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1、简介医学词汇的来源基本构词方法读音规则简介简介简介语言大致有三要素: 语音、语法、词汇从语音上看,医学英语与普通英语的读音规则、发音方法没有明显差别。从语法上看,医学英语虽然有自己的一些特点,如大量使用被动语态、非谓语动词等,但仍属于普通英语的范畴,并没有形成独立的语法体系。医学英语词汇概述培训课件Public EnglishEnglishProfessionalMedicineMedical EnglishPublic EnglishMedical English而就词汇而言,医学英语中大量出现专业词汇和术语(terminology ),可占到全文的10%20%。由于医学是一门复杂的科学,历

2、史悠久,分支众多,所以其词汇量也就特别大,而且有着一些显著的特点。一般来说,词形较复杂、长度较长的医学英语词汇都包含了一定的医学英语词根词缀。医学英语词汇概述培训课件在一本中等容量的字典里医学专业词汇有多少? 保守估计大约100,000个而且在一个发展中的领域,这个数字还在迅速地扩大memorization!在一本中等容量的字典里医学专业词汇有多少? Learn Medical TerminologyNew students to Medical Terminology often bewildered by strange spelling and pronunciation.Learn M

3、edical TerminologypneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisAnkylosing Spondylitis Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica Fibromyalgia Tenosynoritis Myeloradiculopathy Osteomalacia Scoliosis SpondylolysisChonechondrosternonCavoequinovarusEnchondromatosisOsteomyelitispneumonoultramicroscopicsilico各个领域造

4、就的最长单词不一而论,大部分情况下公认最长的单词是: 共1934个字母的“色氨酸合成酶A蛋白质”(一种含有267种氨基酸酶)的全称: MethionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolyphenylalanYlvalythreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutami






10、oleucylglutamylglutaminylHistidylasparaginyliSoleucylglutamylprolylglutamyllysylmethionylleucylalanylalanylleucyllysylvalylphenylalanylcalylglutaminylprolylmethionlysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserine(1934个字母) 各个领域造就的最长单词不一而论,大部分情况下公认最长的单词是医学英语词汇概述培训课件学习和记忆医学专业词汇有一定的方法,也可以帮助“理性的”猜出不熟悉的词汇的意思 这样,需要记住

11、的词汇限于 400到500 个左右(常用的),但它们的组合是无限的 学习和记忆医学专业词汇有一定的方法,也可以帮助“理性的”猜出electrocardiogram + -gram 书写、图;记录electro-电的、电子的+ cardio- 心脏electrocardiogram + -gramelecpneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisnju:mnultrmaikrskpiksilikvlkeinukuniusis 医硅酸盐沉着病,矽肺病pneumono- (of lung) ultra- (beyond) micro (very sma

12、ll) scopic- (of viewing or observing) silico- (of silicon) volcano coni- ( koni, of dust) osis-(forming the name of a disease) pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicoEverything solved?-Far from it!Everything solved?-Far from 医学词汇的来源医学词汇的来源医学英语在其长期的发展过程中受到多种语言的影响,其词汇大约75%来源于Greek(希腊语)及Latin(拉丁语) :Anglo-Saxon

13、(古英语): 医学英语中人体部分的名称主要来源于此,如handfootarm, eye, ear, chin, heart, bone etc. 这些词汇至今应用频率仍很高医学英语词汇概述培训课件Greek (希腊语):主要是大部分的医学复合词汇:dyspepsia消化不良pharyngeal咽的医学英语词汇概述培训课件Latin (拉丁语):很多医学术语来源于此,如:mammal 哺乳动物pectorals 胸肌abdominal 腹部的 1895年,国际公认拉丁语为世界医药界国际用语,正规的处方或药名应该用拉丁语书写。医学英语词汇概述培训课件French (法语):对医学英语的影响比不上G

14、reek(希腊语)及Latin(拉丁语),位居第三,如:massage 按摩 goitre 甲状腺肿Italian (意大利语):如:influenza 流行性感冒malaria疟疾医学英语词汇概述培训课件Spanish (西班牙语):如:mosquito蚊子Japanese (日语):如:Ginseng人参Spanish (西班牙语):如:Chinese? 阴yin 阳yang气功qigong拔火罐(fire) cupping Chinese? 基本构词方法 基本构词方法three elements used to make up a medical term: word rootsSuff

15、ixesPrefixesthree elements used to make upWord Roots (WR)The main part or foundation of the word is the root. Usually derived form Greek or Latin Frequently indicates a body partMost medical terms have one or more word rootsWord Roots (WR)The main part oIdentify the word root in the following non-me

16、dical words:teacher, teaches, teaching (teach)speaking, speaker, speaks (speak)reader, reading, reads (read)Word roots in medical terminology are usually derived from Greek or Latin and usually refer to a body part.Identify the word root in the Examples of Word RoodsExamples of Word RoodsCombining F

17、orm (CF) is a Word Root (WR) plus a vowel, usually an “o”Usually indicates a body partCombining Forms (CF)Combining Form (CF) is a Word Combining Forms ExamplesCardi/ + o = cardi/oheartgastr/ + o = gastr/ostomachhepat/ + o = hepat/olivernephr/ + o = nephr/okidneyoste/ + o = oste/oboneCombining Forms

18、 ExamplesCardi/Compound WordCompound words can be formed when 2 or more word roots are used to build the word. Sometimes word roots are words.Word root + word root = Compound wordChicken + Pox = Chickenpox Word root word root compound wordExamples: underage, shorthand, download, brainstem Compound W

19、ordCompound words caCompound WordCompound word can also be formed from a combining form and a whole word.Therm/o + meter = Therm/o/meter Combining form word compound wordCompound WordCompound word canSuffixesA suffix is added to the end of a word root to modify its meaning. The suffix will usually t

20、ell what is happening to the root. A combining vowel is often used to connect a suffix to a root term. Suffix usually indicates a procedure, condition, disease, or part of speechUsually derived from Greek or LatinSuffixesA suffix is added to tExamples of SuffixArthr/o-centesis Arthrocentesisjoint pu

21、ncture puncture of a jointthroac/o -tomy Thoracotomychest incision incision of the chestgastr/o -megaly Gastromegalystomach enlargement enlargement of the stomachExamples of SuffixArthr/o-cenSuffix: Singular vs. PluralGreekSingular Suffixes-on Spermatozoon, ganglion-maCarcinoma, lipoma-sisCrisis, pr

22、ognosis-nxLarynx, pharynx Plural Suffixes-aSpermatozoa, ganglia-mataCarcinomata, lipomata-sesCrises, prognoses-gesLarynges, pharyngesSuffix: Singular vs. PluralGreSuffix: Singular vs. PluralLatinSingular Suffixes-a Vertebra, conjunctiva-usBacillus, bronchus-umBacterium, ilium-is TestisPlural Suffixe

23、s-aeVertebrae, conjunctivae-iBacilli, bronchi-aBacteria, ilia-esTestesSuffix: Singular vs. PluralLatSuffix: Singular vs. PluralLatinSingular Suffixes-ex cortex-ixAppendix-axthoraxPlural Suffixes-icescortices-icesappendices-acesthoracesSuffix: Singular vs. PluralLatPrefixesWord element located at the

24、 beginning of a wordChanges the meaning of the word. It will usually tell something more specific about the word root. Usually indicates a number, time, position, direction, color, or sense of negationPrefixesWord element located aExamples of PrefixA- mast -ia without breast conditionhyper- therm -i

25、a excessive heat conditionintra- muscul -ar in muscle relating toExamples of PrefixA- Word AnalysisHEMATOLOGYHEMAT/O/LOGY Root Suffix(blood) (Study of)Combining VowelWhen you analyze a medical term, begin at the end of the word.The ending of a word is called a suffix.All medical terms contain suffix

26、es.Word AnalysisHEMATOLOGYWhen yoWord AnalysisHEMATOLOGYHEMAT/O/LOGY Root Suffix(blood) (Study of)Combining VowelRoot + combining vowel + suffixStart at the suffixLogy = Study ofThen go back to the beginning of the word.Hemat = bloodAnalysis (put it together)Study of bloodWord AnalysisHEMATOLOGYStar

27、t aWord AnalysisBIOLOGISTBI/O/LOGIST Root Suffix(Life) (Specialist in)Combining VowelRoot + combining vowel + suffixStart at the suffixLogist = specialist in (the study of)Go to the beginningBi = lifeAnalysisSpecialist in (the study of) lifeWord AnalysisBIOLOGISTStart atWord AnalysisELECTROCARDIOGRA

28、MELECTR/O/CARDI/O/GRAMRoot + CV + root + CV + suffixStart at the suffixGram = recordGo the to beginningElectr = electricityCardi = heartAnalysisRecord of the electricity in the heartWord AnalysisELECTROCARDIOGRAMWord AnalysisRootsCardi/o = heartGastr/o = stomachHemat/o = bloodDermat/o = skinSuffix-l

29、ogy = study of-logist = specialist-gram = record-ac = pertaining to-itis = inflammationCARDIOLOGYCARDI/O/LOGYStudy of the heartCARDIOLOGISTCARDI/O/LOGISTSpecialist in the heartHEMATOLOGISTHEMAT/O/LOGISTSpecialist in bloodWord AnalysisRootsCARDIOLOGYWord AnalysisRootsCardi/o = heartGastr/o = stomachH

30、emat/o = bloodDermat/o = skinSuffix-logy = study of-logist = specialist-gram = record-ac = pertaining to-itis = inflammationCARDIACCARDI/ACPertaining to the heartWhats different?The combining vowel is dropped when the suffix begins with a vowel.Word AnalysisRootsCARDIACWord AnalysisRootsCardi/o = he

31、artGastr/o = stomachHemat/o = bloodDermat/o = skinSuffix-logy = study of-logist = specialist-gram = record-ac = pertaining to-itis = inflammationDERMATITISDERMAT/ITISInflammation of the skinWord AnalysisRootsDERMATITISWord AnalysisRootsCardi/o = heartGastr/o = stomachHemat/o = bloodDermat/o = skinSu

32、ffix-logy = study of-logist = specialist-gram = record-ac = pertaining to-itis = inflammationGASTRITISGASTR/ITISInflammation of the stomachWord AnalysisRootsGASTRITISWord AnalysisRootsCardi/o = heartGastr/o = stomachHemat/o = bloodEnter/o = intestinesSuffix-logy = study of-logist = specialist-gram =

33、 record-ac = pertaining to-itis = inflammationGASTROENTEROLOGYGASTR/O/ENTER/O/LOGYStudy of the stomach and intestinesBetween roots the combining vowel is not dropped, even if the second root begins with a vowel.Word AnalysisRootsGASTROENTEROWord AnalysisRootsElectr/o = electicityEncephal/o = brainGa

34、str/o = stomachSuffix-logy = study of-logist = specialist-gram = record-ac = pertaining to-itis = inflammationELECTROENCEPHALOGRAMELECTR/O/ENCEPHAL/O/GRAMRecord of the electricity in the brainWord AnalysisRootsELECTROENCEPWord AnalysisPrefixBrady = slowTachy = fastRootCardi/o = heartSuffix-ia = cond

35、ition / diseaseBRADYCARDIABRADY/CARD/IACondition of a slow heartWord AnalysisPrefixBRADYCARDIAWord AnalysisPrefixBrady = slowTachy = fastRootCardi/o = heartSuffix-ia = condition / diseaseTACHYCARDIATACHY/CARD/IACondition of a fast heartWord AnalysisPrefixTACHYCARDIAWord Analysis - ReviewRoot = gives

36、 the essential meaning of the termSuffix = the word endingPrefix = a small part added to the beginning of a termCombining vowel = connects roots to suffixes and roots to other rootsCombining form = combination of the root and a combining vowelWord Analysis - ReviewRoot = gWord Analysis - RulesRead t

37、he meaning of medical words from the suffix, then to the beginning of the word and acrossDrop the combining vowel before a suffix that starts with a vowelKeep the combining vowel between roots, even if the root begins with a vowelWord Analysis - RulesRead the 读音规则 读音规则医学英语词汇概述培训课件医学英语词汇概述培训课件 医学英语术语

38、的读音要用英语语音,避免用拉丁语音。普通英语的发音规则有不少可适用于医学英语术语,但拉丁语的读音规则对它有很大的影响。医学英语词汇概述培训课件 1、医学术语重音的一般规律(1)遵循拉丁语词汇的重读体系, 重音永不在最后一个音节。重音! Sacrum? Patient? 1、医学术语重音的一般规律重音! Sacrum? P(2)如果倒数第二个音节是长音,重读在该音节上。 Acidosis 酸中毒 Laryngotracheobronchitis 喉气管支气管炎(2)如果倒数第二个音节是长音,重读在该音节上。(3)如果倒数第二个音节是短音,重读音节则在倒数第三个音节上。 如 Oviduct 输卵管

39、(3)如果倒数第二个音节是短音,重读音节则在倒数第三个音节上(4)有时倒数第二个音节变短,有维持词根重音的现象。(4)有时倒数第二个音节变短,有维持词根重音的现象。倒数第二音节中的元音后面跟两个辅音,大多数情况下,其元音读短音,重音在该音节上。 如bronchismus 支气管痉挛倒数第二音节中的元音后面跟两个辅音,大多数情况下,其元音读短(4)复合词的读音规则:如果复合词后面有影响重音位置的后缀或词尾,依最末一个词(根)的重音位置;其余的复合词重音依照前一个词. 如 cytobiology 细胞生物学 bronchoscope 支气管镜(4)复合词的读音规则:如果复合词后面有影响重音位置的后

40、缀或 2、元音字母读音规则 重读元音:在重读音节中的元音,发音清楚、显著,读音强。 非重读元音:在非重读音节的元音,发音含糊、晦涩。强调:对重读元音 必须正确发音。而非重读音节中的不同元音之间的发音差别很小,有时即使读错也无妨。 2、元音字母读音规则 (1)在重读闭音节中,元音字母一律读它的短音。但也有例外,如gross。 (2)在重读开音节中元音读长音 (3)两个元音在一起,前面一个元音重读时,则此重读元音读长音。 (4)元音字母在结尾时,无论重读,都读长音,以a,e结尾的例外,如zona。 (5)有的双重元音,按字母组合规则读一个音.如ae/oe,eu,ei,ai (1)在重读闭音节中,元

41、音字母一律读它的短音。但也有3、辅音字母的读音规则 (1)c 在e, ae , oe , i或y之前读软音s,在a , o , u或oi之前读硬音k。3、辅音字母的读音规则(2)g在e,ae,oe,i,y前读dg,在a,o,u,oi前读g。(3)双辅音ps,pt,ct,cn,gn,mn作为单词开头,第一个辅音不发音(4)ch多数情况下发k(2)g在e,ae,oe,i,y前读dg,在a,o,u,Thank you for attentionThank you for attentionMathematical Formulas and Equation(4 + 7 - 5.886) 2 = -9

42、.462This formula is generally read as: four plus seven and five-eighths minus five point eighty-eight multiplied by six, all divided by two and a half, equals minus nine point four six two.Mathematical SymbolsMathematical Formulas and EquaSymbolReadingExampleMeaning in Full+plusu + vu plus vminusv uv minus u, times, multiplym vm times v (mass multiplied by velocity), divide, over120 40 one hundred and twenty divided by forty=equalbe equal to1 ton = 1000kg One ton equals (is equal to) one thousand kilograms.not equalx yX does not equal Y.be equivalent to1mm vertical 5NOne millimete


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