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1、Unit 6 Im watching TV.Section B 3a-Self Check初中英语 七年级下册 RJWriting: write a description about your family photoLearning goals仍然任何的still Dragon BoatFestivalstudy学习 连连看美味的只能英汉比相赛连,且只能an在y 中间没有阻oth隔er的情况下相连。游戏规则同电脑上的连连看。端午节child美国人race年轻的另外的youngdeliciousGame time儿童AmericanWarming upLook at the pictures

2、 and make sentences according to Zhu Huis story.Zhu Huis family in ShenzhenLook at the pictures and make sentences according to Zhu Huis story.Zhu Huis host family in New YorkLook at Jims family photo and answer the questions.How many people are there in Jims family? Can you guess who they are?What

3、is Jim doing?What are other family members doing?Make conversations according to Jims family photo.S1:Whats Jims sister doing?S2:She is talking on the phone.Whats Jims grandfather doing?S1:living room. My grandfather3a Complete Jims letter. Dear Bob,Here is a picture of my family. We are all at home

4、 now. I am doing my homework. My parents a_r_e_w_a_t_c_h_in_g T_Vin theis re_a_din_g a n_e_w_s_p_a_p_e_r_.Mysister_is t_a_lk_i_n_g o_n_t_h_e_p_h_o_n_e_.Jimliving/lv / room 客厅Read Jims letter aloud. Dear Bob,Here is a picture of my family. We are all at home now. I am doing my homework. My parents ar

5、e watching TV in the living room. My grandfather isreading a newspaper. My sister is talking on the phone.JimWork in groups of four and talk about your own familyphoto.Is this your family photo, Meimei?Yes. Were at the park.Oh, whats your mother doing?Who is this man? Is he your father?She is.No, he

6、 is my.Bring in some photos of your own (or draw some pictures of you and your family or friends) and write about them.How to describe a family photo?思路导引审题体裁记叙文话题日常活动时态现在进行时人称以第三人称为主段落 布局开篇点题This is my family photo.These are my family photos.具体描述This isHe/She isThese are They are总结全文We are happy.Al

7、l of us are enjoying ourselves.素材准备watching a soccer game, cleaning the house, reading a newspaper, talking on the phone, listening to a CD, using the computer, making soup, washing the dishes, exercising, drinking tea, swimming, shopping, playing basketball, doing homework, swimming, drawing, boati

8、ng, taking photosActivities素材准备This is my family photo. This is He isHe is years old. These are They are.is talking about. He/She is using They are listening to.She isnt doing. She is doing.We are happy.All of us are enjoying ourselves.SentencesSample writingThese are photos of my family. This is my

9、 mother. Shesusing the computer. This is my father. Hes watching TV. These are my sisters Jane and Lisa. Janes doing her homework and Lisas talking on the phone. This is my brother Bob. Hes playing basketball. This is mydog Tina. Shes sleeping. This is me. Im playing the guitar. We are all very happ

10、y.级别项目A(正确)B(12处错 误)C(34处错 误)D(4处错 误)要点时态句式拼写书写Group workCheck your composition in your group.Game time我是小考官将学生分为四人一组。要求每个学生在一张纸上写出20个动词。然后把写有动词的纸作为试卷与其他组员相互交换。要求对方在规定的时间内写出这些词的现 在分词,然后集体作出评判,写对现在分词最多的一 人获胜。Self Check1 Add more words in the chart. Then write at least five sentences using the words.p

11、layplayingmakemakingrunrunningsingsinginghavehavingbeginbeginningtalktalkingwakewakingcutcuttingdodoingtaketakingsitsittingeateatingdancedancingstopstoppingJack is playing basketball now.My family are having dinner together.My father is walking in the park.They are singing and dancing.Mom is cutting

12、 a watermelon into two halves.Zhu Hui is talking on the phone.? (play soccer)2 Write questions to complete the conversation.A: Hey, Bob! Wh_a_t_a_r_e_y_o_u d_o_in_g? (what)B: Im listening to the radio.A: _D_o y_o_u_wan_t to p_la_y so_c_c_e_rB: Sounds good, but this talk show is interesting. A: _Wh_a

13、t is_T_o_n_y d_o_in_g? (what, Tony) B: Oh, hes studying for a test.A: _Is S_te_v_e st_u_d_y_in_g f_o_r _a_t_e_st_,_t_o_o ? (Steve, too)B: No, hes not. I think he can play soccer with you.Read the conversation. Then work in pairs and make your own conversation.A: Hey, Bob! What are you doing?B: Im li

14、stening to the radio.A: Do you want to play soccer?B: Sounds good, but this talk show is interesting.A: What is Tony doing?B: Oh, hes studying for a test.A: Is Steve studying for a test, too?B: No, hes not. I think he can play soccer with you.Lets play a game351728 469Memory challenge.10Whats the bo

15、y doing in Picture 1?Pair workHe isLook, these are my family photos. In this photo, my grandma is My grandpa isPhoto show.一、根据汉语意思完成句子1.你喜欢看报纸吗?Do you like to re_a_d a_n_e_w_s_p_a_p_e_r_?2.我妈妈会做美味的汤。My mother can mak_e d_e_li_c_io_u_s_ s_o_u_p. 3.我父母现在正在和我叔叔喝茶。My parents _a_r_ewith my uncle now.d_r_

16、i_n_k_in_g_te_aExercises这个年轻人这周末想和他的朋友们出去吃饭。 The young man wants t_o e_at_o_u_t with his friends this weekend.我希望明天和你去看电影。 g_o t_oI hope t_o th_e_mo_v_ie_s_ with you tomorrow.二、阅读短文,根据首字母提示补全单词Today is Sunday. Its 7:00 in the evening. My father is w_a_tc_h_i_n_g_ a match on TV. My mother is w_a_sh_i_n_g clothes. My brother is p_la_y_i_n_g a computer game. My sister is s_tu_d_y_i_n_g. Tomorrow she will have a test.Outside I can hear cars and b


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