1、高中数学面试试讲教案万能模板9面试试讲教案万能模板教学并没有什么固定的模式,它要求教师机敏应变,因材施教。但是教案的撰写 的规律可循。其内容一般包括课程名称、课型、课时、教学目标、教学重点和难点、教具、教学方法、教学过程、作业设计、板书设计、课后反思等。下面福建省教师聘请考试网的我将对这一局部内容作简要的介绍,期望对各位面试有所帮助!一、课题名称课题名称即所授课的名称。二、课型、课时 的。在教案中常见的有讲授课、练习课、复习课、试验课、示范课、研讨课、汇报课、观摩课、优质课、录像课等等。课时主要是指授课内容要在几个课时内完成。三、教学目标教学目标是教师依据课程标准的要求和学生的实际状况 教学目
2、标要明确、具体、切合学生学习实际。四、教学重难点教学重点,是指在授课时必需着重讲解和分析的内容。教学难点,是指学生经过自学还不能理解或理解有较大困难的内容。在编写教案时,教师既要抓住、抓准教学难点,并考虑承受恰当的方法帮助学生突破难点, 以扫除学生理解教材的障碍;又要抓住、抓准教学重点,正确适当地处理好教材,以保证较好地到达教学目的。五、教具六、教学方法辩论等。七、教学过程则略,做到内容充实、重点突出、详略得当、利于教学。各项预定的教学任务。具体来讲,包括以下几个局部:导入导入是引导学生进入学习情境从而形成适宜的学习心理预备状态的教学行为方式 故事导入、提问导入、范例导入六种。教师在设计教案时
3、,要尽量使导入颖活泼,精当概括,吸引学生。讲授课的教学方法;设想怎样提出问题,如何逐步启发、诱导学生理解知;怎么教会学生把握重点、难点以及完成课程内容所需的时间和具体的安排。3.稳固练习 具体还要考虑练习的进展方式,是教师还是学生板演。假设是学生,应当让谁上黑板板演, 这一环节应把握在多长时间内等。4.归纳小结计时可考虑实际需要,简洁明白,适时总结。八、作业设计作业是教师为了促进学生对课堂中的教学内容的把握,依据学生的年龄特征和现有学问水 践摸索式作业、情境表演式作业、阅读复习等。教师在设计作业时应紧扣教学内容,适当联 业,尽力使每个学生都能获得相应的学习成就感。九、板书设计 行为方式。它具有
4、提示、强化、示范、解析、直观、总括的作用。教师在设计板书时要做到目的明确、布局合理、时机适宜,要与讲课的内容、进度相结合。十、课后反思个别疏漏、补充的方法等内容进展记录并认真分析。以上内容仅供各位备考之用。这一模板并不是固定不变,大家应依据自身的实际机敏应用, 去应试教师资格面试高中美术试讲教案:中国民间美术教学目标:通过表达、演示和欣赏使学生明确中国民间美术的根本概念。了解丰富多彩的民间美术形式、民间美术的艺术特征以及民间美术与民俗的关系。 3.使学生明确民间美术的重大意义,丰富和进展学生的艺术制造力。教学重点:生理解宠爱民间美术的关键。进展继承民间艺术传统,发扬民族精神弘扬民族文化传统,进
5、展爱国主义教育。 教学难点:其次局部“如何界定民间美术?”和第五局部“如何理解民间美术的特征?”这两局部内容理论性较强,其中还有一些专业名词。教学过程:一、激发兴趣,导入课。因此,作为一个中国人,应当了解中国的民间美术。二、学生讲解,比照欣赏学生阅读本组作品介绍,并争辩总结其风格特点。请每组推选讲解员,讲解本类作品特点,本组同学作补充,逐个进展。 3.教师同时投影呈现图片。杨柳青年画:刻工精丽、绘制细腻、颜色绚美,擅长运用象征、寓意和夸大等艺术构思,来表达人们的奇特愿望与抱负。作品通俗易懂、构图饱满、造型简练、颜色明媚、和谐高雅, 富有装饰趣味。桃花坞年画:线条清秀,用色淡雅,题材广泛,构图饱
6、满,形象鲜亮,风格秀丽,具有浓郁的地方特色。 术于一身,融运动和消遣为一体的艺术品。在我国南北广为流传。其中,北京、天津、山东潍坊和江苏南通等都是扎制风筝的有名产地。民间玩具:是民间美术中的一个种类。劳动人民以自己灵活的双手,为下一代的成长劳动人民的意念、抱负、祝福与爱心。它是对儿童进展审美和民风民俗培育的教具。们对孩子安康的比方、表述。出于这种愿望和企盼,所以,民间玩具中以虎为题材的作品很多。在造型上,往往突出虎的双目和利齿,以表现其威猛、避邪的一面,同时,虎身上又饰以吉利花草,表现出吉利的一面。刺绣:多绣于鞋、枕头、肚兜、袜底、鞋垫、荷包、香包等小件物品上。这些刺绣纹样大都隐喻对生活的宠爱
7、,对爱情的追求,祈求子孙万世、幸福长寿之意。如前所述,民间美术的 戏莲”、“蝶恋花”即隐喻男女的倾慕。更反映出其在生活中的有用性。三、欣赏拓展,实践操作 1.教师投影剪纸过程 2.学生自创剪纸作品3.评价学生们的讲解、协作和创作力量四、本课小结 习性。民间美术是与劳动者的生产、生活、习俗严密相联的,其多数是对自身的美化,对生产生活物品的美化,对生存环境的美化。因而,它有利于社会进展。在今日,了解这一文化神文明,无疑有着乐观意义。五、布置课后思考题想想你的家乡有什么民间美术品种,它有哪些艺术特色? 观、大方,有用结实,粗中有细、净中有色是我国传统编织品的特色。编织品可分六大类: 竹编、草编、藤编
8、、柳编、棕编、葵编。产品可分为篮、盘、席、篓、提包、帽、鞋、玩具等等。间工艺品之奇特了。 的,很讲究构图的整体性、造型手法的适形特点。形象概括简练、虚实比照鲜亮、线条规整流畅、颜色比照猛烈。由于我国各地和各民簇的风俗习惯不同,剪纸的风格也异彩纷呈。大体上我国北方以粗暴豪放、造型简练为其特点,南方则以构图繁茂、精巧秀美为其风格。剪纸表现的内容格外丰富,总体上是表达人们吉利、奇特的寓意。4.依据学生讲解,总结民间美术的三个特点(板书) 有用简洁,因材施艺;质朴率真,任凭大方;吵闹夸大,象征寓意。在这一环节中需对民间美术的各种类的起源、进展、风格、作用,作一概括讲叙。 的一种民间画类,用以除旧岁、迎
9、春、美化环境、营造节日的喜庆欢快气氛。我国在长期 杨柳青年画和南方的桃花坞年画。上海华图2022 教师资格证面试试讲小学数学教案范文2022 2022 年下半年教师资格证面试小学数学教案好玩的拼搭小班教学教案设计 教学内容P2829 好玩的拼搭 教学目标1、通过滚一滚、堆一堆、摸一摸、搭一搭等实践活动,使学生进一步生疏长方体、球、圆柱,感知这四种形体的特征。2、在活动中培育学生观看、比较的力量。3、通过小组形式的活动,增加学生的合作意识。 教学重点通过实践活动使学生感知长方体、正方体、圆柱和球的特征。教学设计一、复习引入1、复习师:在“认物体”这节课上,我们生疏了4个好朋友,它们分别是说出它的
10、名称:长方体、正方体、圆柱和球。2、引入师:今日,我们要通过活动连续争辩这些形体,看看它们有什么特征。全班分为 4 组进展活动,每组选一种形体作为本组的代表。哪个小组爱动脑、合作好,就从教师的才智袋里摸出代表这组的一个形体,记一分,最终比一比哪组得分最多。上海华图这里将教材中“摸一摸”这一教学环节贯穿于整节课中,在学生发言或小组活动评价后都 象与手中能触摸到的形体进展一一对应,才能将所需要摸的一种形体从众多形体中选择出 来,因此一个学生虽然只摸一种形体,事实上对四种形体都进展了识别。二、活动安排1、滚一滚师:教师这儿有个滚板,假设让这 4 种形体同时从上滚下来,小朋友们猜猜看,哪个会滚得快些?
11、哪个会滚得慢些? 来。通过滚一滚这一活动,可以让学生体会到曲面与平面的不同:曲面可以滚动,而平面却不行以。从而感知了球、圆柱与长方体、正方体的特点。2、堆一堆发给每组 10 个一样的形体,堆一堆,看哪组堆得稳、堆得好。堆成功。师:正方体组与长方体组堆得好,而圆柱组与小球组堆得不好,所以我们要给正方体体组各加一分,同意吗?上海华图材料本身的特点打算的。教师用这种方式很自然引导学生在思考:为什么长方体、正方体能堆得好,而球与圆柱不简洁堆得好,从而体会到曲面的不稳定性与平面的稳定性这一特征。再让小球组、圆柱组分别与长方体组、正方体组交换材料,再次进展活动体验。 3、说一说在生活中哪些地方得到了运用。
12、如:汽车轮子的外形近似圆柱,为什么不把轮子做成正方体呢?盖房子的砖头是长方体的, 为什么不做成球的外形呢?通过与实际生活的联系,可以加强学生对各种形体特征的生疏,并让学生体会到生活中处处是数学。4、猜一猜让这四种形体中的一种从窗口中露出它的一局部,让学生猜一猜这会是哪种形体,如图:长方体正方体或长方体圆柱圆柱这样的练习不做统一要求,目前,学生是通过完整的观看来识别形体,而这里是通过局部 2 种状况,假设学生认为可能是正方体,也有可能是长方体,要赐予表扬。对不同学生提出不同程度的要求,表达了分层次教学的思想。5、搭一搭上海华图房子为什么选择长方体或正方体,车轮为什么选择圆柱体等等。6、数一数 如
13、图 P29这三幅图的消灭是按由易难的层次安排的。在数的过程中要引导学生按肯定的挨次数, 如从左往右,从上到下地数。三、课堂小结统计各组得分状况,对学生的学习过程赐予综合性评价: 是否有很好的合作意识;是否敢于与教师进展辩论;是否擅长觉察问题,提出问题等。课前预备1、442、完全一样的长方体积木、正方体木快、乒乓球、圆柱各10 个;3、44、预备一个才智袋,里面装有4 种形体各 10 个;5、一个挖空的木版;上海华图2022 年下半教师资格证高中化学面试试讲教案离子反响一、说教材一教材的地位与作用离子反响是人教版高一化学必修一其次章其次节内容,本节课着重介绍”酸 水中的电离”。这在中学阶段根底理
14、论学问中,占有极其重要的地 位,贯穿于中学化学教材的始终,是中学化学教学的重点和难点之一。在此之前,学生已经学习了物质的分类,这为过渡到本节课的学习起到了铺垫作用。本节内容 是后面氧化复原反响内容学习中不行缺少的局部,因此,本节内容在整个教材中起到了承上启下的作用。二教学目标1.学问与技能目标:通过学习了解电离,电解质的概念;能用电离方程式表达常见、典型的电解质在水溶液中的电离,并从电离理论的角度生疏酸、碱、盐;通过酸、碱、盐的本质探究,感悟科学探究的根本方法,提高科学探究力量。 2.过程与方法目标:培育学生通过试验探究问题,分析问题,归纳问题的力量。3生疏事物本质的力量。三教学重难点电解质的
15、推断、电离及电离方程式的书写二、说学情对于高一年级年级的学生来说,他们虽然对化学根底学问有了肯定积存,但程度参差不齐, 画以使微观离子的活动变得直观。三、说教法示法。四、说学法依据本节课实际内容,我确定本节课的学法为分组争辩法、试验探究法五、说教学过程一导入将学生分组,进展小组探究。探究活动为:让每组学生依据所供给的物质铜片、石墨、氯化钠固体、氯化钠溶液、无水酒精、蔗糖、蔗糖溶液、蒸馏水、自来水、硫酸溶液进展思考 人合作、学会探究、学会组内沟通评价,参与评价。探究完毕之后,各组推举一位语言表达力量较强的学生,把本组的做法边用实物投影呈现, 边进展介绍。发动全班同学在小组内进展争辩,对每小组呈现
16、的成果进展 综合评价,找出 让学生学会沟通,学会向他人呈现自己的成果。二授 使学生把握分类的标准,学会分类。 组内形成统一意见,举手发言。我引导学生总结,并对学生的说法提出 自己的一些看法, 结合学生答复中消灭的问题,引导学生对学生开展评 价,让学生进一步理解电解质概念。电解质是在水溶液里或熔融状态下能够导电的化合物。如, 酸、碱、盐等提出梯度问题引发学生思考,让学生带着问题自主学习课本相关内容。问题1:氯化钠是电flash 概念,像 NaCl 这样溶解于水或受热熔化时,离 解成能够自由移动离子的过程称为电离。同时强调电离的条件有 2 个:溶于水或受热熔化,酸、碱、盐在溶解于水或受热熔化时都
17、问题 2:如何来表示电解质在水溶液中电离生成了自由移动的离子呢?从而 。通过自主学习、不断探究,培育学生宠爱化学的乐观情感,激发学生学习化学的兴趣。分析盐酸、硫酸、硝酸的电离的特点,推导出酸的概念。在此根底上,请学生写出NaOH、KOH、Ba(OH)2NaOHNa+ + OH- KOHK+ + OH- Ba(OH)2 = Ba2+ + 2OH- 学生通过分析上述电离的特点,总结出碱的概念。电离时生成的阴离子全部都是OH-的化合物。接着进展探究学习,请学生写出 Na2SO4、KNO3、NH4Cl 的电离方程式。 Na2SO42Na+ + SO42- KNO3K+ + NO3- NH4ClNH4+
18、 + Cl- 引导学生分析上述电离的特点,总结出盐的定义,即,电离时能生成金属阳离子NH4+和酸根阴离子的化合物。三小结电解质、电离的概念,需要把握电离方程式的书写,知道酸、碱、盐的定义。通过学生的答复了解学生的把握状况并调整教学策略。四布置作业完成课后练习 1-4 题书写以下物质在水溶液中的电离方程式1硫酸钠溶液 2氯化铁溶液 3硫酸铝溶液4氢氧化钡溶液六、说板书设计一、酸、碱、盐在水溶液中的电离 1.电解质:水溶液、熔融状态 2.电解质的电离H+的化合物叫做酸。碱:电离时生成的阴离子全部都是OH-的化合物叫做碱。盐:电离时能生成金属阳离子包括NH4+和酸根阴离子的化合物叫做盐。2022 四
19、川教师资格面试试讲:高中体育接力跑教案定问题、试讲(演示)、辩论(陈述)和评分等环节进展。面试考试时间为2030 分钟。高中体育接力跑教案一、教学目标 【学问与技能】通过学习和玩耍练习 90%的学生学会接力跑的传接棒动作技术,并能在竞赛中娴熟运用。【过程与方法】习惯。【情感态度与价值观】学生通过接力跑、交接棒安排激发灵巧,坚决,拼搏进取,团结协作和集体荣誉感。二、教学重难点 【重点】 交接棒方法 【难点】传接棒协作的默契程度、接力区交接棒的过程三、教学过程 (一)开头局部(3 分钟) 体委整队,报告人数,师生问好,教师简要介绍教学内容,检查服装,安排见习生。(二)预备局部(7 分钟) 1.热身
20、玩耍:送鸡毛信规章:男生赛道长 200 米,女生赛道长 100 米,听到竞赛开头的信号后,记熟由场务发放的十位数字,记熟数字后进展 200、100 米跑,回到终点后背出自己对应的数字,准确无误之后停表,背不准确者需重记忆同一组数字,再进展200、100 米跑,中途有遗忘数字者可以返回起点,再进展记忆后,重跑完全程。竞赛中不得穿越中间草坪,有穿越者取消竞赛资格,最先跑完全程并准确背出数字的前三人获胜。 2.徒手操:伸展运动、下蹲运动、体侧运动、体转运动、腹背运动、全身运动、跳动运动、整理运动。组织教学:四列横队体操队形,教师边做示范,边提示动作要领,语言鼓励学生,准时表扬鼓舞。要求:拍节准确,动
21、作到位,节奏感强。 (三)根本局部(301、教师示范留意观看教师传接棒动作,传接棒方法,观看手心和虎口方向 组织教学:沿跑道两侧四列纵队,前一排蹲下。2、讲解上挑式:接棒人手臂自然向后伸出,手臂与躯干约成 4045角,掌心向后,拇指与其他4优点:接棒人向后伸手的动作比较自然,简洁把握。缺点:接棒后,接棒人的手握着接力棒的中部,须在跑进中换手或调整持棒部位(即倒棒)。简洁造成掉棒和影响跑速。下压式:接棒人手臂后伸,与躯干约成5060角,掌心向上,拇指与其他四指自然张开, 虎口朝后,传棒人将棒的前端由上向下压送到接棒人的手中。优点:每一棒次的接棒都能握住棒的一端,不需要调整握棒位置,便于持棒快跑。
22、缺点:接棒运发动的手臂后伸相对紧急,不自然; 3、练习原地练习交接棒技术先承受传棒人跑,接棒人原地接,再承受传接棒人都在跑动中传接棒练习,教师巡回辅导、纠错。两人一组渐渐从慢走到跑步的交接棒。要求:擅长观看,擅长觉察问题,并准时解决问题和纠错。擅长调动学生练习的乐观性和竞争的意识。时刻提示学生留意安全,不要撞人了,确定不能丢摔接力棒。(3)纠错与帮助 (1)起动标记不准确的调整; 起动时机、速度要稳定,并依据练习效果对标记进展适当调整。(2)起动不坚决,加速没力气明确当同伴将要跑到标记的瞬间,即刻起动,且加速有力,每次练习的节奏趋于一样; 反复练习,强化动作,视标记起动后,动作与起跑后加速跑根
23、本一样。4、竞赛:急速先锋竞赛规章:四列纵队 4100 米起跑接力,哪一队伍最先完成即为成功,并强调安全。(四)完毕局部(5 分钟) 1.放松活动配乐放松操 组织教学:四列横队体操队形 要求:放松活动,身心充分放松。2.课堂小结:教师总结学练状况,表扬先进,鼓励全体学生。 3.宣布下课、师生再见、回收器材。四、场地器材接力棒 20 根、录音机 12 盒、田径场。五、估量负荷练习密度:30%-35%;平均心率:120-140 次/分;运动强度:中等偏上。六、课后反思 略来源于网络整理阅读试讲教案Grade level: First grade of High school Leon type:
24、ReadingDuration: 45min Teaching objectives 1) To help students develop their reading skills, such as scanning and skimming for information, gueing the meaning of strange words 2) Enable students to understand the difficult sentences and new phrases in the paage3) Affective objectives:依据文章内容而定Teachin
25、g aids Multimedia devices; blackboard Teaching important and difficult points: 1) Understand the following sentences: 2) Grasp the usage of the following words and phrases: 3) Enable students to use certain reading skills to help themselves understand the paage g s p 1 n i) w s l s f ask the student
26、s to describe the pictures./ Ask students to think about and answer the questions on the blackboard.(Good morning, boys and girls.How is your day? Fine? Good for you.Ok.Today we will learn a new leon.Before looking at the , d e o w u e s a k u e you a story. Describe what you see in the picture Do y
27、ou know anything about? Whats your opinion about? Any volunteers? Ok, please, share your idea with us.Very good/brilliant/excellent!We already know your ideas about the topic.Now lets try to find out whats the authors idea about the topic.) Step 2 Pre-reading Listening.(5min)Ask Ss to listen to the
28、tape and answer two questions: (Listen to the tape carefullyand try to answer the following questions.1) what does the paage talk about?2) .Ok.You have listened to the whole paage.Do you have your answers to the question? Good, John, please.This is Johns idea, how about other students? Ok, Lynn.Good
29、.You think .Thank you.I believe you all have got your own answers.You must be curious about whether its correct or not.) Step 3 While-reading (25min) Activity 1 Skimming & Scanning Ask the students to read the paage quickly and answer the following questions: (Now read the paage quicklywithin 2 minu
30、tes and find out whether you are right or not.Meanwhile, try to answer the questions on the blackboard. (板书问题):1 2Have you finished your reading.Yes? Good.First, have you found out the main ideaof the paage? How about Lisa? Very good.It is about .How about the questions?Have you found the answers? V
31、olunteers? Good, please.You thinkexcellent,thank you.) Activity 2 Intensive reading Ask the students to read the paage carefully,and get detail information from the paage.(As you have got the main idea of the , s move n o n e s f e w u e 5 minutes read the paage carefully and discu with you partners
32、 about the following questions.1) 2) Ok, Id like to invite group 3 to answer the questions.Thats really impreive.You already have a very thorough understanding of the paage.From your, I n e u y d e e e oI d e o moveon to the analysis of some difficult sentences and the usage of some phrases.Take alo
33、ok at the second sentence in Paragraph 1.Pay attention to.Is it clear? Good. Activity 3 Read together Ask the students to read the paagetogether.(Do you have any questions about the paage? No? If no, let s read the paage aloud together.) Step 4 Post reading (5min) (Debate, interview, role-play, rete
34、ll the story) Ask the students to have a discuion on .(Very good.You read really well.Now I have another task for you.We have learnt today, have a discuion with your partner.After the discuion, Ill invite some of you to share your ideas with us.I can see that you have finished your discuion.Anyone w
35、ants to share with us? ok, Jack.Good.you think from the perspective of .Do you have other ideas? Yes,please.Excellent.This is an very interesting answer.) Step 5 Summary (4min) Invite studentstosummarizewhattheyhavelearntinthecla.Teachermakessupplementary comments, and stre the importance of (Guys,
36、youve done a great job.At last, lets sum up what we have learnedtoday.Who would like to have a try? Jenny, please.) Step 6 Homework (1min)1) Ask the students to consider the question: 1) 2) /ask the students to search moreinformation about Write an email to your friend.2) Write a short paage and use
37、 the new words and expreions as many as poible.3) Read the paage again and try toretell the paage.4) Search the Internet and find more information about(Thank you, you really did a good job.Is that clear to all of you? Okay, at last, here comes your aignment.First, please retell this paage to your d
38、esk mate.Secondly,please search on the Internet to find more information about the amber room andwe will share your findings next cla.Here comes the bell.Cla is over.See you next cla.)语法试讲教案Grade level: First grade of High school Leon type: ReadingDuration: 45min Teaching objectives 1) Help students
39、 to learn the usage of .2) Help students to grasp the sentence pattern of.Teaching aids Multimedia devices, blackboard Teaching important and difficult points 1) the sentence pattern of 2) some specialcases 3) enable students to use in real life T eaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in (5min) Show some p
40、ictures to the students and ask them to describe the picture.引导学生运用语法工程Step 2 Explanation (18min)Explain the usage of .Present several examples of the grammar item.Step 4 Practice (15min) Ask the students to do the exercises.Step 3 Summary(4min) Invite students to summarize the usage of Make some su
41、pplements and stre the important points.Step 5 Homework (3min) Ask students to finish related exercise on the textbook.Ask the students to write a paage about .(You have all done a really good job today.I believe you already have a good knowledge of /master the knowledge of.For homework, you are req
42、uired to complete exercises on 201 and to write a paage about .Id rather you search more information aboutand some of you will be invited to share your findings with us in the next cla. Clear?Ok.See you next cla.)写作试讲教案Grade level: First grade of High school Leon type: ReadingDuration: 45min Teachin
43、g objectives 1) enable students master the procedure of writing this kind ofcomposition2) improve students writing skills 3) help students to get moreknowledge of Teaching aids Multimedia devices, blackboard Teaching important &difficult points1) Help students to expre their ideas in proper English
44、2) Help students to learn the structure in English writing Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming-up (5min) Show some pictures of to the students and ask what do they know about Then lead the students to the topic of writing.(Good morning, boys & girls.How are you doing?Fine? Good.Now lets start our new
45、 leon.Here I have some pictures for you.Do you knowwhat sinthepicture?)Step2Pre-writing(10min)Activity1: brainstorming.Provide Ss some questions about the topic and ask them to discuthe questions in group and write down every idea that comes to their mind.After discuion, invite representatives of ea
46、ch group to present their ideas to the whole cla.Activity 2: planning.Encourage Ss to work on their own to repot ideas that they think are valuable and think about how to organize their ideas. Step 3 While-writing (20min) Ask the students to write down their own articles. Step 4 Post-writing (7min)S
47、s will work in group and read each others composition.They should choose the best composition of the group and read it in front of the cla.Step 5 Writing aement (2min) Ask Ss: Whats you most difficult thing during the whole proce? (difficult to organize the ideas in a logical way; you feel brainstor
48、m is difficult, difficult to provide persuasive reasons to support the idea) Step 6 Homework (1min) 1) Here are some handouts I prepared for you.Read it after cla, I believe you can find answers towards your questions.2) Improve your composition according to thehandout.听力课试讲教案Grade level: First grad
49、e of high school Leon type: Listening Duration: 45 minTeaching objectives 1) Enable students to master different listening skills 2) Help students to learn more about .Teaching aids: Multimedia devices; blackboardTeaching important and difficult points 1) Help students to understand thelistening mat
50、erial 2) Encourage students to apply listening skills when listening to the material Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming-up (2min) Show some pictures to the students and have a free talk with the students.Step 2 Pre-listening (5min)Organize the students to have a brief discuion about the topic.Invite
51、 some studentsto share their ideas with the cla.Predict the main idea of the paage.After that,present new words and expreions to the students.Step 3 While-listening (25min) 1) Listen for main idea Ask Ss to listen to the paage but do not look at the questions, ask them to get the main idea of the pa
52、age.Invite students to share their ideas.2) Listen for answers to the exercises/detailed informationAsk Ss to listen to the paage again.This time ask them to try their best to getanswers to the questions.After listening, check whether Ss get the correct answer, and ask why.3) Play the tape again, fo
53、cus on the part where they did not get the right information. Do you have any questions? Step 4 Post-listening (10min) Show them the listening text and ask them to read it aloud together.Step5 Summary(2min) In this period, we mainly focus on the listening ability.Its very important.Ifyour listening
54、is poor, youd better practice more.The more you listen to English, the better your listening is.Remember: Practice makes perfect.Step 6 Homework (1min)1) Read the listening texts again and try to retell the paage in your own words 2)Search more information about .口语课试讲教案Grade level: First grade of h
55、igh school Leon type: Speaking Duration: 45 min Teaching objectives 1) Students will be able to use some important words and expreions 2) Students will be able to expre their ideas or thoughts clearly. Teaching aids Multimedia devices; blackboard Teaching important and difficult points 1) Help Ss to
56、 master the expreions of giving advice: 2) Talk about by using Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming-up Show Ss some pictures of and ask students to describe what they are doing.Step 2 Lead-in Play the tape and ask Ss tolisten to the dialogue.Ask Ss to predict what we will learn today.Step 3 Provide ke
57、y sentence patterns & expreions Provide Ss useful sentencepatterns and expreions to expre .Step 4 Role-play/ DiscuionGive the Ss a situation, and ask the Ss to work in pairs and make up aconversation.Ask the Ss to discu the topic with their partners.After that, invite Ss to present their ideas in fr
58、ont of the cla.Step 5 Summary In this , e mainly s n w s y u d w w o in real life after this period.You should memorize the useful expreions we learnedtoday.Ihopeyoucanpracticemoreaftercla.Remember:practicemakes perfect.Step 6 Homework 1) Collect more expreions and sentence patterns that canbe used
59、to expre . 2) Find a partner to practice how to in differentsituations. 词汇课试讲教案Grade level: First grade of high school Leon type: Vocabulary Duration: 45 min Teaching objectives 1) Enable students to know the meaning of new words and grasp the usages of such important new words 2) Enable Ss to use s
60、uch new wordsin their own writing or speaking Teaching aids Multimedia devices; blackboardTeaching important and difficult points 1) Explain the meaning and usage of the words to the students 2) Enable Ss to use the new words when they expre themselves Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in Revision.Las
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