1、PAGE PAGE 6Pavannes Econnomiccs Nootes4th Feb 20099Econoomicss is the studdy off howw we use our limiited meanns too sattisfyy ourr unllimitted wwantss.Limitted MMeanss All peopple hhave limiited timee, skkillss andd monney sso thhey hhave to mmake choiices to hhow tto usse thhem tto thhe beest aadv
2、anntagee forr theem.Choicce Sinnce wwe caant havee eveerythhing we wwant as wwe haave llimitted mmeanss we havee to makee deccisioons. (Deccisioons bbetweeen aalterrnatiives)Opporrtuniity CCost Thee nexxt beest aalterrnatiive fforgoone wwhen a deecisiion iis maade.5th Feb 20099Opporrtuniity ccostUnl
3、immitedd wanntsChoicceScarccityLimitted mmeanssThe econnomiccs prrobleem iss scaarcitty. TThis meanns thhat wwe haave llimitted mmeanss butt unllimitted wwantss. Beecausse off thiis wee havve too makke a choiice. Everry chhoicee hass an oppoortunnity costt.Needss Thoose tthinggs wee reqquiree in ord
4、eer too susstainn liffe.e.g. foood, cclothhing and shellterWantss Thiings we ddesirre too makke ouur liife mmore enjooyablle.e.g. celll phhone, steereo, SPAAWantts chhangee as we gget oolderr beccausee ourr tasstes channge aand nnew tthinggs arre inntrodducedd as techhnoloogy iimprooves.Unlimmitedd
5、wanntsLimitted MMeanssScarccityChoicceOpporrtuniity ccost17thh Febb 20009Valuees Corre beelieffs orr priincipples thatt inffluennce yyour deciisionns.HonnestyyInntegrrityFaair-ttradiingCoonsidderattion of ootherrsInfluuentss on valuues:Cultture, Envvironnmentt, Eduucatiion, Upbrringiing (Famiily)Int
6、eernett, FiinancceDemannd Demmand is tthe aamounnt off a ggood or sserviice tthat a peersonn is willling and ablee to purcchasee at eachh priice.The llaw oof Deemandd: As the pricce off a ggood or sserviice rrisess, thhe quuantiity ddemannded fallls orr as the pricce faalls the quanntityy demmandeed
7、 inncreaases, cetteriss parribuss. Ceterris pparibbus Alll othher ffactoors rremaiin coonstaant.17thh Febb 20009Hughs weeeklyy Quaantitty Deemandded sscheddulePricee $Quanttity demaandedd0.50301.00201.50122.007TTitlle iss cleear sstartting whatt thee graaph sshowss andd thee timme peeriodd.AEvenn an
8、dd appproprriatee scaale oon yoour aaxis.LLabeel axxes wwith itemm andd uniite.PPlott youur poointss andd joiin thhem uusingg a rrulerr.22ndd Febb 20009Deterrminaants of DDemannd Inflluentts, ootherr thaan prrice, thaat wiill iinfluuent the amouunt cconsuumerss puurchaase.InncomeeTaaste/ FasshionnPr
9、rice of ssubsttituttesPrrice of CCompllemenntaryy gooodsSeeasonnsSubsttitutteGoodds thhat ccan bbe ussed tto innsteaad off othher ggoodss.e.g. buttter and marggarinne : If the pricce off buttter incrreasees, mmore peopple wwill buy marggarinne ass it is rrelatting cheaaper.CompllimenntsGoodds thhat
10、aare uused togeetherr.e.g. DVDDs annd DVVD pllayerrs : Wheen prrice of DDVD pplayeers ddecreease therre iss an incrreasee in demaand ffor DDVDs.Changge inn Demmand Chaange in ddemannd iss cauuse bby a channge iin deetermminannts aand wwill resuult iin a moveementt of the entiire ddemannd cuurve.e.g.
11、 Deccreasse inn Demmand : thhe deemandd hass deccreasse att eacch prrice.4th Mar 20099Demannd SccheduuleA taable showwing the quanntityy of a goood oor seervicce thhat cconsuumer is wwilliing aand aable to ppurchhase at vvarioous ppricees, iin a giveen tiime pperiood, cceterris pparibbus.16thh Marr
12、20009Inferrior Goodds Theey arre pooorerr quaalityy gooods tthat you willl buyy lesss ass youur inncomee risses. e.g. cheeap ccuts of mmeat insttead of ssteakkNormaal Gooods Gooods tthat you willl butt morre ass youur inncomee risses.Necesssitiies Thiings needded tto suustaiin liife. Neceessitties a
13、re usuaally normmal ggoodss so you willl buyy morre ass youur inncomee risses.Luxurries Iteems nnot nneedeed buut maake yyour lifee morre ennjoyaable. Houusehoolds on llow iincommes sspendd a ssmalll prooporttion of ttheirr inccome on lluxurries. As a hoousehholds inncomee risses tthey spennd a grea
14、ater propportiion oof thheir incoome oon luuxuriies.Houseeholdd A ppersoon orr grooup oof inndiviidualls (ffamillies, flaat maates) livving togeetherr undder oone rroof.Aggreegatee Houusehoold EExpenndituure Thee speendinng off alll houusehoolds takeen ass a ssinglle grroup.Averaage wweeklly Exxpend
15、diturre foor alll hoousehholdss 20001Expenndituure GGroupp$ Speend%DegreeeFood124.99016.47759Home owneershiip annd reent181.00023.87786Clothhing and foottwearr24.5003.2312Houseeholdd opeeratiion97.00012.79946Car oownerrshipp andd runnningg120.77015.92257Otherr gooods85.00011.20040Otherr serrvicees12
16、5.33016.52260Totall758.44019thh Marr 20009Spendding Pattternss As a peersonns iincomme inncreaases theyy mayy speend mmore moneey buut thhey ggenerrallyy willl saave mmoree.g. If a peersonn earrns $10000 andd savves $100, he spennds 990% aand ssavess 10%. Iff hiss inccome incrreasees too $12200, he
17、sspendds $11020 (85%) annd saave 1180 (15%). Thee amoount he sspendd hass inccreassed bbut aas a perccentaage oof hiis inncomee hass falllen. Thee perrcenttage of tthe ssavinngs hhas iincreeasedd.Consuumptiion Thee speendinng onn gooods aand sserviices.Groupp1- BBasicc Neccessiitiess-Forr houusehool
18、d wwith low leveels oof inncomee speend mmost of ttheirr monney oon thhis ggroupp witth a litttle bbasicc serrvicees annd evven ssmalller lluxurries. Theey haave nno saavinggs.Groupp2- BBasicc Serrvicees-Alll levvels of iincomme maainlyy in low-leveel inncomees usse thhis.Groupp3- LLuxurry gooods and servvicessThis is ffor hhouseeholdds
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