已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、- -2如因甲方产品质量问题或不能按期交货(排除不可抗力因素导致不能按期交 货)引起乙方客户退货、换货,致使乙方违约并蒙受经济损失时,由甲方负责解 决,承担退货、换货责任以及由此产生的其他相关损失。In case of product quality problems or Part A failure to deliver the products on schedule (excluding force majeure factors), Party B s customers need to return or replace the product which results in e

2、conomic losses of Party B due to breach of the contract to its customers, Party A shall be responsible for solving the problem and bear the responsibility for the return or replacement of the products and other relevant losses arising therefrom.2如果出现质量纠纷,应由甲乙双方共同认可的笫三方专业检验机构检验该产 品。如果复检结果不合格,检验费应由中方承

3、担;如果复检结果合格,检验费应 由乙方或其客户承担。In case of any quality dispute, the product shall be inspected by a third-party professional inspection institution recognized by both parties. If the reinspection result is unqualified, the inspection fee shall be borne by Party A; If the reinspection result is qualified,

4、the inspection fee shall be borne by Party B or its customers in the territory.合止 Termination任何一方违反本协议规定,并且不能在收到受损方通知后30天内整改,另 一方有权提前终止协议If the other Party breaches any of the terms of this agreement and fails to remedy such breach within thirty (30) days after notice requiring it to do so the non-b

5、reaching Party shall have the right to terminate this agreement.2如果乙方连续两年未能完成协议规定的阶段目标销量的70%,甲方有权单方 面终止协议。Part A shall have the right to terminate this agreement in case of Part B fails to achieve 70% of the sales target set in this agreement for two consecutive yearsArbitration 仲裁所有与本协议或协议的执行相关的争端应

6、由协议双方友好解决。如解决未果,双 方应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委托会上海分会根据其仲裁法规进行解决。仲裁 决议将被双方视为最终决议并对协议双方有效。仲裁费用应由仲裁失败一方承 担。All disputes in connection with this agreement or the execution thereof shall be settled by friendly negotiation between the PARTIES. If no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case in dispute sh

7、all then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Shanghai Commission in accordance with the arbitration rules of the commission. The decision made by the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the PARTIES. The arbitration expenses shall be b

8、orne by the losing PARTY unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization.Confidential 保密Both parties agree to keep all confidential information secret during the term of Agreement and successive five years after termination. The confidential information includes but not limited to any techn

9、ical data, trade & customer information, personal information from customers profiles and any other information marked as CONFIDENTIAL.协议双方同意在协议期间内及协议终止后5年内对所有机密文件保密。此机密文 件包括技术资料,客户信息,个人信息等所有被列为机密的信息。10 Force Majeure 不可抗力 协议任何一方不应对由于不可抗力因素所导致的协议条款的未履行或延后履行 负责,包括但不限于罢工,任何政府的法规或法律,战争、内乱、破坏生产设施或 材料的火灾、

10、地震或风暴,疫情等,被影响方应立即通知另一方,并应采取一切合 理措施,尽可能消除其影响。Neither Party shall be liable or be in breach of any provision of this Agreement for any failure or delay on their part to perform any obligation hereunder because of force majeure or any other cause beyond the control of such Party including without limit

11、ation, strikes, regulations or laws of any government, war, civil commotion, destruction of production facilities or material by fire, earthquake or storm, epidemic, provided that such Party shall promptly give notice to the other Party of such occurrence, and shall move to eliminate the effect ther

12、eof to the extent possible and with all reasonable dispatch.违约责任在代理期限内,如果乙方从国内其他生产商采购产品供应上述区域,则乙方将向 甲方赔偿采购金额的3倍作为违约金。如甲方直接或间接与上述区域客户联系并 签订上述产品出口合同,则甲方将向乙方赔偿合同金额100%的违约金。During the term of this agreement, if Part B purchases the product from other manufacturers in China to supply Territory, Part B sh

13、all compensate Part A 3 times the purchase amount as liquidated damages. If Part A contacts directly or indirectly with the customers in the territory and signs the export contract of the product without written authorization from Part B, Part A will compensate the exporter the liquidated damages of

14、 100% of the contract amount.其他 Others本合同可能会有修改,仅在双方共同签署下生效。This contract is subject to modification and shall be effective only when signed by both parties.12. 2本协议的有效性、解释、执行及履行和争议解决应适用中华人民共和国法 律。The validity, interpretation, execution and performance of this agreement and dispute resolution shall

15、be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.12. 3此协议一式两份,中英双语,如果中英文有歧义,中文为主。This agreement is made in duplicate both in English and Chinese. In case of any discrepancy between Chinese and English, Chinese shall prevail. 12. 4合同本合同未尽事宜,由甲乙双方协商后制定补充协议。补充协议具同等 法律效力。Contract matters not covered herein shall be covered in a supplementary agreement between Party A and Party B through negotiation. The supplementary agreement shall be regarded as the appendix hereto and shall have t


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