已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、牛津译林语七年级下总复习 -重点句子一1、我梦想中的学校又美又大。2、我想住得紧靠书店。3、他跟弟弟分享一间卧室。4、请叫他给他妈妈回电话。5、谢谢你帮助我们搬这个箱子。6、你能帮我捎个口信吗?7、花园里满是花,看起来很漂亮。8、你愿意和你父母住在同一幢房子里吗?9、我有一套有三个沐浴间的房子。10、喜欢看外边的海滩。11、们住在离市中心二十里的一个村庄。12、幢大楼高一百米。13、我家里妈妈总是第一起床的。14、们学校在一座小山脚。15、们经常邀请朋友们来加晚会。16、住在哪层楼?我和我家人住在三楼。17、天下午你愿意和我一放风筝吗? 愿意但我有舞蹈课。 18、来某天我想参观长城19、个公园

2、是散步的最好地方。20、有自己的卧室和书房1【答案】 My school is beautiful and big. I live next to a bookshop. He shares a bedroom with his brother. Please ask him to call back his mother. Thank you for helping us carry this box. Can you take a message for me? The park is of flowers it looks very beautiful. like to in flat

3、with parents? I a house with bathrooms.10. I like looking out the beach.11. They live in a small village kilometres the centre of city.12. The building is hundred 13. My mother always the to up my family.14. Our school is at foot 15. They often invite their friends to have parties.16. Which floor do

4、 you live on? live on the third my family.17. like to kites with us tomorrow afternoon? Id like to, I dancing 18. I want to visit Great Wall some day.19. The park is best place take a walk.20. He his own and study.二不意思,你不能进入老师办公室。_我英语老师经常在教师节收到一些明信片_不地是,我错过了去北京的末班火车。_你为参加聚会该穿什么或者怎样设计你的而烦恼吗?_在样的学校学习真

5、好。_那的社会工作者乐意帮助你。_他将很高兴为你提供信息。_这多云,我认为快要小雨了。_他算生火。_10.志愿者常帮助我们处理各类型的问题。_11.出门之前你最好检查下你自行车。2_12.他妈妈得照顾他生病的爷。_13.周末的时候我妈妈通常打卫生或者读写书。_14.他们经常在社区中心集中并和大家分享各种的一技之长。_15.你最近感觉不舒服吗?_16个星期六我打算去看我的朋友。_17怕他们不会喜欢这样歌曲。_18人们需要帮助解决困时他们就去那里。_19里的社工准备好帮你。_20经常乘火车去上班。_【答案】 Excuse me, you t into office. Our English tea

6、cher often gets postcards on , the last train to Beijing. worrying about to wear a party or how to design your home? It is good to study in a school like this. The social workers there ready to help you. They will happy to offer/give you some information. It is cloudy, I think it is going rain. He i

7、s going make a fire.10. The volunteers often help us with kinds problems.11. You had better check your bike before you go out.12. has to look after his sick grandpa.13. My mother usually does some cleaning reading weekends. 14. They often meet at the community centre share their difficult 15. not fe

8、eling well these days?16 going to my friends this Saturday.17 afraid they wont like songs like this.18 go there when people need help their problems.19 social there ready to help you.20 often to work train.三1、阳光镇有许多有趣的事情可做。2、从我家到学校步行只需 分。33、他真得不知道该怎么做。4、这是个值得游玩的地方。5、课上尽力认真听讲对我们有好处。6、从我家到学校乘公共汽车需要 30

9、 分。7、你想去购物吗?9、一些家庭饲养奶牛,另一些家庭种植小麦。9、我们乘地铁去车站吧。10、们期待着不久就会与们见面。11、下的空气污染要比城的轻。12、经常带客人参观颐和。13、我家到学校骑自行车十分钟。14、认为它不是个参观的地方。15、们中的大多数居住在这样的地方。16、打算带你参观我的家。17、院子的周围有许多花树。18、常爸爸开车送我们去物。19、认为这是居住的好地。20、本书里有许多好玩和趣的故事可以看。【答案】 are many things to do Sunshine Town. takes me only minutes to walk from home to the

10、 school./Its about twenty from my to the school. He really doesn to do. This is the place visit. Its good for try our best listen to the teacher carefully.4 It takes me 30 minutes go school by from home. like to shopping? families raise , others wheat. Lets go the station by underground.10. We looki

11、ng forward to soon.11. less pollution in the country in the city.12. She often visitors around the Palace.13. It takes me ten to school by bike.14. I don think nice place to 15. of us in places this.16. going to show you around hometown.17. are many flowers and trees around the 18. Usually father dr

12、ives us there the shopping.19. I think wonderful place to 20. are lots of fun and interesting stories to read in book. 四1、一直往前走,你就会找到狮子2、穿过桥我们能看到什么呢?3、走过那所房子然后向右转。4、熊猫喜欢吃竹子而且整天躺下。5、我怎样到达那家超市呢?6、迈克总嘲笑我。7、一直往前走,你就会找到狮子馆。8、穿过桥我们能看到什么呢?9、商店前面有一些公共汽车。10、过那所房子然后向右。11、了那座桥,你就能看大象。12、只小熊猫长得不像它妈。13、藏在左边那棵树前面

13、地下。14、想邀请你参加派对。515、父母会为我们准备足的食物和饮料。16、唱歌时会发出悦耳的音。17、们喜欢吃竹子和整天着18、要害怕,跟着我。19、想我们还得再上去一。20、们期待不久见到你。【答案】 Go straight on, you find lions. can see bridge? across that house and turn right. Pandas like to lie down day long. do I to that supermarket? is always laughing 7.Go straight on, and you will find

14、Lion House.8.What we across bridge?9.There some buses front the 10.Walk past house and then turn right.11. Cross the bridge, and see elephants.12. The baby panda look mother.13. The treasure is the in front of the tree the left. 14. I like to invite you to party.15. My parents will prepare plenty of

15、 and drinks for us.16. Birds make beautiful sounds when sing.17. They like to and lie day long.18. Dont be come with me.19. I think to go up again.20. We looking forward to soon.五 看你爸爸写信仔细啊!你开时,千万别把电脑开着。在共汽车上给人让座是有礼貌的。你岁时会穿衣服吗?会的。昨在上学的路上我听见有人在喊救命。6 一房和二号房样大,比三号房大 倍当儿进来时,老鼠们像往常一样迅速逃离。她过身却没看到任何人。我更多地了

16、解你的新学校。10.我奶奶喜欢开着窗户睡觉11.苏西昨天一个人呆在家。12.我的叔叔上周五到达南京13.她前天去她祖母家了吗?14.安迪花费了很长时间踢足。15.三天前你为什么没去学校16.他正在去上学的路上。17.爱丽丝转过身看到了自己好朋友。18.他们和往常一样坐在一颗树下面。19.他自言自语道必努学习20.请把你的裙子捡起来。【答案】 Look carefully your father is writing letter ! Do not leave the leave Its polite to give a seat to somebody on the . Could you o

17、n clothes when you were 5 years old ? Yes , I could . I somebody shouting for help on my way school yesterday . 6.Room is as big as 2 three times larger 3 . 7.When the cat in , fast/quickly usual . 8.She turned around but saw nobody . like to learn more about your new school .10.My grandother likes

18、sleeping the 11.Suzy stayed yesterday 12.My uncle Nanjing last Friday .13.Did her before yesterday ?714.Andy spent a long time playing football . 15.Why t you go to school three days ago ? 16.He is his/the way to school . 17.Alice turned around and her good friend 18.They sat down under big tree as

19、usual . 19.He said to himself , “ must study . ” 20.Please pick up your skirt/pick your skirt up . 六请这些苹果从篮子里拿出来。2、她昨晚九点离开。3、当我看足球赛的时候,我发现自己很兴奋。 4、这条河流经我们市。5、你能帮我搭建帐篷吗?6、上周末约翰和朋友们一起玩了。7、爱丽丝用那把钥匙打开了门。10、电脑游戏很有趣。9、当我经过时我看到托尼正在游泳。10、个气球正变得越来越。11、天早上他帮他妈妈做务了吗?12、们用纸来做风筝。13、京以长城而闻名14、又吃了一些东西。15、们不得不返回学校。

20、16、发生了什么事?17、有点饿了。18、很强壮,能搬得动这箱子。819、要太抱怨了。20、师注意到一个小男孩在门口。【答案】 Please these apples of basket. She left at yesterday evening. I find myself very excited when I the football match. This river goes through our city. Can you help put up tent? played friends last weekend. Alice opened door the key. It i

21、s very interesting play games. I saw Tony when I past.10. That balloon is getting smaller and smaller.11. Did help his mother do housework this morning?12. People kites paper.13. Beijing is for Great Wall.14. He eats more food.15. We had to return school.16. happened to 17. hungry.18. He is strong e

22、nough to carry box.19. Dont complain too much.20. The teacher noticed boy standing at door.七他公共汽车上经常让座给别人吗?2、妈妈每天打扫房子。3、谢谢你帮我收集到这么多有用的信息。4、我们可以筹集一些钱给他们买衣服。5、我哥哥昨天从河里救起一个小孩。6、我有些有趣的事情要告诉汤姆。7Lucy 需要在数学上做得更好。11、经常对工作很粗心。9、我们正期望早点见到对方。910、她还是个孩子时,她骑自行车吗?11、 三前收到了她表哥的来信。12、 五时就会说日语了。13、们刚才遇到的那个人么乐于助人啊!14

23、、一定不要让猫靠近鱼fish 15、认为老师应该教学生样学好英语。16、果你尽最大努力,你定会擅长写作的。17、个小男孩如此粗心以于经常把作业落在家里。18、个星期一一个八岁的男孩在街上迷了路,我把他带去了警察局。19、冲进厨房用水扑灭了。20、要忘记推荐 当我们的班长对我们来说是重要的。【答案】 Does she often give a seat to others on the bus? Mom cleans up house every day. Thank you for collecting much information for We can raise some money

24、for them to buy clothes. My brother a children the river yesterday. I something interesting to tell Tom. Lucy to do better Maths. He is always very careless about his work. We are looking forward to seeing each other soon.10. able ride a bike when she was a child?11. Alice heard from his cousin thre

25、e days ago.12. could speak Japanese when she was at of 13. a helpful met just now!14. You must keep cat away from the fish tank.15. I think teachers should students to learn English well.16. If you try your best, you will be at writing.17. The boy is careless he often leaves his at home.18. Last Mon

26、day an boy lost way in street and I took to the police station. 19. He rushed in the kitchen and out fire with water.20. It is important for not to forget recommend Bob our monitor.八1、我晚饭后喜欢看金鱼在水中游来游去。2、我喜欢那只兔子,因为我可以每天给她喂点胡萝卜。 3、那个小宝宝总是追着一个球跑。4、这只猫对每个人都很友好。5、对于我来说,狗很容易照顾。6、在阳光下读书对眼睛不好。7、她长大后想当一个舞者。1

27、2、宝在睡觉,不要发出何噪声。13、只猪有多重?10、多粗鲁呀!11、的狗是所有动物中最明的。12、们能长到 50 厘长。13、的狗躺在地上,眼睛得大大的。14、的金鱼从来不制造麻。15、的妹妹怎么样?她很于助人。16、果你喜欢,养蛇没有题。17、现在必须回家嘛?不你不必。18、们用砖建房子。19、晨,我常常在上学路听见鸟儿在树上唱歌。20、的鹦鹉很聪明,我常教他讲话。【答案】 After supper I watching goldfish around in the river. I like the rabbit because I can feed her carrots every

28、day. The baby always runs after a ball. The cat is friendly everyone. Dogs are easy to look after for me. Reading in the is not good for eyes. She wants be dancer when she grows up. The baby sleeping. make any noise. much the pig weigh?10. rude you are!11. My dog is cleverest animal of all.12. They

29、grow to centimetres long.13. My dog is lying on the with eyes wide.14. goldfish never makes trouble.15. is like? She helpful.16. nothing wrong with keeping snake if like 17. I go home now? have to.18. We build houses out of bricks.19. I often hear birds in the trees way to school in the morning.20.

30、My parrot very smart and I often teach him speak.专题训练一 我家乡常州占面积 1600 多平方英里。My hometown Changzhou _. 那年轻的技师意修理那台坏了的洗衣机吗?Is the young _? 谢你邀请我去宫欣赏精彩的艺术品。Thank for _ in Palace Museum. 在四个拐弯处左拐,你会发现剧院就在街角。 Take_, and ll find _. 将,乘坐地铁镇中心要花费你多长时间?_ it _ in the future? 你心生活在一满是雾的市吗? _in city _haze?【答案】1.a

31、n area of square miles2.engineer willing/ ready to fix the broken washing machine3.inviting to wonderful works of art4.the fourth turning on left, theatre street corner5.How long take you take underground the town center6.Are you worried living/Do about ; of二恐他们不会欢迎像你这样的客人。_我姐正为该穿什么参加聚会而烦恼。_谢您为我们准备食

32、物和饮料。_沿这条路走,你就会看到银行在你的左边。_我将邀请一些艺术家来告诉你们怎样欣赏术品。_【答案】 afraid they welcome visitors you. My cousin is worrying about for party. Thanks for getting and drink ready for us. Thank you for preparing food and drinks for us. along/down this road/ street/ path, and you see/find your/the left. We will invite

33、some artists to tell you how to enjoy of art.三我算下周日带你参观我的家乡。_你在为穿什么参加聚会而犯愁吗?_为么不参观我们当地的剧院并欣赏京剧呢_我父母亲为我们准备了充足的饮料和食物_一往前走,这样你将会看见一家大公司在道的拐角处。_【答案】 going to show you around my next Sunday.2.Are you worrying what to to a party?3.Why not visit local theatre enjoy Beijing Opera?4.My parents prepare plenty

34、 food and drinks for us.5.Walk straight on will see a big at corner the street.四我待着能带你参观我的家乡。_客是看电视最好的地方。_向转,你就会在街角处看到一家银行。_你幸运有一个像她那样的朋友。_志者们乐于帮我们处理各种各样的问题_【答案】 I am looking forward to showing you my hometown. The dining room is the best place TV. left, and you will see a bank at corner the street.

35、4.You are lucky have a friend her Volunteers are ready to help with/solve all kinds of problems.五他担心他的坏洗衣机吗?_径你就会看到红绿灯了。_我每天都期待着闻花香听鸟鸣。_当的戏院是欣赏京剧的最好的地方。_当居们需要帮助解决困难的时,他们通去社区中心。_【答案】 he worrying/worried about his washing straight and you will see traffic lights. We look forward to smelling flowers an

36、d hearing birds 4.The local theatre is best place enjoy Beijing opera. neighbors need help with their problems , usually the community centre. 六这工程师没有自己的家庭影院。_他将在社区中心欣赏京剧吗?_可的猴子们上蹿下跳,惹得游客们大笑。_一走,你就会看到长颈鹿馆在你的左边。_为么不在四月来扬州游玩呢?_【答案】 The engineer his/her own home cinema.2.Are they going to / Will they e

37、njoy Beijing at community centre?3.The lovely monkeys around and make visitors laugh.4.Go/Walk straight on will see/find the Giraffe House on your 5.Why not visit Yangzhou in April?七妈正忙着为我准备一些食物和饮料。_这小姑娘在读完这个故事后再也不怕蚂蚁。_我讶的得知鱼是睁着眼睛睡觉的。_笔地朝前走,你就会发现银行就在邮件的壁。_志者们常常帮助老人们解决各种各样的问。_【答案】1.My mum is busy pre

38、paring some food and drinks for me.2.The girl not afraid ants more/not afraid of ants any longer/ no more afraid of ants /no longer afraid ants after she read/ reading story. am/ was surprised to know (that) fish sleep with (their) eyes open.4.Walk/ Go straight on, and see/ find next to /beside the

39、post 5.Volunteers often help (people) with /(to) out/ (to)solve kinds/ different kinds of problems.八我距离市中心 10 英。My home _. 春来了,处处鸟语花香。Spring coming and can _ here and there.你准备好和我分享你的故事了吗? _ 我恐怕他们不会准备这次会议。 _ this meeting. 你的英语老师是个怎样的人? _? 我家邻居总是能帮助我解决各种问题。 My neighbour _.【答案】 My is 10 miles the cent

40、er of the city. Spring is coming and can (the) flowers hear (the) sing here and there. ready share your story with I afraid that they t prepare for this meeting. What your English teacher like? My neighbour always helps with kinds of problems.九孩们正期待着带领交换生们去参观学校的乐部。Children _the exchange students_ 我望

41、他们有天会帮助老人买一些东西。I hope_3 汤打算叫人检查一下这台洗衣机吗?_Tom_他为这台电脑没有问题。He_沿这条马路真,你会看见北郊中学的北面一家超市 _,and_a supermarket_Beijiao school【答案】 The children looking forward to taking students to the school club. I hope they will help old people buy something a day. Tom going to fix the washing machine? He thinks there is

42、no problem with this computer. along road, and youll see a supermarket on north side of Beijiao school. 十出国旅行将花费他们一个半月的时间。 will take them _. 他们直到筋疲力尽了才停下来休息。They _. 学生们最终设法按时完成了所有的家作。The students _ finally. 顺便问一下,你爸爸去香港出差了吗?By the _? 我们习惯于在网上写电子邮件保持联系。We _on the Internet. 这个小镇自二十世纪初以来就因它的自然美景而闻名。The

43、 small town _.【答案】 It will take them one half months / one month half travel abroad.They didn stop to rest/have rest until they tired The students finish the homework on finally.By the has your gone to Hong Kong on business?We are used to keeping in touch(with each other) by writing emails on the In

44、ternet. The small town has been famous for its natural since early twentieth century.十一 社有个技师在与我们分享他的一技之长。 _in our community. 你意邀请她参加你的聚会吗?Would you like _?明天那些游客要花多长时间游玩那个小镇?How long _ small town tomorrow? 每个孩子都期盼着饲养一只可爱的小宠物。Every child _a lovely pet. 记得为下周的野餐准备大量的食物和饮料。 _the picnic next week. 我正在叫

45、他给你回电话。I _. 【答案】 An engineer sharing his skills us in our community. like to invite her to your party? long will take the visitors to visit / will the visitors spend visiting the small tomorrow? Every child is looking forward to raising a lovely Remember to prepare plenty food and drinks for picnic

46、next week. I am asking him to call you back.十二 当人会告诉游在哪为家人购买礼物。The local people will tell the visitors 每早上妈妈要半个小时开车送我们去上学。 takes mum 他望他的父母在一个有花园的房子里。He hopes his parents 妈,我可以邀我的朋友们和我一起分享这些新鲜的水果吗? 一走,在第二转弯处向右转。 straight on, 他和他的朋友划后天去他家乡的旅行。He with his friends the trip【答案】 buy presents for their fa

47、mily half an hour drive us to school will live in a house with a garden invite friends share the fruit and turn right the second turning is ; his the after tomorrow十三当火很重要。.every morning.with me?. importantfire. 你告诉我去阳公园的路吗?Can tell the Sunshine 那 12 岁男孩对玩电脑游戏着迷。That boy is computer games. 名上的第九个生个子最高。student on name list is tallest. 下期天我将去加时装表演而不呆在家里。I go the fashion show at home. 每进行锻炼是要的。 take exercise every day. 我她今晚不会来了。I think tack evening. 我的耳


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