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1、云南专升本公共英语期中测试试题与答案第一题、单项选择题(请选出正确的选项,共30题,每小题1分,共30分)1. Youd better make everything under _ before you take further actions. () A. mercyB. assistanceC. control(正确答案)D. guidance2. The woman in a hat is _ aunt. () A. Jack and JohnB. Jacks and JohnC. Jacks and JohnsD. Jack and Johns(正确答案)3. _ prize for

2、 the winner of the competition is _two-week holiday in Paris. () A. A; theB. The; a(正确答案)C. The; anD. /; a4. We planned to get to London_ Monday, but we didnt arrive _ Friday. () A. on; until(正确答案)B. in; onC. till; onD. on; in5. _ visitors came to take photos during the holiday. () A. ThousandB. Tho

3、usands of(正确答案)C. Thousand ofD. Thousands6. I always play basketball to relax myself _ Saturday. () A. on(正确答案)B. inC. atD. by7. Tony is _ of the three boys, but he is the tallest. () A. youngB. youngerC. the youngest(正确答案)D. youngest8. Lin Daiyu is so _ that she even cries for the falling flowers i

4、n spring. () A. impressiveB. sensitive(正确答案)C. sensibleD. attractive9. -Why dont you get yourself a job? -Thats _ said than done. () A. easyB. easier(正确答案)C. the easiestD. more easier10. I _ go now, or I will miss my train. () A. canB. mightC. must(正确答案)D. could11. Today, every citizen aged eighteen

5、 or over _ the right to vote. () A. isB. haveC. is havingD. has(正确答案)12. -Paul, what were you doing at nine last night? -I _ a movie in the cinema with my friends () A. was watching(正确答案)B. watchC. has watchedD. will watch13. If the whole of our society _ trying, we will make our skies blue again. (

6、) A. keepB. keeps(正确答案)C. will keepD. kept14. My uncle is a teacher, who _ history for nearly 20 years. () A. teachesB. has taught(正确答案)C. have taughtD. will teach15. Tony and I _ to the new Italian restaurant tonight. Come with us! () A. wentB. goC. goesD. will go(正确答案)16. China _ great achievement

7、s in science and technology since 1978. () A. makesB. madeC. has made(正确答案)D. have made17. A new international airport _ in the city next year. () A. completesB. is completedC. will completeD. will be completed(正确答案)18. Look at the trees on both sides of the streets. They _ last spring. () A. plante

8、dB. were planted(正确答案)C. were plantingD. are planted19. What a mess! Your room needs _. () A. cleanB. cleanedC. be cleanedD. cleaning(正确答案)20. Your idea _ great. I will think of it. () A. soundB. is soundedC. sounds(正确答案)D. sounded21. Not only Tom but also his wife _ fond of watching television. ()

9、A. areB. wereC. beD. is(正确答案)22. This pair of shoes _ made in Nanjing. () A. is(正确答案)B. areC. have beenD. had been23. No one except my parents _ anything about it. () A. knowB. knows(正确答案)C. is knowingD. have known24. The police _ the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre. () A.

10、 is searching forB. were searching for(正确答案)C. are searching forD. searched25. Three-fourths of the homework _. () A.has finishedB. has been finished(正确答案)C. have finishedD. have been finished26. Many a man _ come to help us. () A. haveB. has(正确答案)C. isD. are27. More than 70 percent of the worlds ra

11、dio programs _ in England. () A. isB. wasC. are(正确答案)D. be28. Two yuan _ a good enough price for this book. () A. areB. hasC. is(正确答案)D. have29. What we need _ good textbooks. () A. is(正确答案)B. areC. haveD. has30. This is one of the best novels that _ published this year. () A. have been(正确答案)B. hasC

12、. had beenD. have第二题、完型填空题(请选出正确的选项,共10题,每小题1分,共是10分) 1. () A. bringB. count(正确答案)C. sendD. hide2. () A. hadB. neededC. gotD. took(正确答案)3. () A. million(正确答案)B. millionsC. thousandsD. thousand4. () A. warnB. adviseC. cheat(正确答案)D. set5. () A. couldB. wouldC. should(正确答案)D. might6. () A. few(正确答案)B.

13、littleC. a littleD. much7. () A. niceB. cleverC. fineD. foolish(正确答案)8. () A. orderedB. askedC. had(正确答案)D. persuaded9. () A. mind(正确答案)B. heartC. wordD. plan10. () A. goodB. greatC. aD. the(正确答案)第三题、阅读理解(请选出正确的选项,共5题,每小题2分,共10分。)1、The purpose of this passage is mainly to tell us _. () A. that pain

14、is good for usB. to stop taking the “needle” at the dentistsC. how to handle pain(正确答案)D. how to avoid torture2、The sense of pain can _. () A. let us know whats going on in any part of our body(正确答案)B. make us open to tortureC. make us pay for our sensitivityD. help us get more sensations3、The best

15、way to ease pain is to _. () A. do what the Indian Fakirs doB. welcome itC. know about it in advanceD. treat it as an interesting sensation(正确答案)4、 In the first sentence of the last paragraph the word “withstanding” probably means _. () A. acceptingB. avoidingC. handling(正确答案)D. curing5、 “We pay for

16、 our sensitivity” (paragraph 2) means _. () A. it was fortunate for humans to have developed this sensitivityB. we suffer because of this sensitivity(正确答案)C. we know very well how to cope with sensations of painD. we have to pay the dentist for his treatment of our teeth第四题、阅读理解(请选出正确的选项,单选题共5小题,每题2

17、分,共10分)1、The author entered the animal shelter because _. () A. he loves dogs and pets(正确答案)B. it was too cold outsideC. he wanted to buy a dogD. he wanted to see the boy2、The reason why the dog was so scared is that _. () A. it was afraid of the coldB. it had been ill-treated(正确答案)C. it was frighte

18、ned by the boyD. it was frightened by the author3、 Why did the boy want to adopt the golden dog? () A. Because the dog looked attractive.B. Because his grandma also liked the dog.C. Because they had something in common.(正确答案)D. Because the author advised him to adopt it.4、 The Grandma wanted the boy

19、 to adopt a dog so that _. () A. his life could be easier(正确答案)B. he could play balls with itC. he could forget about his parentsD. the dog could be taken good care of5、What can we learn from the last paragraph _? () A. The author is a kind-hearted old man.B. The boys nose has become smaller than be

20、fore.C. The author enjoys watching people playing with dogs.D. Both the boy and the dog are growing healthily and happily.(正确答案)第五题、阅读理解(请选出正确的选项,单选题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)1、According to this passage, which of the following is true? () A. Chimps are always like to cooperationB. The chimp mothers regularly r

21、efused to share food with their children(正确答案)C. Only after learning do the children know how to help othersD. The wild chimpanzees more selfish than chimps in a laboratory2、What can we learn from the experiment with chimps? () A. Chimps seldom care about others interests(正确答案)B. Chimps tend to prov

22、ide food for their childrenC. Chimps like to take in their neighbors foodD. Chimps naturally share food with each other3、If children see others have difficulty, what will they do? () A. they will ignore itB. they rarely offer helpC. they will hesitate for a long time and then to offer helpD. almost

23、all will immediately try to help(正确答案)4、Michael Tomasellos tests on young children indicate that they _. () A. have the instinct to help othersB. know how to offer help to adultsC. know the world better than chimps(正确答案)D. trust adults with their hands full5、The passage is mainly about _. () A. the

24、helping behaviors of young childrenB. ways to train childrens shared intentionalityC. cooperation as a distinctive human nature(正确答案)D. the development of intelligence in children第六题、阅读理解(请选出正确的选项,单选题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)1、The language from which we derived the word tomato is _. () A. PortugueseB. Spanish

25、C. Nahuatl(正确答案)D. European2、 North American people didnt eat tomatoes at first because _. () A. they had too much other foodB. they mistakenly thought they were poisonous(正确答案)C. settlers ate only traditional European foodsD. no one liked the taste3、The underlined word suitor in the second paragrap

26、h means _ . () A. boyfriend(正确答案)B. laundererC. tailorD. explorer4、A good title for this passage would be _ . () A. Life in Early AmericaB. What Happens to the BrokenheartedC. The History of the Tomato(正确答案)D. Vegetables in Our Diet5、The following statements are true EXCEPT_? () A. The settlers in N

27、orth America believed that to eat love apple was surely to die.B. It would be many years before the people totally believed that the tomato was a good food.C. The tomato was widely used in Europe after it had been accepted.D. A very brave or lovesick person first dared to eat a tomato.(正确答案)第七题、阅读理解

28、(请选出正确的选项,单选题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)1. Even though it was dirty, the money _. () A. still went up in valueB. was worth nothingC. didnt go down in value(正确答案)D. was still ours2. We are always valuable to the people _. () A. who pay usB. who call usC. who hate usD. who love us(正确答案)3. Your value doesnt come f

29、rom what you do but _. () A. who you knowB. who made youC. who you rememberD. who you are(正确答案)4. The sentence “Hands went back into the air” means “_”. () A. the students put up their hands again(正确答案)B. the students put down their handsC. the students put their hands behind their backs againD. the

30、 students put their hands in front of them5. Why did the famous teacher use a 100 bill at his lesson? () A. Because he wanted to make the bill into a ballB. Because he used to drop a bill on the floor and stepped on itC. Because he was going to give the bill to one of his studentsD. Because he wante

31、d to make the students know what value was(正确答案)第八题、翻译判断正误。(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分。)1、 Where there is a will, there is a way. () 有志者,事竟成。 A.正确(正确答案)B.错误2、 He is too fat to be an athlete. ()他太胖了成为一个运动员。 A. 正确B.错误(正确答案)3、You are not taller than me. ()你没我高。 A. 正确(正确答案)B.错误4、This picture of Beijing is beautif

32、ul. ()这张图片上的北京很漂亮。 A. 正确B.错误(正确答案)5、Jack does not run as fast as Mark. ()杰克没有马克跑得快。 A. 正确(正确答案)B.错误6、上网聊天和网上冲浪是很多年轻人的习惯. ()For many teenagers, chatting online and surfing the internet are hobbies. A. 正确(正确答案)B.错误7、列车即将在十点到站. ()The train is arriving at 10. A. 正确B.错误(正确答案)8、我住在昆明已经3年了. ()I have lived

33、in Kunming since 3 years. A. 正确B.错误(正确答案)9、众所周知, 中国是一个发展中国家. ()As is known to all, China is a developing country. A. 正确(正确答案)B.错误10、如果我早到五分钟的话,我就能赶上火车了. ()If I had been there five minutes earlier, I would catch the train. A. 正确B.错误(正确答案)第九题、写作判断题(找出下列句子中错误的一项,共15题,每小题2分,共30分)1. Its very kind for you

34、 to give us so much help. ( ) A. kindB. for(正确答案)C. to giveD. so much2. He took the name down for fear that he forgets it. () A. tookB. downC. for fear thatD. forgets(正确答案)3. It is so a difficult problem that I cant solve it. () A. so(正确答案)B. aC. thatD. cant4. The picture when we are looking at was drawn by a fifteen-year-old student. () A. TheB. when(正确答案)C. drawnD. fifteen-year-old5. Smart as is he, he cant find the answer to this question. () A. SmartB. is he(正确答案)C. theD. to6. The reality is that there is not enough money paying for this


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