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1、How to Stop Having Horrible MondaysScience explains how to start your workweek(工作周) right.KEY POINTS Mondays are linked to increases in stress, suicides(自杀), and even heart attacks(心脏病发作).The stress and health risks observed on Mondays are mostly explained by weekend changes in our sleep cycles(睡眠周期

2、).Disrupted sleep cycles cause hormone(激素,荷尔蒙) changes that result in fatigue(疲劳), stress, and impaired organ function(器官功能受损).Sticking to the same schedule on the weekend as you do during the week can make Mondays more pleasant and less stressful.如何停止可怕的星期一科学解释了如何正确地开始你的工作周。关键点星期一与压力增加、自杀、甚至心脏病发作有关

3、。周一观察到的压力和健康风险主要是由于我们周末睡眠周期的变化。睡眠周期紊乱导致激素改变,导致疲劳、压力、器官功能受损。在周末坚持与平时一样的日程安排,可以让周一更愉快,压力更小。There is no other day like Monday in the U.S. While(尽管) we thank God for Friday, celebrate the weekend, and at least tolerate(宽容,容忍)Tuesday through Thursday, Monday to most people is the emotional equivalent(相等的

4、事物) of the rock in Charlie Browns Halloween candy. Against(与.相反)otherwise near-universal antipathy(反感), perhaps Mondays only saving grace(唯一的可取之处) is being the most common day for federal holidays.译文:在美国没有哪一天像星期一这样。虽然我们在星期五“感谢上帝”,庆祝周末,并至少容忍星期二到星期四,但星期一对大多数人来说就像是查理布朗万圣节糖果里出现的一块石头。与其他几乎引起普遍反感的事物相反,也许周

5、一唯一的可取之处是联邦假期最常见的一天。Unpopularity(不受欢迎) is only the beginning of Mondays problems, however. Monday, for example, is associated with the highest levels of emotional stress(情绪压力), the lowest rates of work productivity(工作效率), and higher rates of suicides(自杀) for both men and women. And these adverse psy

6、chological and behavioral outcomes(负面的心理行为后果) are paralleled with (比得上,同时发生)remarkable precision by increases in negative physical health outcomes such as workplace accidents and even strokes and heart attacks.译文:然而,不受欢迎只是周一问题的开端。例如,星期一与最高水平的情绪压力、最低的工作效率以及更高的男女性自杀率有关。这些有害的心理行为结果与愈加低下的身体健康结果(例如职场事故甚至

7、中风和心脏病发作)齐头并进。Arguably(按理说) the most infamous and dangerous Monday of all is the spring forward Monday following the March daylight savings time weekend. Studies indicate that a 6 to 8 percent increase in fatal car accidents(致命的车祸)translating to two to three dozen(一打,12个) excess deaths each yearoccu

8、r on this grim Monday.译文:可以说,最臭名昭著和最危险的星期一是三月夏令时周末之后“春天来临”的星期一。 研究表明,在这个讨厌的星期一,致命车祸增加了 6% 到 8%相当于每年多出24至36人死亡。PS: daylight savings是指夏时制,或者夏令时间,一般在天亮早的夏季人为将时间调快,使人早睡早睡,节约用电。Why Are Mondays So Hard? 为什么星期一这么难?Why is Monday such a recurring wrecking ball(反复造成破坏的球) on our physical and emotional health a

9、nd what can we do to prevent it? In the case of the daylight savings effect(夏令时效应), there is a near-annual exercise by Congress to solve this problem by canceling daylight savings entirely. However, because of the varied and arguably negative effects of such legislation(立法) in areas such as the nort

10、heastern U.S., this effort rarely gains traction(受欢迎). And even if the daylight savings ritual(仪式)did become a memory, we would still bear the other negative Monday consequences. For this reason, a broader and more practical solution is clearly necessary.译文:为什么星期一就像对我们的身心健康反复造成破坏的球,我们可以做些什么来防止它呢? 在夏

11、令时效应的例子中,国会几乎每年都会通过完全取消夏令时来解决这个问题。 然而,由于此类立法在美国东北部等地区可以说造成了各种负面影响,这项努力并不受欢迎。 即使夏令时仪式确实成为了记忆,我们仍然会承担周一的其他负面后果。出于这个原因,一个更广泛和更实际的解决方案显然是必要的。To understand the solution, it is first necessary to explain the surprising power of sleep deprivation(睡眠剥夺) and circadian dysfunction(昼夜节律功能紊乱). Subjectively(主观上)

12、, most people underestimate(低谷) the effects of changing their sleep patterns on their health and function. Although laboratory studies, for example, indicate that even one to two hours of reduced sleep produces measurable cognitive impairment, hormone disruption, accelerated biological aging, and ev

13、en adverse patterns of gene activation, most of these changes are invisible to our conscious awareness. Only when the effects reach a threshold of high intensitysuch as jet lag or episodes of insomnia(失眠)do we typically notice them.译文:要了解解决方案,首先有必要解释睡眠剥夺和昼夜节律功能障碍的惊人力量。主观上,大多数人低估了改变睡眠模式对他们的健康和功能的影响。例

14、如,尽管实验室研究表明,即使减少一到两个小时的睡眠也会产生可测量的认知障碍、激素破坏、加速衰老,甚至是基因激活的不利模式,但这些大多数变化在我们的意识水平是不可见的。只有当影响达到高强度阈值时(例如时差或失眠发作),我们通常才会注意到它们。In the case of jet lag, most adults are familiar with the combination of fatigue, mental slowing, and increased negative affect that results from traveling across multiple time zon

15、es, as well as the days of recovery often needed to restore normal feelings and function. Jet lag is an example of the circadian disruption that occurs when our sleep-wake cycle becomes misaligned with(不符合,不一致) the 24-hour schedule to which our body is accustomed. And the cognitive, emotional, and p

16、hysical side effects of jet lag are caused by a complex collection of hormones whose careful regulation has gone awry(出错).译文:大多数成年人并对此非常熟悉,他们在经历时差时,也会同时遭受疲劳、思维缓慢和因穿越多个时区而增加的负面影响,以及需要数天恢复正常感觉和功能通常。时差是昼夜节律紊乱的一个例子,当我们的睡眠-觉醒周期与我们身体习惯的 24 小时时间表不一致时,就会发生这种情况。时差带来的认知、情绪和身体的副作用是由复杂的激素集结引起的,这些激素的仔细调节出错了。Alth

17、ough jet lag and the painful symptoms(症状) of circadian dysfunction that result from multiple time zone changes are rare events for most Americans, tens of millions unintentionally(无意) induce(引诱) an only slightly less severe case of social jet lag or weekend jet lag on themselves every week. As shown

18、 in the table below, the typical person in the U.S. follows a markedly different(显著不同) sleep schedule from Monday to Friday than from Friday to Sunday. In many cases, this change in the sleep-wake cycle is as much as several hours.译文:尽管时差和由于多个时区变化而导致的昼夜节律失调的痛苦症状对大多数美国人来说是罕见的事件,但数以千万计的人无意中在自己身上诱发了稍微不

19、那么严重的“社交时差”或“周末时差”。寻常美国人周一至周五的睡眠时间表与周五至周日的睡眠时间表明显不同。 在许多情况下,睡眠-觉醒周期的这种变化长达几个小时。Following a week of regular school or work hours, for example, a person may take advantage of their obligation-free(无责任/义务的) Saturday to both stay up later on Friday night and sleep in on Saturday morning. A similar patte

20、rn may be followed on Saturday night and Sunday morning.译文:例如,在正常上学或工作一周后,一个人可能会利用他们无任务的周六,从而在周五晚上熬夜和周六早上睡觉。周六晚上和周日早上可能会遵循类似的模式。In this mere 48 hours, the sleep-wake alteration(change改变) markedly(显著地) shifts the persons internal clock and hormone cycles. For example, cortisol(皮质醇) (our primary stres

21、s hormone) levels that typically rise one to two hours before the person rises for school or work (early a.m. cortisol helps us wake up in the morning but typically declines after this cyclic peak) shift to occur a couple of hours later due to their later waking time. Similarly, melatonin(褪黑素) level

22、snormally peaking in the evening hours before the person is retiring before their school/workdaynow start later across the weekend to align with(使一致) their later bedtime.译文:在这短短的 48 小时内,睡眠-觉醒变化显着改变了人的内部时钟和激素周期。 例如,皮质醇(我们的主要压力荷尔蒙)水平通常会在人们起床上学或工作前一到两个小时上升(清晨皮质醇有助于我们早上起床,但通常在这个循环高峰之后下降)转变为一对夫妇 几个小时后,因为

23、他们醒的时间较晚。 同样,褪黑激素水平通常在人们上学/工作日之前退休前的晚上几个小时达到峰值现在在周末晚些时候开始,以与他们后来的就寝时间保持一致。And many other hormones partly regulated by circadian mechanisms such as estrogen, testosterone, growth hormone, thyroid hormone, insulin, and other appetite hormones all scramble(攀爬,争夺) to catch up. These hormone cycles have

24、profound effects not only on our feelings of well-being but even on the function of our internal organs. Therefore, when were out of alignment with our natural sleep schedules, we become vulnerable to a host of negative physical and psychological consequences.译文:许多其他部分受昼夜节律机制调节的激素,如雌激素、睾酮、生长激素、甲状腺激素

25、、胰岛素和其他食欲激素都争先恐后地迎头赶上。这些荷尔蒙周期不仅对我们的幸福感,甚至对我们内脏的功能都有深远的影响。因此,当我们不符合我们的自然睡眠时间表时,我们就会容易受到一系列负面身心后果的影响。Then comes Monday. Following 48 hours of a late-shifted sleep-wake cycle, our cortisol levels are now peaking during our commute to work and across the morning instead of before waking up. Increased st

26、ress and negative affect are the subjective results.译文:接着到了星期一。 在经过 48 小时的晚班制似的睡眠-觉醒周期之后,我们的皮质醇水平现在在我们通勤上班和整个早上而不是醒来之前达到峰值。增加的压力和负面影响是主观结果。The delayed(推迟的) melatonin release in the evenings caused by the weekend means it will be harder to fall asleep Monday night. Waking up much earlier on Monday th

27、an on Saturday and Sunday has probably also induced(引诱) insulin and leptin(瘦素) resistance, affecting mood, cognitive function, appetite, and blood glucose(葡萄糖) control (sure enough, blood glucose tends to be worse on Mondays). The effects of this hormone dysregulation(失调) are so strong as to even re

28、duce the ability of our hearts to respond to stress, increasing our risk of cardiovascular (心血管的)events such as heart attacks.译文:周末引起的晚上褪黑激素释放延迟,这意味着周一晚上更难入睡。 周一比周六日起得更早很可能还诱发了胰岛素和瘦素抵抗,影响情绪、认知功能、食欲和血糖控制(果然,周一血糖往往更糟)。这种激素失调的影响如此强烈,甚至会降低我们心脏对压力的反应能力,增加我们患心脏病等心血管事件的风险。What Can Be Done to Make Mondays B

29、etter?可以做些什么来让星期一变得更好?The most effective and practical solution to our culture of Monday maladies is to minimize changes in our sleep-wake cycle between weekdays and weekends. If the physical and psychological harms associated with Mondays are the result of hormone disruptions caused by weekend chan

30、ges in our circadian cycle, the natural remedy is to reduce the degree of these circadian changes.译文:对我们的周一痼疾文化最有效和实用的解决方案是尽量减少工作日和周末之间睡眠-觉醒周期的变化。 如果与星期一相关的身体和心理伤害是由于周末昼夜节律变化引起的激素紊乱的结果,那么自然的补救措施就是减少这些昼夜节律变化的程度。This solution is firmly grounded in science. For example, studies show that the degree of impairment in heart rate variability caused by social/weekend jet lag is directly related to the si


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