1、2017-2018学年第一学期高一英语月考试卷第倦第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共五小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面五段对话,选出最佳选项。Whass the woman doing?Asking about the mans plan.offering the man a roducing a company.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. university B. A lab C. A physicistWhat does the woman want to do?Ask the man
2、for adviceleave something for the man.Talk with the man.Who is the musician?The mans daughter. B. The mans wife C. The manWhat doe the woman think of the mans invention?A. Surprising B. useful C. Important第二节(共十五小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面五段对话或独白,选岀最佳选项。请听第六段材料,回答第6、7题。Where are the speakers most proba
3、bly?A. In the hotel. B. At the airport. C. On the plane.How long will the woman stay in shanghai?A. Three weeks . B. Two weeks. C. One week.请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题.What does the woman want the man to do for the party?A. Prepare food B. Record some music C. Hire a band.When will the speakers meet again befor
4、e the party?A. This Monday, B. This Friday. C. Next Tuesday. 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.What is the womans father?A. A college teacher B. A businessman C. A doctorWhat advice does the man give the woman?Start drawing as early as possible.Apply for an arts college.Choose her major carefully.What will the woma
5、n talk with her parents?A. Tonight. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. Tomorrow evening.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题.Whafs the relationship between the speakers?A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister. C. mother and s on.Where is the man most probably?A. At home B. In Jacks house. C. In his office.When did Jean come
6、 back from Washington?A. Yesterday afternoon. B. Last night C. This morningHow many people are going to the movies with the man?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题.What color was Joels car?A. Red. B. White. C. Black.Where did Joel live?A. In Bell. B. In Montebello. C. In Los Angeles.How lo
7、ng did it take Joel to pass this written test?A. Six days. B. A month. C. Six weeks.How did Joel learn to drive in the end?A. His uncle taught him.His cousin taught him.He taught himself.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D )中, 选出最佳选项。AMost buildings are built to sta
8、nd up straight, but these look as if they might fall over!The church tower of SuurhusenBuilt in 1450, the 27-metre-high church tower lies in Suurhusen,Germany. It was built in wet land on foundations of oak tree tr unks (树干).When the land was drained (排水)later, the wood broke down, causing one side
9、of the tower to be a little lower than the other. In 1975, the tower became a real hazard and people were not allowed to enter until the fou ndations were made strong again. The lean (彳顷 斜)of the tower is now about five degrees.The Leaning Tower of PisaThe work of building the tower began in 1173, a
10、nd was finall y completed in 1372. In fact, it began to lean after just a couple of floors were built. And this condition continued in the centu ries after its completion. The tower was finally closed to the p ublic in 1990 after people failed to stabilize (使稳 固)its foundations. In 2001, it was reop
11、ened after engineers r emoved soil from underneath its raised side. Now it leans just an angle of 3.97 degrees.Capital Gate of Abu DhabiCompleted in 2011, the Capital Gate tower in Abu Dhabi wa s designed to lean eighteen degrees. The building stands nex t to the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre
12、 and contains, a mong other things, a fine hotel with wonderful views of the har bour. Also known as the leaning tower of Abu Dhabi, the towe r is one of the tallest buildings in the city.Big Ben of LondonThe building leans 0.26 degrees to the northwest. This was mainly caused by the engineering pro
13、jects (项 目)that have been carried out in the ground below it since the late 1800s. The tower, which has been continuously open sin ce it was completed in 1858, has nowhere near the lean of th e Tower of Pisa and is still completely safe to enter.The underlined word “hazard” in Paragraph 2 probably m
14、e ans “ A. dangerB. church C. castleD. treasureA. dangerB. church C. castleD. treasureWhat can we learn about the Leaning Tower of Pisa?It didnt lean until ten years after its completion.It took almost two hundred years to complete.It was built on foundations of oak tree trunks.It has been open sinc
15、e it was completed.Which of the following towers leans the most according to the text?A. The church tower of Suurhusen. B. The Leaning Tower o f Pisa.C. Capital Gate of Abu Dhabi. D. Big Ben of London.What would be the best title for the text?A. The history of towersB. The art of building a towerC.
16、The leaning towers of the world D. Top four tallest towers in EuropeBSundays, I walk to the supermarket. Mother hands me the g rocery list and puts money in my pocket, hoping it will be enou gh. Shes had a hard day, and Ive had a hard week. Nothing out of the ordinary happens when I get to the store
17、. I grab the bread, some milk, and other things on the list. As I turn to hea d out, I see a beautiful dress in the window. I turn away, bitter that I could never own such a dress.Outside, I cannot stop thinking about that pretty dress. Its n ot fair that I can never have what I want. I work so hard
18、 to hel p my family and yet I get nothing in return, just another list to do. In my anger, I fail to realize the apples are rolling across t he road. Suddenly, I see a pair of hands, offering me an apple .Looking up, I see the tanned (晒黑 的)face of this stranger. His clothes are mismatched, borrowe d
19、 or stolen. But his eyes are soft and kind.“Thanks,” I say. No other words are spoken as he continues t o help me. I tell him “thank you” one more time and am on my way because I have many other things to finish. Suddenly, he says, Have a good day, maam.” And then he gives me the b iggest smile I ha
20、ve ever seen. Right then, he looks years you nger and I feel a fool.Look at me, feeling sorry for myself because I dont get what I want! Do I not think others are in the same boat, or worse? There are worse things than not having a beautiful dress. My mother will hand me the list today. I will make
21、the same jo urney and probably see something I want but cannot have. Bu t before I start to feel sorry for myself, I will remember the kind stranger with the big smile, and I will grab the last item, and c heck out.What can we learn about the author from the first paragra ph?A. She is rushing to get
22、 home. B. She comes from a poor fami iy-C. She never buys herself new clothes. D. She enjoys doing t he family shopping.Why does the author feel angry as she walks home?A. Her apples drop on the road. B. She gets nothing for he r effort.C. She is expected to do too much. D. Her family pay little at
23、tention to her.The author speaks very few words to the man because .A. she thinks he is a bad manB. she has never met him befor eC. she is in a hurry to do other work D. she doesn*t like the w ay he*s dressedWhats the best title for the text?A. A difficult daily job B. Learn to understandC. My great
24、est influence D. Save money for the futureDear Kate,Its really good to know you are covering for me while Im aw ay on the training course. Thanks so much. Knowing that you II be teaching the kids has made me relaxed. Tm sure youll g et on fine with them. I thought I should leave you some notes on a
25、couple of things that are planned for this week, and other advice that will hopefully see you through to next Friday!Tuesday: The class is going to visit the Dinosaur Museum. Make sure they take their notebooks and remind them on Mo nday to bring a packed lunch and the entrance money.Thursday: Ive p
26、romised them they can watch a Disney DV D as a special treat. Its in my locker.There are some workshe ets (活页练习题)to go with it. By the way, dont worry about marking them Ill do it when Tm back.You know, the head teacher is on the warpath about being late, so be warned! If you get to school even a mi
27、nute past 8: 15, shes likely to give you a real telling-off.Seriously, though, youll have a great week the kids ar e wonderful. Dont let Mark and Jack sit together and you sho uldnt have any disciplinary (纪律 的)problems! Which reminds me, if you do have any problem s, just tell the head. Shes very su
28、pportive when it comes to di scipline. One last thing could you leave notes on what you do, please?Best wishes,StefWhy did Stef write the letter to Kate?To talk about the training course.To invite her to the Dinosaur Museum.To tell her what to do when shes away.To ask if shes ready to teach her stud
29、ents.On Tuesday, students should take the following things EX CEPT . a notebook B. a worksheetC. a packed lunch D. the entrance moneyThe underlined part “on the warpath” in Paragraph 4 can b est be replaced by “ ”.A. angry B. easy C. doubtfulD. happyWe can infer from the letter that Mark and Jack .A
30、. always sit together B. might not get along wellC. are very good students D. dont like Disney moviesDBack in 2001, Pen Hadow and I traveled to the North Pole ( 北极).One morning wed just taken down our tent and started sk iing (滑雪).Pen was in front, and I was following him. Suddenly I got a strange f
31、eeling that something was behind us. I stopped, loo ked back and saw a polar bear, walking towards us.Pen and I planned to stay where we were, try and look big, an d frighten it away. Pen had a shotgun that wed bought in Rus sia. That was his job. My job was to look big and to take off m y skis, hol
32、d the skis in the air, make lots of noise, and frighten away the bear. Pen raised the gun and fired into the air. Howe ver, it jammed and failed to work.The bear was walking towards us. Pen tried again, but agai n it didnt work. Then he walked towards the bear, and I thoug ht, “Wow, Pens gone comple
33、tely mad. Hes going to get eate n. What should I do?nI thought maybe I could throw a ski at it or stab (刺)it with a ski pole or something. Suddenly, the bear stopped. Pen stopp ed. Bang. The gun went off in the air. There was a big cloud o f smoke that I think surprised Pen and me more than it surpr
34、is ed the bear. The animal looked up, looked down, turned arou nd and walked off. Pen turned round and said, Quick, get the camera and take a photograph/1 and that was when suddenly I felt really nervous. I couldnt even undo(解开,打开)the zip on our bag.That was the morning of the second day of this jou
35、rney. We were out there for two months fifty-nine days, but we never saw another bear that close.What happened to the author and Pen?A. They lost their way. B. They felt terribly ill.C. They broke their tent. D. They were followed by a bear.Who frightened the bear away in the end?A. The author. B. A
36、 hunter.C. Pen.D. Another animal.C. Pen.D. Another animal.In the text, the author mainly talks about his discovery in the North Polehis experience in the North Polewhy he traveled to the North Polehow he traveled across the North Pole第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选 项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ki
37、ds and food: advice for parentsIt is important for parents to know how to help their kids eat healthy. Here are a few easy ways:Parents control the supply lines.Though kids may keep asking for less nutritious (有营养 的)foods, parents should decide which foods are regularly pr ovided in the house. Kids
38、wont go hungry. Theyll eat whafs a vailable in the fridge at home.Say goodbye to the “clean-plate club”.Lots of parents grew up under the cleanplate rule, but that way doesnt help kids listen to their own bo dies when they are full. When kids feel full, theyre less likely t o overeat. 38Food prefere
39、nces are developed early in life, so try to offer dif ferent kinds of food. Likes and disl汰es begin forming even wh en kids are babies. Parents may need to serve a new food on several different occasions (时机)for a child to accept it.Food is not love.Find better ways to say T love you.” When foods ar
40、e used t o reward kids and show love, they may start to turn to food wh en feeling worried or unhappy. 39Kids do as you do.40 When trying to teach good eating habits, try to set the b est example. Choose nutritious food, eat at the table, and don t forget breakfasts.Start them young.Rewrite the kids
41、* menu.Be a role model and eat healthy yourself.Offer praise and attention instead of food treats.Let kids stop eating when they feel theyve had enough.You decide which foods to buy and when to serve them.HILet kids choose what to eat and how much of it they want. 第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:完形填空(共20
42、小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选岀可以填入空白处的最佳选项。HIBen Underwood was a normal teenage boy. He 41 playing basketball, riding his bicycle and playing video games. But in one way, Ben was 42 to most other teenagers he was blin d. 43 , Ben had a special talent. He didnt have any eyes, bu
43、t he could 44 see.Ben was bom in 1992, and he was a happy and healthy baby. However, when he was two years old, his life 45 . Ben had c ancer and he had to have an operation. The operation was 4 6 , and Ben was fine. However, the doctors had to remove his eyes and Ben became 47 .After his operation,
44、 Ben 48 a special talent. When he was tB. seeC. finishD. understaB. seeC. finishD. understa44. A. stillB. just C. soonD. ever44. A. stillB. just C. soonD. everhree, he learned how to see” buildings with his 49 . He listen ed very carefully, and he could 50 noises bounce off (反 弓单)buildings. The nois
45、es told him where the 51 were. Then, when Ben was seven, he 52 to click (发出咔哒 声)He made clicking noises with his mouth, and listened forthat bounced back from things. In this way, Ben could “se e” where he was and what was around him. This is the samein which dolphins see things under water.Scientis
46、ts and doctors were 55 Bens talent. There are only a few blind people in the world who can 56 like Ben. He bee ame 57 . He was on TV, and he traveled to different countrie s and talked to people about his life. 58 , when Ben was 16, h is cancer came back. He died soon after. However, during Be ns li
47、fe, he 59 people that anything is possible. Many people admired him because he encouraged them and helped them f eel 60 . When he died in 2009, over 2,000 people went to his funeral (葬礼).41. A. stoppedB. lovedC. avoidedD.suggested42. A. differentB. polite C. closeD. kind43. A. InsteadB. BesidesC How
48、everD.Then45. A. startedD. changedB. improved C. continued46. A. simplengerousB. cheap C. successfulD. da47. A. blindkyB. free C. angryD. luc48. A. usedB. developed C. knewD.discovered49. A. eyesetB. hands C. earsD. feA. makeA. teenagersB. hear C. watchD. helpB. dolphins C. doctorsD. buildings52. A.
49、 learnedD. decidedB. failed C. remembered53. A. voicesB. noises C. songsD.shouts54. A. timeB. study C. wayD. problem55. A. worried aboutB. experienced in C. annoyed byD. amazed at56. A. talkndmous58. A. SadlyB. QuietlyC. CarelesslyD. Immediately59. A. promisedB. advisedC. taughtD.warned60. A. comfor
50、tableB. strongC. popularD.happy57. A. tiredB. serious C. nervousD.fa57. A. tiredB. serious C. nervousD.fa第I倦第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号 内单词的正确形式。As we all know, there are some differences between Americ an English and British English. How did these dif
51、ferences take place? There is no quick answer 61. this question.Actually at first the language in Britain and America was t he same. After America became an independent (独立 的)country, the language 62. (gradual) began to ch ange. For a long time the language in America stayed the sa me, while the lan
52、guage in England changed.Over the centuries, a number of words and meanings 63. are still in everyday use in the United States 64. (disappear) in British English. For example, Americansstill use the 65. (express) T guess” (meaning a think ”),just as the British did 300 years ago.In 1828 Noah Webster
53、 published the first American dictio nary. 66. (make) American English different from Bri tish English, he changed the spelling of many words. Thats w hy the words colour, centre and traveller 67. (spell) color, center and traveler in American English. Except for thes e differences in spelling, 68.
54、(write) English is nearly the same in both British English and American English.The differences are much 69. (great) in the spo ken language. However, most of the time people from the two countries do not have difficulty in 70. (understand) each other.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定
55、英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同 桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两 处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的増加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写岀 该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的 词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Li Ming is a senior three student who devote himself to his I essons every day. Last Saturday, as usua
56、l, he went to several courses. In the evening, he studies at home until deep into th e night. He was too sleepy and tired that he couldnt work effe ctively. In Sunday morning, Li Hua was about to study when h is father came up and advised him to have a break. Soon they had good idea. They bought a k
57、ite which they liked it very mu ch and then the family went to the suburbs where Li Hua enjo yed himself fly the kite. The family had a picnic together but fe It very relaxed in the open air. On Monday, Li Hua was energe tic and actively in class. He said it was only why he had a bett er weekend第二节:
58、书面表达(满分25分) 假设你是李华,你的英国网友Linda最近在中国学习。她写信 向你诉说了她的困扰:不适应新的生活学习环境,想家,感到 很焦虑。请你根据以下要点给她写一封回信。要点如下:表示理解并给与安慰提岀建议并给出理由。注意:词数100左右(开头已给岀,但不计入总词数)0Hi, Linda,Im sorry to learn that you are having such a bad time.Yours,Li Hua2017-2018学年第一学期高一英语月考试卷第倦第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共五小每小1.5第一节(共五小每小1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面五段对话
59、,选出最佳选项。Whass the woman doing?Asking about the mans plan.offering the man a roducing a company.2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. university B. A lab C. A physicistWhat does the woman want to do?Ask the man for adviceleave something for the man.Talk with the man.Who is the music
60、ian?The mans daughter. B. The mans wife C. The manWhat doe the woman think of the man s invention?Surprising B. useful C. Important第二节(共十五小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面五段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第六段材料,回答第6、7题。Where are the speakers most probably?A. In the hotel. B. At the airport. C. On the plane.How long will the w
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