1、北京市西城区2010年高三年级抽样测试英 语 试 题本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,考试时间120分钟。第一卷(共两部部分,共1115分)第一部分:听力力(满分300分)第一节 (共55小题;每小小题1.5分,满满分7.5分)听下面5段对话话。每段对话话后有一个小小题,从题中中所给的A、BB、C三个选选项中选出最最佳选项,并并标在试卷的的相应位置。听听完每段对话话后,你都有有10秒钟的的时间来回答答有关小题和和阅读下一小小题。每段对对话仅读一遍遍。例:What is thhe maan goiing too readd?AA neewspapper.BA mmag
2、aziine.CA bbook. 答案是是A。1What is Auun doiing?AShe is coountinng thee moneey.BShe is coountinng thee dayss.CShe cannoot go home.2What does the wwoman mean?AThe man hhas haad besstow sshape now.BThe man ppaid aa lot to woork inn the gym.CThe man hhas beeen woorkingg too hard. 3Wheree doess thiss convve
3、rsattion mmost llikelyy takee placce?AIn aa bankk.BIn a resstauraant.CIn a hosspitall.4What does the wwoman advisse thee man to doo?AHavee his secreetary make his rreservvationn.BMakee his reserrvatioon by himseelf.CGo tto thee confferencce witth hiss secrretaryy.5How mmuch wwould the wwoman pay ffo
4、r thhe ticckets altoggetherr?A$ 100.B$ 115.C$ 330. 第二节 (共110小题;每每题1.5分,满满分1.5分)听下面5段对话话或独白。每每段对话或独独白后有几个个小题,从题题中所给的AA,B,C三三个选项中选选出最佳选项项,并标在试试卷的相应位位置。听每段段对话或独白白前,你将有有时间阅读各各个小题,每每小题5秒钟钟;听完后,每每小题将给出出5秒钟的作作答时间。每每段对话或独独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回回答第6至77题。6Who iis vissitingg the womann for the wweekennd?AHer brothher.B
5、Herr studdent.Cherr teaccher.7How ddoes tthe wooman kknow AAnn?AShe has jjust bbeen iintrodduced to heer.BShe has ttaken pianoo lesssons ffrom hher.CTheyy havee met at a partyy befoore.听第7段材料,回回答第8至99题。8Wheree doess the womann workk?AAt aa univversitty.BAt a TV statiion.CAt a newwspapeer offfice. 9W
6、hy iis thee man applyying ffor thhis poositioon?AHe nneeds a welll paidd posiition.BHe hhas reecentlly losst anoother job.CHe wwants some workiing exxperieence.听第8段材料,回回答第10至至12题。10Whatt is tthe sppeakerr talkking aabout in thhe newws?AThe no smokking llaw.BA ccity iin thee U. SS.CSmooking and hhear
7、t attacck.11Whatt doess the doctoor thiink off the no smokking llaw?AIt mmakes no seense.BIts goood forr the publiic.CIts nott popuular iin thee U. SS.12How many peoplle suffferedd fromm hearrt atttack bbeforee the law wwas paassed?ANearrly thhree hhundreed.BA liittle more than two hhundreed.CNearrl
8、y foour huundredd.听第9段材料,回回答第13至至15题。13Whatt do yyou thhink “DISCOOVERIEES” is?AIt iis thee namee of aa bookk.BIt iis thee namee of mmagaziine.CIt iis thee namee of aa newsspaperr.14Why did tthe maan speend teen dayys in prisoon?AHe wwas caaught stealling.BHe rreportted onn prissons.CHe wwrote adven
9、nture reporrts.15Whatts thee effeect off his articcles?APeopple goot exccited and aangry.BHe llearneed a ggood llessonn.CPrissonerss are now bbetterr treaated.第三节 (共55小题;每小小题1.5分分,共7.55分)听下面一段对话话,完成第116题至200题,每小题题仅填写一个个词或一组数数字。听对话话前,你将有有20秒钟的的时间阅读试试题,听完后后你将有600秒钟的作答答时间。这段段对话你将听听两遍。请将将答案写在答答题纸上。Fligh
10、t BonkkingStartinng CittyLos AnggelesDestinaationBerlin, 166 Kind off tickketOne wway tiicket Detailss of tthe trrip1. pricce of the ttickett: $ 17 2. 2 daays foor a cconferrence aboutt 188 3. Channge fllightss in BBostonn4. Preffer a scat by thhe 119 Possiblle trooubleThe mann is 20 someetimess on
11、tthe pllane.第二部分:英语语知识运用(共共两节, 满分455分)第一节:单项填填空(共155小题,每小小题1分,满分115分)从每题所给的AA、B、C、DD四个选项中中,选出可以以填入空白处处的最佳选项项。例:Its so niice too hearr fromm her againn, , we llast mmet moore thhan thhirty yearss ago.AWhatts morreBThaats to sayCIn otherr worddsDBellieve it orr not 答案是是B。21The dog iis a llovelyy animm
12、al. Onne whiich liives iin fflat bbelow mine is paarticuularlyy prettty.AThe; theB不填;aCThee; aDThee;不填22- Have you eever rriddenn a hoorse? - No, but II a came when I visiited EEgypt last year.Awas ridinngBhavve ridddenCroddeDridde23Everryone thinkks hell goo far in thhis coompanyy becaause hhe hass
13、 all the qqualitties nnecesssary successs.AtoBBwithhConDforr24- I heaard thhe phoone riingingg in tthe offfice next door. - You itt. Theey havvent gott a phhone yyet.Acoulldnt hearBcoulldnt have hearddCdidnnt heaarDwouuldnt havve heaard25Danbby lefft a mmessagge witth thee proffessorr hhe wouuld caa
14、ll aggain iin thee afteernoonn.AwhoBthaatCasDwhiich26 byy the recovveringg worlld ecoonomy, the oil pprice has bbeen rrisingg rapiidly.ADrivvenBTo be drrivenCTo driveeDHavving ddrive27Thiss treee reaally ffast. Last year it waas onlly hallf thiis sizze.Awas growiingBhass growwnChass beenn growwnDgre
15、ew28I waas nott in Beeijingg lastt Junee, othherwisse I my sons graaduatiion ceeremonny.Awoulld nott misssBdiddnt misssCwoulld nott havee misssedDhadd not misseed29- thatt he mmanageed to get tthe innformaation? - Welll, a ffriendd of hhis heelped him.AWherre wass itBWhaat wass itCHoww was itDWhyy w
16、as it30It wwas quuite aa few yearss tthe acccusedd was declaared iinnoceent annd sett freee.AsincceBthaatCwheenDbeffore31The most impreessivee sighht in Chinaa, onee of tthe woonderss of tthe woorld, the Greatt Walll.AisBBareCwassDbeffore32Itss a reelief to knnow thhat soomethiing is beeing ddown tt
17、o rebbuild the cchasedd desttroyedd in tthe quuake.AcomppetitiiveBpasssiveCsennsitivveDpossitivee33a suuccesssful llife iis a llife challlengees aree met and ddifficcultiees oveercomee.AwhicchBwheereCthaatDwhaat34Intoo the dark aparttment , who was qquite surprrised when everyyone sshouteed “Happyy
18、Birtthday”.Adid Davidd walkkBDavvid waalkedCDavvid diid wallkDwallked DDavid35ABCD第二节 完型填填空(共200小题;每小小题1.5分,满满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌掌握其大意,然然后从3655各题所所给的四个选选项(A、BB、C和D)中中,选出最佳佳选项 He met hher att a paarty. She wwas ouutstannding; manyy boyss weree afteer herr, butt noboody paaid anny 336 tto himm. Aftter thhe
19、parrty, hhe invvited her ffor cooffee. She was ssurpriised. In orrder nnot too 377 ruude, sshe weent allong. 338 thhey saat in a nicce cofffee sshop, he waas tooo 399 to say aanythiing. SSuddennly, hhe askked thhe waiiter. “Coulld youu pleaase 40 me soome saalt? IId likke to put iit in my cooffee.”T
20、hey giirl sttared at hiim. Hee turnned reed, buut wheen thee saltt camee, he put iit in his ccoffeee and drankk. 441 , she aasked. “Why ssalt wwith ccoffeee?” he 42 , “When I was a litttle bboy. II liveed neaar thee sea, I likeed plaaying in thhe seaa I coulld 443 itts tasste saalty, like saltyy cof
21、ffee. NNow evvery ttime II drinnk it. I thinnk of my 44 and mmy hommetownn. I misss it aand myy pareents, who aare sttill tthere.”She wass deepply 45 , A maan whoo can 46 thatt hes homees elkk, musst lovve hiss homee and 47 aabout his ffamilyy. He must be 48 .She tallked ttoo, aabout her ffarawaay h
22、ommetownn, herr chilldhoodd, herr 499 . TThat wwas thhe staart off theiir lovve stoory.They coontinuued too datee eachh otheer. Shhe fouund thhat hee met all hher 50 . He wwas tooleratte, kiind, wwarm aand caarefull. 551 too thinnk shee woulld havve misssed tthe 52 if noot forr the saltyy cofffee!So
23、 theyy marrried aand liived hhappilly toggetherr. Eveery tiime shhe madde cofffee ffor hiim, shhe putt in ssome ssalt, the 53 he lliked it.After 440 yeaars, hhe 554 awway annd lefft herr a leetter whichh saidd: “My deearestt, pleease fforgivve my life longg lie. Remeember the ffirst time we daated?
24、I was so neervouss I askeed forr saltt insttead oof suggar. IIf I coulld livve a ssecondd timee, I hopee we ccan bee togeether againn, 555 iit meaans thhat I havee to ddrink saltyy cofffee foor thee restt of mmy liffe.”36AmooneyBatttentioonCvissitDresspect37AshhowBloookCseeemDapppear38AAssBBeccauseC
26、t47AmiindBcarreCknoowDatttend48AsmmartBinteelligeentCressponsiibleDfleexiblee49AfaamilyBschhoolCrellativeesDhouuse50AfrriendssBreqquiremmentsCneeedsDstaandardds51AAnndBWheenCOrDButt52AsiightBtraainCcattchDhomme53AmeethodBstyyleCmannnerDwayy54AmoovedBpasssedCdieedDwallked55Aass ifBnoww thattCeveen if
27、Dso that第三部分:阅读读理解(共两两节,满分440分)第一节:(共115小题;每每小题2分,共共30分)阅读下列短文,从从每题所给的的四个选项(AA、B、C和和D)中,选选出最佳选项项。AAfter hher paarentss sepaaratedd, thiings aat tamms houuse chhangedd. Herr mom, steeed worrking, and Tami becamme ressponsiible ffor thhe houuse annd makking mmeals for hhersellf andd her youngger siist
28、er. Thouugh mooney wwas riight, they neverr wentt withhout. They had aa nicee homee in aa modeest neeighboorhoodd foodd, bellchingg and sheltter. WWhat TTami mmissedd mostt of aall, tthoughh, wass famiily.Tami sppent tthe suummer durinng herr nintth graade yeear woorkingg at aa parkk to eear exxam s
29、ppendinng monney. HHer joob wass to oorganiize acctivitties ffor thhe kidds whoo spennt theeir suummer days at thhe parrk. Thhe kidds abssoluteely looved TTami. She wwas coonstanntly ggoing out oof herr way to doo thinngs foor theem. Shhe wouuld pllan piicnicss, orgganizee fielld triips annd eveen b
30、uyy ice creamm for all oof thee, usiing heer ownn moneey. Shhe alwways ddid moore thhan thhe jobb requuired, evenn if iit didd meann usinng herr own moneyy.She gott to kknow oone liittle boy whho livved inn an aapartmment aacrosss the streeet froom thee parkk. Hiss pareents bboth wworkedd at ffast f
31、oodd resttaurannts, aand shhe kneew thaat theey diddnt havve mucch monney. TThe booy tallked aabout his uupcomiing biirthdaay andd the fire truckk he wwantedd so bbadly. He ssaid hhe wass goinng to be a firemman soome daay andd needded thhe truuck too pracctice. He ttold TTami mmore ddetaills aboout
32、 thhe truuck thhan shhe kneew a bboy trruck ccould have.The boyys birrthdayy camee and went. The next day wwhen TTami ssaw thhe boyy, shee expeected to seee a sshiny red ttruck in hiis armms. Whhen hee arriived eempty handeed, shhe askked whhetherr he hhad goot thee trucck. Thhe boyy saidd no. his p
33、parentts werre goiing too get it foor himm lateer, whhen thhings were betteer. Hee seemmed a littlle sadd.That weeek, TTami eeased her ppaycheeck annd heaaded ffor thhe toyy storres. SShe foound tthe trruck eeasilyy afteer alll, froom hiss desccriptiions, she ffelt sshe knnew itt insiide ouut. Shhe
34、useed thee moneey froom herr payccheck to buuy thee trucck, annd theen hadd it wwrappeed in birthhday ppaper.56Whatt can we leearn ffrom tthe fiirst pparagrraph? ATheey diddnt neeed in worryy too much aboutt theiir livving.BTamiis sistter beecame more respoonsiblle.CTamii begaan to earn moneyy.DHer
35、motheer chaanged her jjob.57Why did TTami bbuy thhe birrthdayy pressent ffor thhe boyy usinng herr own moneyy?ABecaause hhe wass poorrer thhan shhe.BBecaause hhe wass her best friennd.CBecaause sshe waanted him tto be a firreman.Dbecaause sshe waanted him tto feeel lovve aroound hhim.58Whatt can we
36、leearn ffrom tthe unnderliined ssentennce?AShe knew how mmuch mmoney she wwould pay.BShe knew she sshouldd checck thee toy truckk insiide ouut.CShe was ffully awaree whicch toyy trucck thee boy wanteed.DShe walkeed insside aand thhen ouut of the ttoy sttore sseveraal timmes.59Whicch of the ffollowwi
37、ng ccould be thhe opeening senteence oof thee nextt paraagraphh? AThee nextt mornning, Tami rode to thhe boyys houuse annd lefft thee trucck at the ddoor.BWhenn the boy sshowedd up aat thee parkk thatt day, he wwas moore exxcitedd thann everr.CHe sshowedd off his nnew trruck tto Tammi, annd theen pl
38、aayed wwith iit alll day long.DThatt afteernoonn, thee boys momm camee to tthe paark annd wallked oover tto Tammi.BWednesdday, JJanuarry 7,22009 A bblackllist oof 19 leadiing seearch enginne porrtals (门户) and wwebsittes, iincludding GGooglee and Baiduu, whiich “spreaad vullgar (lackiing inn goodd ta
39、stte) coontentt and harm the yyoung peoplle” has been publiished, the Chineese goovemmeent saaid Moonday. Acccordinng to Xinhuua Newws Ageency, six ccentraal deppartmeents cconduccted aa mothh longg camppaign to cllean uup thee Inteernet of unnhealtthy annd vullgar mmateriials.“The goovernmment wwil
40、l ccontinnue too puniish orr evenn shutt downn thosse shaamefull Webssites that refusse to conneect thheir wwrongddoing.” Gai Manghham, ddirecttor off the Statee Counncil IInformmationn Offiice, ssaid. “Immeddiate actioon is needeed to cleann up tthe Innterneet envvironmment.”The govvernmeent deeman
41、deed thee web portaals, aa numbber off videeo shaaring sitess, inccludinng Sinna, Soohu annd NettEase, Googgle inn Chinnese aand otther wwebsittes too remoove vuulgar photoos aftter duue nottice bbut thhey faailed and ccontinnued pprovidding llinks to thhese uunheallthy ssites. Gooogle CChinas spook
42、eswooman CCui Jiin, hooweverr, expplaineed thaat “Googlle is neithher thhe ownner off thosse Webbsitess nor does it sppread (thatt) infformattion iintenttionallly. WWe havve alsso adoopted safe searcch to bblock sitess withh suchh conttent aautomaaticallly. ” Baiidu, NNetEasse. coom. Inne andd SINAA
43、 Corpp., inn web stateementss on WWednessday, admittted ttheir guiltt, andd apollogizeed forr failling tto conntrol such conteend. GGooglee Chinna, onn the otherr handd, proomisedd to eeoperaate wiith Innterneet useers annd socciety to heelp buuild aa heallthy IInternnet cuulturee. “Afterr we rrecei
44、vved nootice from relevvant ggovernnment deparrtmentts, wee cleaaned uup linnks too vulggar coontentt thatt eoulld havve harrmful effeccts onn Inteernet userss,” it aadded.60Whatt is tthe teext maainly aboutt?AHow the CChinesse govvernmeent maanagess the leadiing seearch enginne porrtals.BHow the ll
45、eadinng seaarch eenginee porttals rreact to too the goverrnmentts erotticismm.CWhatt the govemmment it trrying to doo ti cclean up thhe Intternett enviironmeent.DWhatt the leadiing seearch enginne porrtals are ddoing to immprovee theiir serrvice.61Whicch of the ffollowwing iis TRUUE aboout Caai Minn
46、gzhaoo?AHe wworks for tthe Miinistrry of Publiie Seeeurityy.BHe ccalledd on tthe shhamefuul Webb sitees to correect thheir wwrongddoing.Che aapologgized for ffailinng to cleann up tthe Innterneet of unheaalthy materrials.DHe iis worrking hard to maake thhe deffinitiion off “spreaading vulgaar matter
47、ialls” cleaar.62Accoordingg to tthe teext, wwhich compaany toook thhe mosst possitivee attiitude?AGooggle ChhinaBNelEEase. com. Inc.CSINAA Corpp.DBaiidu63We ccan leearn ffrom tthe laast paaragraaph thhat . AChiinas Intternett enviironmeent iss gettting bbetterr and betteerBChinna stiill haas a llong
48、 wway too go tto buiild a cleanner Innterneet envvironmmentCChinna hass madee lawss to pprotecct thee enviironmeent off the InterrnedDChinna hass not realiized tthe haarm off illeegal iinformmationn fromm the InterrnetCTo be cconcerrned wwith pproperr chilld devvelopmment iis to be cooncernned abbou
49、t mmakingg suree thatt chilldren have dailyy acceess too bothh mothhers andd fathhers parrentinng.If Heatther iis beiing raaised by twwo mommmies and BBrandoon is beingg raissed byy Dadddy andd his new hhusbannd-rooommatee, Heaather and BBrandoon migght haave twwo aduults iin theeir liives, but tthe
50、y aare beeing ddeprivved off the beneffits ffound in thhe uniique iinflueences foundd in aa mothher annd fattherss diffferingg pareentingg stylles. MMuch oof thee valuue motthers and ffatherrs briing too theiir chiildrenn is ddue too the fact that motheers annd fatthers are ddifferrent. And bby cooo
51、peratting ttogethher annd commplemeentingg eachh otheer in theirr diffferencces, tthey pprovidde theese goood thhings that same-sex ccaregiivers cannoot. Thhe impportannt vallue off thesse gennder-bbased diffeerencees in healtthy chhild-ddeveloopmentt willl be eexplorred heere. The fattherinng difff
52、erennce iss expllainedd by ffatherring sscholaar Dr. Kylee Prueett off Yalee Mediccal Schoool in his bbook FFatherrneed: Why Fatheer Carre is as Esssentiial ass Mothher Caare foor Youur Chiild. PPruettt sayss dadss mattter siimply becauuse “ffatherrs do not mmotherr.” A fatheer, ass a maale paarent,
53、 brinngs unnique contrributiions tto thee job of paarentiing thhat a motheer cannnot. Likewisse, a motheer, ass a feemale parennt, unniquelly imppacts the llife aand deeveloppment of heer chiild, aas Dr. Brennda Huunter explaains iin herr bookk, Thee Poweer of Motheer Lovve: Trransfoormingg Bothh Mo
54、thher annd Chiild. EErik EEriksoon expplaineed thaat fatther llove aand moother love are qqualittativeely diiffereent kiinds oof lovve. Faatherss lovee moree danggeroussly beecausee theiir lovve is more expecctant than a mottherss lovee. Dr. Prueett allso exxplainns thaat fatthers have a cleear stty
55、le oof commmuniccationn withh chilldren. Babuuism bby 8 wweeks, can tell the ddifferrence betweeen a made or feemale commuunicatting wwith tthem. Stanfford ppsychoologisst Eleeanor Maccooby, iin herr bookk The Two SSexes, expllains motheers annd fatthers respoond diiffereently to baabies. Mothhers a
56、are moore liikely to prrovidee warmm caree for a envvying baby. Whetther tthey rrealizze it or noot, chhildreen aree learrning at eaarliesst agee thatt men and wwomen are ddifferrent aand haave diiffereent waays off dealling wwith llife, otherr adullts annd theeir chhildreen.64Thiss passsage iis mai
57、inly aabout .Athreee expperts diffeerent arguumentssBthe introoductiions tto thee threee fammous bbooksCmothhers aand faatherss diffferennt parrentinng styylesDthe valuee of pparentts pareentingg in hhealthhy chiilddeeveloppment 65Whicch cann repllace tthe unnderliined pphrasee “depriived oof” in Pa
58、ara. 22?AprovvidedBkepptCtakken awwayDturrned ddown66Whicch of the ffollowwing aabout Dr. PPruettt is TTRUE?AHe tthinkss fathhers mmake mmore ccontriibutioon to the jjob off pareentingg thann mothhers.BHe tthinkss fathhers hhave bbetterr commmunicaation with childdren tthan mmotherrs.CHe tthinkss sa
59、mee set careggiverss cannnot brring cchildrren goood thhings.DHe tthinkss chilldren need fatheer carre as well as moother card.D Mosst peoople wwho ennjoy mmoviess do nnot reeally care how tthey aare maade. TThey wwant to ennjoy aa goodd storry. Moovie pproduccer annd dirrectorr Georrge Luucas wwant
60、s peoplle to see the bbest-mmade mmovie possiible. So, hhis laatest Star Wars moviee was made withoout usingg filmm.“Star WWars: Attaack off the Clonees” waas madde usiing diigitall cameeras. A diggital camerra doees nott use tradiitionaal fillm. Itt capttures an immage oon viddeotappe. Thhe imaages
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- 煤炭买卖居间合同
- 产品分销合作协议修改书
- 山东省淄博市临淄区2024-2025学年八年级上学期期末生物学试题(含答案)
- 湖南省娄底市冷水江市2024-2025学年八年级上学期期末生物学试题(含答案)
- 数据驱动的智慧城市建设项目合作协议
- 信息技术与农业管理咨询服务协议
- 2024年批次杭州市教育局所属事业单位招聘笔试真题
- 2024年海东市第二人民医院自主招聘专业技术人员考试真题
- 《VAVE价值工程》课件 - 创造最大化的价值与效益
- 中医养生保健知识科普
- 社区居委会2025年工作总结暨2025年工作计划
- 水果联营合同范例
- 江苏卷2024年高考语文第一次模拟考试一(原卷版+解析版)
- 实验室仪器设备售后服务承诺书(7篇)
- 《主管技能训练》课件
- 2024解析:第十六章电压和电阻-讲核心(解析版)
- 浙江省杭州市2024年中考英语真题(含答案)