1、Basic Essay StructureIntroduction(Thesis Sentence)BodyConclusionIntroduction Paragraphbackground information setting the stage for your ideas,arguments and points-of-view(note: may be more than one paragraph)Ideas for Introductionsillustrationsurprising fact or ideaContradictionQuestionDefinition Be
2、gin with an illustrationAll week, fourth-grade teacher Jennifer McKee became a student again. For six hours a day, she sat in front of a machine trying to understand instructions, asking questions, and making mistakes. McKee is just one of thousands of teachers around the country who are learning to
3、 use computers for use in the classroom. Begin with a surprising fact or ideaMillions of law-abiding Americans are physically addicted to caffeineand most of them dont even know it. Caffeine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant with substantial addiction potential. As with other addictive
4、drugs, heavy users develop a tolerance and require higher doses to obtain the expected effect.Begin with a contradiction Most people believe that stress has a negative effect on their lives. Under severe stress, most people cannot function effectivelyor at all. Yet stress is not necessarily bad. Con
5、trary to popular opinion, people can learn to turn stress into a valuable asset in the classroom and workplace. Begin with a QuestionWhat kind of person goes to movies at least three times a week? A film buff, thats who. Film buffs will go anywhere, almost anytime, to see a movie. They spend much of
6、 their lives sitting in uncomfortable seats in dark movie theaters. Even so, their hobby can be interesting, exciting, and rewarding. Begin with a QuestionKate Chopins novel, The Awakening, was reportedly banned from the library in her own home town. Experts disagree as to whether this ever really h
7、appened, but why would the people of her town want to ban her novel? What is in her story that is so shocking?”Begin with a DefinitionThe term pit bull is applied to a number of mixed breeds of dogs related to the American Bull Terrier. This animal is sleek, agile, strong, loyal, and lovable. Lately
8、, these animals have achieved notoriety because of their attacks against humansMany states have proposed laws that would make it a crime to own a pit bull. Questions to ask after reading an introductionDo I know what the subject of the paper is? Does it establish the writers position? Did the writer
9、 use the best kind of introduction for this essay? Would a quotation, statistic etc, have been more effective? Subject matter and ApproachDid I use the best introduction?Does my subject present its own approach?Does my essay provide its own structure?Subject matter and approachAll week, fourth-grade
10、 teacher Jennifer McKee became a student again. For six hours a day, she sat in front of a machine trying to understand instructions, asking questions, and making mistakes. McKee is just one of thousands of teachers around the country who are learning to use computers for use in the classroom. Subje
11、ct matter and approachMillions of law-abiding Americans are physically addicted to caffeineand most of them dont even know it. Caffeine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant with substantial addiction potential. As with other addictive drugs, heavy users develop a tolerance and require high
12、er doses to obtain the expected effect.Final Remarks on Introduction ParagraphBy the time you reach the end of your introductory paragraph, you should be ready to state the thesis of your essay. The introduction need not give away all your opinions and conclusions, but should give your reader a clea
13、r idea of what you will be discussing. Body of EssayTo give supporting evidence for your thesis sentenceEach paragraph must contain a topic sentenceUse of transitions words and phrases to link paragraphs togetherBody of EssayFamiliar to unfamiliar General to particular Weak to strong pointsTransitio
14、n to ConclusionConclusionRestatement of Thesis SentenceRestatement of main argumentsGives readers a chance to make sure they have understood your essayShould not introduce new ideasConclusionWhat you say in your conclusion should match what you said in your introductionThe conclusion should be a res
15、tatement (but not a mere repetition) of your thesisThe conclusion shows more fully and clearly what you have been arguing. ConclusionThe introduction is a forecast, while the conclusion is a final analysis. May suggest a way in which the material you have covered applies to a larger concern. May con
16、tain a prediction of what is aheadConclusion Example Our actual knowledge of the unconscious shows that it is a natural phenomenon and that, like Nature itself, it is at least neutral. It contains all aspects of human nature-light and dark, beautiful and ugly, good and evil, profound and silly. The
17、study of individual, as well as of collective, symbolism is an enormous task, and one that has not yet been mastered. But a beginning has been made at last. The early results are encouraging, and they seem to indicate an answer to many so far unanswered questions of present-day mankind. (Carl Jung A
18、pproaching the Unconscious )Basic Essay StructureIntroduction: background informationThesis Sentence: provides argumentBody: main supporting pointsConclusion: restatement of thesis sentence, summarizes your argument, main points of your essayBasic Essay StructureIntroduction: THESIS SENTENCEBody: Consists of supporting points. Each paragraph has a topic sentence followed by supporting arguments.Number of paragraphs based on number of supporting points. Transitions: words or phrases to link supporting points and paragraphs together. Conclusion: summary of main points and
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