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1、UNIT 3SEA EXPLORATION核心单词阅读词汇1.tale n.故事;叙述2.merchant n.商人;批发商adj.海上货运的3.fleet n.舰队;机群;车队4.behold vt.看;看见5.league n.等级;水平;联合会;联赛6.spice n.(调味)香料7.maritime adj.海的;海运的;海事的8.submersible n.潜水器;可潜船9.capsule n.胶囊;太空舱10.coral n.珊瑚11.directory n.名录;电话号码簿;(计算机文件或程序的)目录12.gallon n.加仑(容积单位,1 英制加仑约等于 4.5 升)13.m

2、arine adj.海的;海产的;海生的高频词汇1._ adj.皇家的;王室的;高贵的2._ n.航道;海峡;频道3._ n.纽带;关系vt.& vi.增强信任关系;使牢固结合royalchannel4._ n.锦标赛;联赛5._ n.笔记本电脑;便携式电脑6._ vt.对征税;使纳税n.税;税款bondtournamentlaptoptaxmannedunderwatermeanwhile7._ adj.有人控制的;需人操纵的8._ adv.在水下adj.水下的9._ adv.与此同时;(比较两方面)对比之下10._ vt.把载入正式记录;记录n.正式记录;日志;原木logarrest11.

3、_ n.逮捕;拘留;中止vt.逮捕;拘留;阻止拓展词汇1.extend vt.扩展;使伸长;延长_ n.延伸;扩大;延长期_ adj.广阔的;大规模的;广泛的2.negotiate vt. 商定;达成( 协议)vi. 谈判;磋商;协商_ n.谈判;协商_ n.谈判代表;协商者3.withdraw vi.& vt.(使)撤回;撤离_ n.撤走;收回negotiationnegotiatorwithdrawal4.politics n. 政 治 ; 政 治 观 点 _ adj. 政治的_ n.政治家;政客fessi

4、on n.职业;行业_ adj.职业的;专业的n.专业人士;职业选手_ n.教授6.mixture n.混合;结合体;混合物_ vi.& vt.(使)混合;(使)掺和;(使)融合_ adj.混合的;混杂的7.coverage n.新闻报道;覆盖范围_ vt.覆盖;报道;涉及n.封面professionalprofessormixmixed8.applaud vt.& vi.鼓掌vt.称赞;赞赏_ n.鼓掌;掌声;喝彩coverapplausemigratemigrant9.migration n.迁移;迁徙;移居_ v.迁移;迁徙_ n.移居者;移民10.exploit vt.开发;利用;剥削

5、_ n.开发;利用;剥削exploitationmurderermerciful11.murder vt.谋杀;凶杀;毁坏n.谋杀;凶杀_n.谋杀犯mercilesspossess12.mercy n.仁慈;宽恕;恩惠_ adj.仁慈的;宽大的_ adj.无情的;残忍的13.possession n.usually pl. 个 人 财 产 ; 拥 有 ; 控 制_ vt.拥有;占有;具有opposeopposed14.opponent n.反对者;对手;竞争者_ vt.反对;抵制_ adj.反对的;截然不同的联想积累【派生构词】1.royalty(形容词名词后缀-ty同义名词)loyalty

6、忠诚cruelty 残酷specialty 特长2.coverage(动词名词后缀-age名词)marry(yi)age 婚姻blockage 封锁passage 段落(续表)核心单词【合成构词】underwater(介词 under名词新的形容词/副词)underground 地下的underway 在进行中的;(船、火车等)在行进中的underage 未成年的underhand 阴险的;狡诈的;卑鄙的underarm 腋下的underfoot 脚下地; 用脚踩(坏)地重点短语1.set _ 起航;开航2._ a league of ones own 独领风骚3.withdraw _ 退出;

7、撤回4._ hand 在手头;可供使用5.press _ 记者招待会;新闻发布会6.reach _ 伸出(手)sailinfrominconferenceoutwayunderbenefitto7.find ones _ 找到正确的路;渗入到;推开人群挤进去8._ the command of 在的控制下/指挥下9.for the _ of 为了的利益10.be related _ 与有关精选佳句教材原句whichalsoledto1.Here, merchants from China and many other places met tonegotiate trade deals, _

8、_ _ _more awareness of each others cultures.在这里,来自中国和其他许多地方的商人聚在一起谈判贸易协议,这也让人们对彼此的文化有了更多的了解。句式结构句式 1:which 引导的非限制性定语从句教材原句AlthoughChinawithdrewfrom2._ _ _ _ _ after 1433, these land and sea routes remainedactive channels between other cultures for centuries. 尽 管 中 国 在1433 年之后退出了进一步的远征,但这些陆海通道在几个世纪里仍

9、然是其他文化之间活跃的通道。furtherexpeditions句式结构句式 2:although 引导让步状语从句(不能和 but 连用)教材原句theicewillmelt3.But if we burn these, _ _ _ _more and this negative cycle will continue.但如果我们烧掉这些,冰就会融化更多,这样的恶性循环就会继续下去。句式结构句式 3:if 引导的条件句,主句应用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时教材原句Understandingmoreaboutthesea4._ _ _ _ _will also help us manage i

10、ts resources better.更多地了解海洋也将有助于我们更好地管理海洋资源。句式结构句式 4:动名词作主语课文复现Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation ofmankinds greatest achievements.1._ (merchant) andexplorers from the East set sail from east to west many years beforeColumbus first did.MerchantswhatextendingwhichIn ancient times, s

11、ilk from China found its way along2._ became known as the Silk Road,3._ (extend)along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, centred around Ceylon.Here,merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate tradedeals,4._ also led to more awareness of each others cultures.fleetsUnderwithdrewLater, the

12、 Ming Dynasty sent seven large 5._ (fleet) tosail west on voyages of trade and exploration.6._ thecommand of Zheng He , they set sail from the South China Seaacross the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea ,and then tothe east coast of Africa.Although China 7._ (withdraw)from further expeditions

13、 after 1433 , these land and sea routesremained active channels between other cultures for centuries.To reach out across the sea 8._ (remain) a strongdesire today.The aim of the Belt and Road Initiative is to encouragecooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas , and9._ (strength) the

14、bonds between China and the rest ofthe world.China has invested billions in systems and services alongthese routes.China has also joined its friends across the sea on otherimportant projects.The need to trade and the desire to enhancerelationships will drive China 10._ (reach) out across thesea far

15、into the future.remainsstrengthento reach单句语法填空merchantsextension1.The family was forced to live on credit from local_ (merchant).2.The _ (extend) of the subway will take fessionalapplause3.Most of the people on the course were _(profession) women.4.There was a great round of _ (app

16、laud) when thedance ended.5.Language is an important part of culture, and _ themeanwhile, it reflects culture.inmixtureina6.The city is a _ (mix)of old and new buildings.7.The business _ hand was approaching some kind ofclimax.murderedrelated8.Music is _ great channel for releasing youremotions.9.Th

17、e _ (murder) woman was well known in the area.10.In the future, pay increases will be _ (relate) toproductivity.1.mixture n.混合;结合体;混合物【原句】 Setting sail is often a mixture of danger andboredom.(教材 P28)起航往往是危险和无聊的结合体。【典例】 What the plants pump through the air is a mixture ofchemicals known as volatile

18、organic compounds, VOCs for short.植物从空气中泵出的是一种被称为挥发性有机化合物( 简称VOCs)的混合物。Withmixed feelings in mind, she doesnt know whether tomajor in biology.心中百感交集,她不知道是否该主修生物学。I dont like to mix business with pleasure.我不喜欢把工作和娱乐混为一谈。 Dashan, who has been learning crosstalk, the Chinesecomedic tradition, for decad

19、es, wants to mix it up with the Westernstand-up tradition.大山学习相声已经几十年了,相声是中国的喜剧传统,他想把它与西方的单口相声传统结合起来。【归纳】a mixture of.的混合【拓展】mixed adj.混合的;混杂的【即学即用】mixtureandmixed单句语法填空(1)This creation attracted a lot of attention thanks to its_ (mix) of modern and traditional Chinese elements.(2)First mix the butt

20、er _ sugar together, and then addthe milk.(3)I still have _ (mix) feelings about going to Brazil.完成句子,每空一词(4)这个国家是多种文化和种族的混合体。This country is _ _ _ many culturesand races.amixtureof2.applaud vt.& vi.鼓掌vt.称赞;赞赏【原句】 The crowd stood to applaud scientists for theirimportant ocean research work.(教材 P29)

21、人们站起来为科学家们重要的海洋研究工作鼓掌。【典例】Deeply affected by the speech of the biologist, the audiencewarmly applauded for a long time. 观众们被这位生物学家的演讲深深感动了,久久地热烈鼓掌。The little boy should be applauded for his courage.这个小男孩应该因为勇气而受到赞扬。 There wasa great round of applause when the girlfinished her lecture.那女孩演讲结束时,全场响起一阵

22、热烈的掌声。【归纳】applaud loudly/warmly 热烈鼓掌applaud sb.for sth.赞赏某人某事applaud sb.for having sth.赞赏某人有某物【点津】(1)applaud sb.for sth.表示“因某事赞赏某人”,还可以写为praise sb.for sth.。(2)与 applaud 变名词一样用法的还有:respond(response)和defend(defence/defense)。【拓展】applause n.鼓掌;喝彩a big round of applause 热烈鼓掌break into thunderous applause

23、 爆发出雷鸣般的掌声【即学即用】单句语法填空(1)We rose to applaud the actors when the performance cameto an end, and the _ (applaud) lasted for a handful ofminutes.applausefor(2)The lady was applauded _ her generosity.完成句子,每空一词(3)幕布落下时,全场爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。It _ _ _ _ when thecurtain came down.brokeintothunderousapplause3.mercy n.

24、仁慈;宽恕;恩惠【原句】 Although this was banned in 1982, some countriesare still “murdering”these intelligent creatures without mercy.(教材 P32) 尽管这种做法在 1982 年就被禁止了,但一些国家仍在毫不留情地“谋杀”这些聪明的生物。【典例】I applaud your advice that we should learn to show mercyto/have mercy on others.我赞同你关于我们应该学会怜悯别人的建议。 There was a time w

25、hen some endangered mammals werekilled without mercy.曾经有一段时间,一些濒临灭绝的哺乳动物被无情地杀害。 To be exact, your design is at the mercy of departmentpolitics.确切地说,你的设计受部门政治的支配。【归纳】have mercy on 对怜悯show mercy to 对怜悯at the mercy of 在的支配下;任由摆布without mercy 毫不留情out of mercy 出于怜悯【拓展】(1)merciful adj.怜悯的;仁慈的;宽大的(2)mercil

26、ess adj.无情的;残忍的(3)be merciful/merciless to 对有/没有怜悯心【即学即用】ontoatmerciful单句语法填空(1)May he have mercy _ all who are in danger!(2)Turn to me and show mercy _ me, as you alwaysdo to those who love your name.(3)The little ship was _ the mercy of the storm.(4)They asked her to be _ (mercy) to the prisoners.

27、完成句子,每空一词withoutmercy(5)他们打算毫不留情地迅速杀死她。They meant to finish her off, swiftly and _ _.4.possession n.个人财产;拥有;控制【原句】 The sea is home to life, not human beings possessions.(教材 P32)大海是生命的家园,而不是人类的财产。【典例】Right after Erin took possession of my wallet on the bus,she posted a picture of my drivers license t

28、o an online forum,trying to see if anyone knew me. 艾琳在公车上抢了我的钱包之后,就把我的驾照照片发到网上论坛,想看看有没有人认识我。 He was charged withpossessing a shotgun without beingin possession of a license.他被指控在没有执照的情况下持有猎枪。That picture is in the possession of Tom. 那张照片归汤姆所有。【归纳】personal possessions 个人财产get/take/gain/have possessio

29、n of 拥有;占有be in possession of 占有;拥有;持有be in the possession ofbe in sbs possession 为某人所有;在某人的控制下【点津】in possession of 意为“拥有;占有”,主语通常为表示人的词语;in the possession of 意为“为某人所有”,主语通常为表示物的词语。如:Mary is in possession of the house. The house is in thepossession of Mary.玛丽拥有这所房子。【拓展】possess v.拥有be possessed of 具有

30、(某品质、能力等)be possessed of good health 身体健康be possessed of a sense of humor 有幽默感【即学即用】单句语法填空possessioninpossessed(1)On her fathers death , she came into _(possess) of a vast fortune.(2)Technical progress would put our firm _possession of the home market.(3)Although he doesnt possess much money, he is

31、_(possess) of good health.(4)Whenever your emotion is out of control, just keep it inmind that only by _ (possess) a good state of mindcan you attain success.possessing一句多译,每空一词isinpossessionof(5)据我所知,他拥有大量这位艺术家的作品。 As far as I know, he _ _ _ a large number of the artists works.areinthe As far as I

32、know, a large number of the artists works_ _ _ _ _ him.As far as I know, he _ a large number of theartists works.possessionofpossesses5.arrest n.逮捕;拘留;中止vt.逮捕;拘留;阻止【 原句】 A $5 million reward has been announced forinformation leading to the arrest of those responsible for themurder.(教材 P34)现已宣布悬赏 5,00

33、0,000 美元征集线索,以缉拿凶手。【典例】He got arrested for hunting frogs in large amount.他因为大量捕猎青蛙而被捕。 The police put the merchant under arrest in connectionwith the robbery.警方逮捕了那个与抢劫案有关的商人。The newly built fence to restrict public access to the hillsarrested our attention.新建的限制公众进入山区的栅栏引起了我们的注意。under arrest on sus

34、picion of murder.她因涉嫌谋She was杀而被捕。【归纳】arrest sb.for sth.因某事逮捕某人be under arrest 被逮捕place/put sb.under arrest 逮捕某人arrest ones attention 吸引某人的注意力【拓展】除了 arrest ones attention 表示“吸引某人的注意力”外,下面这些短语也有同样的意思:attract ones attention, draw onesattention, catch ones attention, catch ones eyes。【即学即用】单句语法填空underfo

35、r(1)You may consider yourself _ arrest from thismoment.(2)The policeman arrested Tom _ breaking into therich mans house.完成句子,每空一词(3)反对派领导人被软禁。Opposition leaders were _ _ _.putunderhousearrest(4)该活动的目的是让公众关注他的手机。The purpose of the campaign is to _ _ to his mobile phone.draw/arrest/catchpublicattentio

36、n1.set sail 起航;开航【原句】 However, merchants and explorers from the Eastset sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did.(教材 P26)然而,来自东方的商人和探险家早在哥伦布第一次航行之前的很多年就已经从东向西航行了。【典例】Christopher Columbus set sail for the new world in 1492.克里斯托弗哥伦布于 1492 年启航前往新大陆。If you want to catch that train, we

37、d better set off/out for thestation immediately.如果你想赶上那班火车,我们最好现在马上出发去火车站。I was always trying to get Sara to go sailing with me. 我一直想让莎拉和我一起去航海。【点津】set sail for 中的 for 不能换成 to,类似的还有 leave for(动身去)。【拓展】set sail for 起航去set out/off for 动身去go sailing 驾船航行【即学即用】完成句子,每空一词whenhesetsail(1)泰坦尼克号最大的问题并不是船长在起航

38、时期望航行安全。The biggest problem with the grand Titanic was not that thecaptain was expecting a safe journey _ _ _.(2)那些曾经航海的水手得到许可,下星期六可以启航去悉尼。gonesailingsetsailforThose sailors who had ever _ _ were licensedto _ _ _ Sydney next Saturday.2.in hand 在手头;可供使用【原句】Hundreds of years on, and with the latest te

39、chnologyin hand, the need to trade and the desire to enhance relationshipswill drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future.(教材P27)几百年过去了,有了最新的技术,贸易的需要和加强关系的愿望将促使中国在未来很长时间内跨越海洋。【典例】 Coke in hand, we walked hand in hand past a row offences.我们手拿可乐,手牵手走过一排篱笆。Youd better keep a dictionary

40、 close at hand.你最好把字典放在手边。 On the one hand, computers improve the workingefficiency; on the other hand, they also bring about some newproblems.一方面,计算机提高了工作效率;另一方面,它们也带来了一些新问题。【拓展】at hand 在手边;即将到来by hand 用手;靠人工hand in hand 手拉手;连在一起地on (the) one hand, .on the other hand.一方面;另一方面hand in 提交;交上hand out 把

41、拿出来;分发hand over 移交;交出hand down 把传下去【即学即用】单句语法填空(1)We received a printed letter with a note added _hand.byinoverout(2)As the saying goes, success and failure always go hand_ hand.(3)On his retirement, he handed the business _ to hisson.(4)Could you hand these books _, please?1.Although China withdrew

42、 from further expeditions after1433, these land and sea routes remained active channelsbetween other cultures for centuries.(教材P26)尽管中国在1433年之后退出了进一步的远征,但这些陆海通道在几个世纪里仍然是其他文化之间活跃的通道。【剖析】 本句是 although 引导的主从复合句。当 although引导让步状语从句时,意为“尽管;虽然”,从句一般放在句首,且不能与 but 连用,但能和 yet,still 连用。【典例】(2021 新高考卷 阅读理解 D)Al

43、though popular beliefsregarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research canreasonably support, the overall effects of the publicity have beenmore beneficial than harmful.尽管关于情商的流行观点远远超出了研究能够合理支持的范围,但总体而言,对公众的影响是利大于弊的。 Despite the power cut, the hospital continued to functionnormally.尽管

44、停电了,医院仍然正常运作。Child as he is, he can help his mother do lots of housework.虽然他是个孩子,但他能帮妈妈做很多家务。【注意】(1)与 although/though 不能和but 连用一样,because 也不能和 so 连用。(2)although, though, while, as 为连词,意为“尽管;虽然”。despite 和 in spite of 为介词和介词短语,也意为“尽管”。(3)as 表示“尽管”时,从句要用部分倒装语序。【即学即用】单句语法填空Despiteof(1)_ her earnest effo

45、rt, she could not find a job.(2)In spite _ the threats of war, people went abouttheir business as usual.完成句子,每空一词(3)虽然科学家们对宇宙了解了很多,但仍有许多我们不知道的东西。scientistshavelearned_ _ _ _ alot about the universe, there is much we still dont know.(4)尽管你读得很快,但你不可能在两天内读完这本书。(用倒装语序)Fastasyouread_ _ _ _ , you cant fin

46、ishthe book in two days.Though/Although2.But if we burn these, the ice will melt more and thisnegative cycle will continue.(教材 P32)但如果我们烧掉这些,冰就会融化更多,这样的恶性循环就会继续下去。【剖析】 本句为主从复合句,从句为 if 引导的条件状语从句,使用了一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。即“主将从现”。【典例】(2021新高考卷阅读理解 A 改编)If I have to make justone recommendation for where to sta

47、y in Rome, it will be YellowHostel.如果要我推荐罗马的哪一处住宿,那一定是黄色旅社。(2019 浙江卷 语法填空)When every pupil in the schoolwears the uniform, nobody will have to worry about fashion.当学校里每个学生都穿校服时,就没有人会担心时尚了。(2018 北京卷 单项填空)If we dont stop climate change,many animals and plants in the world will be gone.如果我们不阻止气候变化,世界上许

48、多动物和植物将会消失。【注意】如果主句是一般将来时,那么在由 when, while, before,after, until, as soon as, if 等引导的表示将来行为的时间或条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时态代替一般将来时态,表示将来的动作或状态。【即学即用】willbeabletocatch完成句子,每空一词(1)如果你六点钟起床,就能赶上进城的首班车。You _ _ _ _ _ thefirst bus to town if you get up at 6 oclock.(2)我一到上海就给你打电话。assoonasI will give you a ring _ _ _ I

49、get toShanghai.whenhecomes(3)他来了我就告诉他这件事。I will tell him this matter _ _ _.【题目】当前,随着陆地资源短缺、人口膨胀、环境恶化等问题的日益严峻,各沿海国家纷纷把目光投向海洋,加快了对海洋的探索研究和开发利用。一场以开发海洋为标志的“蓝色革命”正在世界范围内兴起。海洋资源的开发利用,在很大程度上推动了经济的发展,满足了人类向海洋要效益的愿望,但在海洋开发探索迅速升温的同时,海洋资源也正承受着前所未有的压力。假设你是李华,最近你班就“人类是否应该进行海洋探索”进行了讨论。请根据讨论结果,给某英文报社写一篇文章介绍讨论情况并简

50、要阐述自己的观点。注意:1.词数 80 个左右;2.开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。赞成的理由反对的理由你的看法1.获取更多的海底资源;2.提高对地球上生命的理解。1.造成海洋污染,导致海洋生物死亡;2.破坏生态系统。Dear Editor,Recently our class has had a discussion about _Yours,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Editor,Recently our class has had a discussion about whether seaexploration should be carried out.Some of the students are in favour of sea exploration.The


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