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1、ReadingAdvertisements牛津高中英语第四模块第一单元ReadingAdvertisements牛津高中英语potato chipspotato chipsWhat product does the advertiser want to sell?shampooWhat product does the advertisWhat product does the advertiser want to sell?shoesWhat product does the advertisWhat does the advertiser want to tell us?protect t

2、he earthWhat does the advertiser want stop smokingprotect the environmentWhat does the advertiser want to tell us?stop smokingWhat does the adveAdvertisementsAdvertisementsTwo types of advertisementsadvertisements that _ a productadvertisements that _ peoplepromoteeducatecommercialpublic serviceTwo

3、types of advertisementsadvAdvertisementsReadingAdvertisementsReadingdefinitiontypesfunctionplacesexamplesFind the definition in Pa. 2.definitionReadingAdvertisementsdefinitiondefinitiontypesfunctionplacesedefinitiontypesfunctionplacesexamplesAn advertisement uses words or pictures to persuade people

4、 to buy a product or service or to believe in an idea.definitionReadingAdvertisementsdefinitiontypesfunctionplacesedefinitiontypesfunctionplacesexamplesReadingAdvertisementsA commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or services.PSAs are often run for free and

5、 are meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare.typestypesdefinitiontypesfunctionplacesedefinitiontypesfunctionplacesexamplesReadingAdvertisementsfunctionpersuade promote educatefunctiondefinitiontypesfunctionplacesedefinitiontypesfunctionplacesexa

6、mplesReadingAdvertisementsplacesnewspapers magazinesthe internet radio and televisionplacesdefinitiontypesfunctionplacesedefinitiontypesfunctionplacesexamplesReadingAdvertisementsexamplesUnderline the examples in P. 3examplesdefinitiontypesfunctionplacesedefinitiontypesfunctionplacesexamplesReadingA

7、dvertisementsexamplesexamplesBright-Teeth fights bad breath!curesmedicinedefinitiontypesfunctionplacesedefinitiontypesfunctionplacesexamplesReadingAdvertisementsexamplesexamplesYou are proud of your cooking, so shouldnt you buy the very freshest food?What does the author want to tell us by using the

8、 example?definitiontypesfunctionplaceseYes to life, no to drugs.Knowledge changes life.Project Hopeeducating every child.When you smoke cigarettes, you are slowly killing yourself.Why does the author talk about such advertisements?Yes to life, no to drugs.Why dStructure of the textPa. 1 Does an adve

9、rtisement tell people the complete truth?_?Introduction_?ConclusionWhat is an advertisement?Public service advertisementsPa. 2 Pa. 3 Pa. 4 Pa. 5 Structure of the textPa. 1 DoeProtect animals. Protect ourselves.Protect animals. Save water! Save water! Team spiritis important!Team spiritGuessing game

10、What is being advertised?Guessing game 1. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 2. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 3. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 4. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 5.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 6.挡不住的诱惑。 (可口可乐) 7. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) 8.新一代的选择。 (百事可乐)Guessing game1. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) Guessing gameDiscussionAdvertising has a positive effect on our lives.Advertising has a negativ

11、e effect on our lives.Try to list as many reasons as you can to support your idea.DiscussionAdvertising has a poDiscussionpositive effect:give us useful information about a product, including price/function/shape/size etc.saves us time to look for goodsmore brands to choose fromfun/interesting; appreciationnegative effect:cost a lot of mone


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