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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、一I like the story of The Maze Runner better than of Tire Hunger Came.一I agree. The fights are more exciting than in The Hunger Game.Athat; thoseBthose; thoseCthat;

2、 thatDthose; that2、After a few hours practice, I felt a bit tired. _, I held on for success.AOtherwiseBAlsoCHoweverDTherefore3、 Peter, what will you do next Sunday? We _ our grandparents.AvisitBvisitedCis visitingDwill visit4、 You made _ same mistake again. You missed _ “l” here.- Oh, sorry. Ill cor

3、rect it right now.Aa, theBthe, theCthe, aDthe, an5、Would you like to go to the concert with me?Id love to, but I Lindas invitation to dinner.AacceptBhave acceptedCwas acceptingDwill accept6、I visited the Reed Flute Cave in Guilin last weekend. _ Why didnt you tell me earlier?AYou did?BI hope so.CHav

4、e a good time.DThats all right.7、_ do you _ English?I like it very much.AWhat; think ofBWhat; likeCHow; like to8、Were doing much better _ English our teachers help.Ain; at Bat; inCin; with Dat; with9、She eats ice-cream a lot, _it isnt good for her.AafterBuntilCbecauseDalthough10、- Im very tired thes

5、e days because of this exam.- Why not listen to music? It can make you _.ArelaxedBsadCscaredDbored. 完形填空11、With a determined (坚定的)look on his face, Chicagos Michael McCarthy held on to banister (扶手)and 1 to the top of the Willis Tower not long ago. The Tower stands 1,451 feet (442 meters) tall, the

6、highest building in the US.As he got to the last step, McCarthy 2 fell down, but that didnt stop him. The 14-year-old boy finally finished climbing the 2,109 steps and arrived at the top, where he 3 cheers from many people.“I just want to show people that if a kid with no 4 can do it, anyone can do

7、it, McCarthy said.McCarthy, who was born without legs, has to wear prosthetic legs (假肢)and use a stick to walk. But McCarthy has a strong heart. He 5 having a disability should not stop anyone from achieving his or her success.He has been in a special school 6 he was four. When he decided to climb t

8、he Willis Tower, his teacher, Jeff Kohn, was 7 by his determination and offered to help train him. They spent more than ten hours practising climbing 8 and keeping balance with the prosthetics and sticks on the steps every day. “It seems that he never knows how 9 it is. Sometimes I was so tired that

9、 I asked him to rest for a day,” said Kohn. “But he said he was still full of 10 and wanted more exercise.”Kohn always walked with McCarthy for the climb. “I saw the last 10 floors, he went faster, said Kohn. “He is the strongest sportsman Ive ever 11 McCarthy said he was proud of himself and that t

10、he tower now holds a special 12 . “When Im older, Ill point to the building and say Look at this building. he said.1AflewBclimbedCreachedDjumped2AhardlyBseldomCalmostDfinally3AenjoyedBneededCmadeDkept4AarmsBfeetCfingersDlegs5ApromisesBbelievesCannouncesDrealizes6AasBuntilCsinceDBefore7AmovedBpleased

11、CinvitedDfrightened8AhillsBhousesCtowersDstairs9AdifferentBdifficultCexcitingDinteresting10AadvantagesBcourageCenergyDexcitement11AtrainedBheardCfoundDchosen12AfeelingBactivityCresultDmeaning. 语法填空12、Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, and look

12、ing 1animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are creative(有创造性的). Hobbies can make you 2(grow) as a person,develop your interests and help you learn new skills. David Smith is a student. His hobby is writing. 3 the summer of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp. As well as the usual acti

13、vities, such 4sailing, climbing and mounting biking, there was a writing workshop with a profession writer. “She asked us 5 (imagine) that we were in a story. Then we wrote about our experiences at the camp.”In senior high school David 6a story about teenage life. Many teenagers love his book, and a

14、s a result, David has become a 7(success) young writer.David has been very lucky8his hobby has brought him enjoyment and success to 9(he). But he is also interested in many other things. “I like playing volleyball, too.” says David. “I spend some of my free time 10 volleyball for my school team. May

15、be Ill write more books in the future, but Im not sure.”There are many other interesting things to do in life, and we should try to do something new or different. 阅读理解A13、“Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a persons life for the better, which

16、makes everyone a better person.” Mason, a volunteer said.National Volunteer Week started in 1974 and is held every April. It is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements. It is also a perfect opportunity (机会) to encourage others to take their first step toward becoming a volunteer. Making th

17、e decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem, because they often wonder if they will be able to meet the organizations expectations (期望). Some people fear not knowing anyone else in the group. Not having enough time also prevents some from sharing their abilities.The following tips c

18、an help if you have some of these worries. Start out slowly, dont add too much pressure. Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someones life. Choose an organization with the same interests and common values. Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers, even if it is not asked.

19、 Work with aveteranvolunteer. He volunteered a lot, he can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organizations expectations. Invite a friend or family member to serve. It is a good experience to volunteer with them. Finally, it is most important to enjoy the volunteer experi

20、ence and to remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect. If one experience doesnt work, dont give up and youll surely find the right opportunity.Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in peoples lives. As Mason discovered during his volunteer experience, “little

21、 things can change a persons life.”1Volunteering can help_.Amake a decision Bsee the world clearlyCthank other people Dmake persons life better2What could be the reason to stop people taking the first step?AThey dont have enough time. BThey are prevented by their families.CThey fear that their abili

22、ties are shared. DThey dont expect to become volunteers.3Which of the following can help people take the first step?AStart out quickly. BOrganize a training meeting.CInvite a friend to be with them. DJoin in a group with different values.4The underlined word “veteran” in the passage means “_”.Apolit

23、e Bhumorous Cyoung Dexperienced5What is the main idea of the passage?ATo tell people to make changes in their lives.BTo encourage people to start their volunteering.CHow to make great achievements in volunteering.DHow to keep on volunteering whatever happened.B14、Saying “thank you” is probably the f

24、irst thing most of us learn to do in a foreign language. After all, were brought up to be kind and polite.So, what exactly are you supposed to say when “thank you” is only the 20thmost popular way to express gratitude (感激)? According to a recent report, 19 other ways of expressing gratitude finished

25、 ahead of “thank you” in a poll (投票) of 3,000 people.Pollsters found almost half those asked preferred the more informal (非正式的) “cheers”, while others liked to use such expressions as “ta”, “great” and “nice one”.So, just what is the right form of words to express your thanks?Luckily, the answer is

26、in the language itself. “Cheers” is considered an informal way to say thank you. For example, when going for a drink with friends, a smile and a “cheers” by way of thanks is not only acceptable to the situation, it is also culturallyaccurate.“Ta” was the second-most popular expression of thanks, and

27、 is also commonly used in informal situations, along with phrases such as “nice one”, and “wonderful”. Interestingly, one word that didnt make it into the top 20 was “thanks”. But “thanks” can be useful, as it is able to bridge the divide between “thank you” and the downright relaxed “cheers”.Certai

28、n words can double as an expression of thanks as well as delight. For example, words like “awesome”, “brilliant” and “you star” can tell both your pleasure at someones action, as well as serving to express your thanks. If you are on the receiving end of a “new” thank you, you can reply with a simple

29、 “no problem”, or “sure”.Of course, a simple wave, nod or smile may be all right. For example, if a car driver slows down to let you cross the road, simply raising your hand is enough to show that you are thankful for the drivers consideration.Sometimes, formality is necessary, and “thank you” is st

30、ill the best choice in such situations. But students should not worry about when exactly to use certain expressions.Many people in western countries are worried that good manners are in decline (衰退). People are tired of seeing their acts of kindness and service pass without any feedback. So dont thi

31、nk that your “thank you” was useless or too formal. The chances are, if you said “thank you”, you made someones day.1(小题1)We can tell from the result of the poll that _.Apeople are worrying about politeness nowadaysBthere are many kinds of expressions of gratitudeC“thank you” is the most popular exp

32、ression of gratitudeDthere are more formal expressions of gratitude than informal ones2(小题2)What does the underlined word “accurate”in Paragraph 5 mean?AClear and exact.BSimple but strange.CShort and informal.DInformal but popular.3(小题3)Which of the following can express gratitude as well as pleasur

33、e?ASure. BNo problem. CTa. DYou star.4(小题4)In the last paragraph the writer encourages people to _.Ahelp others behave wellBshow their gratitude to othersCcontinue their language learningDstop worrying about social activitiesC15、If you want to do a school project on childrens rights(权利), you can loo

34、k on the Internet for some information. A United Nations website can show you plenty of useful information for the project.The United Nations lists the rights of children. Most countries agree all of them, but some countries do not. The following are some of the most important rights of children:Chi

35、ldren have the right to be properly fed, clothed and sheltered (庇护) by their family. If their family cant do so, the government should take responsibility.Children have the right to an education and medical care, which should be provided by the government.Children must not be cruelly punished (惩罚)by

36、 their parents or any others.Children have the right to expect the government to protect them from all kinds of abuse (虐待) and neglect(忽略).No child under fifteen should be made to fight in an army.Children have the right to be protected from being made to work too hard to make money for other people

37、.In some countries children do not have these rights. Many young children are made to work long hours in factories and on farms. In some countries there are so few schools that only rich children get an education. There are not enough doctors or nurses to help many children when they are sick.The ri

38、ghts of children are, therefore, the rights people think children should have. They are not always the rights children really have.1 agree with the United Nations list of childrens rights.AAll countries BA few countries CNo countries DMost countries2Some children cant get an education because .Ather

39、e arent enough schools Bthere are no schoolsCthey come from rich families Dthey want to work in factories3Whats the main idea of this passage?AChildren are made to work long hours on farms.BThe United Nations website is useful for the school project.CChildren have the right to be properly fed, cloth

40、ed and sheltered.DThe United Nations has listed the rights it thinks children should haveD16、Imagine having an idea, drawing it on paper, bringing it to a store and seeing it turned into an object. This is now possible with the help of 3D printers. Such machines were once used just by universities a

41、nd big companies, but now, stores with 3D printing services are appearing around the United States.Bryan Jaycox and his wife opened The Build Shop LLC in Los Angeles two years ago. The Jaycoxs offer 3D printing classes and services for anyone who is interested.“I think 3D printing is going to be hug

42、e. Its going to have a huge influence on society as a whole.” says KiChong Tran, one of the students in a recent class. He plans to open a 3D printing business in Cambodia (柬埔寨).3D printing services are coming into American peoples life. The UPS Store is a nationwide retailer (零售商) that provides cop

43、ying and other services. The UPS Store recently put 3D printers in three of its independently-owned stores. Burke Jones owns one of the stores in San Diego.“The demand has been amazing. There has been a lot of interest from people. Its been much more than I would have imagined.”The UPS Store plans t

44、o add 3D printers in three more stores.For $11, someone used a 3D printer to produce two small plastic parts as part of a knuckle (指节) for a hand. He works for the company which is testing finger prosthetics (假肢). He says the sameday or next-day printing services will speed up testing of parts and g

45、et them to patients faster.Staples, an American store, is selling 3D printers on its website for as low as about $1,300. As with any technology - experts expect the printing speed to increase and the price to go down.Bryan Jaycox requires $15 an hour to print an object. He also sets the price depend

46、ing on the size of the object and up to $50 an hour for design and labor services.Mr Jaycox thinks that within five years,_But KiChong Tran says even todays technology can make a difference in a developing country like Cambodia.“With 3D printing you can give them tools, so they are responsible more

47、for their own development and they learn skills beyond just like learning English and becoming a tour guide or something like that. You can actually create things that give value to the world.”He says its not just Cambodia but anywhere where there is a 3D printer, it can turn a good idea into realit

48、y.1What can 3D printers do according to the passage?ACome up with an idea.BDraw on a piece of paper.CHelp users to spend less money.DTurn an idea into a physical object.2What does the underlined part mean in this passage?AMake users life better.BMake friends with users.CMake 3D printers easier to us

49、e.DUse 3D printers to make money.3What can we infer from the passage?A3D printing is becoming popular in the world.BThere is no 3D printing business in Cambodia.CThe UPS Store is the biggest 3D printing company.D3D printing plays the most important role in daily life.4Whats the passage mainly about?

50、AThe future of 3D printing in the world.BThe 3D printing business in Cambodia.CThe development and growth of 3D printing business.DThe 3D printing classes and services in different places.E17、 Recent years have witnessed the returning of bikes across China. An increasing number of people choose cycl

51、ing instead of driving to school, to workplaces or to do sightseeing. Bike-sharing plans are warmly welcomed in many cities. Mobike had 5.85 million active users while ofo had 1.4 million in the first week of this year.People can unlock the shared bikes by simply using their smartphones. All bikes h

52、ave GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user. Theyre popular among many Chinese people because they help solve “last-mile” problems in cities. For example, many people find it difficult to get to the hotel when they get off trains or to travel around the city.However, the plans have

53、also led to problems such as illegal parking, vandalism (故意破 坏 ) and theft( 偷 盗 ). In February, two nurses in Beijing were placed under administrative detention (行政拘留) for five days for putting locks on two shared bikes.In fact, these problems are also shared by bike-sharing plans abroad. Started in

54、 37, Velib is the largest public bike sharing system in Paris. At its early period, it also met with problems of vandalism or theft. To deal with these problems, the company came up with the idea of encouraging people to return the bikes to stations by rewarding free time for their next rides.Now, C

55、hinese service organizations are also trying to deal with these problems. For example, Mobike sets a 100-point credit score(信用分数) for each user, but the points will be taken because of his or her bad behavior. Once a score drops below 80, bike rental(租金)will be increased from 1 yuan to 100 yuan per

56、30 minutes.1Why are the shared bikes popular in cities according to the second paragraph?ABecause people can find them everywhere.BBecause people can go to different places easily.CBecause it is convenient to pay for itDBecause they help solve “last- mile” problems in cities,2What reward will people

57、 get if they return Velib bikes to stations?APeople will be rewarded by getting free time for their next rides.BPeople will be rewarded by getting 100 point credit score.CPeople will be rewarded by paying less when they use the shared bikes.DPeople will be rewarded by riding bikes for free forever.3

58、Bike-sharing plans have also led to problems for example, _.Apeople park their bikes wherever they want toBpeople steal the shared bikesCpeople reuse the broken bike partsDBoth A and BF18、GIY stands for “grow it yourself” and is about a new fashion for growing your own food.There are a lot of reason

59、s why growing your own food is a good idea. GIY helps reduce carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions(排放物). Food in supermarkets travels a long way and that produces a lot of CO2. If you grow as many vegetables as you can at home, you can help save the earth.Vegetables you grow are also good for your health be

60、cause they have more nutrients than supermarket vegetables and they dont have chemicals.How much money can you save? First of all, seeds are a lot of cheaper than vegetables, and secondly, you can save more by planting the most expensive and the most productive(多产的) vegetables. You can give your veg


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