1、(单选题)1: sag.A: to hang loosely or unevenly B: feel very sadC: mean正确答案: A(单选)2: Jordan wasabout his most watched comeback. A: anxiousB: fearful C: excited D: modest. 正确答案: D(单选题)3: boostA: to encourage or improve B: to help othersC: bellicose 正确答案: A)4:WhydotheAmericanthinkthataTaliban-dominatedgove
2、rnmentrepresents a preferable alternative?A: It is better than the faction-ridden coalition in all aspectsB:TheythinkitseemsbentonrestoringatraditionalsocietyinAfghanistan,rather thanexporting an Islamic revolution.C: They can completely end the Anarchy in Afghanistan. D: None of the above.正确答案: B)5
3、: What idea threaten the monarchy? A: socialismB: C: communismD: internationalism. 正确答案: B(单选题)6: Emil Scuka is -.A: a Slovak-born lawyer, president of the International Romany Union B: a Spanian-born lawyer, president of the International Romany Union C: a Portugal-born lawyer, president of the Int
4、ernational Romany A(单选题)7: How many Scots favor some form of devolution from London? A: 20%B:42%C:78%D:85%正确答案: C(单选题)8: Los Angeless Cardinal - has required that al priests in archdiocese be fluent in Spanish as well as English.A: Jorge Ramos B: Roger Mahony C: Homero LunaD: David 正确答案: B)9: A: out
5、doorsB: indoors C: work 正确答案: A)10: discreet A: prudenceB: secret C: 正确答案: )11: What do radio talk shows advice people to A: Drivers can only overcharge a little.B: Industry managers must make sure company vans do not run on the C: People should not spit on the ground.D: All the people in Beijing sh
6、ould go to school to learn English very well. 正确答案: D(单选题)12: Which of the following statement is true?A: According to a 1999 study, women and minority doctoral students are more likely than white male doctoral students to want to be faculty members.B:Regrettably,withoutthiskindofinternalpressure,th
7、eprofessoriateislikely to remain relatively homogeneous even as the student well served by this trend. C:Womenmakeuponlyone-quarterofallfullprofessors,earnconsiderablylessthan menateveryrankandholdadisproportionatelyhighnumberofpart-timeandnontenure track positions.D:Numerousstudies,includingourown,
8、haveshownthatwomenandminorityprofessors do not experience social isolation any more.正确答案: C(单选题)13: Which organization announced an emergency meeting to be held in Geneva this week?A: WTO B: WHO C: USO D: EU正确答案: B(单选)14: If the managers or organizations find their get just fine without vacationing
9、employee, the employee will be.A: paid B: promotedC: given more vacation D: insecure正确答案: D(单选题)15: eligibleA: qualified or entitled to be chosen B: deliciousC: accelerate 正确答案: A(单选)16: The 1996 law created the Temporary Assistant For Needy Families, slapped alifetime on an individuals right to col
10、lect benefits.A: ten-yearB: twelve-year C: five-year D: twenty-year 正确答案: C(单选题)17: brunt .A: the main impact or force B: help sbC: never refuse others 正确答案: A(单选题)18: What happened while Israel was tightening its ring of tanks and rifles around the Palestinian leader?A: A suicide bomber struck the
11、people in the restaurant of B: An explosion happened in a restaurant of HaifaC: A suicide bomber killed himself and 22 others in Netanya D: None of the above正确答案: B)19: Public A: 公众议程B: 公共设施C: 公共交通D: 公共日程正确答案: )20: college rankings A: 大学比赛B: 大学校友会C: 大学排行榜正确答案: C)21:Asian-Americanfull-timefacultymemb
12、ersmakeuppercent of total.A: 2.6B: 5.5C: 4.4D: 4.9正确答案: B)22: assail A: future generationB: a sudden, violent disruption or C: attack with ridicule or censure正确答案: C(单选)23:is a spokeswoman for the American Association of Health A: Gerald D. KleczkaB: John Dl C: Susan M. D: Stephanie Sue Stein 正确答案:
13、C(单选题)24: Where did the investment in Wales come from? A: U.S.AB: Japan C: France D: Germany 正确答案: (单选题)25: virtueA: to express sorrow or regret B: good qualityC: experimental test 正确答案: B(单选题)26: erode.A: be fall in troubleB: to destroy or wear sth away gradually C: attack abruptly正确答案: B(单选题)27: c
14、ommissionA: carry out a particular task B: suffering from neurosisC: prestige 正确答案: A(单选题)28: Nicholas Gheorge, an expert on Gypsy affairs at the OSCE, reckons that therewould be moremembers in governments of European countries. A: GypsyB: Jewish C: D: China正确答案: A)29: bulky . A: of or for B: taking
15、 up much space C: never give up正确答案: B(单选题)30: General Accounting Office A: 会计办公室B: 普通会计学C: 审计总局正确答案: C)31:Economic development depends onthatlocalgovernmentmustkeepor her doors to every visitor.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案: B(判断题)32: The reason Gore lost in the election is that he was not a devotional follower o
16、f a religion.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案: A)33:Nixon stillbelievesthatCommunistpartywillbetheenemyoftheUnited States forever.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案: B(判断题)34: Its not the differences in a marriage that cause problems but how a couple handles the difference .A: 错误B: 正确正确答案: B)35: Dublin is the finalist city for A: 错误B: 正
17、确正确答案: A)36:Admissionsofficesateliteschoolsincludemanyothercriteriaindecisionsgrades, extracurricular activities, recommendations, essaysinterviews.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案: B)37: The candidate often mentioned God during the election, because wanted to be blessed by God.A: 错误B: 正确正确答案: A)38: The Australian go
18、vernment apologized for the Stolen generation. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案: A)39: To build a highway is to bring visitors convenience and safety. A: 错误B: 正确正确答案: B)40: The investment in Wales comes from A: 错误B: 正确正确答案: B(单选题)1: sag.A: to hang loosely or unevenly B: feel very sadC: mean正确答案: A(单选)2: Jordan wasabo
19、ut his most watched comeback. A: anxiousB: fearful C: excited D: modest. 正确答案: D(单选题)3: boostA: to encourage or improve B: to help othersC: bellicose 正确答案: A)4:WhydotheAmericanthinkthataTaliban-dominatedgovernmentrepresents a preferable alternative?A: It is better than the faction-ridden coalition i
20、n all aspectsB:TheythinkitseemsbentonrestoringatraditionalsocietyinAfghanistan,rather thanexporting an Islamic revolution.C: They can completely end the Anarchy in Afghanistan. D: None of the above.正确答案: B)5: What idea threaten the monarchy? A: socialismB: C: communismD: internationalism. 正确答案: B(单选
21、题)6: Emil Scuka is -.A: a Slovak-born lawyer, president of the International Romany Union B: a Spanian-born lawyer, president of the International Romany Union C: a Portugal-born lawyer, president of the International Romany 正确答案: A(单选题)7: How many Scots favor some form of devolution from London?A:2
22、0%B:42%C:78%D:85%正确答案: C(单选题)8: Los Angeless Cardinal - has required that al priests in archdiocese be fluent in Spanish as well as English.A: Jorge Ramos B: Roger Mahony C: Homero LunaD: David 正确答案: B)9: A: outdoorsB: indoors C: work 正确答案: A)10: discreet A: prudenceB: secret C: 正确答案: )11: What do r
23、adio talk shows advice people to A: Drivers can only overcharge a little.B: Industry managers must make sure company vans do not run on the C: People should not spit on the ground.D: All the people in Beijing should go to school to learn English very well. 正确答案: D(单选题)12: Which of the following stat
24、ement is true?A: According to a 1999 study, women and minority doctoral students are more likely than white male doctoral students to want to be faculty members.B:Regrettably,withoutthiskindofinternalpressure,theprofessoriateislikely to remain relatively homogeneous even as the student well served b
25、y this trend. C:Womenmakeuponlyone-quarterofallfullprofessors,earnconsiderablylessthan menateveryrankandholdadisproportionatelyhighnumberofpart-timeandnontenure track positions.D:Numerousstudies,includingourown,haveshownthatwomenandminorityprofessors do not experience social isolation any more.正确答案:
26、 C(单选题)13: Which organization announced an emergency meeting to be held in Geneva this week?A: WTO B: WHO C: USO D: EU正确答案: B(单选)14: If the managers or organizations find their get just fine without vacationing employee, the employee will be.A: paid B: promotedC: given more vacation D: insecure正确答案:
27、 D(单选题)15: eligibleA: qualified or entitled to be chosen B: deliciousC: accelerate 正确答案: A(单选)16: The 1996 law created the Temporary Assistant For Needy Families, slapped alifetime on an right to collect benefits.A: ten-yearB: twelve-year C: five-year D: twenty-year 正确答案: C(单选题)17: brunt .A: the mai
28、n impact or force B: help sbC: never refuse others 正确答案: A(单选题)18: What happened while Israel was tightening its ring of tanks and rifles around the Palestinian leader?A: A suicide bomber struck the people in the restaurant of B: An explosion happened in a restaurant of HaifaC: A suicide bomber kill
29、ed himself and 22 others in Netanya D: None of the above正确答案: B)19: Public A: 公众议程B: 公共设施C: 公共交通D: 公共日程正确答案: )20: college rankings A: 大学比赛B: 大学校友会C: 大学排行榜正确答案: C)21:Asian-Americanfull-timefacultymembersmakeuppercent of total.A: 2.6B: 5.5C: 4.4D: 4.9正确答案: B)22: assail A: future generationB: a sudden,
30、 violent disruption or C: attack with ridicule or censure正确答案: C(单选)23:is a spokeswoman for the American Association of Health A: Gerald D. KleczkaB: John Dl C: Susan M. D: Stephanie Sue Stein 正确答案: C(单选题)24: Where did the investment in Wales come from? A: U.S.AB: Japan C: France D: Germany 正确答案: (单
31、选题)25: virtueA: to express sorrow or regret B: good qualityC: experimental test 正确答案: B(单选题)26: erode.A: be fall in troubleB: to destroy or wear sth away gradually C: attack abruptly正确答案: B(单选题)27: commissionA: carry out a particular task B: suffering from neurosisC: prestige 正确答案: A(单选题)28: Nicholas Gheorge, an expert on Gypsy affairs at the OSCE, reckons that therewould be moremembers in governments of European countries. A: GypsyB: Jewish C: D: China正确答案: A)29: bulky . A: of or for B: taking up much space C: never give up正确答案: B(单选题)30: Gen
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