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1、Pros ControlroductionVer:1.12013-07-09Release date: 2008 - 2013 MediaTek Inc.Thiscontains informationt is proprietary to MediaTek Inc.Unauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this information in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.Specifications are subject to change without notice.MediaTek 20

2、12 - 2013 MediaTek Inc.contains informationt is proprietary to MediaTek Inc.Page 2 of 2ThisUnauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this information in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.MT3360ernal UseTable of ContentsReviHistoryError! Bookmark not defined.Table of Contents31简介42IOCTLs53应用场景

3、8MediaTek 2012 - 2013 MediaTek Inc.contains informationt is proprietary to MediaTek Inc.Page 3 of 3ThisUnauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this information in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.MT3360ernal Use1简介使用Windows CE 标准的 Waveform Audio API, Pros A( 如蓝牙)无法调节 Pros B(如导航)的音量。Pros A

4、也无法知道 Pros B和停止的时间点。MTK Waveform Driver 提供特别的 IOCTLs 给 Application,协助 application 实现如上功能。通过Waveform Driver 提供的 IOCTL,Application A 只需知道 Application B 的 Pro就可以实现如下功能:调节(调大/调小)Application B 的音量;Mute/Unmute Application B;s handle3.在 application B 开始/停止时得到通知;例如,通过Waveform Driver 提供的 IOCTL 功能,可以实现:在导航(NA

5、VIGATION)运行的过程中, 来了蓝牙,蓝牙 Application 可以通过导航A.的 Pro音。s handle,发 IOCTL 给 Waveform Driver,调小导航的音量或 Mute 掉导航的声同时进行音乐和导航,通过调用 Waveform Driver 的 IOCTL 功能,可以在导航开始/B.停止声音时得到通知。这样可以在导航开始时调小音乐的音量,再在导航停止时恢复音乐的音量。MediaTek 2012 - 2013 MediaTek Inc.contains informationt is proprietary to MediaTek Inc.Page 4 of 4T

6、hisUnauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this information in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.MT3360ernal Use2IOCTLs#define MM_WAV_PROS_GRP(WM_USER + 0 x140)#define MM_WAV_PROC_SET_HANDLE #define MM_WAV_PROC_CLR_CTRL #define MM_WAV_PROC_SET_CTRL#define MM_WAV_PROC_SET_NOTIFY_HWND #define


8、(MM_WAV_PROS_GRP + 0 x1) S_GRP + 0 x2) S_GRP + 0 x3) S_GRP + 0 x4) S_GRP + 0 x5) S_GRP + 0 x6) S_GRP + 0 x7) S_GRP + 0 x9) S_GRP + 0 xA)S_GRP + 0 xB)#define DISABLE_TRACE(U32)(D|(I8)|(S16)|(B24)/ 用于个性化设置的 bit#define PROC_PROTECT_DEVICE_GAIN(0 x01 8)waveOutMessage(0, MM_WAV_PROC_SET_HANDLE, dram1, dr

9、am2);dram1:DWORD: 值为DISB时,即为 DISABLE_TRACE 时,停止数据该Pro1:启动该 Pros 声音的侦测以及相关的控制;s 的数据侦测,以及音量控制2:只进行音量控制,不做数据侦测dram2:handle of proswaveOutMessage(0, MM_WAV_PROC_CLR_CTRL, dram1, dram2);ddram1:ram2:需要清除的 bit, 例如: PROC_CTRL_SCALE_FROM_GAINhandle of proswaveOutMessage(0, MM_WAV_PROC_SET_CTRL, dram1, dram2)

10、;dram1:需要设置的 bit,例如:PROC_PROTECT_DEVICE_GAIN,设置此 bit,表示当此 Pros 设置系统音量的时候,会做保护,不会去设置系统音量,而用别的方式响应。dram2:handle of prosMediaTek 2012 - 2013 MediaTek Inc.contains informationt is proprietary to MediaTek Inc.Page 5 of 5ThisUnauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this information in whole or in part i

11、s strictly prohibited.MT3360ernal UsewaveOutMessage(0, MM_WAV_PROC_SET_NOTIFY_HWND, dram1, dram2);dram1:HWND hWnd,默认值: HWND_BROADCAST,用于调用tMessage(hWnd,dwMsg,playing,pro反馈给 APP, (playing 1:有声音输出, 0:没有声音)s_id);dram2:handle of proswaveOutMessage(0, MM_WAV_PROC_SET_NOTIFY_MSG, dram1, dram2);dram1:DWORD

12、 dwMsg, 默认值: 0 x3644用于调用tMessage(hWnd,dwMsg,playing,pro反馈给 APP, (playing 1:有声音输出, 0:没有声音)s_id);dram2:handle of proswaveOutMessage(0, MM_WAV_PROC_SET_VOLUME, dram1, dram2);FF)dram1:DWORD dwGain (0 0 xFF, default: 0 x(低 16bit / 高 16 bit 分别表示左右声道的音)dram2:handle of proswaveOutMessage(0, MM_WAV_PROC_SET_

13、GAIN_RANGE, dram1, dram2);ddram1:ram2:DWORD dwRange (0100, default:32, 即 -32dB)handle of proswaveOutMessage(0, MM_WAV_PROC_MUTE_STREAMS, dram1, dram2);dram1:enum DWORD dwMute(参见以下枚举的值, default: 0)MUTE_NO_MUTE_CH = MUTE_RIGHT_CH = MUTE_LEFT_CH =MUTE_LEFT_AND_RIGHT_CH =0X0,0X1,0X2,0X3,;ram2:handle of

14、prodswaveOutMessage(0, MM_WAV_PROC_SET_CHK_TIME, dram1, dram2);dram1:DWORD dwTime (5005000, default:2000 ms),侦测没有声音的时间长度,达到此时间就通知 APP,当前处在未状态。dram2:handle of prosMediaTek 2012 - 2013 MediaTek Inc.contains informationt is proprietary to MediaTek Inc.Page 6 of 6ThisUnauthorized reproduction or disclos

15、ure of this information in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.Note:以上几个接口(MM_WAV_PROC_SET_HANDLE 除外),dram2 除了可以设置为 handle of pros 之外,也可以设为 0. 设为 0,表示更改所有 pros 的默认参数,而设为 handle of pros,则只更改该 pros 的参数。waveOutMessage(0, MM_WAV_PROC_NOTIFY_PROC_ID, dram1, dram2);ddram1:ram2:HWND hWndDWORD dwMsg用于在

16、open stream 的时候,调用tMessage(hWnd,dwMsg,pros_id0); 将该进程的 ID 返回给 APP。这个接口一般用于 APP 不能直接拿到需要控制的进程的 ID 的情况。APP 收到进程 ID 之后,再调用 MM_WAV_PROC_SET_HANDLE 接口就可以对这个进程进行控制了。旧的控制只能够对 GPS 的 stream 进行控制,并且是通过以下的 IOCTRLs 来实现的:#define MM_SET_GPS_PROS_HANDLEWM_USER + 0 x13 WM_USER + 0 x14 WM_USER + 0 x15WM_USER E + 0 x

17、16#define MM_SET_MUTE_UNMUTE_GPS_STREA #define MM_SET_GPS_VOLUME#define MM_SET_PROC_GAIN_RAGE之前 GPS如果要使用新的这一套控制模式,最好的控制也转换成新的控制模式。相关的表设置:PROC_CTRL: PROC_GAIN: PROC_GAIN_RANPROC_MUTE:默认的个性化设置默认的音量设置 默认的音量范围 默认的 mute 设置默认的侦测时间E:PROC_CHK TIME:MediaTek 2012 - 2013 MediaTek Inc.contains informationt is p

18、roprietary to MediaTek Inc.Page 7 of 7ThisUnauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this information in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.3应用场景音乐和 GPS 同时,根据 GPS 声音的有无来调节音乐的音在开 GPS 的时候调用: waveOutMessage(0, MM_SET_PRO waveOutMessage(0, MM_SET_PROAPP 端:S_HANDLE, 1, handle_pros);S_NOTIFY_MSG, dwMsg, handle_pros);收到收到s_id) 时,降低音乐音量s_id) 时,恢复音


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