5、或或非正常运输输的其他储存存处所为止。如如末抵达上述述仓库或储存存处所,则以以被保险货物物在最后卸载载港全部卸离离海轮后满六六十天为止。如如在上述六十十天内被保险险货物需转运运到非保险单单所载 明的目的地地时,则以该该项货物开始始转运时终止止。(二)由于被保保险人无法控控制的运输延延迟、绕道、被被迫卸货、重重行装载、转转载或承运人人运用运输契契约赋予的权权限所作的任任何航海上的的变更或终止止运输契约,致致使被保险货货物运到非保保险单所载明明目的地时,在在被保险人及及时将获知的的情况通知保保险人,并在在必要时加缴缴保险费的情情况下,本保保险仍继续有有效,保险责责任按下列规规定终止。1、被保险货物
8、误时,被深险险人应在获悉悉后立即通知知保险人并在在必要时加缴缴保险费,本本保险才继续续有效。(四)在向保险险人索赔时,必必须提供下列列单证:保险单正本、提提单、发票、装装箱单、磅码码单、货损货货差证明、检检验报告及索索赔清单。如如涉及第三者者责任,还须须提供向责任任方追偿的有有关函电及其其他必要单证证或文件。(五)在获悉有有关运输契约约中“船舶互携责责任”条款的实际际责任后,应应及时通知保保险人。五、索赔期限本保险索赔时效效,认被保险险货物在最后后卸裁港全部部卸离海轮后后起算,最多多不超过二年年。OCEAN MMARINEE CARGGO CLAAUSESI . Scoope off Cove
9、er:This innsurannce iss classsifieed intto thee folllowingg threee Connditioons- FFree FFrom PParticcular Averaage (FF. P. A. ), Withh Averrage (W. A. ) annd Alll Riskks. Whhere tthe gooods iinsureed herreundeer susstain loss or daamage , the CCompanny shaall unndertaake too indeemnifyy therrefor ac
10、corrding to thhe inssured Condiition speciified in thhe Pollicy aand thhe Proovisioons off thesse Claauses :1. Freee Fromm Partticulaar Aveerage (F. PP. A. )This innsurannce coovers :1) Totaal or Consttructiive Tootal LLoss oof thee wholle connsignmment hherebyy insuured ccausedd in tthe coourse of
11、trransitt by nnaturaal callamitiies: hheavy weathher, lighhtningg, tsunnami, eartthquakke andd floood. Inn casee a coonstruuctivee totaal losss is claimmed foor, the Insurred shhall aabandoon to the CCompanny thee damaaged ggoods and aall hiis rigghts aand tiitle ppertaiining thereeto. TThe gooods o
12、on eacch ligghter to orr fromm the seagooing vvessell shalll be deemeed a sseparaate riisk. CConstrructivve Tottal Looss reefers to thhe losss wheere ann actuual tootal lloss aappearrs to be unnavoiddable or thhe cosst to be inncurreed in recovveringg or rrecondditionning tthe gooods ttogethher wiit
13、h thhe forrwardiing coost too the destiinatioon nammed inn the Policcy wouuld exxceed theirr valuue on arrivval.2) Totaal or Partiial Looss caaused by acccidennts thhe carrryingg convveyancce beiing grroundeed, straanded, sunkk or iin colllisioon witth flooatingg ice or otther oobjectts as fire or e
14、xxplosiion .3) Parttial lloss oof thee insuured ggoods attriibutabble too heavvy weaather, lighhtningg and/or tssunamii, wherre thee convveyancce hass beenn grouunded, straanded, sunkk or bburnt. irreespecttive oof wheether the eevent or evvents took placee or aafter such acciddents.4) Parttial oof
15、tottal looss coonsequuent oon fallling of enntire packaage orr packkages into sea dduringg loadding, trannsshippment or diischarrge.5)Reasoonablee costt incuurred by thhe inssured on saalvagiing thhe gooods orr averrting or miinimizzing aa losss recooverabble unnder tthe Poolicy, provvided that such
16、 cost shalll not exceeed thee sum insurred off the consiignmennt so savedd.6) Lossses atttribuutablee to ddischaarge oof thee insuured ggoods at a pert of diistresss folllowinng a ssea peeril aas welll as speciial chhargess arissing ffrom lloadinng, wareehousiing annd forrwardiing off the goodss at
17、aan inttermeddiate port of caall orr refuuge.7) Sacrrificee in aand Coontribbutionn to GGeneraal Aveerage and SSalvagge Chaarges.8) Suchh propportioon of lossees susstaineed by the sshipowwners as iss to bbe reiimburssed byy the Cargoo Owneer undder thhe Conntractt of AAffreiightmeent Booth too Blam
18、me Colllisioon claause.2. Withh Averrage (W. A. )Aside ffrom tthe riisks ccovereed undder F. P. AA. connditioon as abovee, thiss insuurancee alsoo coveers paartiall lossses off the insurred gooods ccausedd by hheavy weathher , lighhtningg, tsunnami , eartthquakke andd/or fflood.3. All RiskssAside ff
19、rom tthe riisks ccovereed undder thhe F. P. A. and W. A. condditionns as abovee, thiss insuurancee alsoo coveer alll riskks of loss of orr damaage too the insurred gooods wwhetheer parrtial or tootal, arissing ffrom eexternnal caauses in thhe cauuse off trannsit.II. Excclusioons:This innsurannce doo
20、es noot covver : .1. Losss or ddamagee caussed byy the intenntionaal actt or ffault of thhe inssured.2. Losss or ddamagee fallling uunder the lliabillity oof thee conssignorr.3. Losss or ddamagee arissing ffrom tthe innferioor quaality or shhortagge of the iinsureed gooods prrior tto thee attaachmen
21、nt of this insurrance.4. Losss or ddamagee arissing ffrom nnormall losss, inheerent vice or naature of thhe inssured goodss , losss of mmarkett and/or deelay iin traansit and aany exxpensees ariising theree fromm.5. Riskks andd liabbilitiies cooveredd and excluuded bby thee oceaan marrine (cargoo) w
22、arr riskks claauses and sstrikee , riott and civill commmotionn clauuses oof thiis Commpany.III . CCommenncemennt to Termiinatioon of coverr:1. Wareehousee to wwarehoouses Clausse :This innsurannce atttachees froom thee timee the goodss hereeby innsuredd leavve thee waree-housse or placee of sstorag
23、ge nammed inn the Policcy forr the commeencemeent off the transsit annd conntinuees in forcee in tthe orrdinarry couurse oof traansit incluuding sea , landd and inlannd watterwayy trannsits and ttransiit in lightter unntil tthe innsuredd goodds aree deliiveredd to tthe coonsignnee s finall wareehous
24、ee or pplace of sttoragee at tthe deestinaation namedd in tthe Poolicy or too any otherr placce useed by the iinsureed forr alloocatioon or distrributiion off the goodss or ffor sttoriess otheer thaan in the oordinaary coourse of trransitt. Thiis inssurancce shaall., howeever , be llimiteed to sixty
25、y (60) dayss afteer commpletiion off discchargee of tthe innsuredd goodds froom thee seaggoing vesseel at the ffinal port of diischarrge beefore they reachh the abovee menttionedd wareehousee or pplace of sttoriess. If priorr to tthe exxpire of thhe aboove meentionned siixty ( 60) days , the insurre
26、d gooods aare too be fforwarrded tto a ddestinnationn otheer thaan thaat nammed inn the Policcy , thiss insuurancee shalll terrminatte at the ccommenncemennt of such transsit.2. If, owingg to ddelay , deviiationn , forcced diischarrge , reshhipmennt or transsshipmment bbeyondd the contrrol off the i
27、nsurred orr any changge or termiinatioon of the vvoyagee arissing ffrom tthe exxercisse of a libberty grantted too the shipoownerss undeer thee conttract of afffreigghtmennt, the insurred gooods aarrivee at aa portt or pplace otherr thann thatt nameed in the PPolicyy, Subjject tto immmediatte nottic
28、e bbeing givenn to tthe Coompanyy by tthe innsuredd and an addditioonal ppremiuum beiing paaid, if rrepairred, thiss insuurancee shalll remmain iin forrce annd shaall teerminaate ass hereeunderr :1) If tthe innsuredd goodds aree soldd at pport oor plaace noot nammed inn the Policcy , thiss insuuranc
29、ee shalll terrminatte on delivvery oof thee goodds solld, but in noo evennt shaall thhis innsurannce exxtend beyonnd sixxty (660) daays affter ccompleetion of diischarrge off the insurred gooods ffrom tthe caarryinng vesssel aat succh porrt or placee.2) If tthe innsuredd goodds aree to bbe forrwarde
30、ed to the ffinal destiinatioon nammed inn the Policcy or any oother destiinatioon, thiss insuurancee shalll terrminatte in accorrdancee withh Secttion 11 abovve.IV . Duuty off the insurred:It is tthe duuty off the insurred too atteend too all matteers ass speccifiedd hereeunderr , failling wwhich th
31、e ccompanny resservess the rightt to rrejectt his claimm for any lloss iif andd whenn suchh faillure pprejuddice tthe riights of thhe Commpany :1. The insurred shhall ttake ddeliveery off the insurred gooods iin goood timme upoon theeir arrrivall at tthe poort off desttinatiion naamed iin thee Polii
32、cy. IIn thee evennt of any ddamagee to tthe gooods, the insurred shhall iimmediiatelyy applly forr survvey too the Surveey andd/or ssettliing asssent stipuulatedd in tthe Poolicy. If tthe innsuredd goodds aree founnd shoort inn entiire paackagee or ppackagges orr to sshow aappareent trraces of daama
33、ge , the insurred shhall oobtainn fromm the Carriier, bailled orr otheer rellevantt authhoritiies (CCustomms andd Portt Authhoritiies ettc. ) certiificatte of loss or daamage and/oor sboortlannded mmemo. Shoulld thee carrrier, bailled orr the otherr releevant authooritiees be respoonsiblle forr such
34、h shorrtage, the insurred shhall llodge a claaim wiith thhem inn writting aand , if nnecesssary , obtaain thheir cconfirrmatioon of an exxtensiion off themm the time limitt of vvalidiity off suchh claiim.2. The insurred shhall , and the CCompanny alsso, takee reassonablle meaasuress immeediateely in
35、n salvvagingg the goodss or pprevennting or miinimizzing aa losss or ddamagee therreto. The mmeasurres soo takeen by the iinsureed or by thhe Commpany shalll not be coonsideered rrespecctivelly, as aa waivver off abanndonmeent heereundder , or aas an accepptancee therreof.3. In ccase oof a cchangee of vvoyagee or aany ommissioon or errorr in tthe deescripption of thhe intte
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