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1、名师课件中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、-Theres hardly anything but some books in the room,_?A.isnt it B.is it C is there D isnt there【解析】There be 句的反意疑问句,后面问句的主谓和前面一致,排除 AB.句中有否定词 hardly 几乎 不,后面问句用定。前否后肯,答案为 C。2、-Could speak to Tom, please? -Sorry, he isnt here at the moment _Hangzhou on businessA.went to B.has gone t

2、o C.goes to D.has been to【解析】他不在说明去了杭州还没回。答案为 B。3、 English often encourage students _ aloudA. read B. reading C. to read D. readed【解析】鼓励某做某事 encourage sb.to do sth. 答选 C4、-Could you tell me _? must find him -Sorry I have no ideaBut he was here just nowA.where Tom B.where has Tom gone C.where I find

3、Tom. D.where Tom is【解析】宾语从用陈述句语序,并且从下面的句子可看出用一般现在时。答案为 。这里的 could 不是 过去时,而是一委婉的语气。5、 The result is so _ that we can hardly believe itA.surprising B.surprised C.amazed D.surprise【解析】surprising 物或事作主语。surprised 人主语,答案为 A。6、-Tom won the first prize in the competition -He _ because he is the most hard-w

4、orking studentA.needs B.deserves C.is sure of D.should 【解析】Tom 在赛中得第一名。 这是他应得的因他是学习最刻苦的学生。 need 需要, deserve 为此付出了努 得到是应该的 be of 确 should get 应该得到 答案为 。7、 A young man practised _ English with Mr GreenA. speak B. speaking C. to speak speak in【解析】practise 只能接名词(不接动词不定式)作语类似的词有: enjoy,avoid,keep,mind 等,

5、 故答案选 B8、Travelling by air is _ more expensive than by train even though the air tickets are on discount( 打)A.very B.a lot of C.many D.far【解析】far more 表.贵得多 ABC 都不能修饰比级 答案为 。 尽管机打,但是同火车比起 来坐飞机还是要贵得多9、Youd better work too like this see You mean working too hard makes one tired and illA.not B.dont C t

6、o D.wont【解析】had better+动词原形 否定形式为 had better not+动原形答案为 A。10ve made _ mistakes this time than ever beforeA.few B.litlle C.fewer D.less【解析】,进行比较用比较级 排 AB.mistake 可名词 用 few 修饰 答为 C。11、I have the same pen _A.which you have yours C.that you are D.as you【解析】same.as 和.一样,较时,接相同的成分同比较。该是 I have the same pe

7、n you have.答为 D,省略了 have也可以说 My pen is same as yours.12、-English difficult subject I even want to drop it -Youd better not Ill help you_ itA.quite a, with B. quite, with C. very, for D.very a, with【解析】quite 一放在冠词前面 help sb.with sth.在某事上帮助人 help sb.to do 帮助某人做某事答案为 A13、 _noisy children! Go and ask th

8、em to keep quietA. How What What a How a【解析】children 是数形式,C.D 可除,此的中心词是名词,用 what 修饰答案为 B。14、 I went home and _ my schoolbag and to help Mother do cookingA. put off B. dropped C.turned off D.shut off【解析】put off 脱掉(衣服),推迟 turn off 关 比较常用于关闭液体水油或体 (瓦斯天然气)的阀门 drop off 放 答案为 。15、 Its _good that we all li

9、ke it muchA. so a B. such a C. so D. 【解析】food 是不可数名词 AB 可排除。so 修形词或副词,这里中心词是 food 为词。 So+容 词副词+that Such+形容词副词名that 但是如果名词前有 many ,much ,little,few 等修饰词,则 用 so 代 such. 答案选 16、-Are you getting well with Tom? -Not very well, but we used to be friends The more I know him,_ like himA. the more B. the le

10、ss the little D .the least【解析】你和 TOM 相得怎样?-不是很好,但是我们过去曾是朋友,我越了解他,我就越不喜欢他。答案为 B。比较级, 比级”表示“越.就.”17 told the truth to my parents _ they wouldnt worry about me any moreA.and B.or C.so that D.that【解析】so that 引导的目的状语句。我把真相告诉我的父母,以便他们不要再担心我。答案 C。18、Must we move to the next room ? No, you _ You may still l

11、ive here if you like A.mustnt B.dont C.don have to D.won【解析】对于 must 引导一般疑句的否定回答用 dont have to 或 neednt.答案为 C。19、 -I did badly in the long jump -A. Congratulations B. Thats great Well done D. Bad 【解析】badly 说不,很差 ABC 都好的意思 答为 D。20、Here is a piece of paper for you ! Oh, thanks Its _for me to write a lo

12、ng letter onA.big enough B.enough big C. small enough D.enough small【解析】enough 足的修形容词时放形容词后面。根据题意,答案为 A。足够才能写。21、-Could you me how to improve spoken English ? -Well,just take every chance to practise _and dont be shyA. speak B.to speak C. speaking D.spoke【解析】你能告我怎样提高英语口语吗?-住每个会练习说,不要害羞。答案为 C。 练习,后面接

13、名或动名词,不接不定式。22 room _ as a meeting A.used to being used B.was used to being used C.used to be used D.was used to be used【解析】 to be 过去曾经是. used to do 过常常做.(to 后面接动词形) 这个房间过 去常被用作会议。用被动语态。 be used to +v-ing 是惯于,与句意不符 be used to do sth.被 用来做.但是 中 was to be used 多了一个被 答为 C。23 number of people who _ cars

14、 of their own is increasingA.has B.have C.there is D.there 【解析】The number of 的量,谓语动词用单数。后面是 is 拥汽车的人的数量在增加people 是”人们”谓语词用复数形式。答案为 B.24、 -He seems _ ill Shall we take him to the hospital right now? dont think it matters Maybe hes caught a bit a coldA. terrible terribly C. even to be terrible【解析】seem

15、+形容词 “好像是”ill “病了”用词修饰。答案为 B. 修饰容词/副词比级。 25、 I will spend as time as I _ the lessonA. can go over B. can to go over can going over D. go over【解析】as much time as I can 尽可能多的时间 固词 spend time doing time on sth.花时间做某事 题意:我将花费尽可能多的时来习功课。答案为 C。26、 I have to do my _ every dayA. one and half hour B. one and

16、 a half hour C. one and half hours D. one and a halfhours【解析】一个半时:one and a half hours 或 one hour and a half,答案选 D27 earthquake _ in the hospitalsA. are well treated B. are taken good care C. treated D. are well treating【解析】本题考动语态答案为 A。28、-This is really wonderful party with interesting people and g

17、reat food -Im _ to hear that you are yourselfA.sorry B. glad C. afraid D. Sure.【解析】根据题 答案为 B。我高兴听见你玩得很高兴。29、-I a traffic accident happened yesterday Was it terrible ? -Yes car _ and all the people in it were badly hurt But luckily,none of them was killedA.fell over B .fell behind C.fell off D. fell

18、down to【解析】 over 强的是“向前摔倒、跌倒并“翻过来”的意思fall down 强调的是“滑倒、 倒下”, fall off 强的是“跌落从掉下”答案为 A。30 girl _ red plays the piano well She is often invited to give performances by TV and radio stationsA.on B.with C.in D.wearing【解析】穿什么色的衣服,用介词 in答案为 C。31、 _by the British at the beginning of last century Thats prob

19、ably why football is one the most popular games in EnglandA.was invented invented C.was inventing D.invents【解析】上个世初为过去的时间,且足球是被发明,用过去被动时。在英国足球是最受欢迎的运动之 一,答案为 A。32、-Does Tom write more_ than Larry? -YesHe is a _ writer than Larry A.neatly, neater B.neatly, more neatly C.neat,neater D.neat, more neatl

20、y【解析】第一个 neatly 修饰 write,是副词;第二 neat 修饰 writer,是容词 答案为 A。33、-I dont think your team can beat theirs -_But we could Lin Tao were on the teamA. No,we cant B.Yes ,we cant C. Yes,we can D.No, we can【解析】上面的点是我认为你的队不会打败他们的队。回答方说如果林涛在的话可能会赢。那么是同 意对方的观点没有打败他们的。前否后肯的反意疑问句用 no 来同意方的观点,是的,我们没有打 败他们。答案为 A。34ve

21、made _ mistakes this time than ever beforeA.few B.litlle C.fewer D.less【解析】,进行比较用比较级 排 AB.mistake 可名词 用 few 修饰 答为 C。35、 -There can no life on the earth without water -Thats right Water _ everywhereA. needs is needing is needed needed【解析】本题是水就没有生命,水在任何地方都被需要,被动语态,答案为 C。36、-Will you please me have a l

22、ook at the photos taken in the States -Sure Ill _ to school tomorrowA.take B.carry C.get D.bring【解析】bring 带 take 带走carry 携,运输,get 得到答案为 D。37、 If you miss so many lessons, you must fall behind _ classmatesA.another B.the others C.other D.the other【解析】another 另个 the others 其的(人或物),后面不名等。other 泛指其他的,句

23、有个范围,“你你的同学”,表示特指的同学,用定冠词 the,故案选 D38 lady is always _ in white the partyA.wearing B.dressing C.worn D.dressed【解析】be dressed in 穿着答案为 D。39 Could you please tell me the way to station? -Sorry,Im a stranger tooYou _ ask policeman thereA.must B.may C.need D.should【解析】 必 may 可 need 需(当情态动词时,不用于肯句 should

24、 应该(表示建议) 答案为 D.40、I wonder _ you would like to come to my birthday partyA.that B.whether C.that if D.that whether【解析】我想知你是否能来我的生日聚会,答案为 B。41 teacher told us _ Exercise in our exercise booksA. do B. to do C. doing D. Does tell【解析】sb.to do sth. 让某人做某事故答案选 B42、 They were very proud_ their daughterA. f

25、or B. of C. About【解析】be proud of 为.骄傲 take pride in 为骄,答案选 B43、Travelling by air is _ more expensive than by train even though the air tickets are on ( 打折)A.very B.a lot of C.many D.far【解析】far more 表.贵得多 ABC 都不能修饰比级 答案为 。 尽管机打,但是同火车比起 来坐飞机还是要贵得多44、-This is no-smoking zoneCant you the sign? -Oh ,sorr

26、y I _ itA.havent seen B.wont see C.dont see D.didnt see【解析】过去没见,用过去时,答案为 D。I havent seen it.(我过去没看见 ,我现在也没看见)45、- Did you finish _ the book? - Yes ,I did Thanks _ your I had a better understanding of itA.reading,for B.reading,to C.to read, for read ,to【解析】finish doing sth.完成某事 thanks to “于、“幸亏”,to 表

27、示感谢的对象 thanks for 意“因而感”,for 强调为何而谢其后可接名词或 v-ing。 答案为 。46、-I eat _ vegetables and _ meat than I last year -Thats whyyoure getting fatterA. fewer,more B.more,less C.less,more D.many ,much【解析】一定要清楚,是变得越来越胖了,那么就是蔬菜吃得更少,肉吃得更多。vegetables 此是 可数名词,用 fewer 修饰答案为 。47、 I went home and _ my schoolbag and to he

28、lp Mother do cookingA. put off B. dropped C.turned off D.shut off【解析】put off 脱掉(衣服),推迟 turn off 关 比较常用于关闭液体水油或体 (瓦斯天然气)的阀门 drop off 放 答案为 。48、 The man _France will give us a talk _his countryA. from, on B. of, in C. of, about D. from, of【解析】 来. of 一般是用于所格 on 和 about 在里都可以,这个来法的男人将给我 们做个关于他的家的演讲答案选 4

29、9、 -Do you know the result of race? -Yes The winner is a boy Lin Feng from ClassA. 100-metres, called B. 100-metre, calling C. 100-metre, called D. 100-metres, named【解析】数词名词形容词 作定语,中用连词符号,且中间的名词用单数。这里我们可以看作 100- metre-long 省了 long。小孩叫 Lin Feng 用动的形式。答案为 C。50、I am going to and stay there for a week _

30、 you are there, would you please buy some books for me?A.If B.While C.Since D.As soon as【解析】你在那的时候,请帮我买几本书好吗?用 while If 表如果,而对已经计划好了要去青 岛一个星期。 答案为 B。51、Mike _ his homework three hours agoA. finished B. has finished C. is finishing D. is going to finish【解析】three hours 说明是过去时。故案选 A52、 -Does the child

31、need any help ? -NoHe is old enough to _ himselfA.put on B.wear take care. D. Dress【解析】dress oneself 给某人穿衣 答为 D。53、Black, _ father of _ Tom, lost his new watchA./,/ B.the,the C.the,/ D/,the【解析】称呼语般不加冠词,Tom,人名专有名,不加冠词。答案为 A。54 except Tom have passed the exam he _ lots of A.left B.forgot C.missed D.lo

32、st【解析】 留,forgot 留下忘记 missed 错过 lost 丢失 答案为 C。55、 _the weather will be like tomorrow, we l l go surfingA. No matter how B. No matter whats C. No matter what No matter if【解析】不管明的天气怎样,我们都会去冲浪。 问气两种说法:what the weather like? How is the 故答案为 C56 price of the jacket is not too_ and its colour is OKIll itA.

33、cheap B.low expensive D.high【解析】夹克的格不是太高并且颜色不错,我要了。 low 和 high 就是形容价格,cheap 和 expensive 是形容物品 如果句子中没有使用 price,接说 jacket,才可以使用 cheap 或者 expensive 答为 。57、 They _Hong Kong twiceA. have gone to have been to C. been in have gone in【解析】他们去香港两次。故答案选 B58、 -Could you tell me _? I must find him -Sorry, I have

34、 no idea But he was here just nowA. where Tom was where has Tom gone C. where find Tom. D. where Tomis【解析】本题是查宾语从句的用法。由 what,where,who 等问引导的宾语从句要用陈述语气,疑问 词陈述句,而不是疑问+一疑问句。Could 此时示委婉的请求语气而是过去时。答案为 D。59、 She _ his number in phone book to make sure that she had got it rightA. looked for B. looked up C.

35、 looked after looked like【解析】 for 寻,look up 查找,查阅,比如查字典 look after 照顾 look like 看来象, 答案为 B。60、 -My trousers are_ -Ill buy you a new pairA. wore out B. worn out C. wearing D. 【解析】 out 穿,sell out 卖。裤子是被穿坏,而不是主动的,所以是被动语态,答案 B。61、-Excuse me,but do you way to the hospital,please? -Sorry, I dont know, _A.

36、too B .either D .also【解析】either 用否定句,表示“也” 答案为 C。62、Many ( ) trees be planted every yearA. thousand B.thousand of C.thousands of D.thousand【解析】thousand 千,修饰名词,前面要有数词,thousands of 成千上万的案为 C。63、 _ do you write to your parents ?”“ Once a month”A. How long B. How C. How far D. How often【解析】 a month 每个月一

37、次,示频率对频率提问用 how often 故案 D64、 -My trousers are_ -Ill buy you a new pairA. wore out B. worn out C. wearing D. 【解析】 out 穿,sell out 卖。裤子是被穿坏,而不是主动的,所以是被动语态,答案 B。 65、_ either you or I good at drawing?A.Am B.Are C.Is 【解析】就近原,填的动词的时态,要根据离它最近的主语是什么来填。这里离动词最近的主语是 you, 所以用 are 答为 B。66、 The result is so _ tha

38、t we can hardly believe itA.surprising B.surprised C.amazed D.surprise【解析】surprising 物或事作主语。surprised 人主语,答案为 A。67、-Will you please me have a look at the photos taken in the States -Sure Ill _ to school tomorrowA.take B.carry C.get D.bring【解析】bring 带 take 带走carry 携,运输,get 得到答案为 D。68、Youd better work

39、 too like this I see You mean hard makes one tired and illA.not B.dont C .not to D.wont【解析】had better+动词原形 否定形式为 had better not+动原形答案为 A。69、-The pen writes though it doesnt cost much - Let me have a try So _ A.it is B.it does C.does it D.is it【解析】的确如用 代替 pen,write 是为动词,答句用 does 答案为 B70 except Tom ha

40、ve passed the exam he _ lots of A.left B.forgot C.missed D.lost【解析】 留,forgot 留下忘记 missed 错过 lost 丢失 答案为 C。71 teacher said _ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before :,A.those who B.that C.who D.which【解析】老师说些想去看电影的必须在 6 点前到。 wanted to to go the cinema 作定修饰 those.同时 those 后这句话为 said 的宾语,为宾语从句th

41、ose 在语从句中作主语those must be there before 6:00。案为 A。72、_ great fun to walk in the rain it will be! A.What B.How C.What a D.How a【解析】fun 不可数名词,用 what答案为 A。73、Many ( ) trees be planted every yearA. thousand B.thousand of C.thousands of D.thousand【解析】thousand 千,修饰名词,前面要有数词,thousands of 成千上万的案为 C。74、 -Do y

42、ou often get on-line? -Yes I _ of my time on it Its a good way to kill timeA. cost B. spend C. pay D. take【解析】 一物作主语,花费” spend 花时间或金钱 pay 支(钱) take 一指花费时 间。答案为 B。75、He was buried(葬 in the mountain village _ he was A.that B.which C.where D./【解析】他出生村庄,用 where 关系副词引导定语从句。where 指点,其先行词表示地点在中作 地点状语。答案 C。

43、76、 -How many English words had you learned _ the end of last term? -Around , but Ive forgotten most of themA. by B. at to D. on【解析】By of 到.为止如果后面接将来间,主句用将来时,如果后面是现在时间,句用现在完成时如果是过去时间,主句用过去完成时。 the end of “.尽头”面接时间时, 一般用过去时或来时。答案为 A。77、-Alice,why didnt you come here yesterday? _ , my suddenly fell il

44、l and had to take him the hospitalA.had B.did C.was going to D.didnt【解析】我本来算去,但是我儿子病了,我不得不带他去医院答案为 C。78、-_ is the population of the town? -Over , And a third of the population _ workers of the car A. What, are B. How many , are C. What is D. How many, is【解析】对人口问用 how large 或 what . The population of

45、 .作主语时语动词用单数。主 语表示人口的百之几,几分之几时,谓语动用复数形式。答案为 。79、There _ no hurry, there?A. need be need to be doesnt D. Needs【解析】there 引的定式反义疑问句need 作情动词用,用在否定句或疑问中。后面接动词 原形。答案为 A。80d like to go abroad for study, but I _afford itA.dont B.wasnt able to C.cant am 【解析】没有能用 cant.答案为 C。我出国深,但是我没有能力承担费用。81ll deserve to f

46、ail again _you try your bestA.if B.because C.after D.unless【解析】除非你你最大的努力,不然你一定会失败。答案为 D。82、 -May I go out and play this afternoon? -No, _ Work comes firstA. neednt mustnt wont t【解析】第一句是表示请求,其否定回答,用 mustnt 答为 B。83、 When he was there, he _ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day A. w

47、ould B. should C. had better D. Might【解析】他每天班后都会去街角的那家咖啡馆 should 表应该 在去式里 一表示应该做某事(但 实际却没有做) had 意为最好去某事,般是虚拟语气,多用于建议别人怎么做的 might 是 说可能,语法上什么问题,但是句末有个 every day,逻上不太通顺 would 表示主意愿 答案为 A。84s family went to visit _ family last nightA.Miss Suns B.the Suns C.the White D.Miss Suns【解析】昨晚 一人去拜访孙小姐一家人 姓氏 S,

48、表示夫妇或.一家。面不要接 family C D 结构正确 Miss 表单人,后面的姓不能加复数 答案为 A。85、By the time I got to the check-out, I realized that I had _ my purse at my office A.forgotten B.left C.laid D.put【解析】forget 忘 后不接地点 leave 忘后面接地点 答为 。86、Most of the deserts _ to be with bushes and treesA.used B.were used C.use D.got used【解析】 t

49、o be 过去曾经是 沙漠大部分过去被灌木和树覆盖的。 答案是 A。87、 -Well do what we can _English well this term -Its high time for you to work hardA. study B. to study C. be studied be studying【解析】这题可会误选 A,因为大家知道情态动后动词原形,但是请大家分析句的成分,这里 的 what we can 实省略了 do,这个 what we can do 在句子中作宾语从句。正确答案是 B,动词不定式作目的状语后面回答的 time for sb.to do s

50、th.对某人来说是时候去做.这是定用法。88、Congratulations _ you _winning the competition!A.to,on B.for,for C.for,on D.to,in【解析】因为某向某人祝贺用:congratulations to sb on sth.答案为 A89、- Did you finish _ the book? - Yes ,I did Thanks _ your I had a better understanding of itA.reading,for B.reading,to C.to read, for read ,to【解析】finish doing sth.完成某事 thanks to “于、“幸亏”,to 表示感谢的对象 thanks for 意“因而感”,for 强调为何而谢其后可接名词或 v-ing。 答案为 。90、_ a year does your school have sports Twice a yearA.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How many times【解析】Twice a year 一年 2 次表示频率,用


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