Unit5 Learning from nature 一轮复习巩固练习 外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册_第1页
Unit5 Learning from nature 一轮复习巩固练习 外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册_第2页
Unit5 Learning from nature 一轮复习巩固练习 外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册_第3页
Unit5 Learning from nature 一轮复习巩固练习 外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册_第4页
Unit5 Learning from nature 一轮复习巩固练习 外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册_第5页
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1、外研版高中英语一轮复习巩固练习选择性必修三Unit5 Learning from nature1.单词拼写1. Spring is the best season to_ (播) seeds while autumnis the season when farmers harvest their crops.2. In Korea and Japan, people usually_ (鞠躬) slightly when greeting each other.3. The_ (农村的) areas were short of doctors and medicine in the past.

2、4.A_ (驯养的) animal is one that is not wild and is kept either on a farm to produce food or in someones home as a pet.5. Rains are frequent during Huangmei season while frogs are everywhere in the_(池塘) with green grass around.6. The robot was programmed to_ (模仿)a series of human movements.7. When a ne

3、w baby is born, sometimes the other children in thefamily feel_ (冷落).8. All the audiences were deeply attracted by the_ (极好的,出色的) performance of the acrobat.9. Music therapy is a newly rising_ (前沿 )of science which has already been used in clinical practice.10. White has always been a symbol of_ (纯洁

4、) in Western cultures.1.sow 2. bow 3. rural 4. domestic 5. pond 6. mimic7. rejected 8. superb 9. frontier 10. purity2.单句语法填空1. Ones contributions and mistakes can only_ ( evaluate) by later generations.2. If you still keep silent, I will take_ for granted that you imply agreement.3. The designer too

5、k inspiration_ his childrens paintings and designed many toys based on them.4. I never feel completely_ ease with him.5. Tom racked his brains during the test trying to seek solutions_the problem.6. Having lived in the village for more than fifty years, it is difficult for my parents to be used_ the

6、 city life.7. No matter how many difficulties I will meet in the future, Illnever resign myself_ fate.8. Though it was Jimmy who broke the glass, he was reluctant_( admit) it9. Electrical energy may_ ( convert) into heat, light or various chemical energy.10. Flights should be confirmed 48 hours befo

7、re_( depart).1. be evaluated 2.it 3. from 4.at 5.to 6.to 7.to 8. to admit 9. be converted 10. departure3.选词填空1. The Hotel of Fragrant Hill designed by Leoh Ming Pei, a famous Chinese born American_, is one of the most famous_ in Beijing. ( architect)2. Zhuge Liang is widely considered to be the symb

8、ol of_ and loyalty, because he is very _ and loyal. ( wisdom)3. The_ of the company decides to_ more_ who have rich experience. (employ)4._ hurt crime is to hurt others body and health_.( deliberately )5. If you_ your task ahead of time, you will have a sense of_.( fulfilment)1. architect; architect

9、ures 2. wisdom; wise3. employer; employ; employees 4. Deliberate; deliberately5. fulfill; fulfilment4完成句子1. He speaks_ I cannot get down every word.他说得太快了以至于我无法把每个词都记下来。2._ good study skills.培养良好的学习方法很重要。3. His dearest wish is_ his grandchildren again.他最大的愿望是能再次见到自己的孙子孙女。4._ in my work is most impor

10、tant to me.工作中开心最重要。5. While_, I had a long talk with my sister about her work.在等火车的时候,我和姐姐谈了很久她的工作。1.so fast that 2. It is important to develop3. to see 4. Being happy 5. waiting for the train5.微写作请根据下列要点介绍仿生学建筑。要点如下:1.我们习惯于大自然给我们的一切,总是理所当然地认为我们是大自然的主人。2.实际上,许多建筑师从大自然中汲取灵感,来设计建筑。3.我们把这种活动称为仿生学,它显示了

11、自然与人类艺术和科学之间的联系 。4.其中藻类屋是一个极好的例子,它覆盖着含有藻类的面板。5.海藻被喂以液体营养物和二氧化碳来促进它们的生长。注意:1.词数80左右;2.尽量使用本单元的知识点;3.可适当增加细节。We are used to what nature offers us and always take it for granted that we are the master of nature. Actually , many architects take inspiration from nature to make designs for architecture.An

12、d we regard this activity biomimicry , which shows the connection between nature and human beings art and science. Among them the Algae House is a superb example which is covered with panels containing algae. The algae are fed with liquid nutrients and carbon dioxide to encourage them to grow.6课文语法填

13、空Nature in ArchitectureTrees, plants and flowers are all around us and we enjoytheir 1 _( beautiful) every day. Nature presented in various architectural designs as well.People 2_ interest is exploring the relationship between art and science will enjoy Singapores ArtScience Museum. The building was

14、 designed 3 _( show) the connection between nature and the modern city environment. Visitors are often amazed to find themselves in an urban building that so 4_ ( true) captures the beauty of natural forms. Harares Eastgate Centre is 5_ superb example of biomimicry. Its architect Mick Pearce was ins

15、pired to create the Centre while 6_ ( watch ) a nature documentary in which termites were constructing their nests. The design reduces the need for 7 _( tradition) air conditioning and heating systems. The worlds first algae-powered building is in Hamburg, Germany, whose surface is covered in panels that contain algae. The panels capture heat from the sun and convert it 8_ energy that powers the building. And the algae inside the panels ca


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