1、-111111Book1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you!一、学情分析(第一课时 教学设计)本单元设计分为 4 个课时:第一课时lead-in + listening and speaking 第二课时reading and writing第三课时language in use + vocabulary consolidation 第四课时unit task + pronunciation practice第一课时Lead-in + Listening & Speaking二、教材分析教学内容本课时系教材英语 1(基础模块 高教版)第一单元的第一课时,包括 Lead-in &
2、Listening and speaking 两部分,具体内容为:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型。教学重点、难点教学重点招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的词汇、句型教学难点个人信息的词汇、句型三、教学目标知识目标namefirstnamelastnamenamecardtelephone student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans)position(boss);掌握提供或询问个人信息时所使用的句型,如:-222222aboutgreeting:Good morning.Hi.Nice to meet you.about personal
3、information Whats youname?Where are you from?Which company are you from?能力目标(3) 在日常生活中灵活应用招呼用语以及询问、提供个人信息时所用到的关键句型.情感目标在真实情景交流中,师生间、生生间建立融洽的关系,主动参与、相互赏识。四、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (8m)I name, please? Which school are you from? What do your parentsdo?(设计意图:教师熟悉班上学生,也让学生尽快彼此熟悉,在自然交流中熟悉本单元重点之一)Brainstorm t
4、he ways of greeting a person. Possible answers: Goodmorning/afternoon/evening.Hi./ Hello.Nice to meet you.How do you do?How are you?/ How are you going?(collect different answers on the blackboard)(设计意图:团队做乘法,个人做加法,通过头脑风暴,我们可以快速搜集多种招呼用语, 并让全体同学尽快掌握)Lets a at of lesson, using the followingpatterns.Te
5、acher: Class begins. The monitor: Stand up.Teacher: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Students: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.Teacher: How are you today? Students: We are fine. And you?Teacher: Im fine, too. Thank you. Sit down, please.-333333(设计意图:固定课堂开始时的招呼问候语,问候时间适当增长,可以固定纪律,增进师生友谊)Activi
6、ty 3. Act and practice. How would you greet a person in the followingsituations?(教师可以利用教材中的图片或者另外搜集不同场合的图片,让学生学会灵活应用招呼用语)Step Two Listening and speaking (22m)Activity4.Listenandunderline.ListentodialogueAandunderlinethesentences about greeting aperson.Practice a similar dialogue with yourpartner.Fir
7、st nameBenLast nameFromWangHunanActivity8.Listenandcomplete.ListentodialogueB,andfillFirst nameBenLast nameFromWangHunanthe of “last studentsthequestion:LuZhongnan,whatsyourfirstname?Whatsyourlast(设计意图:教师通过询问班上多名同学的名和姓帮助学生掌握“last name”和 “first name”的含义和中英文名字表达顺序的差异)Activity 9. Read and underline. Pr
8、actice the dialogue with your partner andunderline the sentences about asking ones personal information. 6.Make a similar dialogue with the classmates around you.Sample:A:Goodmorning!ImLuZhongnan.LuismylastnameandZhongnanismyfirstname. May I have your name,please.B:Goodmorning!ImLinChunning.Linismyl
9、astnameandChunningismyfirst name.A: Nice to meet you. Im from No. 7 Middle school. Where are you from? B: Nice to meet you, too. Im from No.15 Middle school.(设计意图:实际应用所学内容,俩人小组相互询问对方的名和姓,以及对方的初中学校,既操练了英语,也增进了了解)7.Ask some pairs to demonstrate their performance(greet each other and ask for personal i
10、nformation).First nameLast nameFrom(设计意图:上台展示对话,既锻炼了当事者的胆量,也让学生们快速了解彼此) 8.Activity12TalkandcompleteTalktofiveclassmatesandaskabouttheirfirst name, last name and which school they are from. And then fill in theFirst nameLast nameFrom-444444(firstnamename)Step Three Summary and Production (14m)Make a
11、short summary of what weve learned (1)keyvocabulary:firstname,lastname,namecard(2)everyday English about greetings and personal information.Hi.Good morning.How are you?Howre things?Nice to meet you.Whats your name?yourfirstname? your last name? Where are youfrom?(设计意图:对本课时所学集体做个小结,让学生明确单元教学目标,方便学生补充
12、笔记。)Think of ten ways of greetings. Hi.Hello.Hows it going?How do you How arethings?How are you?Haventseenyouforages. Great to see youagain.Nice to meet you.Good morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening.(10)What else would you like to know about your classmates? Ask them the following questions and m
13、ake an introduction of your classmates.What is your favoriteanimal?What is your favorite city inChina?What is your favoritecolor?What is your favorite day of the week?Why?What is your favorite drink insummer?What is your favoritefood?What is your favorite holiday?Why?What is your favorite kind ofboo
14、k?What is your favorite kind ofmovie?-555555What is your favorite kind ofmusic?What is your favoritemagazine?What is your favorite memory ofchildhood?What is your favorite season?Why?What is your favoritesport?What is your favorite time ofday?WhatisyourfavoriteTVprogram?What is your favoriteWebsite?
15、What is your favoritevegetable?Whats your favorite word in English? Why do you likeit?Who is your favoriteactor?Who is your favoriteactress?Who is your favoriteathlete?Who is your favoritesinger?What is your best friendsname?Who is your favorite teacher?Why?What is your favorite subject inschool?动顺利
16、开展;请学生当堂汇报采访结果,训练学生的口语和听力以及语言组织能力。课后)Step Four Homework (1m)Practice dialogue B with your classmate afterclass.Make a similar dialogue, talking about personalinformation.Make an introduction of yourclassmate.五、板书设计Greeting:Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hi./ Hello.Nice to meet you. How do you do?How are you?/ How are you going?Ask fo
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