IIt iis aall ve
18、rry ffastt annd eeasyy.Liftss arre vveryy immporrtannt tto uus. Whyy? TThinnk aabouut aa taall buiildiing. Maaybee itt haas ttwennty flooorss. MMaybbe iit hhas fiffty or morre. Whoo caan wwalkk upp alll tthe staairss? MMaybbe ppeopple cann cllimbb thhem onee tiime. Caan ssomeeonee cllimbb thhirtty f
19、flooors to an offficee evveryy daay? Cann smmalll chhilddrenn waalk up to theeir rooom oon tthe tweentyy-foourtth fflooor? Cann thheirr mootheer aand fattherr caarryy foood up alll thhosee sttairrs? Of couursee noot.We caan hhavee hiigh buiildiingss beecauuse we havve lliftts. We couuld nott haave a
20、lll thhe bbeauutifful talll bbuilldinngs in thee woorldd wiithoout liffts. Thhey aree reeallly wwondderfful.6.A lliftt loookss liike_.A.a ssmalll rroomm B.aa smmalll hoousee C.aa smmalll laaddeer D.aa smmalll sttairr7.Whiich of thee foolloowinng iis ttruee?A.A mmodeern lifft hhas no butttonns. B.AA
21、mooderrn lliftt haas aa woorkeer tto ooperratee itt. C.AA mooderrn lliftt caan ggo uup aand dowwn wwithh noo woorkeer iin iit. D.AA mooderrn lliftt knnowss whhat flooor peooplee waant.8.If youu waant to go to thee flloorr yoou wwantt, yyou_. A. askk foor hhelpp B.oopenn thhe ddoorr off thhe lliftt C
22、C.riing thee beell D.ppushh thhe rrighht bbuttton9.Whyy doo peeoplle hhavee too usse lliftts? Beccausse_. A.ttheyy haave talll bbuilldinngs B.ttheyy caantt waalk up andd doown C.oold peooplee annd cchilldreen nneedd thhem D.lliftts aare wonnderrfull10.Chhoosse tthe besst ttitlle ffor thiis ttextt.A.
23、Butttonns B.LLiftts C.TTalll buuilddinggs D.CClimmbinng SStaiirsCLook at thee innstrructtionns.LeedssLonndonn Monndayys tto SSatuurdaaysCFCFCFCFMFMFSSMFdep0645 077250740 08845091009451030 110455arr0908 099451014 11112121912121456cc 113122Dep =deppartt (lleavve) CCF =cheeap farre (ticckett) S = SSatu
24、urdaay oonlyyarr = arrrivve CC = chaangee att Pooncaasteer MF = MMondday to Friidayy11.Off alll tthe MF traainss, tthe _ trrainn taakess thhe lleasst ttimee too geet tto LLeedds. A.10445 B.aall thee saame C.008455 D.00725512.Thhe _ trrainn taakess thhe llonggestt tiime as _.A.10330, yoou hhavee too
25、chhangge ttraiins B.009100, itt iss thhe sslowwestt trrainnC.08445, itt iss thhe ccheaapesst D.006455, itt gooes strraigght to Leeeds13.Yoou ccan takke tthe _ trrainn wiith cheeap farre ffromm Moondaay tto SSatuurdaay. A.10330 B.008455 C.110455 D.00945514.Thheree arre _ ttraiins to go froom MMondday
26、 to Satturdday. A.onee B.ttwo C.tthreee D.ffourr15.Thheree arre _ MFF trrainns wwithh chheapp faare.A.fouur B.ffivee C.tthreee D.ttwo参考答案:I.A15 BABBCB B 610 ACBBAB CC 111155 DADDCAII.任务务型阅读读 (110分) 假如你是李李萍,你你的笔友友Anddy正在在美国的的一所学学校学习习汉语,她她给你发发了一个个电子邮邮件。请请根据其其内容,给给予回复复。邮件件的开头头已给出出(不计计入总词词数)。要求:1条条理清楚楚,
27、语意意连贯,句句式规范范,字迹迹工整。 2词词数8001000。参考词汇:lisstenningg abbiliity(能力) spookenn Chhineese viideoo taapess raddio/TV proograamsDear Li Pinng,How aare youu geettiing on? Thhankks ffor telllinng mme ssomeethiing aboout youur sschoool liffe. Im ggladd yooure doiing welll iin yyourr Enngliish stuudy.As yoou kkn
28、oww, II beegann too leearnn Chhineese 2 yyearrs aago. Noow llet me telll yyou sommethhingg abboutt mee Chhineese stuudy. Thhouggh II caan rreadd annd wwritte aa liittlle CChinnesee, IIm sstreeeseed oout(有压力力) bbecaausee Im sstilll wweakk inn liisteeninng aand my spookenn Chhineese isnnt iimprroviing
29、. I finnd iit hhardd too taalk witth tthe peooplee arrounnd iin CChinnesee. II reeallly nneedd soome hellp. Couuld youu giive me somme aadviice(建议)? HHow I wwishh I couuld tallk tto yyou in Chiinesse oone dayy!Hope to heaar ffromm yoou ssoonn. Youurs, AnddyDear Anddy,Glad to heaar ffromm yoou.YYou s
30、ayy yoou hhavee soome proobleems in leaarniing Chiinesse. Donnt wworrry. Lett mee giive youu soome advvicee._参考答案:II.Dear Anddy,Glad to heaar ffromm yoou.YYou sayy yoou hhavee soome proobleems in leaarniing Chiinesse. Donnt wworrry. Lett mee giive youu soome advvicee.If yoou wwantt too immproove you
31、ur llistteniing abiilitty, youud bbettter lisstenn too thhe ttapees aand raddio proograams in Chiinesse. Youu caan wwatcch tthe Chiinesse TTV pproggramms, viddeo tappes or fillms. I thiink theeyre hellpfuul. As forr yoour spookenn Chhineese, I thiink its ggoodd too reead alooud in thee moorniing. Wh
32、hen youu meeet a CChinnesee, yyou mayy goo upp annd ttry to havve aa taalk witth hhim if posssibble. Im ssuree thhe mmoree yoou ppracctisse llistteniing andd sppeakkingg, tthe bettterr yooull do in theem.I hoppe yyoull makke ggreaat pproggresss iin yyourr Chhineese stuudy. Goood lucck! YYourrs, LLi
33、PPingg语言综合运运用I.词汇:按要求求完成下下列各题题。(每每小题11分,共共20分分)A.根据句句意,完完成句中中已给出出首字母母的单词词。1.Youu shhoulld rr_thee ciigarretttes thaat yyourr frriennd ooffeers youu att a parrty.2.I wwantt too haave a pp_ inn Qiingddao Beaach.3.Sheed ggivee thhe mmoneey tto mmediicall r_.4.If my graandmmothher felll dd_, aand wassnt
34、t moovinng, Idd huurryy too caall thee hoospiitall fiirstt.5.Thee maathss teest is cruuciaal bbecaausee itt coountts 330% to thee f_eexamm.6.I hhavee allreaady hadd thhe ffirsst-aaid boook oon tthe neaarbyy s_ in my homme.7.He wannts to takke cc_ off hiis hheallth, soo hee eaats maiinlyy frruitt ann
35、d vvegeetabbless.8.Thee teeachher saiid, “W_ youu doo, ddont mmisss thhis exhhibiitioon.”9.Ivve hhearrd eeatiing burrnt foood llikee thhis cann i_ thee riisk of canncerr.10.Yoou sshouuld c_ tthe cutt wiith a ccleaan cclotth aand preess it harrd.B.根据句句意,用用括号中中所给单单词的合合适形式式填空。11.Id wwaitt foor hher to
36、inttrodducee _(sshe) too mee.12.Yoour friiendds wwoulld pprobbablly ssay youu iss a goood _(lisstenn).13.Thhe oold mann iss onne oof tthe _(diirecct)iin tthe loccal zooo.14.Itt iss leess of a pprobblemm too bee pooor thaan tto bbe _(honnestt).15.I thiink shee iss thhe bbestt knnownn Chhineese _(phho
37、toograaph) inn thhe wworlld ttodaay.16.Itt iss _(hhelpp) tto ggo oout forr a wallk aafteer tthe dinnnerr.17.Whhat do youu thhinkk off thhe ccd ccallled H_ SStriingss?18.Whhat is thee _(bbig) prrobllem a tteennageer hhas?19.Thhe tteaccherr asskedd thhe cclasssmaatess too paay aatteentiion to _(saafe)
38、 onn thhe wway.20.Iff yoou wweree _(ffrinned) too peeoplle, youu woouldd haave morre ffrieendss.参考答案:. A 1.reefusse 2.ppicnnic 3.ressearrch 4.dowwnsttairrs 5.ffinaal 6.shhelff 77.caare 8.Whaatevver 9.inccreaase 10.covver B 111.heerseelf 122.liisteenerr 113.ddireectoors 144.diishoonesst 15.phootoggra
39、ppherr 116.hhelppfull 117.HHearrt 188.biiggeest 199.saafetty 200.moore friienddlyII.句子子:根据据汉语完完成英语语句子,每每空一词词(含缩缩写词)(每小题2分,共10分)。1.你的朋朋友可能能说你容容易相处处。 Yourr frriennds wouuld proobabbly sayy thhat youu arre eeasyy too _ _ witth.2.我认为为社会形形势一点点也不扰扰乱你。 I thhinkk _ ssituuatiionss doont bbothher youu inn thh
40、e _.3.马克吐吐温是一一位著名名的知识识渊博的的作家。 Markk Twwainn iss a fammouss _ _.4.他的最最好的照照片在去去年那个个展览中中陈列。His bbestt phhotoos wweree _ _ in thaat eexhiibittionn laast yeaar.5.那首音音乐使我我记起了了美国人人的舞蹈蹈音乐。 Thatt muusicc _ mme _ Ameericcan dannce mussic.参考答案:II.1.gett allongg 22.soociaal, sliighttestt 33.koonwlledggeabble, a
41、nnthoor 4.oon ddispplayy 55.reeminnds, offIII.补补全对话话:从方方框中选选择适当当的句子子完成对对话。(每每小题11分,共共10分分)AA:Whaat wwoulld yyou do if youu woon aa miilliion dolllarrs?B: 1 A:Whaat wwoulld yyou do if sommeonne aaskeed yyou to be in a mmoviie?B: 2 A:Do youu liike to wattchiing basskettballl mmatcch?B: 3 A:Whaat wwoul
42、ld yyou do if youu waanteed tto bbe ffrieendss wiith a nnew stuudennt?B: 4 A:Whaat aare youu liike?B: 5 A.Idd saay yyes.B.I tthinnk IIm ccreaativve aand outtgoiing.C.Idd giive it to chaarittiess.D.Yess, II doo.E.Idd inntrooducce mmyseelf.BA: 6 B:It musst bbe MMinggs. It hass hiis nnamee onn itt.A: 7
43、 B:It migght meaan “worrrieed”.A: 8 B:If I ssaw a bbig biccyclle aacciidennt II woouldd caall thee poolicce.A: 9 B:Yess, II haave.A: 10 B:I llikee muusicc thhat I ccan sinng aalonng wwithh.A.Whaat oouldd yoou ddo iif yyou saww a bigg biicyccle acccideent?B.Whaat kkindd off muusicc doo yoou llikee?C.
44、Whoose notteboook is thiis?D.Havve yyou eveer bbeenn too Beeijiing?E.Whaat ddo yyou thiink “anxxiouus” meeanss?参考答案:III. A15 CCADEEB B 6110 CCEADDBIV.写作作。(110分)A现在很多多中学生生常去网网吧,请请你根据据下表的的内容写写一篇880词左左右的发发言稿,在在下周的的班会上上发言。要要点必须须齐全。参考词汇:上网 gett onnlinne 影影响 aaffeect益处1. 学会会操作电电脑,了了解更多多信息。2. 玩游游戏,使使人更加加聪明
45、。弊端沉迷游戏,网网上交友友,通信信频繁影影响学习习。建议在校期间认认真学习习,寒暑暑假可上上网。参考答案:Good aftternnoonn, cclasss. Todday lett mee taalk aboout getttinng oonliine. MManyy sttudeentss ennjoyy geettiing onllinee. TTheyy caan llearrn hhow to usee thhe mmodeern macchinne-ccompputeer. Theey ccan gett moore infformmatiion. Itt caan mmake
46、e thhem cleeverrer. Buut ssomee off uss sppendd tooo mmuchh tiime plaayinng ggamees. Somme eevenn maake friiendds oonliine. Thhey wasste mucch ttimee wrritiing lettterrs tto eeachh ottherr. SSo ttheyy doo woorsee annd wworsse aat sstuddy. I tthinnk wwe mmustt sttop getttinng oonliine, beecauuse it a
47、fffectts oour lesssonns. We cann doo itt duurinng ssummmer hollidaay oor wwintter hollidaay.B请根据下下面图画画,写一一篇短文文。要求:1.必须包包括4幅幅图的内内容,可可以适当当增加细细节,短短文意思思连贯通通顺。2.字数在在1000个左右右。注:laddle n.长把把勺 参考答案: OOne dayy, aa booy ccallled Li Leii saaw aa biird on thee grrounnd. He wanntedd too caatchh thhe bbirdd. SSo
48、hhe pput somme ffoodd inn hiis lleftt haand andd hoold a lladlle wwithh hiis rrighht hhandd. HHe wwantted to covver thee biird witth hhis laddle in hiss riightt haand whiile thee biird wass eaatinng tthe foood iin hhis lefft hhandd. BBut wheen hhe lliftted thee laadlee, tthe birrd qquiccklyy fllew u
49、p awaay. Andd whhen thee laadlee feell dowwn, it jusst hhit hiss leeft hannd. Li Leii crriedd.附:(请选选择采用用)I.动词应应用:根根据句意意,用括括号内所所给动词词的正确确形式填填空,必必要时可可加助动动词。(每每小题11分,共共10分)1.I_(bbe) tooo tiiredd _(ssleeep) welll llastt niightt.2.Whaat _ youu _(ddo) if youu _(ffindd) aa waalleet yyestterdday?3.He usuuall
50、ly _(stuudy) byy _(llookk) aat oold tessts.4.Whhichh coounttry _ yoou _(be) too? I _(go) too Viietnnam lasst yyearr.5.I tthinnk tthatt itt miightt _(bbe) a mman _(riide) a horrse.6.Thee chhilddrenn _(llookk) ffor a qquieet pplacce _(go) onn vaacattionn noow.7.Thee giirl _(liike) muusicc shhe ccan _(siing) allongg wiith.8.Shees nnot surre wwhatt _(eexpeect) beecauuse shee _ nneveer _(seee) aan IIndiian fillm.9.Thee sttudeentss _(llovee) ssinggerss whho _(wriite
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- 交通运输行业智能化交通规划与建设方案
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- 1.1北京市基本概况与主要文旅资源《地方导游基础知识》(第四版)PPT
- 综述的写作方法与技巧课件
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- 机械设计基础网考题库答案 吉林大学
- 新苏教版科学六年级下册全册教案(含反思)
- 触电事故应急处置卡
- 国际贸易运输方式课件
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