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1、Module 6 Around town课例分析北京市垂杨柳中学 王辰 2014.3.19外研版初一英语(下)2Reading & Writing本模块以问路和指路为话题,并涉及到有关旅游方面的内容,贴近生活,容易唤起学生使用目标语言进行表达的意愿,本模块中的听说读写等活动都围绕着问路,指路,以及地点方位的表达展开,提高学生对路线和地点方位的语言描述能力。第一单元以在天安门广场进行问路和指路的一段对话为题材,为学生呈现了真实的语境。要求学生掌握问路和指路的基本句式,并能够在语境中灵活运用目标语言进行路线描述。第二单元的课文是以导游身份介绍的一次伦敦的短途旅行,并简要介绍了伦敦的一些风景名胜和旅

2、行线路。要求学生读懂文中建筑物准确的方位信息,并把握描述旅行线路内在的逻辑性。第三单元的重点在于方位表达方式和指路用语的运用,学生需要在语言实践中,对目标语言进行内化和巩固。在本单元的学习中,学生需要注意各种方位介词的正确使用。教材内容分析 1 词汇方面:学生在上册书二三模块已经学过一些表达物体方位的简单词汇和句式能够正确表达上下左右前后等物体方位。但像opposite这样的词对于学生来讲仍为生词。 2 在语言表达方面:在小学阶段已经学过一些问路指路的常用语,像turn left,go along 等。但是在语言运用方面不够熟练,部分功能句已经遗忘。所能用到的句型较少,在路线的表达上不够具体和

3、准确。 3 在文化意识方面:对异国风景名胜了解的信息较少,但是对外国建筑和旅游景点有着很高的兴趣和好奇心。2022/9/13学生情况分析4语言知识词汇:方位介词,建筑物,地点名称以及描述位置和路线的有关词汇语法:方位的表达方式和问路指路常用语。语言技能听:能够听懂有关问路指路的简短对话。说:能用英语进行问路和指路。读:能读懂对一个地方的方位和路线描述。写:能够根据情境对具体的方位路线进行简单描述。学习策略能将语言学习与实际应用结合起来,正确的使用地图。情感态度乐于参加运用英语的实践活动,乐于了解他国文化,对家乡充满热爱之情。文化意识了解英国首都伦敦的一些著名景点及世界上其他国家的一些风景名胜。

4、教学目标分析2022/9/13Module6 Around townUnit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium? 2022/9/132 AbilityStudents will be able to get the information about asking for and giving directions while listening.Students will be able to ask for ways and give directions with the suitable expressions

5、.3 AttitudeStudents will be ready to help others and like to give directions to the foreigners. 插入课前听力练习 2022/9/131 What does the woman want to buy?A .A bag and some food.B. A bag and some fruit.C. Some food and a wallet.2What is opposite the supermarket?A.A bank.B.A clothes shop.C.A bookshopPre-lis

6、tening: vocabularyGuess the places通过猜地点让学生快速反应单词post officestreet underground stationbus stopthe National StadiumTiananmen SquareMatch the words from the box with the pictures.BankmuseumrestaurantstationListening and vocabularybcad32142022/9/13通过图示使学生理解方位介词的使用。museumrestaurantbankThe restaurant is o

7、pposite the museum.stationnext tobetweenbookshopin front of behindPre-listening: learn the directions1 What are they talking about? A Introduction of Wangfujing Street B How to get to some places C How to get a guidebook 2 How many places the tourist want to visit? A 2 B 3 C 4Listen and answer第一遍听出对

8、话大义和地点BBUnderline the sentences about asking for the way.Read after the tape.模仿录音的语音语调朗读,划出问路的句子,使学生进一步熟悉问路的方式Could you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?2022/9/13Tell the ways to these places_Dong Changan Jie,_the street and_at the third street on the left.Go acrossgo along turn left根据每个地点说出相应的问路

9、用语,并根据对话内容进行填空,使学生进一步熟悉语言结构。2022/9/13go acrossgo alongturn left at分地点进行复述,巩固指路用语。Tell the way to these placesIs there a bookshop near here?The bookshop is _Xi Changan Jie, _ of the street, _the bank.alongon the rightopposite根据每个地点说出相应的问路用语,并根据对话内容进行填空,使学生熟悉指路的语言结构。北京图书大厦西长安街东长安街on the rightgo along银

10、行opposite分地点进行复述,巩固指路用语。2022/9/13Tell the way to these places _ the street and youll see an underground station. _the underground _the Olympic Sports Centre. Can you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?How can I get to the National Stadium?TaketoGo along根据每个地点说出相应的问路用语,并根据对话内容进行填空,使学生熟悉指路的语言结

11、构。You are on Tiananmen Square.Your partner wants to go to Beihai Park.Can you tell the way?Post-listening: Ask and give the ways From Tiananmen to Beihai ParkTask 1第一个任务:根据新地图,用已学方位结构询问、介绍新路线给出方位结构支持Xi Changan JieChang Jiego acrossgo alongnext tooppositeon your rightturn leftCan you tell me the way

12、to?/Sure/ Certainly,Post officesupermarketmuseumJiefang RoadrestaurantbankJianguo streetbookshopXinhua streetKFChospitalNO 2MiddleSchoolNanjing Roadundergroundstation Post-listening: make new dialogues2022/9/13Language pointsCould you tell me how to get to ? I want to visit How can I get there? Is t

13、here a near here?Can you tell me the way to ?1 问路用语 get to 到达 get to直接接地点名词,接副词时不用加介词如: get here, get there, get home总结语言知识,强调易错点向左转 / 向右转 沿着 走穿过.向左、右转.在第三条街左转1. turn left/ turn right2. go along / walk along3. go across 4. turn left/ right 5.Turn left at the third street.2 指路用语 总结语言知识,强调易错点2022/9/13

14、 3. Why not do sth? “为什么不做某事?” 表示建议你为什么不问问那边的警察呢? the policeman over there? 4. take to go toby 乘去某地e.g. I usually take a bus to school. = I usually go to school by bus.Why not ask总结语言知识,强调易错点Complete the questions with the correct form of the words from the box. 1. _ me, is Wangfujing Dajie far from

15、 Tiananmen Square? 2. Theres a bookshop near here. Whats the name of the _? 3. Can a _ ask a _the way to get to places in Beijing? 4. _ you tell me how to get to the National stadium? 5. Wheres the _ station?could excuse policeman street tourist undergroundExcusestreettouristpolicemanCouldundergroun

16、dNow work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.选词填空,并根据对话内容进行小组问答,检测所学知识。 Write down a dialogue to ask and give the way to the National Stadium from our school. (Please google the map on the Internet before write.)Homework要求学生根据地图和已学结构编写对话2022/9/13Module6 Around townUnit 2 The London Eye is on you

17、r right.Teaching aims:1 Knowledge: Key vocabulary: take, famous, painting, above, river, clear, bridge, past, finish, when, after Key structures: Turn left into Get off the boat at The best way tois 2022/9/132 AbilityStudents will be able to get information about the way to some famous places in Lon

18、don while reading.Students will be able to retell the tour of London with their partner.3 AttitudeStudents will be interested in learning about some famous places in foreign countries. 插入课前听力练习2022/9/132022/9/13 It is one of the greatest museums. There are lots of famous paintings.Lets guess the fam

19、ous places in London!通过描述猜地名,使学生熟悉伦敦的名胜。2022/9/13the National Gallery2022/9/13It is the most expensive symbol of the royal(王室) The Queen lives here.Lets guess!2022/9/13Buckingham Palace2022/9/13 It lies on the north bank of the RiverThames in London.Lets guess!2022/9/13the House of Parliament2022/9/

20、13 It is a nickname for the clocks mainbell.It is one of the most famous symbolic buildings in London.Lets guess!2022/9/13Big Ben 2022/9/13 It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames.It was built to celebrate the year 2000.Lets guess!2022/9/13the London Eye2022/9/13 It is next to the Tower of Lo

21、ndon.It is one of the most famous buildings in London. It spans(横跨) the River Thames.Lets guess!2022/9/13the Tower Bridge2022/9/13 It sits along side the River Thames.It is one of the most important and interesting buildings in London. It is 900 years old.Lets guess!2022/9/13the Tower of London2022/

22、9/13National galleryTower Bridgethe Tower of LondonBig BenSpeak them out!播放图片,让学生说出相应地名,为阅读做铺垫。2022/9/13Buckingham Palacethe London EyeHouses of ParliamentRiver Thames Where can you find this article? A. story book B. guidebook C. geography book D. history book Read the passage quickly and choose th

23、e correct answer.While-reading: general ideas初读文章,把握主要内容和作者的写作目的。2022/9/13National GalleryLondon EyeTower of LondonBuckingham PalaceHouses of Parliament 根据文章内容填写地名,找出名胜的地理位置。While-reading: :Label the places. 1. Where will we start our tour? A. National Gallery B. Trafalgar Square C.Buckingham Palace

24、 2._the Red street,we can get to Buckingham Palace. A.Turn left at B. Turn right at C. Walk alongRead paragraph 1-4, choose the correct answer.细读文章1-4段,查找关于旅行路线的细节信息。4. When youre tired, the best way to see London is _. A. by train B .by bus C. by boat5. The Tower of London is _ Tower Bridge. A. opp

25、osite B. next to C. on the right ofCB3.London Eye is_Big Ben.A. on the right of B.on the left of C.oppositeC2022/9/13Finish the route of visiting1.Were standing on a square_ the National Gallery.2.We_the red street to Buckingham Palace.3.We_ and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. We can see

26、 the London Eye_.4.As we _the river, we can see the London Eye on the right.5.We can _the boat near Big Ben and_ the boat at Tower Bridge.6.Its _ the Tower of London.oppositewalk alongturn leftoppositego alonggetget offnext to由于复述去行路线的信息量较大,因此让学生填写相应的动词短语和方位介词,进一步熟悉去行路线。2022/9/13National GalleryBuck

27、ingham PalaceHouses of Parliament London EyeTower of London读图,复述去行路线Read paragraph 5, finish this mini-map.读第五段,找准返回路线。Tower of LondonKings Street_ the boat_ the boat and _left into Kings Street.go _Trafalgar Squaretakerailway stationget offturnchurchpastHow do we get back to Trafalger Square?通过细读第5

28、段,进一步熟悉回行路线。National GalleryBuckingham PalaceHouses of ParliamentLondon EyeTower of LondonIm standing on the Square读图,复述整个行程路线。Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.1 Where does the _ start? - From the _ opposite the National Gallery.2 Whats the National Gallery? - I

29、ts a _ museum with lots of paintings.3 How high does the London Eye take you_ the River Thames? - One hundred and thirty-five _.above bridge clear famous metre square tourtoursquarefamousabovemetres填空,巩固关于旅行的重点词汇。4 What can you see from the London Eye? - On a _ day, most of London.5 Where is the Tow

30、er of London? - Its next to a famous _.clearbridge My friend Lucy is sitting in front of National Gallery, she wants to visit Tower of London. So, please help me to write down a route for her.Homework2022/9/13Module6 Around townUnit 3 Language in use 2022/9/13Students will be able to consolidate the

31、 functional language of asking for and giving directions.Students will be able to write a short passage to describe the route according to the given situation. Teaching aims:2022/9/13 插入课前听力练习railway station, bridge, palace, tower, church1.A_is a way to go across a river.2.A_is a religious(宗教的) buil

32、ding.3.A_is the home of a king and a queen.5.A_is a very tall building.4.A_is where you can take the train.bridgechurchpalacerailway stationtowerChoose from the box让学生通过句意语境匹配单词1. How can I get to?2. Could you tell me the way to , please?3. Could you tell me how to get to ?4. Which is the way to , p

33、lease?5. Is there a near here?6. Do you know the way to , please?Revision: ask for directions学生先回顾总结复习问路的句式,老师展示。穿过这条街。 沿着这条路走。Go across the street. Go/Walk along this road.在十字路口向左转。 在红绿灯右转。Turn left at the crossing. Turn right at the traffic light. 在书店之后向左转。 路经银行到达广场。Turn left after the bookshop. G

34、o past the bank to the square. 地铁站在银行的对面。The underground station is opposite the bank.我们的学校在路的右边。Our school is on the right of the road.向左拐入学院街。Turn left into Xueyuan Street.Revision: give directions复习问路的句式,学生根据中文意思,说出相应的英文句子。Student A: Choose a starting place on the map. Then give Student B directi

35、ons from there.Student B: Listen to Student A and follow the directions: Where do they finish?Now choose another starting place on the map. Student B gives direction.Work in pairs and look at the map.Work in pairs and look at the map.教师先进行示范演示,再根据教材要求分组练习。post officeSupermarketBankMarketBookshopBus

36、stopCinema让学生通过阅读和复述练习使用问路、指路的表达Read and label the places.across between next to on your right opposite turn leftLook at the map and complete the passage with the words and expressions from the box.The museum is _the bankand the restaurant. The park is along the street_ the bank. The shop is_ the re

37、staurant. Cross thebridge and then go _ the street. _ and the station is _ .next tobetweenoppositeacrossturn lefton your right让学生根据地图内容填写方位介词。Station River BridgeShopBankMuseumRestaurantIm standing next to the station.I want to go to the restaurant.Can you help me?Task根据新地图,用已学方位结构询问、介绍新路线。ParkStation River BridgeShopBankMuseumRestaurantPark让学生通过对话练习使用问路、指路的表达,可以自主选择简单或复杂的地图Speaking: Student A: choose the starting place and give directions. Student B: follow the directions and draw the route.2022/9/13Can you tell me how to get to Tua


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