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1、Unit 1过关测试限时:60分钟满分:100分 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1Did you have a sports meeting yesterday? No, we didnt. It was put off _ the heavy rain. Ainstead of Bbecause of Cas for Dacross from2Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday,Dick?John _Aclean Bdoes Cdid Dis3He ran and ran,but he couldnt run _ to catch the bus.

2、Afast enough Benough quickCenough fast Denough quickly4Dont worry. There is _ wrong with the TV set. Its only because of the power cut.Asomething BnothingCanything Deverything5He doesnt feel like _anything today.Ato eat BEating Ceat Deats6The Rio 2016 Olympic torch (火炬) began _ 95day journey in Braz

3、il on May 3rd.Ait Bits Cits Ditself7If we just think about _,the boat of friendship will be overturned anytime.Amyself Bhimself Cyourself Dourselves8When summer comes, a lot of people feel like _to have fun. Ato swim BswimCswimming Dhave swum9We all _ how he made such great progress in a short time.

4、 Abelieve Bwait Cdecide Dwonder10Come here. Ill tell you _ about your study. OK, were coming.Aanything important Bsomething important Cimportant anything Dimportant something 11Hi._Yes.Its been a long time.ALong time no see. BHow are you?CHow do you do? DNice to see you.12When our teacher heard of t

5、he news, he was too angry to say_Aeverything BnothingCsomething Danything13Please _ who broke the window.Afind out Blook Clook for Dlook out14I decided _ in Beijing.Alive Bto live Clives Dlived15_ ideas can make _. ADifference;difference BDifferent;a difference CDifferently;different DDifference;dif

6、ferently二、完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)Think before we speak!It was a sunny and enjoyable day. Everyone in the _16 station was waiting for the train to arrive. Among the crowd, there was a group of young friends who were on board for vacation.It was a _17 station with a lot of people and some juice shops, coffee

7、 and tea stalls, newspaper shops, etc. The train was arriving and everyone prepared to _18 the train to their seats.The group of friends made loud noise to _19 the train as it moved into the station. They ran to get their seats _20 anyone entered the train.The empty seats were _21 and the train whis

8、tled (鸣汽笛) to move. An old man with a young boy aged around 15 had their seats just next to the friends group. The young boy was so _22 to see everything. He cheered, “Dad, the train is moving and the things are moving backward.”His father _23 and nodded his head.As the train started moving fast, th

9、e young boy again screamed(尖叫), “Dad, the _24 are green in color and run backward very fast” His father said, “Yes, dear,” and smiled.Just like a kid, he was watching everything with great _25.A fruit seller passed selling apples, bananas and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, “I want to eat _26.

10、” His father bought some for him. He said, “Oh, this apple looks a lot sweeter than it tastes. I love this color.”The group was watching all the _27 of this boy and asked the boys father, “Is your son having any problem? Why is he behaving so _28?”“His son is mad, I think,” a friend from the group m

11、ade fun of him and shouted.The father of the young boy, with patience, _29 the friends group, “My son was born _30. Only a few days ago he was operated. He is seeing different things in his life for the first time.”The young friends became very quiet.16A.railway Bbus Cpolice Dtelevision17A.dark Bsil

12、ent Cbusy Dlonely18A.get off Bget down Cget out Dget on19A.break Bwelcome Cpush Dleave20A.after Buntil Cbefore Das21A.washed Bmoved Cfilled Dcarried22A.surprised Bafraid Csorry Dproud23A.shouted Bsmiled Ccried Drefused24A.skies Btrees Crivers Dhouses25A.interest Bdoubt Ccourage Dsadness26A.apples Bb

13、ananas Coranges Dstrawberries27A.fruits Bwords Cclothes Dactivities28A.happily Bdifferently Cquietly Dquickly29A.quarreled with Bwaited for Creplied to Dpointed at30A.normal Bdeaf Cmad Dblind三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A Even though I just had lunch not long ago, I was feeling hungry again. I went to the kitc

14、hen to look for something to eat. That was when I discovered the pudding in the fridge. It was made from milk, sugar, eggs and fruits, and it looked so yummy. I noticed that there was only one left. I was putting the pudding on a plate when my brother came into the kitchen. He found the pudding and

15、asked for it.“Its mine! I was the only one who found it!” I shouted. “You are my elder brother.You should give it to me!” said he. Then he started pulling the plate towards himself and I did the same. Suddenly, the plate moved to one side and the pudding slipped (滑动) out of the plate. It landed on t

16、he floor and turned into a yellow mess. My brother and I both looked at each other, feeling amazed and disappointed at the same time. It was such a waste! To my surprise, Ollie, our pet dog, walked over to the mess on the floor. It began to lap up the pudding happily. Within minutes, the mess on the

17、 floor was gone. Ollie licked (舔) its lips when it was done. After watching Ollie finishing the whole pudding by itself, we realized _. If both of us had shared the pudding, we would both have got to eat half of it. It was because of our greed that we ended up with nothing. That day, my brother and

18、I learnt a good lesson.31The writers brother thought he should get the pudding because _Ahe found it by himselfBhe made it by himself Che was hungrierDhe was younger32The underlined part “lap up” in Paragraph 4 is the closest in meaning to _Ashare Bmove Ceat Dpull33Which of the following can be put

19、in the blank in the last paragraph?Ahow foolish we had beenB. how happy we both wereCit was wrong to keep a pet dog D. the pudding was not yummy34At last, who ate the pudding?AThe writer.BThe writers elder brother. CThe writers younger brother. DTheir pet dog.35The underlined word in the last paragr

20、aph means_A贪婪 B种子 C欲望 D迫切 BI like the summer vacation very much. Its relaxing and I can do everything I like.Last summer vacation, I went to my grandparents home with my parents. They live in the country(乡村). (A)They were very happy to see us. The country was very beautiful. We saw many beautiful fl

21、owers and heard the bids singing there.We did many interesting things there.we went _36(shop) ,cleaned the house and watched TV together.Every morning I _37(get) up early, and then I went out for a walk. It _38(make) me healthy. My grandma and my mother cooked nice food, such as(例如) fish, meat and v

22、egetables. I also made some new friends during the vacation. My grandpa told me many funny stories. We (B)玩得很高兴in the country. I had a good vacation.根据短文内容完成下列任务。任务一:将所给单词的适当形式填到文中3638。36_37._ 38_任务二:将(A)处画线的句子译为汉语。39_任务三:将(B)处画线的短语译为英语。40_ _四、词汇运用,用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题2分,共10分)41They _(real) like to have

23、dumplings.42His brother dislikes _(eat) hamburgers.43The workers kept working for twelve hours and they felt _(bore)44They _(not go) to the beach last Sunday.45She _(keep) talking all the time.五、补全对话(每小题2分,共10分) 根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。A: Hi, Cindy! Long time no see.B: Hi, John! Yes. _46

24、A: How long did you stay there?B: For a week.A:_47B: It was great. I visited many places. And the most exciting place was Disneyland.A:_48B: Yes. It was crowded. I saw many Disney characters walking around the park.A: Did you take any pictures with them?B: _49 I took pictures with Mickey Mouse and D

25、onald Duck.A: Wow! Wonderful!_50B: If you do, youll certainly enjoy yourself. AOf course I did.BI hope to go there one day.CHave a good trip!DWhen did you go there?EHow was your trip?FI went to Shanghai on vacation last month.GWere there many people in Disneyland?六、书面表达(30分) 根据所给提示写一篇约80词左右的日记,可适当发挥

26、。 _Unit 1过关测试一、1.B点评:用语境判断法解题。because of因为,由于。句意:你们昨天开运动会了吗?没有。因为大雨它被推迟了。故选B。 2C3.A 4B点评:考查不定代词辨析。句意:别担心,电视机_毛病,只是因为停电。something某事;nothing没有什么;anything任何事;everything所有事情。根据后句“只是因为停电”可知,电视机没有毛病,故选B。5B6.B7.D8C点评:feel like后接动词的ing形式。9D点评:词义辨析法。A项意为“认为,相信”;B项意为“等待”;C项意为“决定”;D项意为“想知道”。根据“他如何在短时间内取得如此大的进步

27、”可知是“我们都想知道”。 10B点评:语法判定法。形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词要后置,something一般用在肯定句中,空格所在的句子为肯定句,故选B。11A点评:由“是的,已经很长时间了。”可知两人很长时间不见面了。故选A。12D点评:语法判定法。 too.to.太而不能,表否定含义, 所以后面要用anything。故选D 。 13A14B点评: decide to do sth.决定做某事。15B点评:ideas是名词,故用形容词修饰;而make a difference是常用短语。故选B项。二、16.A点评:句意:根据后文waiting for the train to arrive

28、“等候火车到来”可知,空格处 用railway 修饰station,表示“火车站”。 17C 18D点评:句意:火车快来了,每个人准备上火车找位置(座位)。由后面的 to their seats可知他们准备上火车。用get on的符合句意。 19B20C点评:after在之后,until直到为止,before在之前,as由于,由句意可知选C。 21C 22A点评:句意:这个小男孩看到任何东西都惊讶。由后文的He is seeing different things in his life for the first time.可知,他对任何事都惊讶。23B24.B25.A26.A 27.D28

29、.B29C点评:quarrel with与吵架,wait for等候,reply to回答,point at 指向。由后文可知答案。 30D点评:句意:我的儿子天生就看不见。由后文的He is seeing different things in his life for the first time.可知孩子天生就是盲人。三、A31.D点评:根据第二段中You are my elder brother.可知选D。32C点评:根据后句的Within minutes, the mess on the floor was gone.可知选C。33A点评:根据后一句If both of us had shared the pudding, we would both have got to eat half of it.可知


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