已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、外资企业职工或员工手册1.1本公司为健全管理制度和组织功能,特依据外商投资企业人资法规和本公司人事政策制定本手册.1.2凡本公司所属员 工,除法律法规另有规定者外,必须遵守本手册规定.1.3凡本手册所称职工或员工,系指正式被聘于本公司并签订劳动协议或聘用协议者.2.1聘 用关系2.1.1 ITP职工或员工为18岁以上的成人,公司规定退休年令为60周岁。无性别,地域,户口等区别.2.1.2新职工或员工聘用设有三 个月的试用期,如试用期的工作表现未能令上司满意,被证明不符合录用条件的, 公司可以在试用期内终止聘用,或将试用期延长,以作进一步观察,但延长期最多不超过三个月。在试用期内,职工或员工及公

2、司任何一方都可提前五个工作日通知对方, 终止聘用关系。公司为试用期职工或员工签订3-6个月的试用协议。公司为工作关系和户口关系未能转入公司的人员及退休被聘用人员,签订聘用协议。2.1.3 有下列情形之一者,不得聘用为本公司职工或员工;(1)曾经被本公司开除或未经核准而擅自离职者:(2)被剥夺公民权利者;(3)通 缉在案未撤消者;(4)受有期徒刑之宣告,尚未结案者;(5)经指派医院体检不合格者;(6)患有精神病或传染病或吸用毒 品者;(7)未满18周岁者;(8)政府法律规定的其他情形者。2.1.4 应聘人员面试及体检合格后,依照公司录取通知的日期、地点、亲自办理报到手续、并应缴验下列证件:(1)

3、本人最近一寸证件照片三张;(2)学 历,职称证件、身份证;(正本核对后发还,复印件留存)(3)退工单,劳动手册等前服务单位离职证明。经面试甑选合格之应聘人员。未于 通知时间、地点办理报到手续者,视为拒绝接受本公司聘用,该通知则失其效力。2.1.5 有下列情形之一者,本公司可以不经预先通知而终止聘用关系,并不给予当事人补偿。(1)在欺骗公司的情况下与公司签订劳动协议,致本公司误信造 成损失者;(2)违反劳动协议或本手册规则经本公司认定情节重大者;(3)营私舞弊,授受贿赂,严重失职,对公司造成损害者;(4)对 本公司各级管理者或其他同事实施暴力行为或有重大侮辱之行为而使之受到伤害者;(5)故意损耗

4、本公司物品,或故意泄露公司技术、经营秘密者;(6)无 故旷工3日以上,或一年内累计旷工6日以上者;absenteeism(7)被判有期徒刑以上的刑事责任者;(8)本公司制度规定的 其他严肃纪律处分而开除的情形。2.1.6 有下列情形之一的,本公司应提前30天书面通知当事人终止聘用关系:(1)职工或员工有病或非因 工负伤,医疗期满后,未能从事原工作,或未能从事公司另行安排的工作的;(2)职工或员工未能胜任工作,经过培训或者调整工作岗位后,仍未能胜任工作 的;(3)公司生产、经营状况发生重大变化,或公司濒临破产或转让,征得当地劳动行政同意减员的。2.1.8 本公司为适应生产,经营业务的需要,可以在

5、职工或员工能力所及的范围内调整工作岗位,职工或员工对此不得拒绝。2.2 劳动协议依据劳动法,外商投资 企业人资管理的规定和公司的人事政策,本公司与职工或员工订立“劳动协议书”。以正式确认并保证各方在聘用过程中的权利与义务。劳动协议期限:分为 有固定时限劳动协议(期限至少为一年)和无固定时限的劳动协议二种。劳动协议期满,协议即行终止。职工或员工与公司各方同意续约的,各方应于劳动协议期 满前一个月续签“劳动协议书劳动协议期满,各方未续签的但劳动聘用关系仍然存在,即视为原协议续延一年。2.3 工作时间全月按 规定之工作日上班,无迟到,早退,旷工及加班缺勤者为全勤。全勤奖金每月为50元。2.3.1 如

6、因工作需要,公司要求职工或员工于正常工作时间外超时工作时,各职工或员工皆不得找藉词推搪,应以工作为主,发扬良好服务精神。2.3.2 对经各部门经理批准安排超时工作的职工或员工均给予调休或发加班费。2.3.3职工请假须由本人填写假条,经主管批准后方可离开,无特殊原因,不可电 话,捎话请假。2.3.4 旷工一天倒扣三天基本工资,旷工三天以上者,从第四天起视作自动离职。不予结算任何工资福利。2.3.5 每月迟到不得超过两次,每次不得超过10分钟,凡超过10分钟,每分钟罚款两元,依次类推,第三次起累计超过半小时,按旷工半天论处,早退与迟到处罚相 同。2.4 培训进入本公司的职工或员工,必须通过下列内容

7、的培训:(1)公司的规章制度、安全生产的培训;(2)岗位的 专业知识、技能的培训;(3)岗位的职责和操作规程的培训;(4)ISO9001质量体系的知识培训;职工或员工的培训及其成绩记 录由办公室(人事)放入职工或员工个人档案。2.5调职公司根据生产、经营业务的需要和职工或员工的技能,可安排职工或员工调动职位。职工或员工也可以根据公司办 公室公布的空缺职位申请调动。职位的调动应先征得本部门主管、经理的同意。一般情况下,新职工或员工在试用期内不得申请调职。2.6离职职工或员工申 请辞职的,一般应提前30天以书面形式通知公司。违反离职程序,或擅自离职的职工或员工将承担由此引起的不良后果。2.7人事记

8、录2.7.1 职工或员工需就下列事项或身份的改变通知办公室(人事)(1)住址和电话号码;(2)婚姻状况;(3)孩子诞生及家庭人员的变 化;(4)身份证号码。2.7.2公司上岗证(1)签发:职工或员工加入公司时一律应取得签发的上岗证。凭此证进入公司上班。职工或员工离职前将上岗证交回办公室。(2)遗失和补发上 岗证;职工或员工遗失上岗证的,应及时通知办公室,由办公室补办上岗证,并收取补发证件的费用。每份壹拾元正。2.7.3钥匙 公司交给职工或员工的所有钥匙必须妥为保管,不得复制,不得借与他人,在上班的最后一天交还给办公室。职工或员工遗失钥匙的要立即报告。 2.7.4公物 职工或员工在公司工作期间应

9、保护所有公物,职工或员工若离开公司,必须按登记的公物清单进行移交给各关于部门,若有遗失或损毁应照价赔偿。3.1薪酬政策公 司实行考核工资制度,效益与工资挂勾,按月发放考核工资。职工或员工当月薪资收入已包括国家政策规定的各类生活补贴。(个人所得税由职工或员工承担。 公司按关于规定代为扣缴。)3.2 发薪日公司的发薪日为每月 日发上一个月的工资。如遇休息日可顺延。职工或员工持银行卡领取薪资。在外地办事处工作的职工或员工由部门负责邮寄。4.1法定假职工或员工每年可享受有薪 法定假7天元旦1天春节3天劳动节1天国庆节2天4.2.1因有重要私事需请假的,可申请无薪事假4.2.2 任何原因的事假最多未能连

10、续超过15天。超过15天以上的事假将不被批准。4.2.3职工或员工事假期间的工资被扣除,年终奖也会按比例扣除。4.2.4 职工或员工因违反制度而被暂且停职停工的,按事假处理。4.2.5试用期内的职工或员工,一般不得请事假。4.2.6 事假的审批权限职工或员工请 假一天之内由车间主任批准,三天之内由生产部经理批准。三天以上的由生产部经理批准并报人事部备案。5.1保密5.1 Secrets5.1.1公司秘密是关系公司权力和权益,在一定时间内只限一定范围的人员知悉的事项。5.1.2 公司全体职工或员工都有保守公司秘密的义务。5.2. 保密范围5.2.1经营信息(1)公司重大决策中的秘密事项(2)公司

11、 尚未付诸实施的经营战略、经营方向、经营规划、经营项目及经营决策。(3)公司内部掌握的协议、协议、意向书及可及行性报告。主要会议记录。(4) 供销情况及客户档案。(5)公司财务预决算报告及各类财务报表、统计报表。(6)公司新掌握的尚未进入市场或尚未公开的各类信息。(7) 公司职工或员工人事档案、工资、劳务性收入及资料文件资料。(8)公司内部管理制度。5.2.2技术信息(1)各类技术资料文件资料。(2) 职员在工作时间履行的技术成果及著出的论文,著作,书籍及工作期间总结,觉察到的信息,均属公司。5.2.3其它经公司确定应当保密的事项。5.3 责任与处罚5.3.1出现下列情况之一者,给予警告,并扣

12、发工资10500元(1)泄露公司秘密,尚未造成严重后果或经济损失。(2)已 泄露公司秘密,但采取补救措施的。5.3.2出现下列情况之一的,给予辞退并酌情赔偿经济损失直至追究法律责任。(1)故意或过失泄露 公司秘密,造成严重后果或重大经济损失。(2)违反本保密制度规定,为他人窃取、刺探、收买、或违章提供公司秘密的。(3)利用职权 强制他人违反保密规定的。6.1 奖励6.1.1 本公司职工或员工在圆满履行本职工作并作出特别贡献的情况下,将取得特殊的奖励:(1) 评为先进职工或员工;(2) 嘉奖;(3) 记功;(4) 记大功;职工或员工奖励将取得奖金和荣誉证书。并由办公室(人事)记入 本人档案。6.

13、1.2 有下列事迹之一者,得予嘉奖:(1) 为公司内外客户提供出色服务而受到多次赞扬(有具体事实);(2) 为公司增收节支,造成或产生巨大经济效益者;(3) 工作出色,贡献卓越,品行端正,堪当职工或员工学习之楷模者。有下列事迹之一者,得予记功或记 大功:(1) 对生产技术和经营管理建议改进,经采纳实施,卓有成效者;(2) 维护公司重大权益,避免重大损失或节省资材物料卓有成效,经考核认定者;(3) 遇有灾变,勇于负责,处置得当,经考核认定者;(4) 有其他重大功绩,经考核认定者。6.2 处罚6.2.1 纪律处分的目的是惩前毖后,保证保持有效、有序的工作水准,保障公司和职工或员工的权益。在执行纪律

14、处分时,应遵守如下原则:(1) 处分要有充分的理由清楚的证据;(2) 处分的轻重与所犯过失的轻重相符;(3) 职工或员工应明确必须达到的标准和应遵循的规定,应具有基本的道德规范;(4) 职工或员工对纪律处分有上诉的权利。总经理可对纪律处分作最终裁定。6.2.2 本公司职工或员工纪律处分有五种:(1) 口头警告;(2) 书面警告;(3) 书面严重警告;(4) 无薪停职检查;(5) 开除(解除劳动协议);6.2.3 职工或员工处分累计升级制。职工或员工在第一次处分后,12个月内如仍再有处分,则受到累计升级的处分,如:(1) 口头警告+口头警告书面警告(2)口头警告+书面警告书面严重警告(3)书面警

15、告+书面严重警告开除(解除劳动协议)如 第一次处分与第二次处分间隔时间超过12个月,则不按累计升级计。职工或员工可以将功抵过,如说在处分后12个月内取得一次奖励,则可酌情取消一次或 数次处分。6.2.4 职工或员工违反下列规定之一者,进行处罚:(1) 在禁烟区内吸烟者,罚款10元;(2) 进入生产车间不戴安全帽者,罚款10元;(3) 进入生产车间不穿工作服者,罚款10元;(4) 进入车间不佩戴上岗证者,罚款10元;(5) 在生产岗位上睡觉者罚款30元;(6) 在上班期间看与业务无关的书籍、报纸、杂志者罚款30元;(7) 考勤不打卡或代人打卡,将作旷工一天处理;(8) 无故 窜岗、离岗或干私活者

16、罚款20元。6.2.5 可以立即解雇的情况;(1) 上班时酗酒或任何时候使用毒品;(2) 伤害其他职工、主管、同事或客人;(3) 任何种类的偷窃;(4) 伪造公司资料文件;(5) 故意进行危害公司或其他职工安全的行动和事宜;(6) 故意给公司的设备、设备或其他财产造成损害;(7) 故意违反公司的行为准则;(8) 向未经授权的人透露专有资料文件资料或保密资料文件资料;(9) 暂且或长期精神错乱(医疗期除外);(10) 被判任何刑事犯罪或受严重纪律处分。6.2.6 纪律规定职工或员工行为如不符合适当的规范,违反公司制度,一经查实,将受到根据过失程度而执 行不同的纪律处分。下面所列举的过失行为并非包

17、括所有的应采取纪律处分的过失。(1) 擅自不按规定出勤上班,擅离职守、岗位;(2) 工作懈怠,不按规定和要求履行工作任务;(3) 无理拒绝工作安排、指令;(4) 收受任何种类的贿赂;(5) 利用职权贪污,侵害公司的经济权益;(6) 伪造和涂改公司的任何报告或记录;(7) 未经领导允许,擅取公司的任何数据、记录或物品;(8) 滋事干扰公司的管理和业务活动;(9) 弄虚作假,违反公司的管理规定;(10) 散布谣言,致使同事、主管或公司蒙受不利;(11) 疏忽职守,使公司财务、设备等遭受不利;(12) 违反安全规定,或其行为危害他人安全;(13) 擅自出借公司的场地、物品、设备;(14) 在工作时间

18、内干私活;(15) 擅自从事公司以外的第二职业;(16) 利用职位营私舞弊,损公利已;(17) 偷盗公司的财款、资源;(18) 遗失经管的财物、重要资料文件、数据等;(19) 侮辱、恐吓、殴打同事、主管等;(20) 在公司赌博、酗酒或出现有伤风化道德的行为;(21) 其他违反公司政策、程序、规定的不良行为。7、安全与健康7.1 本公司职工或员工的安全和健康是公司的首要之事。公司依照关于安全、卫生法规和政策管理安全卫生工作,建立整洁有序及安全卫生的工作环境;7.2 职工或员工应遵守公司安全规章、安全操作程序、维护工作场所及生活环境的安全卫生,并防止盗窃、火灾及其他灾害。7.3 生产设备或生活设备

19、发生故障时,应立即报告,不得擅自修理。7.4 不得在灭火器、消防栓前堆置物品,随时保持畅通。7.5 职工或员工应遵守xx规则,做到安全行车,开车者要按规定使用安全带。7.6 在公司禁烟区内禁止吸烟,在车间设一固定吸烟点,供职工或员工吸烟。7.7 职工或员工应保管好个人财物,不要将钱包等私人贵重物品放在公司的工作及公共场所。7.8 任何意外事故或自然灾害的处理,统一由办公室和经管部负责对内或对外发布。7.9 职工或员工违反安全卫生规定,依照公司惩罚规定处理。8、行 为规范8.1您的仪容,衣着整洁、修饰大方、精神饱满。8.2您上班时,不迟到、不串岗,不怠工,不务私。8.3您下班时,不早 退、不拖拉

20、、关好水电门窗,保证安全。8.4您打电话时,不闲谈,不泄密。8.5您接电话时,先答“您好,ITP公司”8.6您 开会时,准时到场,认真记录,积极参加。8.7您与同事们,不过问工资,奖金及秘密事宜。8.8不传递小道信息8.9主动关心和 帮助别人的病痛疾苦及其它困难。9、基本守则公司延续健康的经营发展,也取决于每一位职工或员工的综合素质、工作态度和行为符合公司的期望。全 体职工或员工都应身体力行公司的基本守则。(1) 恪尽职守,勤奋工作,高质量量地履行工作任务。(2) 奉行质量第一,信誉第一和创一流产品,一流效益,服务于海内外用户的宗旨。(3) 听从上级的工作批示和指导。对工作职位报告遵循逐级向上

21、报告的原则,不宜越级呈报。特殊情况,不在此限。上下之间诚意相待,彼此尊重。(4) 准确、有效、及时地与同事、及其它部门沟通建议或意见看法。遇到问题不推卸责任,共同建立互信互助的团队合作关系。(5) 严格遵守公司的制度规定、办事程序,绝不泄露公司的秘密。不打听同事的考绩结果和薪酬收入。(6) 钻研业务知识的技能,开发自身的潜力,表现出主动参加、积极进取的精神。(7) 爱惜并节约使用公司的所有财资物品。(8) 注意保护自身和周围人的安全与健康,保持良好的作业、办公等区域的清洁和秩序。(9) 掌握规范准确的职业礼仪,体现文明礼貌的形象举止。(7) An employee shall treasure

22、 and economize all properties and articles.(10) 在工作时间之内,不兼任本公司以外的职位的工作。(11) 牢记自已代表公司,在任何时间、地点都注意维护公司的形象声誉。在公司是名好职工或员工,在社会上是守法文明的好公民,在家庭里是负起责任的好成员。10、 备注(1) 本手册规则未尽事宜,均按政府关于法规和本公司的规定处理。(2) 国务院、地方政府或本公司如有新颁布的政策规定与本手册相悖时,以前者为准。(3) 本手册的说明、修订和发行由公司办公室负责。(4) 本手册在职工或员工离职时应交还公司办公室。1.1 The employee manual is

23、 formulated in accordance with the regulations of foreign-funded enterprise concerning personnel and the personnel policy of the company for the purpose of perfection of management system and organizational function.1.2 Any employee affiliated to the company shall abide by the manual, except otherwi

24、se provided by laws and regulations.1.3 The employee defined in the manual means the person who is formally employed by the company and enters into labor contract or employment contract.2.1 Employment Relationship2.1.1An employee of ITP shall be an adult more than 18 years of age and the age at whic

25、h an employee shall be allowed to retire is 60 years of age. No difference exists in gender, territory and registered permanent residence, etc.2.1.2 A new employee is subject to a three-month probationary period, and he may be rejected during the three-month probationary period if he cannot satisfy

26、his senior and is proved unqualified, however, the probationary period may be extended for not more than three months by the company to make further observation. During the period, either party may notify the other party five workdays ahead of time before the termination of the employment. The term

27、of contract on probation provided by the company for the employee is from three months to six months. Employment contract is exclusive for those whose official documents including work record and registered permanent residence cannot be registered in the company and those who have been retired yet s

28、till employed.2.1.3 Anyone shall not be employed in the company, if he:(1) has been dismissed from the company or leaves his position without approval;(2) is deprived of civil rights;(3) is wanted for arrest and is not revoked ;(4) is sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and still under investigatio

29、n;(5) is unqualified on the physical examination of designated hospital;(6) suffers from mental diseases or infectious disease or is a drugger;(7) is under the age of 18;(8) any other one provided by the laws.2.1.4 An applicant shall make registration in person on such date at such place as shown in

30、 the admission notice sent by the company after passing the interview and physical examinations and present the following certificates for check:(1) three recent ID photos of an inch;(2) academic credential, certificate of title and ID card; (return the original and keep the duplicate after checkup)

31、(3) such certificates of resignation from original employing units as bill of dismission, labor manual, etc.The eligible applicant shall be deemed to refuse the employment if he fails to make registration in terms of designated date and place, and the notice would cease to be effective.2.1.5 Where a

32、n employee commits one of the following acts, the company shall be entitled to terminate the employment without giving a notice in advance and make no compensation:(1) enter into the labor contract with the company in the way of false information on which the company relies and suffers from some los

33、ses;(2) violate Labor Law or rules of the manual, which is deemed to be serious by the company;(3) cause great losses to the company by engagement in malpractice for selfish ends, bribery and serious dereliction;(4) cause injury by executing violence or making serious insults to all administrator or

34、 other colleagues;(5) destroy the articles of the company or reveal the technology or management secrets on purpose;(6) be absent without a reasonable excuse for more than 3 days or totally more than 6 days in one year without reason;(7) be sentenced to the penalty above the fixed-term imprisonment;

35、(8) be punished in the way of any other serious ways provided by the company and be dismissed thereout.2.1.6 In any of the following cases, the company shall revoke the employment contract but a written notification shall be given to the employee 30 days in advance:(1) where an employee unable to ta

36、ke up his original work or any new work arranged by the company after medical period for any illness or injury except work injury;(2) where an employee is unqualified for his work and remains unqualified even after receiving a training or an adjustment to another position;(3) where the reduction of

37、personnel has been approved by the labor administrative department when the company comes to the brink of bankruptcy or transfer or important changes take place in production and management.2.1.8 The company may make some adjustments of position in order to satisfy the need for production and manage

38、ment to the extent of the capacity of its employee, which shall not be refused by an employee.2.2 Labor contractA labor contract is reached between the company and an employee for the definition and guarantee of rights and obligations of each party in accordance with Labor Law, the regulations of fo

39、reign-funded enterprise on personnel and the personnel policy of the company.The term of labor contract shall be divided into fixed term (one year at least) and flexible term.The contract shall cease to be effective upon its expiration, however, both parties shall renew the contract one month before

40、 its expiration in the case of mutual consent.In case both parties havent renewed their contract upon expiration while the relationship of employment still exists, it shall be deemed that the original contract has been renewed for one year.2.3 Working hoursAn employee shall be on duty at each workda

41、y in a month. Full attendance means there is no tardiness, leaving early, absences without a reasonable excuse and absence from duty in any time including overtime. The bonus for full attendance is RMB 50 yuan per month.2.3.1Any employee who is required to work overtime by the company, if necessary,

42、 shall focus on his work and develop the spirit of good service instead of trying to look for any excuse to evade.2.3.2 An employee who is arranged to work overtime by the branch manager shall be entitled to have a rest by shift or obtain overtime pay.2.3.3 An employee may be approved to leave if he

43、 asks for a leave in writing personally. No leave is allowed by phone or message except that specific reason is presented.2.3.4 An employee who is absent without a reasonable excuse for a day shall be punished by deduction of three-day base pay; An employee who is absent without a reasonable excuse

44、for more than three days shall be deemed to resign his position automatically since the forth day. No salary and benefit shall be settled.2.3.5 An employee is not allowed to be late more than twice a month, each tardiness shall be for not more than ten minutes. Anyone who is late for more then ten m

45、inutes shall be fined RMB 2 yuan, In turn, tardiness for more then half an hour since the third time shall be considered absence for half a day.Anyone who enters into the company is subject to such training concerning:(1) the bylaws of the company and operation safety;(2) the professional knowledge

46、and skills for a post;(3) the duty and operational procedure for a post;(4) the knowledge on ISO9001;The procedure of training and achievement of an employee shall be filed by the office (HR department).2.5 TransferThe company may transfer its employees in accordance with the requirement of producti

47、on and management and skills of employees. An employee also may make application for the vacancies published in the office, which shall be approved by the branch executive and manager. Generally a newcomer is not entitled to make application for transfer during the probationary period.2.6 Resignatio

48、nAn employee may apply to resign his position, but he shall give a written notification to the company 30 days in advance and comply with the following procedure:Anyone who violates the said procedure or leave from his position without approval shall be responsible for all bad consequence thereout.2

49、.7 Personnel Record2.7.1 An employee shall provide the following information and any change of them to the personnel office:(1) address and telephone number;(2) marital status;(3) the birth of a child and any change in family;(4) ID card number2.7.2 Work License(1) issuance:Anyone who joins in the c

50、ompany shall be issued a work license, without which he is prohibited to be on duty. And it is a must for him to return the work license to the personnel office when he resigns from his position.(2) Loss and re-issuance of work licenseIt is necessary to notify the personnel office immediately and ap

51、ply for the re-issuance of the work license if it is lost, which would be charged RMB 10 yuan for each license.2.7.3 KeysAn employee is required to keep all the keys given by the company properly and return to the personnel office on his last duty. And he shall not duplicate and lend to others and s

52、hall give notification immediately in the event of losses.2.7.4 Public PropertiesAn employee shall protect all public properties during his work hours and return them in accordance with the list of registered public property when he leaves the company, If there is any loss or damage, he is obliged t

53、o make compensation.3.1 Salary policyThe salary system applied by the company is based on the evaluation, namely, the salary of an employee paid monthly is related to the benefit.The salary of an employee includes all kinds of living allowances permitted by the policies of the state.(An employee is

54、responsible for his income tax, which can be withhold by the company according to relevant regulations.)3.2 PaydayAn employee shall be paid for the previous work on _ per month by card or postage which is specially for the employee working in the office elsewhere.And the payday may be extended in th

55、e case of a off-day.4.1 Statutory holidaysAn employee is entitled to enjoy statutory holidays with pay for seven days.(1) the New Years Day one day(2) the Spring Festival three days(3) the international Labor Day one day(4) the National Day two days4.2.1 An employee may apply for an unpaid casual le

56、ave due to an important private affair.4.2.2 Any casual leave is for not more than fifteen consecutive days, otherwise it shall not be approved.4.2.3 The salary of an employee shall be docked during a casual leave and year-end bonus also shall be affected in proportion.4.2.4 An employee who violates

57、 the regulations of the company shall be shutdown and be considered as a casual leave.4.2.5 An employee on probation generally shall not ask for a casual leave.4.2.6 The limits of authority of examination and approval of a casual leaveWhen applying for a leave a day, the application shall be approve

58、d by the workshop manager; when applying for a leave in three days, the application shall be approved by the production management; when applying for a leave upper three days, the application shall be approved by the production manager and filed to the HR department.5.1 Secrets5.1.1 Secrets of the c

59、ompany which represent the power and interest are only available to certain personnel in certain time.5.1.2 All employees of company are obliged to keep secrets.5.2. Range of Secrets5.2.1 management information(1)secret matters involved in the important resolution of the company;(2)the strategies, o

60、rientations, plans, items and decisions that have not been put into effect.(3)Contracts, agreements, letter of intent, feasibility reports and minutesunder the control of the company.(4)situation of supply and marketing and files of clients(5)reports on financial budget and statement and various of


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