



1、2022-2023学年四川省广元市苍溪文昌中学校高三英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. I while listening to music. Luckily, Jack woke me up in time! Ahad fallen asleep Bhave fallen asleep Cfall asleep Dfell asleep参考答案:D略2. Many people like programme “Discovery”, programme which can help them learn much about the world. Aa, the Ba, a Cthe, a

2、Dthe, the参考答案:C 3. 34Mother was greatly _ at the news that her son was found by the police Arelieved Brelaxed Csatisfying Denthusiastic参考答案:A略4. The Internet gives people the chance to have the information they look forward _ to them quickly and cheaply. A. to deliver B. deliver C. to delivering D.

3、to delivered参考答案:D5. Something smells really good in here!You _ my Easter cookiesHave one!Asmell Bare smelling Cwere smelling Dsmelt参考答案:B【知识点】考查时态。句意:-这里有东西闻起来很香啊!-你现在闻到的是我的复活节饼干。尝一个。根据语境对方现在正闻到的香味,应用现在进行时。故选B。6. I dont understand how you got a ticket. I always _ you _ a careful driver.A. think; ar

4、e B. am thinking; are C. think; were D. thought; were 参考答案:D7. Once winter became less of a threat to human beings in literature, literary works it became more positive.A. featuringB. being featuredC. having featuredD. featured参考答案:A8. it easier to get in touch with us, youd better keep this card at

5、 hand.A. Made B. Make C. Making D. To make参考答案:D试题分析:题目考查不定式作目的状语。句意:为了更方便地联系到我们,你最好随身带着这张卡片。根据句意可知,这里是目的状语,表目的用动词不定式,故选D。【名师点睛】一、不定式的作用1. 作主语不定式作主语时,谓语用单数。往往用it 作形式主语,把不定式放在谓语后面。例如:It took us two hours to finish the job.It is impossible for us to get there on time.It is very kind of you to help us.

6、2. 作宾语(1) 动词+不定式。例如:He managed to escape from the fire.I find it hard to get along with him.(it 作形式宾语)注:下列动词通常用不定式作宾语:want, try, hope, wish, need, forget, know, promise, refuse, help, decide, begin, start, learn, agree, choose, get等。(2) 动词+疑问词+to , “特殊疑问句+不定式”相当于名词,作宾语。例如:I dont know what to do next

7、 / how to do it next.I cant decide when to go there.注意:不定式短语作宾语时,如果还带有宾语补足语,往往把不定式短语放在宾语补足语之后,用it 作形式宾语。例如:I find it necessary to learn a foreign language.3. 作宾语补足语(1) 动词+宾语+不定式(to do )。例如:He warned me to be careful.I want you to speak to Tom.What makes you think so? (不带to的不定式)注:可以用动词不定式作宾补的动词有:ask,

8、 tell, order, want, get, would like, like, advise, invite, allow, help, wish, warn, expect, would prefer, encourage等。(2) 表见解、看法的动词结构可为:动词+宾语+ to be 的不定式结构。例如:We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class.The book is believed to be useful.(被动语态)(3) There +不定式。例如:We didnt expect there to

9、 be so many people there. 注意:有些动词需用 as 短语作补语,像regard, think, believe, take, consider。例如:We regard Eric as our best teacher. Mary took him as her father. (4) 在动词feel(一感), hear, listen to(二听), have, let, make(三让), notice, see, watch, observe, look at(五看)(即:五看三使两听一感觉)等后面的补足语中,不定式不带to,但变为被动语态后,必须带to。例如:

10、They saw the boy fall off the tree.The boy was seen to fall off the tree.(5) help后面作宾语补足语的不定式可以带to,也可以不带to。例如:I often help him (to) clean the room.I helped him (to) find his things.4. 作定语不定式作定语,修饰名词或代词,不定式和它所修饰的名词之间有逻辑上的主谓关系、动状关系、同位关系或动宾关系。不定式通常要放在这些被修饰的词后。例如:I have a lot of work to do.(动宾关系)He is l

11、ooking for a room to live in.(动状关系)He is the first person to think of the idea.(主谓关系)He has got a chance to go abroad.(同位关系)注意:(1)不定式的逻辑主语是句子的主语时,不定式用主动形式表被动。例如:Do you have anything else to say?(2)如果作定语的不定式是一个短语,则要保留不定式短语中的副词或介词。例如:I need a pen to write with. (I will write with a pen.) I have a litt

12、le baby to look after. (I must look after the little baby.) 5. 作状语作状语,表示目的、结果、原因等,有时还有一些固定搭配的不定式短语,如in order to, so as to, soas to, suchas to, enough to, tooto等。(1)作目的状语,just to, only to(仅仅为了), in order to, so as to, so(such)as to(如此以便)。例如:He ran so fast as to catch the first bus.(2)作结果状语,表事先没有预料到,要

13、放在句子后面。例如:He hurried to the post office only to find it was closed.(3)作原因状语。例如:We were very excited to hear the news.(4)作条件状语。例如:To turn to the left, you could find a post office.6. 作表语不定式可放在be动词后面,构成表语。例如:The question is how to put it into practice.My question is when to leave.His dream is to be a

14、doctor.注意:(1) 不定式在句中作表语时,对应的谓语动词用单数。(2) 当主语是不定式时,表语不能用v+ing形式,可用不定式。例如:To see is to believe. (=Seeing is believing. )二、不定式的时态和语态1. 不定式的时态(1)现在时:有时与谓语动作同时发生,有时发生在谓语动词的动作之后。例如:He seems to know this. I hope to see you again. (2)完成时:表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。例如:Im sorry to have given you so much trouble.He seems t

15、o have caught a cold.(3)进行时:表示动作正在进行,与谓语动作同时发生。例如:He seems to be eating something.(4)完成进行时:表示动作从过去某个时间开始,一直延续到现在,并有可能持续下去。例如:She is known to have been working on the problem for many years.2. 不定式的语态当不定式的逻辑主语是其动作的承受者时,就用被动式。例如:He was seen to enter the hall.He asked to be sent to work in Tibet.9. I _

16、a football game when you called. Thats why I didnt hear you. A. watchedB. was watchingC. have watchedD. would watch参考答案:B10. He was charged _ the police _ breaking the law.A. of, of B. of, with C. by, of D. by, with参考答案:D考查介词。be charged with“被指控”;by表示“被,由”。句意:他被警察指控违反了法律。故选D。11. Walking in space sou

17、nd easy, yet great care and skills are needed Ashould Bshall Cmay Dmust参考答案:C12. We need three single rooms for the first week in June._. The hotels not busy then. A. No problem B. Dont bother C. Never mind D. It doesnt matter(在2011年全国18套高考卷中,考查情景交际中表示同意与不同意的第二多,共6道题。)参考答案:A略13. The worlds economic

18、development is not a win-lose game but one in which all _ be winners.A. can B. shall C. must D. would参考答案:A 14. Playing tricks on others is _ we should never do.A. anythingB. something C. everything D. nothing参考答案:B15. Snowing hard outside, _ ?Adoesnt it Bisnt it Cdoes it Dis it参考答案:B 16. They happe

19、n to be of age ,and they all go in for American football. Athe same ;the B/;/ Can ; / Dan ;the 参考答案:C 二、 书面表达17. 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Henry准备在你家过春节,他想了解中国的传统习俗一发压岁钱。现请你给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.习俗介绍;2.亲身经历;3.个人感悟。注意:1.词数100左右,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2.文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。3.参考词汇:压岁钱lucky moneyDear Henry,Im very glad to hear tha

20、t youre going to experience the Spring Festival with me._Yours,Li Hua参考答案:Dear Henry,Im very glad to hear that youre going to experience the Spring Festival with me. Now let me tell you something about giving lucky money in the Lunar New Year.It usually falls on the eve of the Lunar New Year when th

21、e whole family gets together for an evening feast. After that, the elders will give money in red paper to children, wishing them good luck and health.As for me, I remembered my grandparents each handed me a red envelope with lucky money after the big meal. Although there wasnt much money, it represe

22、nted their affection for me. I promised I would use the money wisely and do something meaningful.Yours,Li Hua三、 阅读理解18. Last year,two days after Christmas,we kicked China out of the houseNot the country obviously,but bits of plastic,metal,and wood with the words“Made in China” We kept what we alread

23、y had,but stopped bringing any more inBecause it had coated our lives with toys,and useless stuffSometimes I worried about jobs sent overseas,but price triumphed(胜过)over virtue at our houseWe couldnt resist what China was sellingBut on that dark Monday last year,an unease feeling washed over me fls

24、I sat on the sofaIt wasnt until then that I noticed a fact:China was taking over the placeIt stared back at me from the empty screen of the televisionI spied it in the pile of tennis shoes by the doorIt glowed in the lights on the Christmas tree and watched me in the eyes of a doll lay on the floor,

25、I slipped off the couch and sorted gifts into two piles: China and nonChinaThe count came to China,25,the world,14Christmas,I realized, had become a holiday made by the ChineseSuddenly I wanted China outI persuaded my husband,and on JanI we started fl year-long household embargo on Chinese importsTh

26、e idea wasnt to punish ChinaAnd we didnt fool ourselves into thinking wed bring back a single jobWe pushed China out of our lives because we wanted to measure how far it had pushed inWe wanted to know what it would take in time, money,and worry to kick our China habitIn the springour 4-year-old son

27、started a campaign to support“China things”“Its too long without China,”he criedHe kept at me all dayI have discovered for myself that China doesnt control every aspect of our daily lives, but if you take a close look at the underside of boxes in the toy department,I promise it will give you pause“When we can buy China things again,letS never stop,”my son saidAfter a year without China l can tell you this:You can still live without it,but itS getting costlier by the d


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