



1、2021-2022学年安徽省阜阳市南照镇中学高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. She looks as if she _ ten years younger.A. isB. wasC. wereD. had been参考答案:C【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:她看起来好像年轻了十岁。分析句子,此处为虚拟语气,她看起来年轻十岁与现在事实相反,主句用一般过去时,be动词都用were,故选C项。2. I cant spend_ money on the car which is _expensive for me .A. too much ; much too B. far too; too

2、 much C. much too; too much D. too many ; much too参考答案:A3. -Did the reference give the information you needed?-Yes, but it, I had to read it entirely. A. to findB. having foundC. findingD. find参考答案:A4. I know he hasnt finished the work, but_, hes done his best. A. at all B. in all C. after all D. be

3、st of all参考答案:C5. The Group of Eight (G8)_ the eight richest countries in the world.Aconsists of Bis consisted of Cis made up Dconsist in参考答案:A句意:八国集团是由世界上最富有的八个国家组成的。consist of没有被动语态和进行时态,若选C,应在其后面加介词of。6. I will go on with the research _ I may meet with many difficulties. A. as ifB. thereforeC. de

4、spiteD. even though参考答案:D7. -Can you tell me ? -By doing more reading. A. how I will improve my writing B. which way I can choose C. how do I deal with my writing D. whats wrong with my writing参考答案:A略8. We should make good of every minute to study.ApowerBadvantageCtipsDuse参考答案:D9. Is this the first

5、time you _ Beijing?A. had been to B. had gone to C. have been to D. are to参考答案:C10. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notesA. bringing up B. referring toC. looking for D. trying on参考答案:B试题分析:考查短语辨析。A. bring up抚养,呕吐;B. 参考,查看;涉及C. look for寻找;D.试穿;句意:总统在会议上讲了几

6、乎一个小时也没有看笔记本。故B正确。11. Youd better go there by train. The train ticket is _ the airplane ticket.A. as cheap three times as B. as three times cheap as C. three times cheaper than D. cheaper three times than 参考答案:C12. She knows a lot about the film. She must have seen it before, _ ?must she B. mustnt s

7、he C. has she D. hasnt she 参考答案:D略13. Our teacher told us that the earth around the sun.A. movesB. movedC. to move D. moving参考答案:A14. The funny, lazy Tom who had once _ a notice on the wall above his bed thatsaid, WAKE FOR FOOD. A. gone up B. taken up C. pulled up D. put up参考答案:D略15. The reason _he

8、had the traffic accident was _hed drunk too much.A. why, that B. that, why C. that, that D. why, because参考答案:A略16. Could you meet me at the airport at nine oclock?Id like to, but Im afraid I _ a very important lecture then.A. am attending B. was attending C. will be attending D. will have attended参考

9、答案:C考查时态语态。句意:你能在9点到机场接我吗?我想,但是恐怕我将出席一个非常重要的演讲。此处表示在9点正在发生的事,用将来进行时,结构为:will be +doing,故选C.【名师点睛】一、将来进行时的构成将来进行时由“will be+现在分词”构成。如:Ill be doing jobs about the house tomorrow 明天我将要干些家务活。Ill be staying late at the office this evening. 今晚我将在办公室里待到比较晚。二、将来进行时的主要用法1.将来进行时表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作A space vehicle w

10、ill be circling Jupiter in five years time.航天器5年后将绕木星飞行。Dont phone me between 5 and 6. Well be having dinner then.五点至六点之间不要给我打电话,那时我们在吃饭。2. 将来进行时表示表示按时划或安排要发生的动作I will be seeing you next week.我下个星期来看你。Ill be taking my holidays soon.不久我将度假了。We shall be going to London next week.下周我们要去伦敦。3. 将来进行时表示委婉语

11、气Will you be having some tea? 喝点茶吧。Will you be needing anything else? 你还需要什么吗?17. It was difficult to guess what your parents _would be to your failure in the examination.Aimpression Breaction Ccomprehension Dopinion参考答案:B19. The king made a promise _his daughter will marry the winner of the game.A.

12、 that B. if C. whether D. that if参考答案:A略二、 单词拼写41. London was heavily _(轰炸) during the Second World War.42. The Peoples R_of China was founded in 1949.43. When giving a talk, youre supposed to explain why you are talking to the _(观众)at the beginning.44. The twin brothers look very much alike, but th

13、ey d_greatly in temper(脾气).45. The _(历史的)place of interest receives millions of tourists every year.46. I think Chinese _(字) are more difficult to learn than English.47. At the beginning of each term, our school usually holds an opening c_in the sports ground.48. What parents do has a great i_on the

14、ir children.49. This is a _(商业的)center and many people do business in it every day.50. Things _(逐渐)improved.参考答案:41. bombed 42. Republic 43. audience 44. differ 45. historical 46. characters 47. ceremony 48. influence 49. commercial 50. gradually41. 根据已给的单词释义“爆炸”得英文单词“bomb”.由句中的谓语动词was得该句时态为一般过去式; 主

15、语London与bomb之间是被动关系,故填bombed。42. 该句句意是:中华人民共和国成立于1949年。The Peoples Republic of China是专有名词。故填Republic。43. 根据已给的单词释义“观众”得英文单词“audience”.audience是集体名词,当表示一个整体概念时,它为不可数名词;当具体指一个个的观众时,则可数。此处为一个整体概念,故不可数,填动词原形,故填audience。44. 分析该句:“ The twin brothers look very much alike”这对双胞胎兄弟看上去十分相像;but作为连接词,表转折。故后半句应是:

16、但他们的性格十分不同。该句时态为一般现在时,故填differ。45. historical: 指的是和历史有关的或是历史上出现过的人或事。比如说,历史建筑historical buildings, 历史小historical fiction.historic:常用来表示历史上一件难忘的、有名的、重要的、独特的东西。比如历史性的公告ahistoricannouncement,还有发表这个公告的地点一扇历史性的银门ahistoricsilvergate.此处应是历史景点,故填historical。46. character:性格;角色;特点;字母。中国汉字应是复数,故应填characters。47

17、. 该句句意是:每个学期开始时,我们学习都要在运动场上举行开学典礼。故应填ceremony。48. 该句句意是:父母们做什么对孩子们有很大的影响。have influence on 固定搭配:对.有影响。故填influence。49. 根据已给的单词释义“商业的”得英文单词“commercial”故填commercial。50. 根据已给的单词释义“逐渐”得英文单词“gradual”此空用来修饰动词improve,应用副词,故填gradually。三、 阅读理解20. 阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示, 2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写

18、在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。An English lady finally (决定)that she really should learn to drive. And after many attempts, she p_ her driving test and (告诉)her husband about that. To celebrate,she was going to d him over to France for a holiday. But then a week b the trip, she suddenly said _ they wouldnt take the holiday. “ did you change your mind?” he asked her in s . “Well,it is all because of the business of driving on the right.” She


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