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1、An Integrated Course in Business English商务英语综合教程 (第三册)Unit 1 Finance Company (1)Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (2) Warm-up ActivitiesPair work Now work in pairs. Discuss these questions.1.Whats your spending habit?2.Do you have any long-term financial goals? 3.What are your short-term financial

2、goals? 4.Would you ever buy an expensive item, why or why not?5.How would you do if you do not have enough money for something?Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (3)6.How would you describe your financial IQ?7.Whats the biggest stumbling block when considering buying a new car?8.Which do you prefer,

3、 if you want to buy a new car, cash or car loan? Why?9.Which points you have to realize when applying for automobile loan ?10. What kind of car do you think is fit for family use? Why?Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (4)II. Group work Talk about the following statement and decide whether the state

4、ments are good financial advice or not. 1. Keep track of your expenses.2. If you do not have enough money for something, use your credit card to treat yourself.3. Buy financial planning software.4. Cut back on your spending.Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (5)5. Live beyond your means.6. Wait unti

5、l you are older to start saving.7. Make sure your income is more than your expenses.8. Pay the least possible amount on your credit card bills each month.9. Put some money away in savings each month.10. If you are feeling down, go shopping.Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (6) Notes of Text 1.GMAC

6、(General Motors Acceptance Corporation): GMAC aims to be the Mac Daddy of global finance companies. With operations in approximately 40 countries, the company offers financing to General Motors (GM) dealerships and their customers. Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (7) Also one of the largest mortg

7、age issuers and servicers in the US, the company originates residential real estate loans, invests in mortgage-backed securities, and packages nonconforming single- family home loans for sale to investors through GMAC Mortgage. 通用汽车信贷公司Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (8) 2.Home equity loan: One n

8、ice feature of home equity loans is that borrowers may get a tax deduction on interest paid for the loan. But the interest deduction from your home equity loan is not unlimited. You can generally deduct interest you pay on the first $100 000 of a home equity loan. Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company

9、(9) After that, it depends. If the home equity loan was used to improve your first or second homeor to purchase a second homeyou can probably take the deduction on an amount up to $1 million or the value of the home. As far as the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) goes, your home equity loan deductions

10、will only help you if you used the money for home improvements. 资产抵押贷款Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (10) Text AnalysisMany people dream of owning a new car. However, one of the biggest stumbling blocks is the cost of todays vehicles. 很多人都梦想有一部新车。然而目前买车最大的困难就是费用问题。 dream of 梦见,梦想 dream about (1)

11、. 亦作 dream about梦见;梦想: I dreamt of her last night. 昨晚我梦见她了。 The homeless child often dreamt about(或 of) home. 那个无家可归的孩子经常梦见家。Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (11) (2). 做梦想到,想到,考虑到常用于否定句: I should never dream of doing such a thing. 我从未想到去干这样的事。 I wouldnt dream of leaving this great job. 我做梦也不会想到离开这

12、个擅长的职业。 (3). 向往;渴望: We dreamed of having a car and a house. 我们想望有车有房。Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (12) When I was young I dreamed of becoming a scientist. 我年轻时渴望成为一名科学家。 (4). 想像;料想;设想: We now have a big house of which we could not have dreamed years ago. 我们现有的一座大房子是我们多年前没能想像得到的。Company LogoUni

13、t 1 Finance Company (13)2. But there are a variety of ways to finance a car, and knowing your options can help save you money. 因而面对各种各样的贷款模式,合理的选择会给你节约大笔的资金。A variety of 各种各样的 all kinds of (1)The department store carries a variety of leather shoes. 这家百货商店经售各种皮鞋。Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (14

14、) (2)There is a medical argument, though not a very convincing one: alcohol is more dangerous in a variety of ways, including the tendency of some drunks to get violent. 有一个医学的观点,虽然其不是极其有说服力:在种种情况下酒精都是更危险的,包括一些醉酒者变得有暴力倾向。Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (15) (3)In this context, we should accept th

15、e differences we have. We should go our own ways at our own paces and benefit each other in a variety of ways. 在此背景下,双方应该接受彼此的差异,我们应当按照自己的速度走自己的路,通过多种方式相互受益。Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (16) (4)This can happen for a variety of reasons, and these reasons can be unintended as well as deliberate.

16、 这一情况可能是由多种原因造成的,这些原因可能是无意的,也可能是故意的。 (5)Strong bones depend on a variety of diet and lifestyle factors. 强健的骨骼依赖于多种饮食和生活方式因素。Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (17) 3.Not only are you tying up the equity in your car and home for this loan, the savings you realize on the tax deduction may be less than

17、 the money you save with a lower-rate loan. 你不仅将车的贷款与房屋贷款捆绑在了一起,而且这样做在税款扣除中省的钱也许不如你选择低利率贷款省的钱多。Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (18) tie up 占用,捆绑 fasten or bind (with string, rope, wire, etc. ) (1)You need the loan for years, but investors dont want to tie up their money for years. 这笔款你需要贷若干年,可是投资

18、者不希望他们的钱被占用好几年 (2) Of course, these efforts are difficult to maintain because they tie up capital in uncompleted houses. 当然这些努力也很难维持,因为未完成的工程套牢了他们的资金。Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (19) (3)The higher rate would entice banks to tie up money they otherwise might lend to customers or other banks. 更

19、高的利率将诱使银行收回流动性,减少向客户或其它银行发放贷款的数量。 (4)You see I have to pay a deposit when I open a letter of credit. That will tie up my funds and add to the cost of my imports, especially for such a huge order. 你知道,开立信用证时是必须要交付押金的,这会占用我的资金,增加我的进口成本,尤其是这样一张大单子。Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (20) ExercisesI. Ans

20、wer the following questions according to the text.1.Whats the general purpose of reading this article? To learn about automobile financing, especially before visiting a dealers showroom.2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of tax-smart loan?Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (21) With a tax-s

21、mart loan, you do not need to experience the whole procedures and regular expense required for home equity loan. However, you may spend much more money on tax-smart loan rather than ordinary lower-rate loan. 3.Who may accept borrowers who are greater credit risks?Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (

22、22) Finance companies may accept borrowers who are greater credit risks. 4.What can be inferred from Paragraph 7 ? Car companies are likely to take the risk of lending money to buyers with less-than-perfect credit ratings.Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (23) 5.What does the phrase “theres a catch

23、” in Paragraph 8 mean? It means “there is a trap.” 6.When is the ideal time to shop for a car loan? The ideal time to shop for a car loan is before you shop for a car. 7.How to lower the total expense of a car loan?Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (24) If you take out a loan for a car, get the sho

24、rtest payback time you can comfortably handle. While monthly payments can be reduced by stretching them out over more time, only a lower interest rate, a smaller loan, or a shorter term will lower the total expense. 8.Which of the approaches mentioned in the text is the most beneficial one for the b

25、uyers?Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (25) Apply for a loan through banks and design a flexible repayment plan which may shorten your term of payment.II.Word Practice (1) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text. The initial letter of each word has been supplied for you.1.For most

26、new-car buyers, one of the biggest costs of p_ a new car is interest on the loan. ( purchasing )2.You can save hundreds of d_ by shopping around to find the best financing deal. (dollars )Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (26)3.Even if you get a low loan r_, perhaps a promotional rate, watch out wh

27、en the financing salesperson starts selling.(rate) 4.Dealer financing can be more e_, particularly for poorly informed buyers. (expensive)5.N_ the cars price before you talk about the terms of a loan.(negotiate )6.M_ credit unions that offer auto loans typically offer lower rates than banks and fina

28、nce companies. (membership) Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (27)7.In 1991, the IRS e_ the income tax deduction for interest on most personal loans.(eliminated) 8.A tax-smart loan c_ the ease of a regular auto loan with the tax deductibility of a home equity loan.(combines) 9.Another option is to

29、borrow at an attractive interest rate, with a f_ repayment plan.(flexible)10.If you take out a loan for a car, get the s_ payback time you can comfortably handle.(shortest)Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (28)III.Word Practice (2) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases given in t

30、he box. Change the forms where necessary.gender invest less caution reveal take responsible finance significant occupy Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (29)90% of all women become totally responsible for their own financial welfare at some point in their lives, yet women have lagged far behind men

31、 when it comes to 1_ planning and investing. Women who do invest tend to be more 2_ than men. A “Financial Gender Gap” study conducted by Prudential Securities 3_ significant differences in how men and women invest. The study places investors in one of the following three zones:Action: Active and ac

32、complished investors.Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (30)Comfort: Complacent individuals who realize the importance of taking 4_ for their financial futures, but do not change their strategies as life situations change.Caution: Those too 5_ with the ups and downs of everyday life to develop finan

33、cial plans.More men than women were in the Action zone, while more women were in the Comfort and Caution zones, indicating 6_ differences in risk tolerance, perspective on change and on the future, control issues, attitudes about money, and 7_ knowledge.Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (31)The “In

34、vestor Zone Update” study, and studies conducted by other organizations, have found that in recent years women have become more inclined to take risk and are 8_ likely to let lack of investing knowledge keep them from investing.While these studies indicate that women are becoming more empowered fina

35、ncially, there are still fewer women than men in the Action zone, and women are still 9_ less likely than men to 10_ investment risks. It is important for women to educate themselves about investing and to become more risk tolerant in order to adequately secure their financial futures. 1. financial

36、2. cautious 3. revealed 4. responsibility 5. occupied 6. gender 7. investment 8. less 9. significantlyCompany LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (32)IVTranslationTranslate the following sentences into English.1.在这种情况下约翰尼急切地抓住了难得的机会。(jump at) 2.史蒂文听说他对新项目的提议被当成荒谬之词而遭到断然否决十分恼火。(be rejected as)3.现代社会的孩子很难想象一个没

37、有电视和电脑的时代。(conceive of)4.我们每天的事情很多,只有把最重要的优先安排才能保证有时间完成。(give priority to)5.这家公司已经投资几百万美元编写新的程序满足发展需求。(meet the requirement of)Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (33)1.In this case Johnny jumped at the rare chance.2.Steve was very upset to hear that his proposal for the new project had been rejected

38、 as ridiculous.3.The modern child finds it difficult to conceive of a time when there was no TV or computer.4.We have many things to do each day and we must give priority to those most important to ensure we have time for them.5.The company has invested millions of dollars in writing new programs to

39、 meet the requirements of the development.Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (34)V.Reading ComprehensionRead the text carefully, and choose the best answer. Broadband technology is seen as the key to the new digital economy.In this rapidly changing world, media and technology information can be sent

40、 via phone calls and downloads like music, graphics, business information or films.The simpler the information, the smaller the package and the narrower the bandwidth needed to deliver it.Broadband is used for high speed Internet connections at a fixed monthly rate. It turns an exciting telephone li

41、ne into a high speed digital line capable of carrying data up to 40 times conventional modem speeds Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (35) Any download is available at the click of a mousethere is no dial-up as there is with standard Internet Service Providers.For home owners and families there are

42、 many advantages. One of the most important is simultaneous (同时的) access to both telephone lines and the Internet. No queues and no delay.For businesses, broadband can improve customer relations and provide direct access to corporate e-mails and databases. Entire operations can go online.Company Log

43、oUnit 1 Finance Company (36)1.The function that broadband technology has on the new digital economy is _.A) further B) critical C) costly D) global2.How much does a user pay if he has broadband technology installed?A) It depends on the length of time.B) It depends on the times of dial-up.C) He pays

44、at a fixed monthly rate.D) He pays a lot of money.3.Compared with the modern speed the broadband technology can transmit data _.A) at up to forty times of ordinary speedB) much more fasterC) at a high speedD) within a secondCompany LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (37)4.Who can take advantage of the broad

45、band technology according to the passage?A) Family members.B) College students.C) Both home owners and businessmen.D) Only businessmen and their partners.5.With the broadband technology companies can have all their operations done _.A) during the work daysB) during the whole weekC) onlineD) offline1

46、. B2. C 3. A 4. C 5. CCompany LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (38) Writing A Bad News LetterI. IntroductionSometimes in business you simply cannot avoid writing a letter that has bad news. However, you can try to write the letter in such a way as to maintain a good relationship with the recipient, as wel

47、l as breaking the bad news in the easiest way. You dont want to burn any bridges in business, so it really is to your advantage to write an effective bad news letter.When writing the letter, your objectives should focus on:1. Minimizing damage to the relationship: Bad news should not destroy the rel

48、ationship. 2. Showing that the decision is fair and reasonable: Imagine yourself in the readers shoes, and try to offer the best explanation possible. Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (39)3. Stating the bad news clearly and firmly. 4.The opening should have a buffer to minimize any damage to the r

49、elationship. Use a positive or neutral opening to maintain goodwill. 5. The body should include reasons to help the reader see it from your point of view. You want to show that you are being both fair and reasonable. Be clear and firm about the bad news, but also be brief, positive, and low key abou

50、t it. 6. The closing should contain an appropriate gesture of goodwill, and perhaps a potential solution for the readers problem.Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (40)II. Sample LetterDear Bill,Your invitation for me to act as chairperson for BCCJs upcoming Annual Auction Dinner is an honor. I enjo

51、yed serving in that role last year. Your members are an excellent group with great ideas, and it was a privilege to work with them.This year I am involved in developing a new department here at the clinic that is taking up all my time. As much as I would enjoy working with BCCJ again, I am afraid th

52、at I wouldnt be able to give the duties the attention the project deserves.Company LogoUnit 1 Finance Company (41)Perhaps I may suggest one of my colleagues who would have the time to do the job the way it ought to be done. Give me a call if you are interested, and I will be happy to suggest some na

53、mes for you. We want the industry to be well represented.I wish you and the committee great success in achieving this years goal. Yours truly, (signiture) The letter is straight forward and polite. The writer provided an excellent reason for the refusal of the position, but also left the door open f

54、or a future relationship. As well, the writer provided a possible solution at the end.Company LogoThank You !Company LogoAn Integrated Course in Business English商务英语综合教程 (第三册)Company LogoUnit 2 International Marketing (1)Company LogoUnit 2 International Marketing (2) Warm-up ActivitiesPair work Expl

55、ain how companies identify attractive market segments and choose a target marketing strategy.II. Group work 1.Is advertising worthwhile for companies? Work in small groups, discussing the positive and negative social effects of advertisements. 2.What is your opinion on competing companies spending l

56、arge amounts of money advertising their products?Company LogoUnit 2 International Marketing (3) Notes of Text 1.National Retail Federation:(美国)零售业联合会2.Amazon:卓越亚马逊,最大的中文网上购物商城3.Ebay:全球最大的网络交易平台之一,ebay为用户提供的是一个高效的平台,拥有遍布全球的购物平台,服务于3亿来自世界各地的用户。4.Procter & Gamble (P&G):宝洁公司。拥有消费者最信任的品牌组合之一,包括下列注册商标产品:帮

57、宝适(Pampers)、汰渍(Tide)、碧浪(Ariel)、Always卫生巾、Whisper(护舒宝)、潘婷(Pantene)、锋速3(Mach 3)、Bounty纸巾、Dawn洗涤剂、Gain、品客(Pringles)、Charmin卫生纸、Downy、兰诺(Lenor)、爱慕思(Iams)、佳洁士(Crest)、欧乐-B(Oral-B)、Actonel、金霸王(Duracell)、玉兰油(Olay)、海飞丝(Head & Shoulders)、威娜(Wella)、吉列(Gillette)、博朗(Braun)、Fusion等。宝洁公司在全球80多个国家拥有约138000名员工。Compa

58、ny LogoUnit 2 International Marketing (4)5.Macys:梅西百货公司(Macy's)是美国的一个连锁百货公司,其旗舰店位于纽约市海诺德广场(Herald Square),1924年在第7大道开张时曾被宣传为“世界最大商店”。该公司还有2个全国性旗舰店,分别设在旧金山的联合广场和芝加哥州街。6.pop-up store:一种不在同一地久留、俗称Pop-up shop或temporary store的品牌游击店(Guerrilla Store),指在商业发达的地区设置临时性的铺位,供零售商在比较短的时间内(若干星期)推销其品牌,抓住一些季节性的消

59、费者。在英语中有“突然弹出”之意,之所以这种业态被冠以此名,很大程度是因为这种业态的经营方式,往往是事先不做任何大型宣传,到时店铺突然涌现在街头某处,快速吸引消费者,经营短暂时间,旋即又消失不见。Company LogoUnit 2 International Marketing (5)7.kiosks:该词源于土耳其语,原意为路边无人看管的书报摊,现引申为一种自助的概念:自助服务机,信息服务亭。提供产品或储存信息及提供媒体展示的自助式服务设备(self-service devices)。具体来看,这种自助式服务设备整合了各式软硬件设备,以影片、图片、文字、音乐等多媒体数据库形成的互动环境,提

60、供各类产品贩售或是信息服务。8.Lululemon athletica:露露柠檬旗舰店,销售运动/瑜伽/健身/球迷用品相关的商品。9.near-field communication (NFC):近场通信,又称近距离无线通信,是一种短距离的高频无线通信技术,允许电子设备之间进行非接触式点对点数据传输,在十厘米(3.9英吋)内,交换数据。Company LogoUnit 2 International Marketing (6) Text Analysis 1. SHOPPERS on Black Friday, the traditional start of the holiday shop


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