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1、名师精编优秀教案学科共案确山二高年级【教学主题】 Unit1时间:星期:主 备 人:使用人:Modern Heroes & History Makers 【教学目标】 1To practice reading in order to understand the main idea of each paragraph and guess the meaning of the text. 2To master the use of the key words and some important language points 【学问梳理】必背句型 1 What kind of lifestyl

2、e do you think the man in the pictures have. 2 I get up, go downstairs and switch on the TV. 3 I am alwalys the first person to go to the office 4 I couldnt live this lifestyle without a good wife 5 I always take my portable in a circle. 老师精讲 1.suppose TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog wa

3、lks round v. 推测 , 假设 , 以为 , 认为 , 用法相当于 think We _ that the situation will improve. 我们认为形势会好转;后面常接“ 宾语+宾语补足语” 的形式suppose sb. / sth. to be+形容词 / 名词短语 ,类似的表达仍有:consider sb. / sth. to be+形容词 / 介词短语We suppose Peter to be the best designer in our company. 我们认为彼得是我们公司最好的设计师; be supposed to do sth.=should d

4、o sth. 意为“ 应当/ 理应做某事”, 表示被期望或被要求 按规章、惯例 做某事注: Suppose/Supposing+that从句假如;2. use vt/n used to do ; be/get used to doing ; it s no use /useless doing make good use of sth-被动语态形式 _ 3. switch的短语名师精编优秀教案 switch on 接通 , 开 电器 =turn on switch off 切断 电源等 =turn off switch over 交换位置 , 转换I don t like watchi ng

5、TV series. Could you switch it over to the Sports Channel. 我不喜爱电视连续剧 , 你能换到体育频道吗 . . The house is so dark. Please _the light. . Tom _ _ the TV because it was time for him to sleep. . Its such a long way. Let me drive first and then we _ . 4. complain vi. 埋怨 , 发牢骚 , 诉说 病痛等 , 控诉 , 投诉 complain to sb. a

6、bout / of sth. They complained bitterly about the injustice of the system. 他们愤恨地埋怨制度不公正; vt. 埋怨,控诉 complain+that从句 He complained that the service was too bad. 他埋怨说服务太差了;我们向警方投诉酒吧的噪音;_ 杰克埋怨说这次考试太难了;_ 5. go off 炸弹 爆炸 ; 闹钟 响起 ; 离开 ; 变坏 ; 不再喜爱6. take up 拿起 , 开头从事 , 吸取 , 接纳 ; 占据 时间或空间 ; 打断 某人 The great l

7、eader called on the people to take up arms to defend their freedom. 那个宏大的领导号召人民拿起武器保卫自由;take down 拿下 ; 拆除 ; 登记 take off 飞机等 起飞 ; 脱下 衣、帽等 take on 出现 不用于被动语态 take in 懂得(吸取)某事;欺诈某人A few years later, Jack dropped medicine and _ business. 几年以后,杰克弃医从商;When can you _ your duties, Jenny. 珍妮,你什么时候可以开头工作?7. b

8、e filled with 相当于 be full of 被布满着fill v. 使 布满 , 注入名师精编优秀教案Our teacher always fills our brain with too much knowledge. 灌输太多的学问;8. As soon as I hear my alarm clock, I jump out of my bed我们的老师常常给我们. 闹钟一响 , 我马上跳下床; as soon as 一 就 , 连接时间状语从句 , 表示主 从句的两个动作紧接着发生;当主句使用一般将来时 , 祈使句句式或含有情态动词表将来时 , 从句使用一般现在时; 主将

9、从现 I ll call you as soon as I _home from work.我一回家就会给你打电话;9.it takes me less than 15 minutes to wash, get changed, 比较以下四个表示花费的句型:It takes sb. to do sth. sb. spends st/sm. on sth. / in doing sth. sth. costs sb. st/sm. sb. pays some money for sth. 以上四个句型都表示 : 某人在某件事上花费时间和精力;造句:她花了 3 个小时修她的自行车;_ _ 有些同学

10、每天花好几个小时在网上谈天;_ 从以上内容不难得出:当表示花费的时候 , 各自的主语不同:take 表示 花费”, 用 it 作主语, 表示 花费精力、时间 ;spend 表示 花费 , 人作主语 , 表示 花费时间、精力 ;cost表示 花费 , 物作主语 , 一般表示 花钱 ; pay 表示 付费 , 人作主语 , 表示 付钱 ;10. But I try to work hard so that I can make more money for them . 但是我试着努力工作以便能为他们挣更多的钱;so that 可引导目的状语从句和 结果状语从句;它引导目的状语从句时 , 从句谓语

11、常由 can, could, may, might 等构成 ; 而 so .that 一般只引导结果状从He wore a mask so that no one could recognize him 他戴了一个面具, 以便没有人能够认出他;She is so short that she cant reach the buttons of the lift. 她太矮了, 够不到电梯的按钮;留意: so that名师精编优秀教案结构与 such .that 结构区分 so+形容词 +that so + 形容词 +a/an+ 名词单数 +that so many/few/much/little

12、少+ 名词 +that such+an+adj.+n.=so+adj.+an such+形容词 +名词 +that exercises: She ordered _ much food that we couldnt eat it up.It was _ interesting a book that I couldnt put it down.11.I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle. 我总是带着我的手提式电视机,坐在石墙上,而那条狗就在四

13、周转悠;while 此处作并列连词,意为“ 然而,但是,却”,表示对比关系;Some are rich,while others are poor. 有些人很有钱,有些人却很穷;I drink blac k coffee while he prefers it with cream. 我爱喝清咖啡,而他喜爱加奶油的;You like sports while I like reading. 你喜爱运动而我喜爱读书;while 也可作从属连词,引导状语从句,常见用法:1while 表让步时意为“ 尽管、虽然” 相当于 although 或 though ;While I admit that t

14、he problems are difficult,I don t agree that they cannot be solved. 虽然我承认这些问题很难,我并不同意无法解决他们;2while 表时间,意为“ 当 的时候”,要求从句的谓语动词连续;He fell asleep while he was doing his homework. 他做着功课时睡着了;12. I seldom have time for fun and other activities with my family. 我很少有时间和家人嬉笑、以及做其他活动;fun 玩笑;消遣,乐趣What fun !真好玩!It

15、 s great fun playing golf.名师精编优秀教案打高尔夫球很好玩;与 fun 有关的短语:1have fun 玩得开心We had a lot of fun with our friends at the party. 在聚会中,我们和伴侣们玩得开心;2make fun of 取笑 ,拿 开玩笑They made fun of her because she wore such strange clothes. 他们取笑她穿着如此怪异的衣服;3 in/for fun 闹着玩的,开玩笑的 作状语 I did it just for fun. 我做那件事只是为了好玩而已;13.

16、 Besides ,I get bored if theres nothing to do.而且,假如无事可做,我会感到很无聊;besides adv. 而且,仍有besides 作副词时,通常放于句首,用逗号与句子隔开,表示递进或强调;I don t really want to go.Besides,it s too late now. 我并不真的想去;而且现在太晚了;I don t want to go to the cinema;besides Im feeling too tried. 我不想去看电影,再说我也太累了;besides prep. 除 之外 仍有 He had othe

17、r people to take care of besides me. 除了我以外,他仍需要照管其他人;We sell different kinds of blouses besides sweaters. 除了羊毛衫,我们仍出售各种女式衬衫;【典型例题】1.20XX 年江西,21 We need three single rooms for the first week in June. _.The hotel s not busy then. A No problem BDont bother C Never mind DIt doesn t matter 2.20XX 年安徽名校第一

18、次联考 Why did yo u go to the wrong office.Well I forgot which room I was_to go to. 名师精编 优秀教案 A demanded B hoped C supposed Dsuggested 3If someone is always_life,he wont experience the real happiness of life. Acomplaining about Bcomplaining Ccomplained Dcomplained about 4 20XX 年四川, 7To get a better grade,you shoul d_the notes again before the test. Ago over Bget over Cturn over Dtake over 5 How can the spaceman_when he spends month


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