



1、2021-2022学年云南省曲靖市会泽县待补中学高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. _ the meeting himself gave us a great deal of encouragement.A. He will attend B. He attended C. He attending D. His attending参考答案:D略2. At that time, the authoresses found an even more hopeless task to publish novels their own names. Athatunder Bthiswith

2、 CthatafterDitunder参考答案:D3. More time _,we should have done it much better. A. giving B. gives C. given D. gave 参考答案:C4. Martin was sick with a high fever: as a result, he _ neither eat nor sleep. A. should B. might C. need D.could参考答案:D【考点】情态动词【试题解析】本题考查情态动词,should应该;might可能;need需要;could能够。根据句意,可知选

3、D。句意:马丁发高烧病了,结果他既不能吃也不能睡。5. We tried to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we _ your number incorrectly. A. looked up B. got through C. took down D. worked out参考答案:C略6. The sweater my sister knitted for me _ twice the size it should have been. It had to be kept for later use.A. ended up B. brought u

4、p C. came up D. took up参考答案:A7. - I saw the film, Hero last night, and I found it impressive.- _, I enjoy the music most.A. Personally B. In a word C. Not at all D. Generally speaking参考答案:A8. Mum, where is my ball? I remember I put it here yesterday. You _ it in the wrong place.A. must put B. might

5、put C. might have put D. should have put参考答案:C9. -Can I smoke here?-Sorry, we dont allow _ here.A. people smoke B.to smoke C. people smoking D. smoking参考答案:D10. We went to the Slender West Lake yesterday, _, not surprisingly, was crowded with visitors from all over the world Awhere Bwhich Cthat Dwhe

6、n参考答案:B11. Sir Hugh Beaver _ the idea for the Guinness Book of World Records when settling an argument about the fastest bird.A. held on to B. looked out for C. came up with D. made use of参考答案:C 12. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _ with each other.A. they had quarreled

7、B. they have quarreled C. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled参考答案:C略13. Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park _ she was bitten on the leg by a lion.Awhen Bwhile Csince Donce参考答案:A14. The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be _the present one. A. as three

8、times big as B. three times as big asC. as big as three times D. as big three times as参考答案:B15. Steve Jobs success in the digital field proved _ it took to become a best CEO. A. that B. which C. what D. how参考答案:C16. _ everybody enjoys fresh cut flowers插花 around his house, few people know how to keep

9、 them for as long as possible.A. Because B. Since C. While D. If参考答案:C试题分析:考查while引导让步状语从句。此处为while引导让步状语从句,表示虽然之意,故选C。17. Tibet is facing a(n)_task to maintain stability and all government workers must be on their highest guard.A. concernedB. subtleC. ridiculousD. urgent参考答案:D18. _ beauty of _ pict

10、ure does not depend only on its subject but on its style.A. The, a B. /, the C. The,The D. /, a参考答案:A 二、 单词拼写19. 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Two summers ago I went to Changdao, a small island near Yantai. During the night, I heard strange baby-lik

11、e 16 (cry). Islanders told me 17 was stray (迷路的;离群的) cats that were calling in the wild. Well, it was strange to me to see so many stray cats on such a small island. So I asked the locals 18 more details. Then they told me 19 surprising and sad story. The island is isolated in the sea and originally

12、 had no cats. Ten years ago, when the island was developed 20 a national park, tourists began to swarm in. These visitors from all parts of the country brought in money, but the rubbish they left 21 (draw) more and more rats onto the island. Islanders therefore introduced the cats in order to get ri

13、d of the rats. _22 when the number of rats decreased, the number of cats increased, and the cats began to prey on birds, chickens, and fish. For more than a month after that, my mind was haunted (回响) by the plaintive crying. So now, 23 I travel, I always hear in mind what I should bring in, 24 I don

14、t want to bring anything that is strange, 25 (need) or even dangerous to my destination.参考答案:16. crying 因hear sth. doing意为“听到在做”。17. it 因it was that 是强调句型。句意为“岛民们告诉我,那是野猫在旷野里呼唤”。18. for 因ask sb. for sth. 表示“向某人询问某事”。19. a 因story是单数可数名词,表示“一个”用不定冠词。20. into 表示“成为”用into;develop into意为“发展成”。21. drew 由b

15、ut前一分句的谓语动词brought的时态可知,draw(吸引)也用一般过去式(drew);句中的they left 作后置定语修饰the rubbish。22. But 前后是转折关系。句意为“可是在老鼠的数量下降的同时,猫的数量大大增加,而这些猫儿开始捕食鸟、鸡和鱼。”23. whenever 由空前的So now和空后的always可知,此处用whenever引导时间状语从句。24. because 引导原因状语从句。句意为“所以现在,每当我旅游到某个地方,我会一直记住自己应该带来什么东西,因为我不想把任何陌生的、不需要的甚至危险的东西带到我的目的地。”25. unneeded 根据空前

16、的strange 和空后的or even dangerous可知,此空应填形容词;由句意可知填表示“不需要的”unneeded。略三、 阅读理解20. The marshmallow(棉花糖),a white, cottony and sweet confection, is synonymous(同义的)with“temptation in the US. This all began 50 years ago when psychologist Walter Michael sat 5-year-old children down at a table and gave them a si

17、mple choice:they could eat one marshmallow now or,if they wait,receive two marshmallows later.Michael and his colleagues at Stanford wanted to understand the nature of self-controt If children could refrain from eating the marshmallow over a set period of time,they were told theyd receive two as rew

18、ard. If they couldnt resist temptation,they wouldnt get the second treat.The Marshm allow Test became famous due to a remarkable discovery made some years later. Those children vvho were able to resist temptation for the reward of two marshmallows grew into adults who were more successful in school,

19、work and relationships. They were also thinner,calmer,more sociable,better at managing their money,and less likely to be addicted to any substances.Many people have interpreted the results of the Marshmallow Test to mean fate .is predetermined(预先决定)by ones biology. But Michael has just published a n

20、ew book一The Marshmallow Test:Mastering Self-Control一which claims the true meaning of the experiments is just the opposite.The most important thing we learned is that self-control一the ability to control one,s own emotions一involves a set of skills that can be taught,and learned,”Michael told journalis

21、m website Vox oom. They,re acquirable. Nothing is predetermined”Michael and other psychologists argue that the battle between instant satisfaction (one marshmallow now) and long-term satisfaction(two marshmallows later) is really a battle between two different systems in the brain.“There,s the more

22、primitive brain,which responds immediately and emotionally,”Michael says.“Then other parts of the brain,concentrated in the prefrontal cortex(前倾叶皮层),allow us to do things like control our attention,and think about the future,and delay satisfaction.”In the book,Michael compares the impulse-driven sys

23、tem to“hot thinking,and the slower,more rationally-driven executive function to“cool thinking. The secret of self control,he says,is to train the prefrontal cortex to kick in first.Various experiments have also shown that exposure to the sight,smell,or taste of a temptation activates the hot thinking that makes us most likely to give in to it. So,if youre trying to lose weight,surrounding yourself with food and snacks will make you more likely to eat a lot.63. From the Test,people who choos


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