




1、广东省深圳市对外贸易货物进口合同(2)适用卖方合同编号:Contracct No:_签订日期:Date:_签订地点:Signed at :_卖方:THE SELLLERS:_买方:THE BUYYERS:_经买双方确认根根据下列条款款订立本合同同:The unddersiggned SSellerrs andd Buyeers haave coonfirmmed thhis coontracct in accorrdancee withh the termss and condiitionss stippulateed bellow :货号名称称及规格单位数量单价金金额合合计:总值(大大写):
2、Artt No. DesscripttionsUniitQuuantittyUniit PriiceAmounntTotaally: Tottal vaalue:(in woords)允许溢短%。_% mmore oor lesss in quanttity aand vaalue aalloweed.2成交价格术术语:(FFOB CCFRCIIF DDDU)2、Termss: _(FOOB CFFRCIFF DDUU_)3出产国与制制造商:3、Counttry off origgin annd mannufactturerss :_4包装:4、Packiing:_5装运唛头:5、Shippp
3、ing MMarks:_6装运港:6、Delivvery pport :_7目地港:7、Destiinatioon:_8转运:允允许 不允允许;分批装装运:允许许不允许8、Tran shipmment:allowwednoot alllowed;Partiial shhipmennts: allowwed nnot alllowedd9装运期:9、Shipmment ddate:_10保险:由由按发票金额额110%,投投保险,另加加保险。10、Insuurancee:to bbe covvered by thhe_for 1110% oof thee invooice vvalue cover
4、ring_addditionnal11付款条件件:11、Termms of paymeent:_买方通过银行行在年月日前开出以以卖方为受益益人的期信用用证。The buyyers sshall open a Lettter oof Creedit aat _ sigght thhroughh _ bankk in ffavourr of tthe seellerss prioor to _.付款交单:买买方应对卖方方开具的以买买方为付款人人的见票后天天付款跟单汇汇票,付款时时交单。Documennts aggainstt paymment:(D/P)TThe buuyers shalll du
5、lyy makee the paymeent aggainstt docuumentaary drraft mmade oout too the buyerrs at _ssight by thhe selllers.承兑交单:买买方应对卖方方开具的以买买方为付款人人的见票后天天承兑跟单汇汇票,承兑时时交单。Documennts aggainstt acceeptancce:(D/P)Thee buyeers shhall dduly mmake tthe paaymentt agaiinst ddocumeentaryy drafft madde outt to tthe buuyers a
6、t _ siight bby thee selllers.货到付款:买买方在收到货货物后天内将将全部货款支支付卖方(不不适用于FOOB、CFRR、CIF术术语)。Cash onn deliivery (COD):The buyerrs shaall paay to the ssellerrs tottal ammount withiin _ dayys aftter thhe recceipt of thhe gooods .(This clausse is not aapplieed to the tterms of FOOB,CFRR,CIF).12单据:卖卖给方应将下下列单据提交交银行议
7、付/托收。12、Docuumentss :Thee selllers sshall preseent thhe folllowinng doccumentts reqquiredd to tthe baanks ffor neegotiaation/colleectionn.(1)运单(1)Shippping Billss :海运:全套空空白抬头/指指示抬头、空空白背书/指指示背书注明明运费已付/到付的已装装船清洁海运运/联运正本本提单,通知知在目的港公公司In casse by sea : Fulll set of cllean oon boaard occean BBills of Laa
8、ding / commbinedd trannsporttationn Billls of Ladinng madde outt to oorder blankk endoorsed / enddorsedd in ffavourr of _ oor madde outt to oorder of _ ,mmarkedd freeight prepaaid / colleected nottifyinng _ at the pport oof desstinattion.陆运:全套注注明运费已付付/到付的装装车的记名清清洁运单,通通知在目的地地公司。In casse by land trans
9、sportaation: fulll set of cllean oon boaard laand trranspoortatiion Biills mmade oout too _ markked ffreighht preepaid / colllecteed nnotifyying_ aat thee desttinatiion.空运:全套注注明运费已付付/到付的记记名空运单,通通知在目的地地公司。In casse by Air : Fulll set of cllean oon boaard AWWB madde outt to _maarked freiight pprepaiid/
10、colllecteednottifyinngat _tthe deestinaation .(2)标有合同同编号信用用证号及装运运唛头的商业业发票一式份份。(2)Singged coommerccial iinvoicce in _ copieed inddicatiing coontracct No, L/C NNo. Annd shiippingg markks.(3)由出具的的装箱单或重重量单一式份份。(3)Packking llist / weigght meemo inn_ccopiess issuued byy_.(4)由出具的的质量证明书书一式份(4)Certtificaate
11、off Quallity iin_copiees isssued bby_.(5)由出具的的数量证明书书一式份(5)Certtificaate off Quanntity in _coppies iissuedd by_.(6)保险单正正本一式份。(6)Insuurancee poliicy / certiificatte in_coopies .(7)签发的产产地证一式份份(7)Certtificaate off Origgin inn _ copiies isssued by_.(8)装运通知知:(8)hippping aadvicee:_另外,卖方应在在交运后小时时内以特快专专递方式邮寄
12、寄给买方第项项单据副本一一套。In addiition , thee selllers sshall, withiin _ houurs affter sshipmeent efffecteed , ssend eeach ccopy oof thee abovve-menntioneed doccumentts No. _direcctly tto thee buyeers byy courrier sservicce.13装运条款款:13、ShippmentFOBFOB卖方应在合同规规定的装运日日期前30天天,以电报/电传/传真真通知买方合合同号、品名名、数量、金金额、包装件件、毛重、尺尺
13、码及装运港港可装日期,以以便买方安排排租船/订舱舱。装运船只只按期到达装装运港后,如如卖方不能按按时装船,发发生的空船费费或滞期费由由卖方负担。在在货物超过船船舷并脱离吊吊钩以前一切切费用和风险险由卖方负担担。The selllers shalll , 300 dayss befoore thhe shiipmentt datee speccifiedd in tthe coontracct advvise tthe buuyers by CAABLE / TELEEX /FAAX of the ccontraact Noo. , ccommoddity , quanttity , amoun
14、nt , ppackagges , grosss weigght , measuuremennt , aand thhe datte of shipmment iin ordder thhat thhe buyyers ccan chharterr a veessel / boook shiippingg spacce . IIn thee evennt of the ssellerrs faailuree to eeffectt loadding wwhen tthe veessel arrivves duuly att the loadiing poort , all eexpensses
15、 inncludiing deead frreightt and / or demurrrage chargges thhus inncurreed shaall bee for selleers aaccounnt.CIF或CFFRCIF或CFFR卖方须按时在装装运期限内将将货物由装运运港装船到目目的港。在CCFR术语下下,卖方应在在装船前2天天电传/传真真/电报买方方合同号、品品名、发票价价值及开船日日期,以便买买方安排保险险。The selllers shalll shipp the goodss dulyy withhin thhe shiippingg duraation from
16、the pport oof shiipmentt to tthe poort off desttinatiion . Underr CFR termss , thhe selllers shalll adviise thhe buyyers bby CABBLE/FAAX/TELLEX off the contrract NNo. , commoodity , invvoice valuee and the ddate oof desspatchh two days beforre thee shippment for tthe buuyers to arrrangee insuurancee
17、 in ttime.DDUDDU卖方须按时在装装运期限内将将货物由装运运港装运至目目的港。The selllers shalll shipp the goodss dulyy withhin thhe shiippingg duraation from the pport oof thee portt of ddestinnationn._14装运通知知14、hippping aadvicee :一俟装载完毕,卖卖方应在小时时内电传/传传真/电报买买方合同编号号、品名、已已发运数量、发发票总金额、毛毛重、船名/车/机号及及启程日期等等。The selllers shalll immeediat
18、eely uppon thhe commpletiion off the loadiing off the goodss , addvise buyerrs of the ccontraact Noo., naames oof commmoditty , lloadinng quaantityy , innvoicee valuues , grosss weigght , name of veessel and sshipmeent daate byy TLX/FAX/CCABLE withiin_hourss .15质量保证证:15、Quallity gguaranntee :货物品质规格必
19、必须符合本合合同及质量保保证书之规定定,品质保证证期为货到目目的港个月内内,在保证期期限内,因制制造厂商在设设计制造过程程中的缺陷造造成的货物损损害应由卖方方负责赔偿。The selllers shalll guarranteee thatt the commoodity must be inn confformitty witth thee quallity aand sppecifiicatioons sppecifiied inn thiss conttract and LLetterr of QQualitty Guaaranteee .Thhe guaaranteee perriod
20、 sshall be_ monnths aafter the aarrivaal of the ggoods at thhe porrt of destiinatioon , aand duuring the pperiodd the selleers shhall bbe ressponsiible ffor thhe dammage ddue too the defeccts inn desiigningg and manuffacturring oof thee manuufactuurer.16商品检验验:16、Goodds insspectiion :卖方须在装运前前日委托检验机机构
21、对合同之之货物进行检检验并出具检检验证书,货货到目的港后后,由买方委委托检验机构构进行复检。The selllers shalll havee the goodss insppectedd by _Innspecttion AAuthorrity _ ddays bbeforee the shipmment aand isssued the IInspecction Certiificatte . TThe buuyers shalll havee the goodss reinnspectted byy $IInspecction Authoority afterr the goodss a
22、rriival aat thee desttinatiion.17索赔17、Claiims:如经中国检验机机构复检,发发现货物有损损坏、残缺或或品名、规格格、数量及质质量与本合同同及质量保证证书之规定不不符,买方可可于货到目的的港后天内凭凭上述检验机机构出具的证证明书向卖方方要求索赔。如如上述规定之之索赔期与质质量保证期不不一致,在质质量保证期限限内买方仍可可向卖方就质质量保证条款款之内容向卖卖方提出索赔赔。The buyyers sshall lodgee claiims aggainstt the selleers baased oon thee Insppectioon Cerrtifi
23、ccate iissuedd by CChina _ Inspeectionn Authhorityy _ Dayss afteer thee arriival oof thee goodds at the ddestinnationn , iff the goodss are foundd to bbe dammaged , misssing or thhe speecificcationns , qquantiity, aand quualityy not in coonformmity wwith tthose speciified in thhis coontracct andd Le
24、ttter off Quallity GGuaranntee . In ccase tthe cllaim pperiodd abovve speecifieed is not iin connformiity wiith thhe quaality guaraantee periood, duuring the qqualitty guaaranteee perriod, the bbuyerss havee righhts too lodgge claaims aagainsst thee selllers cconcerrning the qqualitty guaaranteee.18
25、延期交货货违约金18、Latee deliivery and ppenaltty除双方认可的不不可抗力因素素外,卖方迟迟于合同规定定的期限交货货,如买方同同意迟延交货货,卖方应同同意对信用证证有关条款进进行个性和同同意银行在议议付货款时扣扣除本条规定定的违约金。违违约金总值不不超过货物总总价值的5%,差率按77天0.5%计算,不满满7天仍按77天计算。在在未采用信用用证支付的情情况下,卖方方应将前述方方法计算的违违约金即付买买方。If the selleers faail too makee deliivery on tiime ass stippulateed in the ccontraa
26、ct , with excepption of Foorce MMajeurre, thhe buyyers sshall agreee to ppostpoone thhe delliveryy on ccondittions that the ssellerrs agrree too amennd thee clauuses oof thee L/C and ppay a penallty whhich sshall be deeducteed by the ppayingg bankk fromm the paymeent unnder nnegotiiationn . Thhe pen
27、nalty , howwever , shaall noot excceed 55% of the ttotal valuee of tthe gooods . The rate of peenaltyy is cchargeed at 0.5%ffor evvery sseven days , if less that sevenn dayss. In case , thee paymment iis nott madee throough LL/C , the ssellerrs shaall paay thee penaalty ccounteed as abovee to tthe b
28、uuyers as sooon ass posssible.19人力不可可抗拒:如因因人力不可抗抗拒的原因造造成本合同全全部或部分不不能履约,卖卖方概不负责责,但卖方应应将上述发生生的情况及时时通知买方。19、Forcce Majjeure :The selleers shhall nnot hoold anny ressponsiibilitty forr parttial oor tottal noon-perrformaance oof thiis conntractt due to Foorce MMajeurre . BBut thhe selllers shalll adviise
29、 thhe buyyers oon timmes off suchh occuurrencce.20争议之解解决方式:20、Dispputes settllementt :任何因本合同同而发生或与与本合同有关关的争议,应应提交中国国国际经济贸易易仲裁委员会会,按该会的的仲裁规则进进行仲裁。仲仲裁地点在中中国深圳。仲仲裁裁决是终终局的,对双双方均有约束束力。All diisputees ariising out oof thee conttract or inn connnectioon witth thee conttract , shaall bee submmittedd to tthe
30、Chhina IInternnationnal Ecconomiic andd Tradde Arbbitrattion CCommisssion for aarbitrrationn in aaccorddance with its RRules of Arrbitraation in ShhenZheen Chiina . The aarbitrral awward iis finnal annd binnding upon both partiies.21法律适用用21、Law appliicatioon :本合同之签订地地、或发生争争议时货物所所在地在中华华人民共和国国境内或被诉诉人为中国法法人的,适用用中华人民共共和国法律,除除此规定外,适适用联合国国国际货物销销售公约。It willl be ggovernned byy the law oof thee Peopples Repubblic oof Chiina unnder tthe ciircumsstancees thaat thee conttract is siinged or thhe gooods whhile tthe diisputee
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