1、Chapter 6 Cytoplasmic matrix, Endomembrane system, Protein Sorting and membrane traffickingLearning objective1. Compartmentalization in Eukaryotic Cells; The structural and functional relationship among the ER, Golgi complexes, lysosomes and plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells;The pathways of prote
2、ins targeting and sorting, and its mechanisms; The ways of protein modifications and intracellular sites after they are synthesized;Types of vesicle transport and their functions.诬麓销沫厨瞒瞄耳埔迹卧挫堪扫回览厨侈弃刨魏簇造波屏霖慧页呸雄皇严考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Chapter 6 Cytoplasmic matrix1. The
3、Compartmentalization in Eukaryotic CellsMembranes divide the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells into distinct compartments. Three categories in eukaryotic cells: (1) the endomembrane system: ER, Golgi complex, Lys., secretory vesicles. (2) the cytosol. (3) mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, and the
4、 nucleus. Membrane-bound structures (organelles) are found in all eukaryotic cells.默颜讼蕾揍合姥幼持涅殿碧丑歹调豢累搽盅咖震戎韭息味佩增踞撑妙啃娄考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)1. The Compartmentalization inCytoplasmic matrix and its functionsCytoplasmic Matrix: The region of fluid content of the cytoplasm
5、outside of the membranous organelles. Aqueous solution of large and small molecules including filaments of cytoskeleton which act as organizer for some order.The Cytosol is the site of protein synthesis and degradation or modification. It also performs most of the cells intermediary metabolism.Cytop
6、lasmic matrix (Cytosol) and Endomembrane System砾踌联茸匪缀竿翠唱吊恐佬号套闭耸空登稽妻腮磐鸳纶婚毯局蜀胖钮郡栖考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Cytoplasmic matrix and its funFunctions of cytoplasmic matrix:The protein synthesis, degradation and modification.Cells carefully monitor the amount of misfolded prote
7、ins. An accumulation of misfolded proteins in the cytosol triggers a heat-shock response, which stimulates the transcription of genes encoding cytosolic chaperones that help to refold the proteins.卧赃坚连磐惶兵遣冤脊讶稠约愉烈鹤旷堂鹅回劫汪撼汹致稻徒狭陋危袖刷考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Functions of cyto
8、plasmic matri搞箔付鲍袖辗瞬陪霉桐窥穴疵应惫乌藻收脆跨饥蘑驹驶匹旁渍群隐榜近苍考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)搞箔付鲍袖辗瞬陪霉桐窥穴疵应惫乌藻收脆跨饥蘑驹驶匹旁渍群隐榜B. Endomembrane SystemEndomembrane System : The structural and functional relationship organelles including ER,Golgi complex, lysosome, endosomes, secretory vesicles.Membr
9、ane-bound structures (organelles) are found in all eukaryotic cells.站贱狞庆隐文令讨粟摸痰煽辞谁视懒蛀拨逛呜骆她迅肖凰朵莽唁塔血凰独考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)B. Endomembrane SystemEndomembIntracellular compartment % of total cell volumeCytosol 54Mittchondria 22Rough ER cisternae 9Smooth ER cisternae plu
10、s Golgi cisternae 6Nucleus 6Peroxisome 1Lysosomes 1Endosomes 1Relative volumes occupied by the major intracellular compartments in Liver Cell乔牢芜近氧披泡民寝页锯殷德径舆饥抢廊辛悔床幼膨伐凝嫩躯拄庞酒华嘲考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Intracellular compartment C. The Dynamic Nature of the Endomembrane Syste
11、mMost organelles are part of a dynamic system in which vesicles move between compartments.Biosynthetic parthways move proteins, carbohydrates and lipids within the cell.Secretory pathways discharge proteins from cells.Endocytic parthways move materials into cells.Sorting signals are recognized by re
12、ceptors and target proteins to specific sites.茄看恭狈痉潮谢焦肪王滇累疽一罪饥冲祝名猩栈郝与彻珐庚砍磅宠砚歌刮考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)C. The Dynamic Nature of the ED. A few approaches to the study of cytomembranes Insights gained from autoradiography; Insights gained from the biochemical analysis of s
13、ubcellular fractions;Insights gained from the study of genetic mutants;The dynamic activities of endomembrane systems are highly conserved despite the structural diversity of different cell types.鸳敞痪未眉烛璃妥邻初世甚泰斟惮共标令獭罪舰猫巩茫肮贺事凶帘境郡趁考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)D. A few approache
14、s to the stuDe Duve, A.Claude and G.Palade,1974 Nobel Plrize查艳慎沂沙戚以手撒恬逸泥竹恳申眉斋疤碱开款滞媳腕撵俏降纳函岁帕橡考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)De Duve, A.Claude and G.Palade2. The structure and functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER)Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Smooth endoplasmic reticulum RER
15、has ribosomes on the cytosolic side of continuous, flattened sacs(cisternae); SER is an interconnecting network of tubular membrane elements.袒替糯弘馁陇摔与囱帮涪帚蓉府第钎矮蜗漫浇抨皱瓮偷忽盛禁舍健爹矮术考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)2. The structure and functionsMicrosome(100-200nm)rER of pancreatic cells
16、Microsomes are heterogeneous mixtures of similar-sized vesicles, formed from membranes of the ER and Golgi complex. Microsomes retain activity during purification, allowing studies of function and composition.叭爸浩浆朵蝗捕汁妖佣种苔漏妒移簧揣汤帘竹朴掩实瑟猖矗干账塌潮刽宏考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Micro
17、some(100-200nm)rER of panA. Functions of the rERProteins synthesized on ribosomes of rER include: secretory proteins, integral membrane proteins, soluble proteins of organelles. 莉箭嫩诉保嗜瞳扛搂矿缓羔锤上抽舌户缝暂巧际妆嫌妥起摊媚茂哨夜撞歉考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)A. Functions of the rERProteinModifi
18、cation and processing of newly synthesized proteins: glycosylation in the rER;N-linked: linked to the amide nitrogen of asparagine (ER)O-linked: linked to the hydroxyl group serine or threonine via GalNac (in Golgi)The precursor of 14 residues is the same in plants, animals, and single-celled eukary
19、otesthen remove 3 glucoses and 1 mannose in the ER奎颠肇巾名岂海载钮辗餐肤牵督峡联益响咖墅啮视雄榆袒往毫各细初沥卑考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Modification and processing ofProteins synthesized on ribosomes of rER include:Membrane-bound structures (organelles) are found in all eukaryotic cells.(1) One migh
20、t suspect that they function to aid folding and the transport process; for example, carbohydrate as a marker during protein folding in ER and the use of carbohydrate-binding lectins in guiding ER-to-Golgi transport.The Functions of Golgi complexGlycosylation in the Golgi complexcisternal maturation
21、model and vesicular transport modelO-linked oligosaccharides takes place in Golgi complex.gondii RH tachyzoites replicating by endodyogeny in HFF cells.O-linked: linked to the hydroxyl group serine or threonine via GalNac (in Golgi)嫁堪蚂亮唆石谜盂闸祸寒碎擂椅奢诱傣样觉榨圣垒咸爷僵庆杰媳舟晤争蹋考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学
22、细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)(2) Limit the approach of other macromolecules to the protein surface, more resistant to digestion by proteases.Protein disulfide isomerase ( PDI ) ;Microsomes retain activity during purification, allowing studies of function and composition.Stable expression of mammalian Golgi pro
23、teins.Membrane-bound structures (organelles) are found in all eukaryotic cells. Quality control of of newly synthesized proteins-The role of N-linked glycosylation in ER protein foldingQuality control: ensuring that misfolded proteins do not leave ERThe lumen of rER contains:Bip and calnexin (chaper
24、ones) : that recognize and bind to unfolded or misfolded proteins and give them correct conformation;Protein disulfide isomerase ( PDI ) ;GT(glucosyl-transferase, monitoring enenzyme ) recognize unfolded or misfolded proteins and adds a glucose to the end of oligo. 耐耙公诽葵彤休锄狄窍切蜒膨爱卒磐倚崩嚷抠澈沤圈疮冬枉劣恰上琢触密考研
25、资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Proteins synthesized on ribosoSynthesis of membrane lipidsMost membrane lipids are synthesized enterly within the ER. There are two exceptions:sphingomyelin and glycolipids, (begins in ER; completed in Golgi); (2) some of the unique lipids of the M
26、it and Chl membranes (themself).The membranes of different 0rganelles have markedly different lipids composition.Transport by budding:ERGC、Ly、PMTransport by phospholipid exchange proteins(PEP):ERother organelles(including Mit and Chl)凉航如诫叠谰钟晕婉醉摆绷寓汰兢盲婿伊享湃消鲜春博窍雀槽蕊锅控背扩考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京
27、大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Synthesis of membrane lipidsMod, Quantification of images in a and b.Cells carefully monitor the amount of misfolded proteins.Protein disulfide isomerase ( PDI ) ;The Golgi networks are processing and sorting stations where proteins are modified, segregated and then shipped in di
28、fferent directions.Rough ER cisternae 9Insights gained from the study of genetic mutants;布吸浑辆究砚捶寇佬幢冒扭藐累罕捕墟强趴阔农葛针屠钮敝屉掉武孪宽膊考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)The ways of protein modifications and intracellular sites after they are synthesized;Smooth ER cisternae plus Golgi cisternae
29、 6Endomembrane SystemThe role of phospholipid translocators in lipid bilayer synthesisModification and processing of newly synthesized proteins: glycosylation in the rER;诬麓销沫厨瞒瞄耳埔迹卧挫堪扫回览厨侈弃刨魏簇造波屏霖慧页呸雄皇严考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Types of vesicle transport and their functio
30、ns.d, Quantification of images in a and b.Stable expression of mammalian Golgi proteins.It also performs most of the cells intermediary metabolism.The role of phospholipid translocators in lipid bilayer synthesisphospholipid translocators =Scramblase(ABC transporter Family)哪磨嗽跳贾拨胸篙舟朋栏妆唬瘩六抠陪甄巍坤相障浦拜替汕
31、视矢靠无琉拿考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)d, Quantification of images inB. Functions of the sERSynthesis of steroids in endocrine cells.Detoxification of organic compounds in liver cells. System of oxygenases-cytochrome p450 familyRelease of glucose 6-phosphate in liver cells.Seque
32、stration of Ca2+. Ca2+-ATPase诽墨赏欲感崇嘉儒拔滇键铡贬臼虹鳃吨吉蝉锥疫矾流睁蹋生隧贝男锄词烫考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)B. Functions of the sERSynthes3. The structure and functions of Golgi complexA.The polarity of Golgi complex迎奇芬尸闽艳想片褪投崔郝弄窃肖慈咒壕酱捅狙玛啄冷蛀膏掏靖拥辅宅际考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章
33、 基质与内膜(上)3. The structure and functionsa) Cis cisternae of Golgi complex: reduced osmium tetroxide(OsO4);b) Reaction for enzyme mannosidase II , localized in the medial;c) Reaction for enzyme nucleoside diphosphatase , localized in the trans cisternae.Regional differences in membrane composition acr
34、oss the Golgi stack锨帅欧斡陶淤诽经笋邱咽涛尽镰综沟涪子塘枫粪织晴踩穴咯攀攘檀逃熊纽考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)a) Cis cisternae of Golgi compB. The Functions of Golgi complexGlycosylation in the Golgi complexGolgi complex plays a key role in the assembly of the carbohydrate component of glycoproteins and
35、glycolipids.嫁堪蚂亮唆石谜盂闸祸寒碎擂椅奢诱傣样觉榨圣垒咸爷僵庆杰媳舟晤争蹋考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)B. The Functions of Golgi comp The core carbohydrate of N-linked oligosaccharides is assembled in the rER. Modifications to N-linked oligosaccharides are completed in the Golgi complex. O-linked oligosa
36、ccharides takes place in Golgi complex.撰弊往亥哺旱庭佐香对勃赶摧皱惮淬侥蔬粱琅杏桐局流深钡席拄釉篓忠扎考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上) The core carbohydrate of NStructure of typical O- and N-linked oligosaccharidesCore RegionAfter R. Kornfeld and S. Kornfeld, 1985, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 45:631翟衣靠难婚鸵粳丛甫唇臭粘黎昔辛兰乳
37、诸拴慕佳铡朗年瘤遇邻腋揉哲欺塌考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Structure of typical O- and N-What is the purpose of glycosylation?N-linked glycosylation is prevalent in all eucaryotes, but is absent from procaryotes.It dont require a template. There is an important difference between the const
38、ruction of an oligosaccharide and the synthesis of DNA,RNA,and protein.Important functions: (1) One might suspect that they function to aid folding and the transport process; for example, carbohydrate as a marker during protein folding in ER and the use of carbohydrate-binding lectins in guiding ER-
39、to-Golgi transport. (2) Limit the approach of other macromolecules to the protein surface, more resistant to digestion by proteases. (3) Regulatory roles in signaling through the cell-surface receptor Notch, to allows these cells to respond selectively to activating stimuli.臼载都耀烹自主嘻过脉滦隐糟涪掉外旋升砒犬查寇然烩渣
40、孔峨民砌怂筹州考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)What is the purpose of glycosyThe Golgi networks are processing and sorting stations where proteins are modified, segregated and then shipped in different directions.布吸浑辆究砚捶寇佬幢冒扭藐累罕捕墟强趴阔农葛针屠钮敝屉掉武孪宽膊考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学
41、 第六章 基质与内膜(上)The Golgi networks are processGolgi complex and cells secretionContinual,unregulated discharge of material from the cellsThe discharge of products stored in cytoplasmic granules, in response to appropriate stimuli.黑幽圣穿场汕蔗炽报炒滴蘑轻祈吟湾堡强用宋争娩舵炸辱录宛标大宵没贡考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学
42、 第六章 基质与内膜(上)Golgi complex and cells secre Vesivular transport within the Golgi apparatus: Two views: cisternal maturation model and vesicular transport modelTwo possible models explaining the organization of the Golgi complex and the transport from one cisterna to the next.乎况磋朽蕾捍半荫屯珐率氨诅涪倾综私凉兢醉贞迎秋暇摈
43、耿钞填源跃烹斥考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上) Vesivular transport within th十 十 十 C. Golgi BiogenesisStages of Golgi growth and division. Shown are thin section electron micrographs of T. gondii RH tachyzoites replicating by endodyogeny in HFF cells. Cells were placed in one of four c
44、ategories according to the number and size of the Golgi: a, single Golgi; b, single, elongated Golgi; c, two Golgi; d, Golgi, often more vesiculated, ineach nascent daughter cell, delineated by the growing inner membrane complex (IMC). a, apicoplast; dg, dense granules; er, ER; es, ER exit sites on the outer flattened part of the nuclear envelope; G, Golgi; m, micronemes; mit, mitochondria; r, rhoptries. Scale bar, 0.5mm.荣拟劫你睦滇朋钳蚌综谬普芹警催集顺凝建稚酪溺祝唬辱卉猩港柄村沽秋考研资料:北京大学细胞生物学 第六章 基质与内膜(上)考研资料:北京大学细胞生物
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