



1、CHANGHE AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES (GROUP)Add: NO 539 Chao EmaLu, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, PRC P.C.:333002合同CONTRACT采购合同CONTRACT JINGDEZHEN,CHINA 12 THE BUYER:Changhe Aircraft Industries (Group).买方:昌河飞机工业) 限责任公司Address:539 ChaoRoad Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, China 333002地址: 国江西省景德镇市朝阳路539):86-798-844622296,

2、8462333Fax(传真):86-798(电子邮件CHANGHE AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES (GROUP)Add: NO 539 Chao EmaLu, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, PRC P.C.:333002合同CONTRACT采购合同CONTRACT JINGDEZHEN,CHINA 12 THE BUYER:Changhe Aircraft Industries (Group).买方:昌河飞机工业) 限责任公司Address:539 ChaoRoad Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, China 333002地址: 国江西省景德镇

3、市朝阳路539):86-798-844622296,8462333Fax(传真):86-798(电子邮件THE SELLER(s): EEE.Address(地址Fax(传真:jiangshuhuashThis Contract is made by and n the Buyer and The Seller(s), whereby the Buyer agree to buy and the Seller(s) agree sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated

4、本合同根双方一致同意按如下条下述货共同签 1.PARTS LIST:(COMMODITYTY AND PRIee Attaent)零件列表:(品名、数2.COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND 原产国别及制造厂 3.PACKING AND TRANSPORION 装与:Tobe packed in strong wooden case(s) orcarton(s)Iron drum(s), suitable for long distance ocean t/air ion and change of climate, and sary measures shall be taken t

5、the Contract commodity will well protected against moisture, shocks, rust, andother If any of the commodity is damaged or lost due to acking and/or inadequate or rotective measures taken the Seller(s) in regard to the packing, the Seller(s) shall be liable for repair, replacement and /or The wood pa

6、ckaging the Seller(s) used shall be treated against pests by the entrises approved by the phytosanitary anization in exporting countries or areas in accordance with the requirements ofernationalPlantProtectionConvention(IPPC) and carried with spel mark of IPPC, which shall be legible, permanent and

7、not transferable and placedvisible place east two ite sides (The use of red or orange for the lmark should be avoided). The (s) against pests and the l mark shall satisfy the approved requirements of phytosanitary treatment(s) against and the l mark by eGeneral Administration of Quality , Inspection

8、 of the In case the local phytosanitary branch of AQSIQ finds t the wood packaging does not carry the required l mark, the mark does not satisfy the requirements or live pests ercepted, the Seller(s) shall for all the expenses of treatments against pests, destroy the packaging or transport back at t

9、he port of unloading and shall compensate the Buyer for all the expenses , costs and damages thus incurred.木质包装显著位置(至少应在相对的两面) 加施清晰易辨、标不符合要求或活的有害生物的在施除理理或作运理生的所用赔偿买方因此的所失用。In order to enable the Buyer to make the customs ime, the Seller(s) shall provide, in case of wood packaging, written ement t th

10、e used wood packaging has been treated against pests and the l mark of IPPC been placed properly by the entrises approved by the phytosanitaryanizationinexportingcountryorareainaccordance with the requirements of IPPC and indicating ISO two-letter country code, the unique number assigned to the prod

11、ucer of the wood packaging material approved by the phytosanitaryanization in exporting countries or areas and IPPC abbreviation for the approved measure against pests (e.g. HT, MB) usedhe spel mark of IPPC on the wood packaging; or in case non- wooden packaging is agreed upon by the Buyer, a writte

12、n sement confirmingt non-wooden materials have been used.TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT:EXW FCA FOB CIF CIP DDU2745 合同总金额:EXWFCAFOBCIFCIPDDU贰仟柒佰肆 IPPIPP2)IPPIn case China Compulsory Certification (CCC) for Contract commodity is required by the law of PRC, the Seller(s) shall at its own cost obtain cer

13、tificate of the CCC, mark the sign of CCC on Contract commodity and provide the Buyer the duplicate copies of the certificate of the CCC in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. If the Seller(s) fails to submit such required CCC certificate in due time, all the costs thus incurred at the P

14、ort of Unloading including but not limited to storage expenses, penalties imposed by the customs and container overdue fine shall be borne by the Seller(s).CC)CCCCCCCC4.SHIPPING MARKThe Seller(s) shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the Purchase Order number, the port of destination, consi

15、gnee, the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE,HANDLE WITH CARE,THIS SIDE UP etc. 卖方须以不褪色的油漆在每一个包装箱表面写上合同号、目的港、收货人、包装箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸和下Purchase Order No.:test1B SHANGHAI,CHINATheshippingmark5.TIME AND REQUIREMENT OFSHIPMENTDELIVERY:Please contact

16、 SSAC to confirm how to ship when goods are 6.PORTPLACE OF SHIPMENT:USA发货港地点:美国7.PORTPLACE OF DESTINATION:Shanghai PORT,CHINA目的港地点:中国,8.INSURANCE保险:For CIF or CIP or DDU terms, to be covered by the Seller(s) for at least 110% of the invoice value against all and war risks with irrespective percentag

17、e from shipment; 在CIF或CIP条件下,由卖方至少按发票金额的110%投保一切险,另加保战争险,不允许有免9.PAYMENTCash on delivery(COD): The Buyer shall pay to the seller(s)100% of total amount within 45_days after the receipt of the goods at Buyers warehouse in Jingdezhen, if there is no quality problem. The seller(s) to provide bank inform

18、ation.款:买方在位于景德镇市的买方仓库接收货物后45天内将全部货款金额的IPPIPP2)IPPIn case China Compulsory Certification (CCC) for Contract commodity is required by the law of PRC, the Seller(s) shall at its own cost obtain certificate of the CCC, mark the sign of CCC on Contract commodity and provide the Buyer the duplicate copie

19、s of the certificate of the CCC in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. If the Seller(s) fails to submit such required CCC certificate in due time, all the costs thus incurred at the Port of Unloading including but not limited to storage expenses, penalties imposed by the customs and cont

20、ainer overdue fine shall be borne by the Seller(s).CC)CCCCCCCC4.SHIPPING MARKThe Seller(s) shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the Purchase Order number, the port of destination, consignee, the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE

21、,HANDLE WITH CARE,THIS SIDE UP etc. 卖方须以不褪色的油漆在每一个包装箱表面写上合同号、目的港、收货人、包装箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸和下Purchase Order No.:test1B SHANGHAI,CHINATheshippingmark5.TIME AND REQUIREMENT OFSHIPMENTDELIVERY:Please contact SSAC to confirm how to ship when goods are 6.PORTPLACE OF SHIPMENT:USA发货港地点:美国7.PORTPLACE OF DESTINATION

22、:Shanghai PORT,CHINA目的港地点:中国,8.INSURANCE保险:For CIF or CIP or DDU terms, to be covered by the Seller(s) for at least 110% of the invoice value against all and war risks with irrespective percentage from shipment; 在CIF或CIP条件下,由卖方至少按发票金额的110%投保一切险,另加保战争险,不允许有免9.PAYMENTCash on delivery(COD): The Buyer s

23、hall pay to the seller(s)100% of total amount within 45_days after the receipt of the goods at Buyers warehouse in Jingdezhen, if there is no quality problem. The seller(s) to provide bank information.款:买方在位于景德镇市的买方仓库接收货物后45天内将全部货款金额的 100 %支付给卖方,若无质量问题。卖方提供相关银行信息。The costs arising out of taxation an

24、d banking in the Seller(s) country shall be borne by the Seller(s) while the same costs in the Buyer country shall be borne by the Buyer. 由卖方国家所征收的税款及银行费用由卖方承担,同样,由买方国家所征收的税款及10.DOCUMENTS单据: The Seller(s) shall present the following documents(1)ShippingBillsIncaseby seaThree original clean on board

25、ocean bills of lading markedFreight to Collect” /Freight Prepaid, Contract number and shipping marks made out to order blank endorsed notifying Changhe Aircraft Industries (Group) Ltd.三份已装船的清洁海运提单正本,标明“运费到付 /运费已付”、合同号及唛头,空白抬头,空白背书,通知人为昌 飞机工业(集团)有限责任 司。(2) Manually signed invoice in three original(s)

26、 and three copies indicating invoice details and total amount, Contract number, shipping marks, B/L number, packing list number, name and address and bank account number of Seller(s).三份正本及三份(3) Packing list in three Original and three copies indicating the contract number, shipping mark, net weight,

27、 gross weight, number and date of corresponding invoice.三份正本及三份副本的装箱单,标明合同号、唛头、净重、毛重、相关发票号码及日期。(4) Three Original and three copies of Certificate of Quality issued by the manufacturers.(5)ForCIForCIPterms,Insurancepolicy/certificatein3copies.在CIF或CIP条件下,保险单正本一式3(6) Certificate of Origin in3copies is

28、sued byrelevant authorities of the Sellers and/or manufacturers country. 由卖方和/(7) An copy of Heat treatment Certificate issued by state-official plant quarantine departments, or a copy of written statement issued by the Seller(s) proving that the non-coniferous wooden or non-wooden materials were us

29、ed.一份由当地动植物检(8) One Copy of fax to the Buyer made by the Seller(s) within 24 hours after shipment advising the particulars of shipment (including but not limited to, contract number, name, quantity, overall gross weight, volume, invoice amount, name of transport means and departure date. The seller

30、shall notify the buyer of the weight and volume of each package if the wight of the package exceeds 20 tons or its volume reaches or exceeds 1 meter ( L) 2.7 meters (W)3 meters (H), or the particulars of dangerous items shall otherwise incated). (9) One original and one duplicate copies of the valid

31、 export license edby relevant authoritiesof the Sellers manufacturers country or the Sellers sement certifyingtnoexportlicenseisrequired.卖方和/或制造商国家有关The Seller(s) shall, within 7 days after shipment, send by two extra sets of the s. tdirectly to the Buyer, and t together with the goods directly to t

32、he notifying party.The number of s their contents shall be complete and correct, if the Buyer fail to pass the Customs and takeover the ime due to Seller(s) ving provided sspecifiedasabove, alllossesshallbe bornebythe Seller(s).卖方应在装运后7(9) One original and one duplicate copies of the valid export li

33、cense edby relevant authoritiesof the Sellers manufacturers country or the Sellers sement certifyingtnoexportlicenseisrequired.卖方和/或制造商国家有关The Seller(s) shall, within 7 days after shipment, send by two extra sets of the s. tdirectly to the Buyer, and t together with the goods directly to the notifyi

34、ng party.The number of s their contents shall be complete and correct, if the Buyer fail to pass the Customs and takeover the ime due to Seller(s) ving provided sspecifiedasabove, alllossesshallbe bornebythe Seller(s).卖方应在装运后711.SHIPMENTS装运:(1) Partial shipment is not allowed. The Seller(s) shall,da

35、ys before the date of shipment he Clause 5 of contract, advise the Buyer by fax of the Contract No., ty, value, number of package, gross measurement, the name of carrierand date of readiness at the port/place of shipment and l requirement precautions during the transport and storage of the commoditi

36、es for the Buyer to notice the shipagentoftheBuyer.不允许分批装运。在本合同第五条规定的装运日期 天前,卖方应以传真或电子邮件方式通知买方合同号、商品品名、数量、金额、包装数量、毛(2) For CIF terms, The sellers shall ship the goods duly he time as stipulated in clause 5 of this Contract by direct vesailingfromtheportofshipmenttotheportofdestination.Transshipmento

37、nrouteisnotallowedwithoutthe Buyers prior consent. The goods shall not be carried by ves flying flags of countries not acceptable to the Port Authorities of China. The carrying vechartered by the Seller shall be seaworthy and cargo worthy. The Seller shall be obliged to act prudently and conscientio

38、usly when selecting the veand the carrier when chartering such ve.TheBuyer is justified in not accepting ves chartered by the Sellert are not members of thFor CIP terms, The sellers shall ship the goods duly he time as stipulated in clause 5 of this Contract from place of shipment to the place of de

39、stination. Transshipment on route is not allowed without the Buyers prior consent. The Seller shall be obliged to act prudently and conscientiously when selecting the carrier when chartering such ve(3) The Seller shall ain close contact with the carrying /carrierand shall notify the Buyer by fastest

40、 means communication about any and all accidentst may occur while the carrying veis on route. The Seller shall ame full responsibility and shall compensate the Buyer for all losses incurred for its failure to give timely advice or notification to the Buyer. 卖方应和载运货物的船只/承运人保持密切联系,并以最快(2) For CIF term

41、s, the Seller(s) shall bear all risks of the commodity before it passes over the s rail and released from the tackle. After is passed over the ves rail and been released from the tackle, all risks of the commodity shall be for the Buyers account. 在CIF条款下,在货物越过船舷并从吊钩上卸下以前,卖方承担货物的一切风险;在越过船舷(3) For CIP

42、 terms, the Seller(s) shall bear all expenses, risks of the commodity before it is translated to the carrier at the place of shipment. 在CIF条款下,卖方承担货物在装运地交付给承运人之前的货物的一切风险。lrequirementagreedbyboth partiesIn case l storage and transformation conditions for some chemical materials and electronic materia

43、l, such as temperature storage materials. is required by their specification. Seller shall pack and transport this kind of materials according to relative specification of material。12.SHIPADVICEThe Seller(s) shall, y upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise by fax the Buyer and of Con

44、tract No., d value, gross weight, name of and date of sailing etc. In case Buyer/notifying party fails to arrange ime due to the Seller(s) ving ime, all losses shall bornebytheSeller(s)13.GUARANTEE OF QUALITY质量 证:The Seller(s) tthe commodity hereof is made of the best materials class workmanship, br

45、and new unused, no defects in designing and manufacturing and s in all respects with quality and specification his Contract and conforms to the data sheets or technical manuals of the commodities contracted. The Seller(s) t the commodities shall be given 6 months warranty from the date of final acce

46、ptance, or counting from the date on the has been signed by the ives of both parties if the installation and inspection acceptance of the commodities contracted are required. and during the period the sellers shall be responsible for the free replacement or repair of defective commodities at the Buy

47、ers option and the sellers shall also be responsible for the damage due to the defects in designing and manufacturing of the manufacturer.卖方保证本商品采用一流工艺以最好的材料制成,全新而且未使用过,无材料、设计和制造缺陷,在各个方面均符合在本合同中所规定的品质及规格条件, 并且符合合同商品技术手册及数据资料的Details as the technical agreementached合同所附技术协议For the consumables the shel

48、f life, Seller should guarantee the remaining shelf life is moren 75%after goods arrive at buyers facility.对有货架期的消耗品,卖方应保证 物到达买方工厂所在地后,剩余有效期应在75%14.INSPECTIONThe manufacturers shall, before effecting the shipment, make precise and comprehensive inspection of the commodities quality, specifications,

49、ty/weight and e tthe commodities are conformity with the sof this contract. shall form egral part of s to presented to the paying for negotiation of payment but shall not be considered as final in respect of specifications, performance ty/weight. Particulars and results of the inspection test carrie

50、d out by manufacturers shall be rendered in a written ement which is attached to the 商品的质量、规格、性能、数量/重量等作全面精确的检验,并出具一份质量保 以保证所有货物完全符合本合同规定。这份质量保 是提交给付款 进行议付的主要文件之一,但不能作为关于产品质量、规格、性能、数量/重量的最终证明。生产商应将检验测试的详细结果以书15.CLAIMS索赔:Within 90 days after the arrival of the goods at destination, should the specifi

51、cation, ty be found not conformity with the stipulations of the Contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of are liable (except DDU terms), the Buyer shall, on the strength of the edby e Administration of Quality , Inspection ofthe or its local branch, the right to c

52、laim for replacement with new goods, or for compensation or repair and all the expenses (such as charges, repairing fee, freight for returning the goods and for sending the replacement, or the repaired goods, insurance premium, storage and loading and unloading charges etc.) shall be borne by the Se

53、ller(s). The aforesaid inspection is only ofgeneral appearance ty checking and it could not exempt any liability of the Seller for ernalor defects of the commodities detected subsequently.在货物运抵目的地天内,如发现商品规格或数量与合同规定不符,除属于保险公司或承运人的责任外(DDU条款除外),买方 凭中国国家质量监督检验检疫 或其分支机构出具的检验 ,要求更换新商品或者赔偿或者修For the consum

54、ables the shelf life, Seller should guarantee the remaining shelf life is moren 75%after goods arrive at buyers facility.对有货架期的消耗品,卖方应保证 物到达买方工厂所在地后,剩余有效期应在75%14.INSPECTIONThe manufacturers shall, before effecting the shipment, make precise and comprehensive inspection of the commodities quality, sp

55、ecifications, ty/weight and e tthe commodities are conformity with the sof this contract. shall form egral part of s to presented to the paying for negotiation of payment but shall not be considered as final in respect of specifications, performance ty/weight. Particulars and results of the inspecti

56、on test carried out by manufacturers shall be rendered in a written ement which is attached to the 商品的质量、规格、性能、数量/重量等作全面精确的检验,并出具一份质量保 以保证所有货物完全符合本合同规定。这份质量保 是提交给付款 进行议付的主要文件之一,但不能作为关于产品质量、规格、性能、数量/重量的最终证明。生产商应将检验测试的详细结果以书15.CLAIMS索赔:Within 90 days after the arrival of the goods at destination, shou

57、ld the specification, ty be found not conformity with the stipulations of the Contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of are liable (except DDU terms), the Buyer shall, on the strength of the edby e Administration of Quality , Inspection ofthe or its local branch,

58、the right to claim for replacement with new goods, or for compensation or repair and all the expenses (such as charges, repairing fee, freight for returning the goods and for sending the replacement, or the repaired goods, insurance premium, storage and loading and unloading charges etc.) shall be b

59、orne by the Seller(s). The aforesaid inspection is only ofgeneral appearance ty checking and it could not exempt any liability of the Seller for ernalor defects of the commodities detected subsequently.在货物运抵目的地天内,如发现商品规格或数量与合同规定不符,除属于保险公司或承运人的责任外(DDU条款除外),买方 凭中国国家质量监督检验检疫 或其分支机构出具的检验 ,要求更换新商品或者赔偿或者修

60、As regards quality, the Seller(s) shall t if, he guarantee period stipulated in clause 13 of Contract, commodity damages or other human or property damage compensations occurhecourseofoperationorusebyreason ofquality problem of the commodities, the Buyer shall immediay notify the Seller(s) in writin


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