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1、ForeuuordCindg CUenTechnology and talent do not reploce eoch other,but rother complement eoch other!Ro gmond UJo ngl ea ers! Me nnger of Tnl en TaiwanDue to the influence of the political and economic environment, uJhether in China or Southeast Osio, the opportunities for talent ossi9nments in ToiLu

2、on ore nauJ just half lose available in the past. Most companies tend to cultivate local employees, Luith the result thot relevant job openings ore greatly reduced. In contrast, ToiuJons local need for occountin 9 managers has been increasing due to second - 9enerotion successors seekin9 to transfor

3、m enterprises. Moreover, because most senior managers have already reached retirement o9e, enterprises must moke organizational adjustments, so 1ere is a neLu uJove of demand for talent. HouJever, companies tend to be conservative about the salaries 9iven to high-level talent. Salaries offered for t

4、he transfer of tolent have experienced a significant douJnLuord trend of 10-159d; thus, it is difficuE to find the ri9ht talent. In addition, there ore not enou9h job vacancies available for mid-level supervisors customers talent requirements hove increased, Luhile salaries hove reduced bg 106 a phe

5、nomenon uJorthg of attention. LLlhen it comes to foreign companies, businesses continue to operate usin9 a shored services model. Due to tax incentives, the service centers ore located in Singapore ond Malaysia, Luhich increases local employment opportunities and makes locol talent more sought after

6、. Solorg expectation ore bullish. This also helps to explain Luhg there ore feLuer foul-level jobs in ToiLuon, because mong foreign componies hove already moved their services overseasChinoThe demand for talent in Chinas finance and accounting industry is still quite hi9h 1is gear. In addition to bu

7、ilding high-performance enterprises and expondin9 their scale, mong companies ore also actively seeking CFOs Luith experience in 9oin9 public to help componies raise capital ond float. In terms of salaries for financial and accounting professionals, companies internal salary odjustments ronge from 3

8、 to 7?, while tronsfers t9picoll9 increose salaries bLj 20 to 306. In the future, the demand for talent in Chinas accounting and finance industrLj Luill remain undiminished but LuilI be relotivelLj stable. In terms of banking and finance, the governmentsstron9 supervision and de- leverogin9 of neLu

9、market regulations has increased the demand for risk control and legal talent. Di9itolfinancial services ore still on important developing trend. 0 number of large foreign companies hove even cut some employees andRCCOUNTING, FINRNCEBRNKINGsuJitched to robotic billing. lt is obvious that the impact

10、of OI on accounting ond finon that has been breLuing fr mong geors h begun.Hong KongThe impact of the USChina trade Luar has already started! Mong large componies hove begun to streamline their monpoLuer, and Japanese companies thot sell cars to the US have been particularly affected. HoLuever, if t

11、he impacts of the international situation and the stack market ore excluded, Ie solorg and employment rate in Hong Kong has remained verg stable from 2017 to 2018, and Ie rote of turnover for tolent is los. lnternol so)org odjustments of 3 to SP and solorg increases of 10 to 209a for transfers hove

12、been maintained. Looking foruJord to 2019, the poce of industry groLuth Luill be stouter than the post tuJO gears as a result DI the globol economic situation. Due to stricter 9overnment financial re9ulotions and changes in the qualification stondords for accountants, the demand for legal and risk c

13、ontrol positions and analytical tolent Luill be higher tho n in the post. Moreover, thanks to Chinas establishment of mong small and medium-sized investment banks in Hong Kong, accounting talent fluent in Mandarin, En 9lish, and Joponese uJiII continue to oEroct attention.Keg UJords in the 3 Major I

14、nduscrg Trendsled to o correspondin9 demond on technologg servicesstricter. Risk and legal compliance talent recruitment plans in ToiLuon ore increasing due to Ie effcts of anti-accounting Luork erseos, offctin9 Ie overall demand on finance ond accounting professionals. Enterprises ore recruiting ov

15、er a longer period of time and are more careful Luhen selecting and hiring people.GecnTER CHIN SLRY GUID E A6sR jBjaia02zx/!g$+y/, ACCOUNTING& FINANCExtJ ACCOUNTING tJ RUDIT 03GRERTER CHIN0 SO L R PY GUI DE A6W Jg MFina ncial COLIFOllO FFinance & OdminFi nance ManagerfjTRX Head of TaxTax Nono gerSen

16、ior Tox Account ontDegree Tax Account ontTax AssistantNBO Degree in Fi nonce and F-lccounting2 5,000 - 60.00038,000 - 50.00080.000 - 180,000Degree in Fino nce and F-lccounting10+ (TLU)8-10 (CN)-TO (HKI tBQ Degree in Fi nonce and F-lccountingDegree in Finn nce and AccountingDegree in Finn nce and F-l

17、ccountingDegree in Finn nce and F-lccountingand RecountingDegree in Finn nceand F-lccounting2-48.000-20.OOO20.000-28.00035.000-50.000Degree in Finn nce and F-lccounting1-24b00- 10.00011000-2000010-20 (TOCN)5-20 (HK)10+ (TLU)5-10 (CN/HK)3 -6 (TWHK)3 -5 (CN)10+ (TLU/CN)8+ (H K)8+ (TUJ/CN)5+ (H K)3-540

18、000-800006O000-80OOO1b0OO0-300000Finance & Od min ClerkDegree in Finonce and AccountingDegree in Finonce and Accounting20,000 - 50.00040,000 - 50.00080.000 - 180,000Financial Management TraiFi99Degree in Finonce and Accounting11000-4000028000-a0.000#5.000-110.00040.000-80.OOO80.000-120.000100.000-16

19、0.00030000-60.000a1000-6500080000-T5O00011000- 3100028.000-3100041000-610002-3 (TUJ/HK)1-2 (CN)1-5 (TWHK)1-3 (CN)Uma04% TREASURY Head of TreosurgTreos urg managerSniorTreosurgDegree in Finn nceand Recounting5+ (HX)Degree in Finn nce10+ (TUJ)8+ (CDI)30.000-45.00040.000-65.00070.000-1b0.000and Recount

20、ing5+ (HP)Degree in Finn nce3-511000-30.00031000-41000b0.000-80.OOOand Recounting05GREATER CHiNO SO LRRY GUIDETreosurg PlccountontTreasury OfficerTreosurg ClerkDegree in Finonce and AccountingDegree in Finonce and AccountingDegree in Finance and Accounting2-42-4 (TAMK)1-3 (CN) 18.000-18.00028.000-35

21、.OOO40000-b5.0006000-25.00035000-45.0004b00-6.00015.000 - 18.00025.000 - 40.000b BANKINGjCONSUMER BANKING Branch IIo nagarBachelor dagraa in BusinessOparo tions IIonogarBachelor degraaOperation SupervisorBachelor degreaPersonal Banking OfficerBachelor dagree in3+3.500 - 8.000i5.000 30.0

22、0035.000 70.00013! CORPORATE BANKING TI4UBochalor dagreaIIorkat- RJek IIonogerBochglor dagregDeoiing/Troda SupportBachelor degraaBachelor degreaBochalor dagreaB ochalor degrealO+6+2s.ooO - 4I.ooox8.OOo 7o,ooo9o,ooo - 5QOoo4+10.00O - 2OO0020.00O - 40,000SO.0O0 80.0003+g+s+J-22QOoo - 35.ooo35.oOO - 5o

23、,ooOBo,ooo - 3QOOo10.000 25.00025.000 4S.00060.000 140,OOO6.000 10.00016.000 25.00045.000 60.000Bank FlssistantB0Ch*O1dOQP8OZ5,0OO - 40.00040,000 6O,OOOGO,000 - 15QO00Relotjonship jjqqqgBochajor dqgraq3Q0Oo 45.OoO5QOoo 7O.ooo8O.ooO 16QOO0sr RaloconshJp Managergg,g, , #,g,OOO# 0O0-Z5,OH180OVV-25B0VV1

24、5.000 - 30.00020.000 50.00035.000 5QO00CBBank OfficerBn nk Te tl orBachelor dagree in BusinessI Iiddle Offica Off)CaFBocha)or dagraaRepreeentotieBachelor dagree in Bus1naesB0Ch*O1dOQP8OBocha)or dagraas+3.o0O 7.SOo1zooo 18.oooxS.oOO - 6O,ooo123.000 5,OOO12.000 15.0002&000 45.0003+5.000 7.00015.000 20

25、.00050.000 130.000123.ooo S.O0OtZOOo 2o.ooo3o.ooo - s5.ooo122.500 5.00012.000 1 5.00027.000 40.0003+4o.ooo SO.Ooo3s.0O0 So.ooo6QO0O - 9o.Ooo22.000 35.00050,000 70.00090.000 200.000GREATER CHIN 9 S6ILO RY GUIDEX&C Is06& COMPLIRNCE & CREDIT ONOLYSIS ComP*onc8 II8 98Degree inFinance or Louu; axparian i

26、nInternal audit or mplionca/flouuCo mp li o neo Ofco rd&ddCredit MonogerE SECURITIES Setflement ManogerStamentol9cerResaorcfii / EquitigBCRMBHogrno in C-nonce or Luigi: axparian in internat oudt or mpioncaflowBP /&T Boche1or dagree inBochelor dagJeB ochalor dagraaBochelor dagJeB ochafor degrae5+2000

27、0-4OBBB6000B-J2AOO09BOOO-2#B0002410.OOO 1S.OOO35.000 - 55.00065.000 - B0,0006+J-23*07GREOTER CH INT SOL6IRY GUIDE X6B2o,OOO 3o.ooo4S.OOO 6o,ooo6o,oOo 2QOOO”22.OOO 50.00045.000 - 60.00080.OOO 200.00025.000 - 30.00065.000 90.0005.OOO B.00015.000 2QO004S.000 65.00018.000 60.00035.000 120.00060.000 220,

28、000121LOOO 20.0002QO0O 55.000SQOOO 10QOO0CditRppromtCradit Opprovol OfficarCradit Onolget/OffcerSanior Credit Loone ClerkBochalor degraa inCinonceloccountingBochelor dagrea inGnanceloccountingBochelor degree inBochalor degraa in8+g+4+25.000 35.0004S,OOO 60.000100.000 200.00015.000 25,0002S.OOO - 40.

29、00080.000 - 140,0001QO00 20.0002ZO0O 40.00065.000 - BO.000zOOO - 1,OOo1s,Ooo 25.OOo4s.oOO - 6o.oooMNRGCMCNT OFFICCToiuJon9Technological developments such as Ol and Industry 4.0Luill continue to guide technolo9g upgrodes in traditional manufacturing industries and uJill chon9e office pasition opening

30、s and Luork skill requirementsTrend 2Office openin9s continue to decreaseThe outsourcin9 of oPice uJork continues to becomecareful in their talent recruitment. and talent recruitment processes take lon9er.TrendIncreose in talent outfiaLu overseosCross-border e-commerce ond overseas operations0 s a r

31、esuIt of the neLu I obo r I oLus, enterprises hove m ore opportunities for Outsourcing in order to meet stricter Luorking hours reguloLions. Thus, in the future, administrative management personnel should be skilled in educotion, training, and institutional transformation. and should enhance 1eir co

32、mpetitiveness to avoid being repIocxd. On the other hand, due to the goals of corporate reorganization, the streamlining of personnel, the retention of outstanding talent, and improved efficiencj bo1 loCol and forei9n companies are actively seeking senior associates through their netLuorks. Theg ore

33、 seeking tO Qppoint manQgers Luho are more familiar uJith organizational structure. Theg ore more Luilling to invest better Luoges in them to replace the higher costs of hiring management consultanM. Other than management positions, high- level executive QssistanLs or socretories are the neLu stars

34、in ToiuJans streamlined personnel era. Mong companies ore eager to recruiL beoer assistants/secretories Luho hove excellent longuo9e skills and stronger project execution and integroLion capabilities. In terms of foreign businesses, as important pOsiLiOns ore moved overseos, ToiuJons retained positi

35、ons ore not onlg limited in terms of solarg, but also tend to favor employees Luith a variety of talents. In the future, the age of 35 Luill be the demorcoLion point for ToiuJanese talent: talent beloLu the age of 35 uJiII hove the chance to change jobs and goin a 10 to 20a salorg increase, as uJell

36、 as opportunities Lo uJork overseas; those begond Lhe age of 35 mog be limited bg fomilg factors and feuJer mid-level positions in ToiuJan, so the chances of change are relatively IOLu.ChinaIn recent gears, Ie results of the developmerrL of local enterprises and foreign companies have groduQllg spre

37、ad. The LuQges Qnd benefits oPered to talent bg local errLerprises are higher and more flexible than those of foreign companies, some of Luhich hove even stopped posting job openings. Coupled uJith the US-China trade uJor, opportunities for candidates prepared to travel to the United States hove tem

38、porarily :eased. In addition, currenL emplogmenL opportunities in China hove become more dispersed. In the post, leg uJere concentrated in the first-Lier coQsLal cities Of Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen. NoLu, theg ore more event g disLributed ocross cities such as Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Chengdu. Th

39、is makes it difficult for companies to hire local talent in the coastal cities;talent must be brought in from other regions. In terms of salorj HR salorg polarization is quite serious; Ie annual salorj for someone uJith 10 gears” experience in uJell-knoLun enterprises con reach RMB600,0O0; Luhilea c

40、andidate uJith similar experience at local companies con make onlg RMB300.000a gear. E is conceivable thoL people uJont to enter large componi but the relative opportunities ore fLuer because such companies ore also looking for talent uJith better experience. In Ie future, administrative mona9emerrL

41、 Luorkers uJill need 9reoter industry ocumen onda better understanding of strate9g in order to maintain their positionsHOmg *mgMost Hong Kong HR uJorkers are uJilling to sLog in the some compong for three to four gears to learn a variety of skills. so coreerdevelopmentisrelotiegstobe,uuWch olo couse

42、sthelock ofjobsinthe motet. ThesoloriesoMhnodbgcomponiesmustbe relatively attractive to oppeol to talent. In this case of oversupplj the conditions for componies to seek talent hove become more stringent. In terms of administrative management, the monpoLuer reQuined bgenterpses hos nrxJuoed,onditisg

43、picolfrsecnetades and QssistQnts to toke on more odministrQtive positions ond to increase the frequency of their business trips. Overall, the typical administrative management solorg increase is obout SP, and in 201 9 companies will sLill be cautious about recruiting HR and administrative staP.Keg L

44、tJords in the 3 Mojor Industry TrendsT e dmore prevalent, uJhile enterprises hove become morecontinue to attract talent overseas, and job seekersLuho con speak Southeast F-lsian longuoges or hove experience monogin9 cross-border projects Luill hove the advantage.GREATER CHIN 0 S6ILO RY GUIDEX6J g10,

45、?lt% HUMRN RESOURCES HR Heod/CHO/H R Dire ctor/VPRegional HR Monoger/ DirectorDegree and aboveDegree and oboveDegree and aboveHQ/5toITing/C&8 I IonQ98* Business PartnerTraining Manager Trainerg% LEGRL gtIB Logol Director10-15+ (TLLt)10+ (CN/HK)RQDegree and a bove: withlicense preferredLegal I4o no g

46、er8+ (TLLI/CN)5+ (HK.)Legal OfficerA EJttNA Degree and obove8+ TUJzHKj6-10+ (CNVIIIDegree ond a bove; uJirhlicense preferredDegree and obove15+DCN)HR Ossistont Manager8-15(TLU)8+(HK)40.000 - 100.0006O,OO0 - 70,000100,000 - L80,000Agt HR Officer/Specio list8-10+(CN)Executive5-8+20.000-50.OOO40.000-50

47、.00080.000-130.OOOHR Odminist ro tort3+ (TUJ/HK)3 -5 (CNC1 1GREATER CHiNO SO LRRY GUIDE A6W gM50.000- 25000080.500- 150500120000-250.00011000-50.0004ObO0-b0.b0061000-120.00065.000 - 150,0001OO,O00 - 200.000+ 150.OOO - 300,00030000-#0OOO40#00-100b00T00000-2OO0O010O0-70.b0045.000-80.000De

48、gree a nd above5-8 (TUJ)5+ (CN)3-5+ BHK)A6g2 i *gtC Degree a nd above2-4(TLLI/HK)2-5CN)AgE 9tNA Degree a nd above1-2(TMTK)0-2(CN)HR Troi+neeDe g ree a nd abov e 115.000-35.OOO30.500-33b00b5000-7O0007000- 2b.00017000-25.50031000-b5.0004.500-15.OOO11b00-17b0021000-35.0004.500 - 6,50012.000 - 13,50030,

49、000 - 40.000?/!t!? PROCUREMENT Regionol Procurement MonogerProcurementMonoger/ Sr.BugerDegrees DiplomatT g RDMINISTRRTION & OFFICE SUPPORT Administrative to noger/O fficeI Ionqger/Focilitg I 1onogertfTJBBDegree5+(HK)Administrative OfficerDegree3 -6 (TWHK)3 -5 (CN)F-I dministrotive Os distant1-4 (TUJ

50、/HK)1-3 (CN)ARMgt Degree and above10+(TO)8+ (CNC HK25,000 - 50.00030.500 - 45.50060.000 - 120,0008+12 (TLUj5-8 CN)5+(HK)8-10 (TLtJj5-7 (CN)18.000 - 25.00025.500 - 30.50055.000 - 100.000gyygg8-10 (TUJ)8+ (CN/HK)5-8 (TUJ)3-25+ (CN)10.000 - 40.0003 5,500 - 55.00050.000 - 80.0008.000-15.00021000-3000030

51、.000-50.0005.000 - 12.00017,000 - 25.00030,000 - 40.00040000-60*OO055000-90b0080000 a0000AO.000- #5.#0060.000- 150000GREATER CHIN 0 S 0 LORY GUIDE A6Wgt aia12g CRLL CENTRE Rssist ont I I onoger5upervisor/Teom LeaderDegree8+4-7 (TtJJ/HX)4-6 (CN)2-4 TWHK)4-5 (CN)2-3B: P1B CUSTOMER SERVICE

52、 13GREATER CH iNO SO LRRY GUIDE A6W gM20.000-40.0004100O-60b0060000-150.OOO1bDO-41bOOb0.000-80.OOO10.000-2OOOO2Ob0O-3Ob0040.000-60.OOO6.000-20.OOO11b0O-23.00040.000-b5.000Helpdesk/Hot line OfficerDegree,OipIomo1-3QgggtioCo II Centre Qssist ontxsgzei z # Degree/Diplomo1-3 (TwH)0-2 (CN)tb

53、00-8.00013.b00-18.00025000- 40.0004.000-700011.500 - 16,50025,000 - 40,OOO)A SCCRETRRIRL S e n t O f S O CDOt OD jDegreeDegreeDegree10+ (TUJ)7+(CNCHK)4-8 (TUJ)4- 6 (CN/HK)15000-400003 b00-5b*b006O000-1OO00011000-3100031500-40.b0045.000-80.000-48.000-20.OOO20.b00-31b0035.000-60.00012R000-10.00011#00-

54、1#0026000-a0.000GREATER CHIN 0 S0LORY GUIDE A6Wgt aia14K lB NRa3o-soEAATf% IW m 3LlJith the decline in Ie ration of B2B marketing the increase in B2C marketing. and Ie fact thot consumers no longer need to purchase through intermediaries, companies actively manage their social media channels and ore

55、 closely linked to consumers trough digital marketing. I Moreover. since the rise of user-generated content, consumers hove more diverse channels through ruhich to obtain information, and companies therefore hope thot candidates uJill have B2B, B2C, and e-commerce experience. In terms of salorg, in

56、the post. most traditional companies had solorg cops. HouJever, u/ith the rise of the Internet and more diversified soles channels.thesoloriesofgoun9 empogeesin recentgeorsonemong times Lhose of their previous generation, reochin9 as high as RMB 3 00,000 to RMB500.000 a gear. HoLuever. the crisis is

57、 Luaiti ng for on opportunity. LLJhen these goung people chonge jobs other componies mog notogree tuiththeirsolorg demondv tuhch con hinder ong tronsfer. Looking foruJord tO 2019, the intervention offlourishing Ol technology uJill gradually replace responsibilities at Ie operational level. Candidate

58、s uJho Luill thrive in the future uJill belose who mQsLer these machines and improve 1eir efficiency for 1eir company. If theg remain aL the operationol lmel, theg Luill face greater challenges Sales talent must also adjust their mindsets. For example, uJorking ouL hoLu to coexist Luith machines and

59、 hoLu to use them instead of being replaced Luill be keg.Trendof logistics and further integrote brick-and-mortor shops Luith online soles, overturnin9 post business pi*OC05SOS.More diverse business models the marketBusiness rnodels in the market uJill beme more diverse;Trend 2Ropid expansion af Neu

60、J Retail) E-commerce ond retail continue to occelerote the speedSRLS & MRRKTINGToiuJonIn recent gears, high -end beautg brands hove actively sought to increase digital marketing promotion in order to attract goung consumers Therefore, talent required bg 1ese brands must already be familiar u ith soc


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