



1、课题Unit 1 What? s he like?Part B Read and write & Let s check & Let s wrap it up课型阅读课教学目 林知识 与技能.学生能够在图片的帮助下读懂日记的内容.学生能够在语境中理解新单词“robot, made, speak, finish”的意义.学生能按照正确的意群及语音、语调和语气朗读日记内容.学生能够完成读后练习一一选出描述Robin特征的单词.学生能够“设计” 一个机器人并写出三个描述其特征的句子.学生能够对于对话细节有所了解.学生能够听懂并会写单元核心句型.学生能够在教师的帮助下正确进行be动词与人称代词的搭配过

2、程 与方法3.学生在猜想活动中复习和巩固已学有关人物性格品质的单 词,锻炼了分析和推测的思维能力。4.学生在复述活动中梳理并增加有关有关人物性格品质的英语 语舌输出。情感态 度与价 值观n.学生可以学习他人良好的品质及树立良好典范意识。教学重 点.学生能够在图片的帮助下读懂日记,完成阅读任务。.学生能够听懂录音并完成相应的练习。.学生能够了解be动词与人称代词的搭配规那么。教学难 点学生能够在语境中正确进行be动词与人称代词的搭配。教学方 法各种形式的阅读任务,让学生自主探究,从文本中提取关键信息, 加深对文本的理解;引导学生分析句子,理解题意,对学生进行有 效的听力技巧指导,注重学生学习方法

3、的培养。列举大量例句,引 导学生通过观察总结出be动词与人称代词的搭配规那么,提升学生的 自主学习能力,培养学生的观察能力和逻辑思维能力。教学用 具PPT课件、课文录音、视频等教师活动学生活动Warm-up1. Greetings.2.1 say and you guess.Give some sentences and teach the words “finish, speak”.Presentation“ Read and write”1. Learn the word “robot”.Greetings.Guess the answers according to the senten

4、ces. Learn the words and practice them in sentences教学过 程Play a video about robots. Teach the word “robot”.1. Learn the format and Paragraph 1. Lead students to listen and read Paragraph 1 of Wu Binbins diary. Explain the format of the diary. Ask students to underline the key sentences about the answ

5、ers in Paragraph 1. Lead students to spell the word made”.Learn Paragraphs 24.Ask students to read Paragraphs 24 of the diary and circle the key words.Read and tick or cross.Show the form on page 9. Check the answers with students. Explain the sentences: Robin is short but strong. He makes me finish

6、 my homework. 5. Read and act.Ask students to pay attention to the intonation, the stress, the pause and the sense group.Retell the diary.Show the diary with some blanks.Finish the task on page 9.Ask students to finish the task on page 9.Practice“Lets check”Listen and circle.(l)Ask students to read

7、the two sentences andunderstand the title.(2)Play the recording. Check the answer with students.Listen again and answer.Tell students how to finish the listening task. Play the recording again and check the answers with students.Consolidation & ExtensionLets wrap it up”1. Think and match.Lead studen

8、ts to know the usage ofWatch the video. Guess the content to belearned in this lesson. Learn the word “robot”.Read Paragraph 1 of the diary after the recording. Know the format of the diary. Underline the sentences about the answers and answer the questions. Spell and understand the word made.Read P

9、aragraphs 24 and circle the keywords.Read the text silently and then tick or cross.Check the answers with the teacher. Understandthe sentences “Robin is short but strong.Hemakes me finish my homework.”Read after the recording one by one.Readtogether. Read freely. At last have a readingshow in class.

10、Read and fill in the blanks to retell the diary.Design a robot. Draw and write about him/her. Then have a show.(l)Read the two sentences and understand thetitle.(2)Judge the answer to the first sentence and circle the answer to the second sentence. Check the answer with the teacher.Know the listenin

11、g skills. Listen to the recording again. Write down the answers on the lines. Check the answers with the“am/is/are”. Sum up the collocation rules with students. Check the answers. 2. Choose and write.Ask students to finish the task of “Choose and write”. Check the answers with students. Look and say

12、, then write. Show some pictures.HomeworkRead the text skillfully.Search for information about robots and introduce them briefly.Do the exercises.teacher.Know and sum up the collocation rules of theverb “be” with personal pronouns.Finish thetask of Think and match”. Check theanswerswith the teacher.Finish the task of Choose and write”. Checkthe answers with the teacher


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