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1、澳大利亚社会词汇:社区福利center link)deparment of social security(DSS )社会福利部(现名为unemployment benefit 失业津贴welfare agency 福利机构emergency help 紧急援助invalid pension 残疾津贴access to children 探视儿童权adolescent 青春期的,青春期age pension 养老金allowance 津贴,补助behaviour problems 行为问题benefit 津贴bereavement 亲人丧失broken home 家庭破裂child abuse

2、 虐待儿童counselling and guidance 辅导和指导custody 监护de facto 同居desertion 抛弃divorce 离婚domestic argument 家庭争吵emergency help 紧急援助entitled to ,to be 有权利的family crisis 家庭危机Family allowance/family allowance supplement 家庭补贴financial assistance 经济援助foster care 抚养,养育field officer 现场工作人员fringe benefits 工资外补贴fully de

3、pendent 完全受赡养的hardship 困苦,苦难home visit 家访incest 乱伦institutionalised 把。 。送专门机构拘留juvenile court 青少年法庭juvenile crime 青少年犯罪juvenile offenders 青少年罪犯mental breakdown 精神崩溃mail redirection concession 邮址更改补贴maintenance 维持,赡养,抚养means test 收入测试neglected children 被忽略的儿童nursing home 护理院old age 老年orphan 孤儿pension

4、 抚恤,养老permanent disability 终生残疾permanent blind 终身失明pharmaceutical allowance 药物补贴refuge 避难所relinquishing mother 放弃责任的母亲restraining order 限制令retirement village/home 退休村,养老院referral 提交,转借separation 分居single mother/father 单身父母亲social background report 社会背景报告sickness benefit 生病津贴sole parent pension 单亲补贴s

5、pecial benefit 特殊补贴supplementary assistance(rent allowance)租房补贝占unemployment benefit 失业津贴unmarried mother 未婚妈妈wife bashing 殴打妻子war pension 战争津贴widows pension 孀妇津贝占orphans pension孤儿津贝占supporting parents benefit 抚育孩子补贴dependants allowance 受赡养者津贴family allowance 家庭津贴mothers /guardians allowance 母亲 /监护人

6、津贴handicapped childs allowance 残疾儿童津贴rehabilitation allowance 康复津贴sheltered workshop allowance 残疾人士的工作津贴supplementary assistance 助补贴claim form 申请表eligibility 合格appeal 上诉income statement 收入报告单residential status 居民身份health care card 保健卡home help service 家庭援助服务telephone retal reduction 电话月租回扣free pharm

7、aceuticals 免费药物domiciliary nursing care benefit 住家护理照顾补贴low income earners 低收入者socially disadvantaged 社会地位低下的income level 收入水平de facto relationship 同居关系social welfare officer 社会福利工作者subsidised housing 住房津贴disabled 残疾的standard of living 生活水平cost of living 生活费用taxable income 该征税的收入workers compensation

8、 工伤赔偿entitlement 权利financial hardship 经济困难maintenance payment 抚养费help reference page 援助参考页funeral benefit 丧葬津贴child care centre 托儿所drop-in centre 收留中心aged peoples home 老人之家childing minding service 儿童照顾服务marriage guidance counsellor 婚姻辅导顾问domestic violence 家庭暴力dependent wife 受赡养的妻子claim 申请concession

9、for pension 抚恤金优惠rebate on property rates 房地产税回扣sole parent 单亲review officer 复审员tax group certificate 年收入证明mail redirection 邮址更改physiotherapist 理疗师tax assessment notice 税务评估通知senior citizens club 老年人俱乐部counselling services 辅导服务eligible for 合格widower 鳏夫ward of state 州行政区,州选举区bias 偏见sheltered employme

10、nt allowance 残疾人就业津贴next-of-kin 最近的亲族referral 介绍信administrative appeal tribunal 行政上诉仲裁庭澳大利亚社会词汇:教育at recess 休息ancillary staff 辅助教员athletics 体育课attendance 出勤率career reference room 职业介绍室elective 选修co-opted member of school council 学校委员会增选成员canteen 食堂,小卖部discipline 纪律,学科lunch pass 餐卡locker 小橱,小柜子studen

11、ts self-esteem 学生的自尊swearing 咒骂spitting slace (校服里)宽的裤子school pullover 套衫school cardigan 羊毛衫school windcheater 防风上衣semester( 半年的学期)term 学期truancy 逃学vandalism 涂鸦top=tetiary orientation program 大学的信息简介计划orientation day 信息简介日folder 文件夹legal studies 法律学科school leaver 毕业生commenwealth school commission 联邦

12、学校委员会apprenticeship 学徒身份curriculum 全部课程 /必修课catholic office of education 天主教学校教育处curriculum framework 课程结构convenor 召集人sommunity school 社区学校excursion 短途旅行institute of technology 技术学院entrance exam 入学考试extra-curricular activities 课外活动appendix 附言,附录approach 方法aptitude test/intellegence test 智力测验assembly

13、 集合,集会atlas 地图集assignment (课外)作业audio-visual aids 视听教具boarder 主要的,概括的bursary 大学财务处,奖学金class size 班级大小coaching 辅导,补习comprehensive education 综合教育consciousness 意识,觉悟consumer education 消费者教育evaluation 评估corporal/physical punishiment 体罚continuing education 进修教育cramming 填鸭式的 /死记硬背的diploma 毕业文凭drop out 退学d

14、uty roster 轮职表fable 童话,寓言preamble 序言,导言foreword 序,前言preface 前言illiteracy 文盲in-service 在职immitation 模仿linguistics 语言学mental development 智力发展outdoor education 户外教育prodigy 天才,神童promotion 提升mentally handicapped 智力缺陷mentally retarded 智力迟钝multiply handicapped 多种残疾partially sighted 视力部分残疾partially deaf 听力部

15、分残疾reading difficulty 阅读困难emotionally disturbed 心理失常depression 忧郁症behavioural problem 行为问题shy 害羞withdrawn 孤僻,encouragement 鼓励aspiration 抱负,志愿social studies 社会学科general studies 普通学科multicultural curriculum 多元文化课程bilingual education 双语教育maturity 成熟professionals 专业人士form co-ordinator 年级协调人occupational

16、therapist 职业理疗师guidance officer 指导员 psychology officer 心理学职员 social worker 社工 pastoral teacher 照顾学生生活需要的老师 wagging class 逃课 staff room 教员办公室quota 定额break 休息practical work 实际工作 theoretical work 理论工作 composition 作文 borderline 界线teachers aide老师的助手 settle in school 住宿在学校 education board 教育委员会semantic 语义学 pragmatic 语用学 phonics 语音学 linguistics 语言学 respectfu


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