1、AdvancedBusinessEnglish (ReadingandReadingDirections: Choose the correct answers according to the information given from the Readthepassages throughcarefully beforemakingyourchoi letter for each item on Answer SheetPassage.Please mark theTheme-park-bound bargain seekers would beAdvancedBusinessEngli
2、sh (ReadingandReadingDirections: Choose the correct answers according to the information given from the Readthepassages throughcarefully beforemakingyourchoi letter for each item on Answer SheetPassage.Please mark theTheme-park-bound bargain seekers would be wise to spend some time surfing online th
3、eygetinlineatthe parksA growing number of these attractions now allow customers to e-tickets at home largediscountsoffthegateprice,inparttospursdeclinedinrecentAfter boomhe late 1990s,themeparkattendance beganto decrease,n decline of about 4% over the past few years at saysJamesZoltak,editorofAmusem
4、entmericas 50 most-visited “The bloom was off the rose aswe turnedthe now,”he o 2000,so theresmore Discounting isnt new to an t has long partnered with other lrises, such as soft drink companies, to offer deals. The e-ticketing adds a new tbringsconvenience aswell,since itallowsvisitorstoavoidthelin
5、eatthe “If you can get in early before the lines fill up, youre getting more for your money,” says Robert Niles of the website Theme Park Insider.Questions1-5arebasedonpassageTheword“attractions”(line1,para.2)referstoA.themeB.C.e-D.Whydomoreandmorethemeparksofferlargediscountsoffgate A.Togetinlineat
6、theparksToencouragemorepeopletocometotheToenablepeopletogete-ticketsatToreducetheattendanceWhatdoesthesentence“Thebloomwasofftherose”A.the hethemeparkwasoutoftheyear2000wasluckyforthe50thethemeparkattendancewaslikethethebesttimeforthethemeparkswasWhatisthenewopportunitye-ticketingbringstothethemeA.T
7、hethemeparkindustrywillbemoreB.SoftdrinkcompanieswillbeartnersoftheC.ThetourtotheparkswillbemoreD.VisitorstotheparkswillhavemoreThetenceofthispassageisbasedonthetitiswisetosurf D.time isPassage Taste ch a subjective t we dont usually conduct preference tests for food. most you can say about anyones
8、preference, t its sopinion. But because the big cola companiesCoca-Cola and Pepsi Cola are marketed so aggressively, weve how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalty. We set up D.time isPassage Taste ch a subjective t we dont usually conduct preference tests for food. most you ca
9、n say about anyones preference, t its sopinion. But because the big cola companiesCoca-Cola and Pepsi Cola are marketed so aggressively, weve how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalty. We set up a taste tchallengedpeople whoidentifiedthemselvesaseitherCoca-ColaorPepsifans:Findy
10、ourbrandablindWe invited staff teers who had a strong liking for either Coca-Cola Classic or Diet Coke, or Diet Pepsi. These were people who thought theyd have no brandfromthe other ling ventually located 19 regular cola drinkers and 27 diet cola drinkers. Then we fed four unidentified les of cola o
11、ne ime, regular colas for the one group, diet s yzed the other. We asked them lus whether each lewas Coke or Pepsi; then records istically to compare the participants with what mere guess-work could Getting all four les right was a tough test, but not too tough, we thought, for people ved they could
12、 recognize their brand. In the end, only 7 out of 19 regular cola correctly identified their brand of choice in all four trials. The diet-cola drinkers did a worse-only7of27identifiedallfourlesoth groups did n chance would predict, nearly half the participants in group made the wrongchoice two or mo
13、re times.Twopeople gotallfourhalfthe participantsdidaboutaswellonthe lastroundoftastingas on leswrong.,sofatigue,or burnout,wasnotafactor.Ourpreference testtonlyafewPepsiparticipantsCokefansmayreallybeableltheirfavoritebrandbytasteandQuestions6-10arebasedonpassage6.Accordingtothepassagethepreference
14、 testwasconductedinordertoA)findouttheroletastepreferenceplaysB)revealwhichcolaismore tothe likingoftheC)trsonsopinionabouttasteismereguess-D)comparetheabilityoftheparticipantsinchoosingtheir7.The isticshepreferencetestsshowA)Coca-ColaandPepsiarepeoplestwomostfavoriteB)thereisnotmuchastenCoca-Colaan
15、dromC)fewpeoplehad D)peoplestastesdifferfromone8.Itist A) theeoftastetestsistopromotethesaleoftheimprovementofqualityisthechiefconcernofthetwocolathecompetitionnthetwocolasisveryD)blindtastingissaryforidentifying9.Thewordburnout(Line4,Para.5)herereferstothee of A)beingseriouslyhebeingunable toburnfo
16、rlackofbeingbadlydamagedbybeingunabletofunctionbecauseofsive10.Theauthorse inwritingthispassage istottastepreferenceishighlyttastetestingisanimportantmarketingC)ttasteandpricearecloselyrelatedtoeachA)beingseriouslyhebeingunable toburnforlackofbeingbadlydamagedbybeingunabletofunctionbecauseofsive10.T
17、heauthorse inwritingthispassage istottastepreferenceishighlyttastetestingisanimportantmarketingC)ttasteandpricearecloselyrelatedtoeachtblindtastinghequalitycontrolofhissection,theresagewith10giveninawords.Youarerequiredtofor eachfromalistoffollowingthepassage.Readthethrough carefully before making y
18、our . Each he is identified by a Pleasemarkthe correspondingletter foreachitemonAnswer Sheet. You maynot use any of hen Sellingisthe direct n the company and its customer. training and material tend to be devoted to the sale”, “effective ion “use of visual aids”, and do “ The one aspect of selling which is often In advance of any direct selling activity , any , it is important to take andallocatetoprospectingfor . Prospecting identifies buyers and bestuse of availableforselling.Itisthe , not ty, t matters. Market willshowthemarketsegmentmostlik
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