



1、Book1 Module4 A Lively City教学设计教学内容分析:本堂课内容选自外研社高一4模块。本模块以描述自己的社区或者城市为主题,这篇阅读则是以对话的形式介绍了厦门-A Lively City的各个方面:地理位置,气候,城市各个区域以及旅游景点鼓浪屿等,旨在使学生了解厦门这个充满活力的城市,感受它的魅力,并掌握如何介绍某个城市。学情分析:本班学生思维活跃,英语基础较扎实,善于并敢于交流表达,但作为高一的学生总结归纳能力稍欠缺,必须通过足够有效输入才能进行输出。教学目标:使学生掌握介绍城市的不同方面以及具体的单词、短语和句型等;提高学生通过阅读获取信息的归纳总结能力和介绍自己城市



4、图文并茂地介绍自己的家乡宜宾,任务贴近学生生活,让学生有话可说,激发学生的表达欲望,输出就水到渠成,并且主题书可以让任务成果可视化。最后总结本堂课的所学,多模态的教学方式让学生领略了三个城市的特色:成都-一所来了就不想离开的城市;厦门-一个充满活力的城市;宜宾-我的家乡。其实我们的中国还有很多不同特色的城市等待大家去探索,进行升华主题,培养学生的爱国情怀和探索美好城市的愿望。因此,最后的作业要求学生介绍自己想探索的城市,独自输出。教学设计思路:Mind Map:Structure& ExpressionsInput:A video about ChengduA text about Xiame

5、nLead in: GreetingsOutput:Retelling Introduce XiamenGroup workIntroduce YibinMake ones own lapbook Introduce his/ her dream citySummary& Homework 教学过程:I. Lead-in: GreetingsT: This is the first time that I have met most of you, so I would like to make a self-introduction. My name is Crystal. Whats yo

6、ur name? Nice to meet you! Where are you from? Are you all from Yibin? II. Know Chengdu through a videoT: I am not from Yibin. I want to introduce my hometown to you. Lets watch a video and you guess which city I am from?(play a video)Ss: Chengdu.T: Chengdu is a city you will never want to leave onc

7、e you come. Lets read the introduction of Chengdu together.T: Here is a lapbook about Chengdu. Do you know the meaning of the red expressions? “attractive” means “pleasant, and it is so beautiful that everyone wants to visit”“high-rise” means “very tall” Like this building in this photo.Now, can you

8、 brainstorm what aspects you will mention if you want to introduce a city?Ss: Location./ People./ Special local product./ Climate./ Places of interest(T draws a Mind Map on the blackboard)III. Know Xiamen by Reading1. PredictionT: Today, we will read a passage about “A Lively City”. Please look at t

9、he title and the pictures, which city will we talk about?Ss: Xiamen. T: Do you know what are they?S: The first photo is Xiamen university. The second one is Xiamen Twin Towers. The last is a photo of Gulangyu Island.T: You know something about Xiamen, and do you want to know more about it?Ss: Yes. R

10、eadingT: Lets read the conversation and finish the reading tasks. Task 1: Read the conversation quickly and answer the following questions. Firstly, please read the questions. Ss: (1) Who are the speakers? (2) What are they doing now? (3)What aspects of Xiamen are mentioned?T: Here is a tip for Q3:

11、You can either choose from the aspects on the blackboard or add some new ones.S: Xiao Li and John Martin.S: They are driving around Xiamen city in a car.Ss: Location./ People./ Climate./ Places of interest./ Food./ Different districts(T ticks the items mentioned in the Mind Map or adds some new ones

12、)Careful ReadingT: Read the conversation carefully and find out how Xiao Li introduces these aspects. A tip for you: Underline the phrases or sentences. S: Xiamen is one of the most interesting cities on the coast.S: Everyone seems so friendly.S: It is pretty hot and wet in the summer and can be qui

13、te cold in the winter.S: There are two districts: business district and western district. In the business district, there is a huge apartment block, a lot of high-rise buildings and some great shopping malls. This area is so modern. The western district has some really pretty parks, which is the mos

14、t interesting part of the city.S: Gulangyu Island is a gorgeous island with some really interesting architecture.(T completes the Mind Map with some words or phrases)Retelling T: You have done a very good job. Lets try to introduce Xiamen according to the Mind Map. Firstly, we do this together, and

15、then it is your turn. Xiamen is a lively city.IV. Introduce Yibin in groupsT: Supposing our new foreign teacher Tom is coming to Yibin in a month, and he wants to know something about it in advance. Lets make a lapbook to introduce Yibin to him in groups.Considering the limited time in class, I have

16、 prepared some lapbook models for you. Each group member works on one or two parts of the introduction; then put them together; at last, choose one student to show your lapbook to us. Moreover, here are some useful expressions.(Choose some groups to show their lapbooks.)V. SummaryT: What have we lea

17、rnt? We get to know Chengdu Acityyou will never want to leave once you come through the video; we get to know Xiamen A lively city by reading; we introduce Yibin Your hometown to others.Actually, China is full of such gorgeous and lively cities, which are waiting for you to visit and explore.VI. Hom

18、eworkMake a lapbook about the city you want to explore most. Remember to use what we have learnt today to introduce it. If you can beautify it by some drawings and pictures, it will be better.板书设计Gulangyu Islandhot & wet.Group1Group2Group3Group4Group5Group6Places of interestclimatesceneryA Lively City.foodfishpeoplelocationon the coastfriendlyspecial local product教学反思本课的


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