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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1All we have is 24 precious hours a day and therefore we shall waste _Ano

2、thingBnoneCneitherDno one2You can use this room for your club activities tomorrow _ you keep it tidy and clean.Afor fear thatBin caseCon condition thatDeven if3The manager is trying to find a man to recommend how the job .Ais doneBbe doneCshould doneDto do4Mark has lived in China for many years, yet

3、 he still cant _ himself to the Chinese customs.AobserveBadaptCleadDdevote5I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasnt able to _.Aget awayBdrop inCcheck outDhold on6Throughout history, China never colonized any nation. _ this peaceful tradition, it is committed to building a community with a

4、 shared future for mankind.AIn line with BIn regard toCIn harmony with DIn addition to7 Linda hasnt shown up yet. Its strange. She _.AcouldBmightCmust haveDshould have8Peter has previous experience, _ I think hes the right person for the job.Aor BbutCfor Dso9It is really cold and the ground is wet;

5、it _ have rained last night.AmightBmustCcanDshould10He _ in a university for five years, but now he runs a company of his own.Ahas taughtBhad taughtCtaughtDhas been teaching11 Mum, little Ray broke his toys again!It doesnt matter. You see, accidents _happen.AshallBshouldCmustDwill12They came back fr

6、om their long walk and went into bed, .Atiredly but relaxingBtired but relaxingCtiredly but relaxedDtired but relaxed13A good government is not to pick technologies, but to establish conditions _ innovation is supported and encouraged into the marketplace.AwhenBthatCasDwhere14- Did Jim come?- I dont

7、 know. He _ while I was out.Amight have comeBmight comeCmust have comeDshould have come15I got more _ about him from reading his books than from talking to him.AinsightsBmemoriesCresourcesDexperiences16 Catherine, will you visit us this weekend?I planned to, but something unexpected .Ahas come upBwa

8、s coming upChad come upDwould come up17 Excuse me, do you mind if I open the window? Well, if you _. I can put on more clothes.AcanBmayCmustDshall18What do you think of teaching, Bob?I find it fun and challenging. It is a job _ you are doing something serious and interesting.AwhichBwhereCwhenDthat19

9、They overcame some difficulties and completed the work ahead of time, _ was something we had not expected.AthatBwhichCitDwhat20You dont need an invitation to help others. Give help _you are asked.Aif BasCthough Dbefore第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)By trying to tickle(挠痒痒) ra

10、ts and recording how their nerve cells respond, Shimpei Ishiyama and his adviser are discovering a mystery that has puzzled thinkers since Aristotle expected that humans, given their thin skin and unique ability to laugh, were the only ticklish animals.It turns out that Aristotle was wrong. In their

11、 study published on Thursday, Ishiyama and his adviser Michael Brecht found that rats squeaked and jumped with pleasure when tickled on their backs and bellies. These signs of joy changed according to their moods. And for the first time, they discovered a special group of nerve cells. These nerve ce

12、lls made this feeling so powerful that it causes an individual being tickled to lose control.To make sure that he had indeed found a place in the brain where tickling was processed, Ishiyama then stimulated(刺激) that area with electrical currents. The rats began to jump like rabbits and sing like bir

13、ds.“Its truly ground-breaking,” said Jeffrey Burgdorf, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University who reviewed the paper. “It takes the study of emotion to a new level.”Burgdorf has played a central role in our understanding of animal tickling. He was part of a team that first noticed, in the late

14、1990s, that rats made special noises when they were experiencing social pleasure. Others had already noted that rats repeatedly made short and high sounds during meals. But the lab where Burgdorf worked noticed that they emitted similar sounds while playing. And so one day, the senior scientist in t

15、he lab said, “Lets go and tickle some rats.” They quickly found that those cries of pleasure doubled.“The authors have been very adventurous,” said Daniel OConnor, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University who studies touch. To him, that finding was very surprising.“Why does the world literally f

16、eel different when you are stressed out?” he said. “This is the first step towards answering that question. It gives us a way to approach it with experimental rigor(严谨).”1、What contributed to humans being ticklish according to Aristotle?ATheir special skin. BTheir social pleasure.CTheir nervous syst

17、em. DTheir willingness to touch.2、Why did the researchers make use of electrical currents?ATo discover the special group of nerve cells.BTo experiment on different animals.CTo follow the process of tickling.DTo prove their finding.3、Which of the following statements will Jeffrey Burgdorf agree with?

18、AThe research process is full of risks.BThe finding of the study is surprising and unbelievable.CThe new discovery is beneficial for the study of emotion.DThe finding of the study actually contradicts modern science.4、The underlined word “squeak” in Paragraph 2 may be explained by _.Agive a smile Bm

19、ake a noiseCburst into tears Dwatch with staring eyes5、What is the best title for the text?AThe Life of Rats BHow Rats LaughCA Wonderful Scientist DA New Discovery about Rat22(8分) To personal trainer Sammy Callari, 13-year-old Parker Seward is more than a client(客户). Hes his “little brother”. Over t

20、he past year, the pair have bonded. They play basketball together, share meals and dance to hip-hop like no ones watching. The trainer was asked to work with the 13-year-oldboy, who has Downs syndrome (唐氏综合征),because his coworker who dealt with the boy was out of town last spring. Callari had never

21、worked with someone with a disability before. He was anxious the first day he met Parker. But Parkers big smile and cheery introduction immediately put him at ease. He reminded Callari of himself when he was a teenager. Like Parker, Callari has also faced his fair share of challenges over the years.

22、 As a high schooler, Callari described himself as being the weak kid. When it came to sports, he was always overlooked. His dream of playing baseball in college quickly faded away. When he went to college,Callari turned to a new sport. His younger brother trained him to become a boxer. Callari parti

23、cipated in five matches. Before these competitions he was the underdog, but he won three times. “I know how it feels,” Callari said. “People tell you that you cant do this, and that you cant do that. ” When it comes to Parker, Callari refuses to accept the word “cant”. The friends meet twice a week

24、to train. They bike, box, run and work and do push-ups. Parker has a short attention span, so its Callaris job to keep him focused. “If Parker can do it, hes having fun, even with his frustration. Then people will ask, Why cant I do that?” Callari said. “Thats the whole task right now. ”Callari reca

25、lls Parkers mom once thanking him for taking a “chance” on her son. Callari told her he never viewed it that way. Parker may be the student,but Callari says hes also the one whos learning.1、Why was Callari asked to train Parker?AThey shared the same interests.BParkers parents had faith in Callari.CC

26、allari was an expert in Downs syndrome.DCallari took place of his absent colleague.2、What can we learn about Callari when he was in high school?AHe was good at sports.BHe was out of condition.CHe was looked down upon by everyone.DHe was influenced deeply by his brother.3、What does the underlined par

27、t “that way” in Paragraph 6 mean?AParkers story inspires many children.BParkers progress is due to Callaris effort.CCallari is also learning from Parker in the course.DParker is not only a client but also a friend to Callari.4、What does the text mainly talk about?AAn inspiring story of a disabled bo

28、y.BA high schooler suffering lots of failure.CThe friendship between a disabled boy and his personal trainer.DWays of developing friendship with the boy with Downs syndrome.23(8分)I went to the cinema this afternoon to see La La Land. Before going into the screening my sister and I visited the ladies

29、 washroom. As we entered, a little blonde haired girl about 5 years of age opened one of the cubicle(小隔间)doors and ran out of the washroom, hot pants in hand and looking upset and overwhelmed.I went after her. Her dad was standing outside. She quickly gave him the hot pants to dress her. Little swee

30、theart. She obviously couldnt manage to button up her hot pants. Even though she had her little white tights on, she must have felt embarrassed about the lack of hot pants.I tried to calm and reassure her, saying, “When I saw dad standing outside I knew he was waiting for someone very pretty, but I

31、just hadnt realized how, pretty she was going to be.” She didnt bite; dad smiled though. I offered to bring her back to wash her hands.She was too tiny to squeeze soap out of the dispenser, so I helped her. I could see poor dad out of the side of my eyes .He was right at the door looking in. I went

32、with her to the hand dryer, but she was so tiny that the sensor couldnt even detect her little hands. I lifted her up and her hands were properly dried, well at least a little.I was moved by this little girls helplessness in an adult world. I also felt for dad having to trust that his little girl wo

33、uld feel safe and secure for the few minutes out of his sight.I reached out for help. I tried to bridge the gap when a little helpless girl was a few minutes without a trusted adult and a concerned father had to for a moment accept he could not give her the security he wanted for her. It wasnt much

34、but it helped a caring father and his little daughter and for that, Im grateful.1、Why did the little girl catch the authors attention?AShe got frightened by strangers.BShe needed clothing to cover her.CShe was probably lost in the crowd.DShe was in an embarrassing situation.2、Why did the hand dryer

35、fail to work for the little girl?AThe size of the sensor was too small.BShe was not tall enough to reach it.CShe didnt know how to operate it.DIt was drying the authors hands.3、How did the father feel in the story?AHelpless. BShy.CShameful. DCalm24(8分)There are a lot of products out there that make

36、your life easier. Some, however, are a little sillier than others so much that they seem like joke products. Here are a few products that sound crazy, but actually true.Sleep PhonesIts hard to imagine something sillier than a music-playing headband you wear while you sleep, but they exist and are qu

37、ite popular. Sleep Phones wont give you the highest quality sound in the world, but if you prefer to fall asleep to music, theyre far more comfortable than normal headphones. While theyre a bit expensive, they might be perfect for you. Theres also a wireless version if you prefer.Onion GogglesIf cut

38、ting onion brings on the waterworks no matter what you try, its time for desperate measures. We tested a bunch of methods for avoiding onion tears, and found the best solutions came down to cutting the onion under a vent (通风孔), or wearing these stylish and awesome goggles.Lock LacesTherere some grea

39、t ways to tie your shoes better, but if you long for the laceless shoes of your childhood days, Lock Laces are a pretty good choice. Theyre basically elastic (有弹性的) laces that remove the need to tie your shoes. Sure, people will make fun of you, but you can make fun of them after they trip over thei

40、r own untied laces. Or you can make your own slip-on shoes with elastic tubing.2D-GlassesHate 3D-movies, but have to go to one? The difference between 2D-glasses and 3D-glasses lies in their lenses (镜片). Each lens of 2D-glasses blocks the same picture, so each eye gets the same picture, while each l

41、ens of 3D-glasses blocks a different picture, so each eye gets a different picture which the brain interprets as 3DNow you have a pair of glasses that can save you from the headache caused by wearing 3D-glasses which are popular in our movie theaters. You can buy them or make a pair for yourself.1、W

42、hat do we know about Sleep Phones?AThere are two versions.BTheyre comfortable but unhealthy.CThey give you the best quality sound.DTheyre cheaper than other headphones.2、The underlined part “brings on the waterworks” in the text probably means _.Amakes your eyes water Bmakes your fingers hurtCdestro

43、ys your water pipes Dadds to your washing work3、Compared with 3D-glasses, 2D-glasses _.Aare cheaper and thinner Bwont give you a headacheClet you see a different picture Dare more popular in movie theaters25(10分)All Katherine Bates Jones wanted for her 90th birthday was to own her childhood home. He

44、r daughter, Emily Sims, wasnt so keen on the idea; it seemed unwise for an old woman to enter the real estate market. And, as the old saying goes, you can never really go home again. But the mom and daughter often drove from their current town of Greenville, South Carolina, to Katherines beloved old

45、 home in nearby Gaffney. While admiring the charming one-story dwelling she was born in, Katherine would say, “Id like to have that house back.”One day, as Emily went down the dollhouse of her local store, inspiration struck: Her mother could have her house back in replica(复制品). Emilys friend Thomas

46、 McAbee connected her with Ray Meyers, a local retired dentist with a talent for woodworking. Ray paid multiple visits to the original home, taking precise measurements and collected details with the help of the current homeowners.The replica home and the amazing story behind it deserved an impressi

47、ve display. Emily arranged a surprise party at which the miniature (微小模型)and Katherine would be honored. But keeping the big secret about the little house was a tough task. Ray would ask me questions a- bout the house,” Emily says of the planning process, “The last time I was inside was when I was a

48、 teenager, so I couldnt remember everything. I would visit with mom and start a conversation where I would say, Oh, by the way, do you remember and ask her something about the house. She would give details from her memory about the color and the layout. She would tell me exactly what something looke

49、d like or where it was in the house.”On August 28, 2017, Emily gathered 40 friends and family members at her house. The party- goers waited while Emilys daughter-in-law, Christie, took Katherine out to lunch. After the special birthday meal, Christie brought Katherine to Emilys house. “When we went

50、inside, there was a house full of people singing Happy Birthday to me,” Katherine says. “I cant believe my eyes.” For Katherine, it turns out that it is possible to go home again while seeing the gift.1、Why did Katherine and Emily drive to Gaffney?AThe old house was very charming.BEmily was keen on

51、the real estate market.CThey wanted to celebrate the birthday there.DKatherine wanted to have her childhood home back.2、How was the house back?AThe current homeowners helped a lot.BEmily made a replica on her own.CThomas McAbee helped to make the replica.DRay paid multiple visits and made one replic

52、a.3、How did Katherine feel at the special party?AMoved. BPleased.CAstonished. DExcited.4、Whats the best title of the passage?AA Special Gift BGood Old DaysCA Dream of an Old Woman DAn Old Womans House第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)My wife and I we

53、re attending a wedding at St. Johns Church. The sound of 1 rang to the heavens as the ceremony continued.At the church, I 2 an old friend, Casper, who happened to be at the 3 . Now 73, Casper was a brilliant and 4 softball pitched (投球手) back in the Mens Leagues of Philadelphia in the mid-60s. I did

54、not 5 the now silver-haired fellow until my brother-in-law John mentioned his name to me! After a very pleasant 6 , Casper asked if I remembered a letter of 7 I had written to him back in 1964. It appeared Casper fell on hard times, as professional pitchers 8 do, and he wasnt pitching too well for a

55、 period of time. I did not 9 the letter, but he said, “Yes, I still have it, and I read it anytime 10 arent going too well.” He said that he had read the letter many times, and the situation always seemed to improve. I was 11 and speechless!He continued, “You dont remember?” I said, “Sadly, no, I do

56、nt.” but I did ask if I could have a(n) 12 of the letter. He said he would email it to me. After the 13 , we met on the steps of the church. Casper came up to me and 14 the letter. He lived a block from the 15 and had run home to get it. The envelope was 16 and turned yellow, and so was the letter i

57、nside. That letter had to be nearly 50 years old.In 17 term, the letter read:“These hard times are 18 ! Keep your enthusiasm for the 19 . Never quit and you will be back on top again 20 . Hang on there!”1、Awind Bmusic Ctraffic Dfireworks2、Atook over Bran into Cpicked up Dcalled on3、Ameeting Bservice

58、 Cscene Dposition4、Alimited Bbalanced Cdevoted Dtalented5、Ainvite Brecognize Cdisturb Dinform6、Adiscussion Bshaking Cjourney Dgreeting7、Aapology Bappreciation Cencouragement Dintroduction8、Asometimes Bentirely Crarely Dforever9、Areceive Bwrite Cremember Dpreserve10、Ajobs Bthings Cstages Deffects11、A

59、pleased Bdisappointed Cpuzzled Dannoyed12、Aaddress Bcopy Crecord Dopinion13、Aparty Bbreak Cwedding Dincident14、Adropped Bdelivered Copened Dpresented15、Atheatre Bchurch Coffice Dstation16、Afolded Bfaded Cpainted Ddivided17、Agentle Bpatient Cmodest Dsimple18、Areasonable Btemporary Crelative Dimpressi

60、ve19、Agame Bprize Cglory Dlesson20、Acasually Bproperly Ctotally Dshortly第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分)The question “Who is your hero?”is a difficult one to answer. So many people have done heroic things (小题1) it is hard to choose just one. In addition, there is (小题2) (many


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