1、Translation of English Adverbial Clauses Into Chinese英语状语从句翻译第1页 一、时间状语从句翻译1.1译成与汉语完全对应 表示时间状语 1.We shall discuss the problem fully before we make the decision. 我们在作出决定之前要充分讨论这个问题2. The iron should be stricken while it is hot. 趁热打铁3. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?第2页4.When t
2、hey approached Trenton, lights were still burning in many of the houses and Christmas parties were still going on. 当他们迫近屈兰敦时, 许多房子里依然灯火通明,圣诞晚会还未结束。5.我们第二次见面时,我发觉她比实际年纪显得老一些了。When we met each other for the second time, I found that she looked older than she was.6.直到黄昏降临,他小孩才回家。His child did not come
3、back home until dusk set in.第3页 12 转译为其它状语从句 英语状语从句通常可按其隶属连词、连接副词或所用引导词含义来翻译,但有时它们深层意义相互渗透,能够相互替换,需要转译。有些英语状语从句即使形式上是由表示时间引导词(如when, before, until 等)引导,但依据句子逻辑意义来判断,应灵活翻译成表因果关系从句,或者翻译为表条件状语从句或表目标状语从句。第4页 12 转译为其它状语从句1.One must sow before one can reap. 只有播种,才能有收获。(译成汉语必要条件复句正句。) 也可依据汉语表示习惯, 译为:一份耕耘,一
4、份收获。2.Before manned spacecraft could be sent to space, the problem of getting the spacecraft safely back to earth had to be solved. 为了把载人宇宙飞船送到太空上去,就必须处理使飞船安全返回地面问题。(译成汉语单句目标状语)第5页 1. 3 翻译成固定句型由 hardly (scarcely). when (before) no sooner than as soon as the moment(the instant ) just as等短语连词引导时间状语从句翻
5、译成汉语时, 主句与从句通常要交换, 经常译成包含“刚(一)就”这种结构句子。一样,包含该结构汉语句子亦应翻译成英语中相对应固定句式。 第6页 1. 3 翻译成固定句型1. 我们刚到车站, 火车就开了。Scarcely had we got to the station before the train left. 2. 计算机刚一开启,就发觉有病毒。Hardly had the computer started working when viruses were found.3.As soon as she heard the news, she fainted. 她刚一听到这个消息, 就昏
6、过去了。4.They fell in love the moment they saw each other for the first time. 他们一见钟情。 第7页 1. 4译成并列分句1.The earth turns round its axis as it travels about the sun. 地球一面绕太阳运行, 一面绕地轴自转。2.I read a newspaper while I was waiting /. 我边等边看报。3. I was going home when I met Mary. 我正要回家, 就在这个时候,我碰到了玛丽。第8页全部英语原因状语从句
7、在汉语译文中通常位于句首,偶然亦置于句末。汉语原因状语从句翻译成英语时可位于译句句首,也可置于译句句末。 二、原因状语从句翻译第9页 21译成表示原因分句1. They are informal, most likely because they are always in a great hurry. 他们之所以不拘小节, 很可能是因为他们总是处于慌忙之中。2. Because his parents had paved a good way for him, he didnt worry about it at all.他之所以一点不急,是因为父母已为他铺好了道路。3. 既然讲话人不能来,
8、我们不得不取消这次会议。Since the speaker cant come, well have to cancel the meeting.第10页2. 2 译为不带关联词、因果关系 内含并列分句1.Since the electrical inventions which Edison had given us were very impor-tant, we could not live without themnot for one minute. 爱迪生为我们创造各种电器太主要了,我们生活离不开它们一刻也离不开。 2. He was not nervous at all, bec
9、ause he was ready. 他胸有成竹,一点不担心。第11页 三、条件状语从句翻译 31 译成相对应表条件分句 1. If the epidemic cannot be controlled effectively, the whole country will come into chaos. 假如这种流行传染病得不到有效控制, 整个国家将会 陷入一片混乱之中。2.We wont be able to go there on foot in case it rains. 要是下雨,咱们就不能打赤脚上那儿去。3.If I could relive my life, I would l
10、ead quite a different life, leaving less regrets.假如我能够重新过日子, 我会生活得截然不一样,不会留下这么多遗憾。第12页32译成不含关联词、内含条件关系句子1. If the temperature drops to zero degree centi- grade, water freezes. 水在零摄氏度结冰。2.If you work hard, you will succeed. 努力工作,就会成功。3.If you melt two or more metals together, you can get a new metal.
11、 将两种以上金属熔化在一起就可产生一个新金属。第13页 33 译成补充说明情况分句1. “Youll have some money by then, that is ,if you last the week out, you fool.” “到那时你该有点钱了就是说,假如你能度过这星期话,你这傻瓜。”2. Be respectful to your superiors, if you have any,also to strangers, and sometimes to others.要 尊重你上司,假如你有上司话。对待陌生人,有时还有他人,也要尊重。 第14页 3. 4 译成特定条件分
12、句1.They might be prepared to trim productionbut only if they are convinced it will firm prices 它们可能准备削减产量但条件是必须先使这些产油国确信, 石油价格将保持稳定。2. Certainly you can pass the test, but only if you study very hard. 你必定能经过考试,但前提是你学习非常刻苦。第15页 四、让步状语分句翻译 41 译成表示 “让步”分句(1) Although there are these cultural difference
13、s, the main engine propelling the separatist cause is economic. 尽管有文化差异,不过推进分裂主义进程主要动力 是经济原因。(2) Old as he is, he would rather work than sit idle. 他虽已年迈,但他宁愿工作也不愿闲着。(3) Even though our hope for success is pretty slim, we still want to have a try. 哪怕成功希望渺茫,我们也还要试一试。 第16页 4. 2译成表 “无条件”条件分句 汉语里有一个复句,前一
14、分句排除某首先一切条件,后一分句说出在任何条件下都会产生同样结果,也就是说结果产生没有什么条件限制。这么复句里前一分句,称之为 “无条件”条件分句,通常以whatever, wherever, whoever, when-ever, no matter wh-为引导词, 通常翻译为以 “不论” “不论” “不论” 等关联词。第17页(1) No matter what happens, he will go on with an indomitable will without turning back.不论发生什么事,他都将一无反顾, 勇往直前。(2) Ill be right here w
15、aiting for you, wherever you go, and whatever you do. 不论你到哪里去,不论你做什么,我都会在这儿等你。(3) We are all, whatever part of the world we come from, persuaded that our own nation is superior to all others. 不论我们来自世界上哪个国家,我们大家全都相信,我们自己民族优于全部别民族。第18页五、目标状语从句翻译 以so that , in order that, to the end that, in case等隶属短语连
16、词引导目标状语从句,普通译成汉语中相对应 “为了”, “方便”, “以免”, “以防”等引导目标状语修饰语。一样,汉语中这么目标状语修饰语应翻译成英语目标状语从句。 第19页 5. 1译成表示 “目标”后置状语(1) Youd better take an umbrella with you in case it rains. 你最好带把伞以防下雨。(2)Besides learning the prescribed textbooks, you are sup-posed to read more books on your subject in order that you may exp
17、and your scope of know-ledge. 为了扩大知识面,你们除了学好要求教材之外,还应该阅读一些与专业相关书籍。第20页5. 2译成表示 “目标”前置状语(3) The travel plan was canceled in order that the spread of SARS could be prevented.为了预防非典传染, 这次旅行计划给取消了。(4) He sent a bunch of flowers each day in order that he could win her love. 为了赢得她芳心他天天送她一束花。 第21页5. 3灵活地译为
18、表目标句子 有时也可依据逻辑意义和汉语表示习惯, 将英语目标状语从句与主句融合起来翻译, 译为表目标句子, 包含“其目标是”和“为就是”这么词语。(1) The UN was established in order that peace and development can be promoted. 创建联合国目标就是要推进和平与发展。(2) We learn from our past lessons so that history wont repeat itself. 我们从过去经历中吸收教训,为就是不再重蹈覆辙。第22页 六. 结果状语从句翻译 英语和汉语结果状语从句都位于句末,系
19、句子后部分内容。 61 译成表结果分句(1) He had over-slept, so that he was late for work. 他睡过头了,结果上班迟到了。(2) That girl studiedvery diligently last term so that she obtained excellent results in all the terminal exams.那位女孩上个学期学习非常勤奋,所以期末每门功课考试都取得优异成绩。(3) He never played with the children so that a quarrel did not follo
20、w. 他跟孩子们玩耍,结果总是吵架。第23页七、方式状语从句翻译 表示方式状语从句通常由as, as if, as though引导,往往位于主句之后,但在 as so结构中,as-分句通常置于主句之前。在口语中可用the way (that)引导方式状语从句。(1) Please do exactly as your doctor says. 务请 按照医生吩咐行事。(2) All folk songs sound as if they come from the heart. 全部民歌听起来宛如人们心声。(4) As a man sows, so so he will reap. 种瓜得瓜
21、,种豆得豆。(5) As the twig is bent, so the tree is inclined. 上梁不正下梁歪。第24页62 译成不含关联词但内含 因果关系并列分句(1) There are many factories around , as a result, the air is seriously polluted by smoke. 这周围有许多工厂,空气受到烟尘严重污染。(2) It was such a terrible experience that I will ne- ver forget it. 那次经历可怕至极,我永远不会忘记。(3) Peter is
22、such a nice boy that he is loved by everybody. 彼特是个好男孩,人人都喜爱。第25页 从以上例句可知,英语方式状语从句结构可以是完整分句,也能够是省略主语和谓语助词省略分句,翻译起来比较灵活简单。包含as so结构句子,用于书面语,其中大多是蕴涵隐喻谚语或习语,翻译时普通采取汉语中相对应比喻性谚语或习语。第26页八、地点状语从句翻译 地点状语分句是表示时空关系分句结构。英语地点状语分句可位于主句之前,亦可置于主句之后。汉语地点状语分句通常位于主句之前。让我们观察以下实例。(1) Where you find high wages, you will find high prices. 哪里工资高,哪里消费就高(工资高地方物价昂贵。)(2) Where there is clean air and water, there are people who live a long life. 哪里有洁净空气和水,哪里人们就长寿。第27页(3) Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her. 她不论走到哪里,总有成群人们等候着见她。(4) Wherever he happen
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