1、新能源专业英语Put the following phrase intoEnglish.Unit 1温室效应 thegreenhouse effectrenewableenergysolarcellwind turbinesystemnuclearenergyoceanenergy Unit2irradianceloadweather fastnessphotoelectriceffectphotovoltaiceffect Unit3wind farminstalledcapacityturbinewater pumpingwind andphotovoltaichybridpowerhyb
2、ridpowersystem1 PAGE PAGE 10utilitygridbattery Unit41.热交换器 heat exchanger 2.核反应堆 nuclear reactor 3.浓缩铀 enriched uraniumsubcooledwaterkilowattboilingwater reactorcommercialpowerplantafastneutron reactor Unit51.生物质 biomass 2.植物 vegetation 3.肥料 manureresiduephotosynthesis 6.carbohydrate 7.fossilfuels8.
3、固定碳 carbon fixed Unit 6gravitational pulltidecontinentalshelfcoastlinelunarharbormoonquadraturelocalresonance Unit7火ftvolcanic eruptionradioactivedecaygeyser 4.injection 5.reservoir 6.crackUnit 8harness 2.salinity 3.tidekineticenergy powergravitational pullTranslate the followingsentences.Unit 1Ener
4、gy is an important material and energy foundation of human survival and development , its plays a vital role in the development of human civilization . New energy usually refersto the new energy technologies based on new developmentandutilization of energy , including solar , biomass , wind , geothe
5、rmal, ocean energy and hydrogen etc.能源是人类生存和发展的重要材料和能量基础,它在人类文明的发展中扮演着至关重要的角色。新能源通常指的是基于新能源的开发与利用的技术,包括太阳能、生物质能、风能、地热能、海 洋能和氢等。Therefore , in the 21st century ,the prospects for energy ,you mayhavetofacethe消耗;耗尽) ofoilandgas resources,thecommercializationof聚变)powerfailure during the period of tempor
6、ary shortage of suchpeople.21 气资源枯竭、核聚变能源商业化失败的这一短暂时期。3.Global warming is becoming more serious. Energy saving and clean technology only can cure symptoms not cause. The only way is to find a zero emission new energy. Solar energy is the only choice to meet human development.Unit 2Solar energy is th
7、e first time, but also renewable energy. It isrich in resources, can use free of charge, and without transportation, without any pollution to theenvironment.太阳能是一次性的,可以免费使用,而且不需要运输,对环境也没有任何污染。Solar technologies are separated as passive and active sunlight. Active solar techniques use photovoltaic pa
8、nels, pump and fansto convert sunlight into usefuloutputs.利用光伏电池板、水泵和风机将太阳光转变为有用的输出。Although the Earths atmosphere solar radiation to the total energy only 22 bilionths of a radiation energy, it has been ashigh as 173,000 TW, that is to say a second exposure to the suns energy on Earth is equivalent
9、 to five million tons ofcoal.220 17.3 万太瓦,也就是说,太阳一秒钟辐射到地球上的能量相当于五百万吨煤。Unit 71.The heat is partly left over from the formation of the planet billions of years ago, but mostly from radioactive decay atthe Earths core.地核的放射性衰变。2 The solution in 1997 was to pump treated waste-water about 30 miles to the
10、 project and then down to the heat.1997 年的解决办法是在 30 英里处通入处理后的废水,然后下沉到热区。Unit 8More specifically , wave power refers to the kinetic energyin ocean waves and its use either to drive turbines for electrical generation , or put to other mechanical uses such as pumping stations.或其他机械用途,如抽水站。This uses low
11、 head or river flows, usually witha smaller waterfall , and a turbine.使用“低水头”或“坝少”的河流,通常有一个小瀑布和一个氢动力涡轮机。Enough to melt rock,hence the lava flows you see coming outof volcanoes from time totime.因此,你时不时地可以看见从火ft中流出来的火ft岩能够熔化岩石。They report growth in geothermal installations worldwideover the last 2 dec
12、ades as the technology for getting to the heat & bringing its back hasimproved.20 的技术改进后全球的热安装的巨大增长。The united State(U.S.) gained a heated start on nuclear technology because of work on the nuclear weaponsprogram.TheU.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) took the lead in the research and development of
13、 a controlled chain reaction applicable to energy generation.能委员会在一个可控制的链式反应适用于发电的研究和开放上处于领先地位。Inallofthesedesignsthe冷却液mentalor pressurized water) transferred heat to a heat exchange,where secondary water was vaporized蒸 发 ; 气 化 )to provide steam,which in turn drove theturbine-generator.(换器,在二次水汽化为蒸
14、汽。从而推动涡轮发电机。This was similar to the PWR except that the need for a heat exchange was eliminated by boiling water in the reactor coreand this radioactive steam can be used to drive theturbine.这是类似于压水堆外换热器的(传递热量蒸汽周期需要在沸水反应堆堆芯中消除并且放射性蒸汽可以用来驱动汽轮机。Since millions of years are required to form fossil fuels
15、 in the earth,their reserves are finite and subject to depletion as theyare consumed.是有限的,而且当它们被消耗时,它们就会被耗尽。The lipids are usually present at the lowestconcentration,while the protein fraction is somewhat higher,but still lower thanthecarbohydrate fraction.Crude protein values can be approximatedby
16、multiplying the organic nictrogen analyses by 来近似。9.The moon exerts more than twice as great a force on the tide as the sun due to its much closer position to the earth.是假的二倍以上。10.A low height tide wave of hundreds of kilometers indiameter runs on the ocean surface under the moon,following its rotation around the earth,until the wave hits a continental shore.面上运动,随着地球的旋转,直到浪潮打击到陆地海岸。Enough to melt rock,hence the lava flows you see comingout of volcanoes from time totime.因此,你时不时地可以
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